Bio::EnsEMBL StableIdHistoryTree
SummaryPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree - object representing a stable ID history tree
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
  my $reg = "Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry";
my $archiveStableIdAdaptor =
$reg->get_adaptor( 'human', 'core', 'ArchiveStableId' );
my $stable_id = 'ENSG00000068990'; my $history = $archiveStableIdAdaptor->fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id('ENSG01'); print "Unique stable IDs in this tree:\n"; print join( ", ", @{ $history->get_unique_stable_ids } ), "\n"; print "\nReleases in this tree:\n"; print join( ", ", @{ $history->get_release_display_names } ), "\n"; print "\nCoordinates of nodes in the tree:\n\n"; foreach my $a ( @{ $history->get_all_ArchiveStableIds } ) { print " Stable ID: " . $a->stable_id . "." . $a->version . "\n"; print " Release: " . $a->release . " (" . $a->assembly . ", " . $a->db_name . ")\n"; print " coords: " . join( ', ', @{ $history->coords_by_ArchiveStableId($a) } ) . "\n\n"; }
This object represents a stable ID history tree graph.
The graph is implemented as a collection of nodes (ArchiveStableId
objects) and links (StableIdEvent objects) which have positions
on an (x,y) grid. The x axis is used for releases, the y axis for
stable_ids. The idea is to create a plot similar to this (the numbers
shown on the nodes are the stable ID versions):
  ENSG001   1-------------- 2--
ENSG003 1-----1
ENSG002 1-------2----------
38 39 40 41 42
The grid coordinates of the ArchiveStableId objects in this example
would be (note that coordinates are zero-based):
  ENSG001.1               (0, 0)
ENSG001.2 (2, 0)
ENSG003.1 (release 41) (3, 1)
ENSG003.1 (release 42) (4, 1)
ENSG002.1 (0, 2)
ENSG002.2 (1, 2)
The tree will only contain those nodes which had a change in the stable
ID version. Therefore, in the above example, in release 39 ENSG001 was
present and had version 1 (but will not be drawn there, to unclutter the
The grid positions will be calculated by the API and will try to
untangle the tree (i.e. try to avoid overlapping lines).
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
add_ArchiveStableIdscode    nextTop
  Arg[1..n]   : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId's @archive_ids
The ArchiveStableIds to add to the the history tree
Example : my $archive_id = $archiveStableIdAdaptor->fetch_by_stable_id(
Description : Adds ArchiveStableIds (nodes) to the history tree. No
calculation of grid coordinates is done at this point, you need
to initiate this manually with calculate_coords().
ArchiveStableIds are only added once for each release (to avoid
Return type : none
Exceptions : thrown on invalid or missing argument
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor::fetch_history_by_stable_id, general
Status : At Risk
: under development
add_ArchiveStableIds_for_events codeprevnextTop
  Example     : my $history = Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree->new;
$history->add_StableIdEvents($event1, $event2);
Description : Convenience method that adds all ArchiveStableIds for all
StableIdEvents attached to this object to the tree.
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor::fetch_history_by_stable_id, general
Status : At Risk
: under development
add_StableIdEvents codeprevnextTop
  Arg[1..n]   : Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent's @events
The StableIdEvents to add to the the history tree
Example : $history->add_StableIdEvents($event);
Description : Adds StableIdEvents (links) to the history tree. Note that
ArchiveStableIds attached to the StableIdEvent aren't added to
the tree automatically, you'll need to call
add_ArchiveStableIds_for_events later.
Return type : none
Exceptions : thrown on invalid or missing argument
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor::fetch_history_by_stable_id, general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $history->calculate_coords;
Description : Pre-calculates the grid coordinates of all nodes in the tree.
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : ArchiveStableIdAdaptor::fetch_history_by_stable_id
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $history->consolidate_tree;
Description : Consolidate the history tree. This means removing nodes where
there wasn't a change and bridging gaps in the history. The end
result will be a sparse tree which only contains the necessary
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : ArchiveStableIdAdaptor->fetch_history_tree_by_stable_id
Status : At Risk
: under development
coords_by_ArchiveStableId codeprevnextTop
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $archive_id
The ArchiveStableId to get tree grid coordinates for
Example : my ($x, $y) =
@{ $history->coords_by_ArchiveStableId($archive_id) };
print $archive_id->stable_id, " coords: $x, $y\n";
Description : Returns the coordinates of an ArchiveStableId in the history
tree grid. If the ArchiveStableId isn't found in this tree, an
empty list is returned.

Coordinates are zero-based (i.e. the top leftmost element in
the grid has coordinates [0, 0], not [1, 1]). This is to
facilitate using them to create a matrix as a two-dimensional
array of arrays.
Return type : Arrayref (x coordinate, y coordinate)
Exceptions : thrown on wrong argument type
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) String $assembly - the assembly to set
Example : my $assembly = $history->current_assembly;
Description : Getter/setter for current assembly.
Return type : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) String $dbname - the dbname to set
Example : my $dbname = $history->current_dbname;
Description : Getter/setter for current dbname.
Return type : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Int $release - the release to set
Example : my $release = $history->current_release;
Description : Getter/setter for current release.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $history->flush_ArchiveStableIds;
Description : Remove all ArchiveStableIds from the tree.
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
flush_StableIdEvents codeprevnextTop
  Example     : $history->flush_StableIdEvents; 
Description : Removes all StableIdEvents from the tree.
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
get_all_ArchiveStableIds codeprevnextTop
  Example     : foreach my $arch_id (@{ $history->get_all_ArchiveStableIds }) {
print $arch_id->stable_id, '.', $arch_id->version, "\n";
Description : Gets all ArchiveStableIds (nodes) in this tree.
Return type : Arrayref of Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId objects
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
get_all_StableIdEvents codeprevnextTop
  Example     : foreach my $event (@{ $history->get_all_StableIdsEvents }) {
print "Old stable ID: ",
($event->get_attribute('old', 'stable_id') or 'none'), "\n";
print "New stable ID: ",
($event->get_attribute('new', 'stable_id') or 'none'), "\n";
print "Mapping score: ", $event->score, "\n";
Description : Gets all StableIdsEvents (links) in this tree.
Return type : Arrayref of Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent objects
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
get_all_current_ArchiveStableIds codeprevnextTop
  Example     : foreach my $arch_id (@{ $history->get_all_current_ArchiveStableIds }) {
print $arch_id->stable_id, '.', $arch_id->version, "\n";
Description : Convenience method to get all current ArchiveStableIds in this

Note that no lazy loading of "current" status is done at that
stage; as long as you retrieve your StableIdHistoryTree object
from ArchiveStableIdAdaptor, you'll get the right answer. In
other use cases, if you want to make sure you really get all
current stable IDs, loop over the result of
get_all_ArchiveStableIds() and call
ArchiveStableId->current_version() on all of them.
Return type : Arrayref of Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId objects
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $arch_id - the stable ID to get
the latest Event for
Example : my $arch_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId->new(
-stable_id => 'ENSG00001'
my $event = $history->get_latest_Event($arch_id);
Description : Returns the latest StableIdEvent found in the tree where a given
stable ID is the new stable ID. If more than one is found (e.g.
in a merge scenario in the latest mapping), preference is given
to self-events.
Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent
Exceptions : thrown on missing or wrong argument
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor::add_all_current_to_history, general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : print "Unique release db_names in this tree:\n"
foreach my $name (@{ $history->get_release_db_names }) {
print " $name\n";
Description : Returns a chronologically sorted list of unique release
db_names in this tree.
Return type : Arrayref of strings.
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : print "Unique release display_names in this tree:\n"
foreach my $name (@{ $history->get_release_display_names }) {
print " $name\n";
Description : Returns a chronologically sorted list of unique release
display_names in this tree.
This method can be used to determine the number of columns when plotting the history tree. Return type : Arrayref of strings. Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development
get_unique_stable_ids codeprevnextTop
  Example     : print "Unique stable IDs in this tree:\n"
foreach my $id (@{ $history->get_unique_stable_ids }) {
print " $id\n";
Description : Returns a list of unique stable IDs in this tree. Version is not
taken into account here. This method can be used to determine
the number of rows when plotting the history with each stable ID
occupying one line.
Sort algorithm will depend on what was chosen when the sorted tree was generated. This ranges from a simple alphanumeric sort to algorithms trying to untangle the history tree. If no pre-sorted data is found, an alphanumerically sorted list will be returned by default. Return type : Arrayref of strings. Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At Risk : under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Boolean $incomplete 
Example : if ($history->is_incomplete) {
print "Returned tree is incomplete due to too many mappings
in the database.\n";
Description : Getter/setter for incomplete flag. This is used by
ArchiveStableIdAdaptor to indicate that it finished building
the tree prematurely due to too many mappins in the db and can
be used by applications to print warning messages.
Return type : Boolean
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg [CURRENT_DBNAME]   : (optional) name of current db
Arg [CURRENT_RELEASE] : (optional) current release number
Arg [CURRENT_ASSEMBLY] : (optional) current assembly name
Example : my $history = Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree->new;
Description : object constructor
Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdHistoryTree
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $history->optimise_tree;
Description : This method sorts the history tree so that the number of
overlapping branches is minimised (thus "untangling" the tree).

It uses a clustering algorithm for this which iteratively moves
the nodes with the largest vertical distance next to each other
and looking for a mininum in total branch length. This might not
produce the overall optimum but usually converges on a local
optimum very quickly.
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : calculate_coords
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId $archive_id
the ArchiveStableId to remove from the tree
Example : $history->remove_ArchiveStableId($archive_id);
Description : Removes an ArchiveStableId from the tree.
Return type : none
Exceptions : thrown on missing or invalid argument
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor::fetch_history_by_stable_id, general
Status : At Risk
: under development
remove_StableIdEvent codeprevnextTop
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent $event
the StableIdEvent to remove from the tree
Example : $history->remove_StableIdEvent($event);
Description : Removes a StableIdEvent from the tree.
Return type : none
Exceptions : thrown on missing or invalid arguments
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::ArchiveStableIdAdaptor::fetch_history_by_stable_id, general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $history->reset_tree;
Description : Resets all pre-calculated tree grid data. Mostly used internally
by methods that modify the tree.
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
Methods code
sub _factorial {
  my ($self, $n) = @_;
  my $s = 1;
  $s *= $n-- while $n > 0;
  return $s;

# sort links by vertical distance
sub _index_of {
  my ($self, $element, $arrayref) = @_;

  throw("Expecting arrayref argument.") unless (ref($arrayref) eq 'ARRAY');

  my @array = @$arrayref;

  while (my $e = pop(@array)) {
    return scalar(@array) if ($e eq $element);

  return undef;
sub _link_id {
  my ($self, $event) = @_;

  my ($old_id, $old_db_name, $new_id, $new_db_name);
  if ($event->old_ArchiveStableId) {
    $old_id = $event->old_ArchiveStableId->stable_id;
    $old_db_name = $event->old_ArchiveStableId->db_name;
  if ($event->new_ArchiveStableId) {
    $new_id = $event->new_ArchiveStableId->stable_id;
    $new_db_name = $event->new_ArchiveStableId->db_name;

  return join(':', $old_id, $old_db_name, $new_id, $new_db_name);
sub _move_nodes {
  my ($self, $link, $pos, $direction) = @_;

  my $first_pos = $pos->{$link->[0]};
  my $second_pos = $pos->{$link->[1]};

  # swap positions if necessary
if ($first_pos > $second_pos) { my $tmp = $second_pos; $second_pos = $first_pos; $first_pos = $tmp; } #warn " $first_pos:$second_pos\n";
foreach my $p (keys %$pos) { my $val = $pos->{$p}; #warn " $p $val\n";
if ($direction eq 'up') { if ($val > $first_pos and $val < $second_pos) { $val++; } elsif ($val == $second_pos) { $val = $first_pos + 1; } } else { if ($val > $first_pos and $val < $second_pos) { $val--; } elsif ($val == $first_pos) { $val = $second_pos - 1; } } #warn " $p $val\n";
$pos->{$p} = $val; #warn "\n";
} } #
# calculate the total link (vertical distance) length based on this sort order
sub _node_id {
  my ($self, $archive_id) = @_;
  return $archive_id->stable_id . ':' . $archive_id->db_name;
sub _sort_links {
  my ($self, $links, $pos) = @_;

  my @lookup;

  foreach my $link (@$links) {
    my $dist = $pos->{$link->[0]} - $pos->{$link->[1]};
    $dist = -$dist if ($dist < 0);
    push @lookup, [$dist, $link];
    #warn " $dist ".join(' ', @$link)."\n";
} @$links = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @lookup; } #
# make two nodes adjacent by moving the second node next to the first node
# all other node coordinates are adjusted accordingly
sub _sort_releases {
  my $self = shift;

  unless ($self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'releases'}) {

    my %unique = ();

    foreach my $archive_id (@{ $self->get_all_ArchiveStableIds }) {
      $unique{join(':', $archive_id->db_name, $archive_id->release)} = 1;

    # sort releases by release number, then db_name; this should get them into
# chronological order
my @releases = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] || $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } map { [ split(/:/, $_) ] } keys(%unique); $self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'releases'} =\@ releases; } return $self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'releases'};
sub _sort_stable_ids {
  my $self = shift;
  my %unique = map { $_->stable_id => 1 } @{ $self->get_all_ArchiveStableIds };
  return [sort keys %unique];
sub _total_link_length {
  my ($self, $links, $pos) = @_;

  my $total_length;

  foreach my $link (@$links) {
    my $length = $pos->{$link->[0]} - $pos->{$link->[1]};
    $length = -$length if ($length < 0);
    $total_length += $length;

  return $total_length;
sub add_ArchiveStableIds {
  my ($self, @archive_ids) = @_;

  throw("You must provide one or more Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableIds to add.")
    unless (@archive_ids);

  foreach my $archive_id (@archive_ids) {
    throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId object expected.")
      unless (ref($archive_id) &&

    $self->{'nodes'}->{$self->_node_id($archive_id)} = $archive_id;
sub add_ArchiveStableIds_for_events {
  my $self = shift;

  foreach my $event (@{ $self->get_all_StableIdEvents }) {
    if ($event->old_ArchiveStableId) {
    if ($event->new_ArchiveStableId) {
sub add_StableIdEvents {
  my ($self, @events) = @_;

  throw("You must provide one or more Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdsEvents to add.")
    unless (@events);

  foreach my $event (@events) {
    throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent object expected.")
      unless ($event->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent'));

    $self->{'links'}->{$self->_link_id($event)} = $event;
sub calculate_coords {
  my $self = shift;

  # reset any previous tree cordinate calculations
$self->reset_tree; # the "master" information for the sorted tree is stored as the sorted lists
# of releases (x) and stable IDs (y). Sort them now.
my $db_names = $self->get_release_db_names; # untangle tree by sorting stable IDs appropriately
$self->optimise_tree; my $stable_ids = $self->get_unique_stable_ids; # for performance reasons, additionally store coordinates in a lookup hash
foreach my $archive_id (@{ $self->get_all_ArchiveStableIds }) { # coordinates are positions in the sorted lists
my $x = $self->_index_of($archive_id->db_name, $db_names); my $y = $self->_index_of($archive_id->stable_id, $stable_ids); $self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'coords'}->{$self->_node_id($archive_id)} = [ $x, $y ]; } } #
# Description : Returns the index of an element in an array
# Example : my @array = (a, b, c);
# my $i = _index_of('b', \@array); # will return 1
# Return type : Int (or undef if element is not found in array)
sub consolidate_tree {
  my $self = shift;

# get all self-events and creations/deletions and sort them (by stable ID and
# chronologically)
my @event_lookup; foreach my $event (@{ $self->get_all_StableIdEvents }) { my $old_id = $event->old_ArchiveStableId; my $new_id = $event->new_ArchiveStableId; if (!$old_id or !$new_id or ($old_id->stable_id eq $new_id->stable_id)) { if ($old_id) { push @event_lookup, [$old_id->stable_id, $old_id->release, $old_id->db_name, $event]; } else { push @event_lookup, [$new_id->stable_id, $new_id->release - 1, $new_id->db_name, $event]; } } } my @self_events = map { $_->[3] } sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] || $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } @event_lookup; #
# consolidate tree
my $last = shift(@self_events); while (my $event = shift(@self_events)) { my $lo = $last->old_ArchiveStableId; my $ln = $last->new_ArchiveStableId; my $eo = $event->old_ArchiveStableId; my $en = $event->new_ArchiveStableId; if ($lo and $eo and $en and $lo->stable_id eq $eo->stable_id and $lo->version eq $eo->version) { # this removes redundant nodes and connects the remaining nodes:
# o--o--o -> o-----o
# 1 1 1 1 1
#warn 'A: '.$last->ident_string.' | '.$event->ident_string."\n";
$self->remove_StableIdEvent($last); $self->remove_StableIdEvent($event); $event->old_ArchiveStableId($lo); $self->add_StableIdEvents($event); } elsif ($ln and $eo and $ln->db_name ne $eo->db_name and $ln->stable_id eq $eo->stable_id and $ln->version eq $eo->version) { # try to brigde gaps
if ($en) { # o--o o--o -> o--o-----o
# 1 2 2 2 1 2 2
# o o--o -> o-----o
# 1 1 1 1 1
#warn 'X: '.$last->ident_string.' | '.$event->ident_string."\n";
$self->remove_StableIdEvent($event); $event->old_ArchiveStableId($ln); $self->add_StableIdEvents($event); } elsif ($lo) { # there's a deletion event, deal with it differently
if ($lo->version eq $ln->version) { # o--o o -> o-----o
# 1 1 1 1 1
#warn 'Y: '.$last->ident_string.' | '.$event->ident_string."\n";
$self->remove_StableIdEvent($last); $last->new_ArchiveStableId($eo); $self->add_StableIdEvents($last); } else { # o--o o -> o--o--o
# 1 2 2 1 2 2
#warn 'Z: '.$last->ident_string.' | '.$event->ident_string."\n";
$self->remove_StableIdEvent($event); $event->old_ArchiveStableId($ln); $event->new_ArchiveStableId($eo); $self->add_StableIdEvents($event); } } else { # creation followed by deletion in next mapping
# o o -> o--o
# 1 1 1 1
#warn 'Q: '.$last->ident_string.' | '.$event->ident_string."\n";
$self->remove_StableIdEvent($last); $self->remove_StableIdEvent($event); $event->old_ArchiveStableId($ln); $event->new_ArchiveStableId($eo); $self->add_StableIdEvents($event); } } else { #warn 'C: '.$last->ident_string.' | '.$event->ident_string."\n";
} $last = $event; } # now add ArchiveStableIds of the remaining events to the tree
sub coords_by_ArchiveStableId {
  my ($self, $archive_id) = @_;

  throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId object expected.")
    unless ($archive_id and ref($archive_id) and
  return $self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'coords'}->{$self->_node_id($archive_id)}
    || [];
sub current_assembly {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'current_assembly'} = shift if (@_);
  return $self->{'current_assembly'};
sub current_dbname {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'current_dbname'} = shift if (@_);
  return $self->{'current_dbname'};
sub current_release {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'current_release'} = shift if (@_);
  return $self->{'current_release'};
sub flush_ArchiveStableIds {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'nodes'} = undef;

# generate a unique node identifier
sub flush_StableIdEvents {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'links'} = undef; 

# generate a unique link identifier
sub get_all_ArchiveStableIds {
  my $self = shift;
  return [ values %{ $self->{'nodes'} } ];
sub get_all_StableIdEvents {
  my $self = shift;
  return [ values %{ $self->{'links'} } ];
sub get_all_current_ArchiveStableIds {
  my $self = shift;

  my @current = ();

  foreach my $arch_id (@{ $self->get_all_ArchiveStableIds }) {
    push @current, $arch_id if ($arch_id->is_current);

  return\@ current;
sub get_latest_StableIdEvent {
  my $self = shift;
  my $arch_id = shift;
  unless ($arch_id and $arch_id->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId')) {
    throw("Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId.");

  my @all_events = @{ $self->get_all_StableIdEvents };
  my @self_events = ();

  while (my $event = shift(@all_events)) {
    if ($event->new_ArchiveStableId and
        $event->new_ArchiveStableId->stable_id eq $arch_id->stable_id) {
      push @self_events, $event;

  my @sorted = sort { $b->new_ArchiveStableId->release <=>
                      $a->new_ArchiveStableId->release } @self_events;
  # give priority to self events
my $latest; while ($latest = shift @sorted) { last if (($latest->old_ArchiveStableId and $latest->old_ArchiveStableId->stable_id eq $arch_id->stable_id) or !$latest->old_ArchiveStableId); } return $latest;
sub get_release_db_names {
  my $self = shift;
  my @db_names = map { $_->[0] } @{ $self->_sort_releases };

  return\@ db_names;

# Create a chronologically sorted list of releases.
# Return type : Arrayref of arrayrefs (db_name, release)
sub get_release_display_names {
  my $self = shift;
  my @display_names = map { $_->[1] } @{ $self->_sort_releases };

  return\@ display_names;
sub get_unique_stable_ids {
  my $self = shift;
  unless ($self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'stable_ids'}) {
    $self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'stable_ids'} = $self->_sort_stable_ids;
  return $self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'stable_ids'};

# Returns a list of stable IDs in this history tree, sorted alphabetically.
# This is the simplest sort function used and doesn't try to untangle the tree.
# Return type : Arrayref
sub is_incomplete {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'incomplete'} = shift if (@_);
  return $self->{'incomplete'};

sub new {
  my $caller = shift;
  my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
  my $self = {};
  bless $self, $class;

  my ($current_dbname, $current_release, $current_assembly) =

  # initialise
$self->{'current_dbname'} = $current_dbname; $self->{'current_release'} = $current_release; $self->{'current_assembly'} = $current_assembly; return $self;
sub optimise_tree {
  my $self = shift;

  # get all non-self events
my @links; foreach my $event (@{ $self->get_all_StableIdEvents }) { next unless ($event->old_ArchiveStableId and $event->new_ArchiveStableId); my $old_id = $event->old_ArchiveStableId->stable_id; my $new_id = $event->new_ArchiveStableId->stable_id; push @links, [$old_id, $new_id] if ($old_id ne $new_id); } # get initial list of sorted unique stable IDs and put them into a position
# lookup hash
my $i = 0; my %pos = map { $_ => $i++ } @{ $self->_sort_stable_ids }; my $opt_length; my $successive_fails = 0; my $k = 0; my %seen; # for debug purposes:
# find the number of permutations for the given number of stable IDs
my $fact = $self->_factorial(scalar(keys %pos)); OPT: while ($successive_fails < 100) { # sort links by vertical distance
#warn "sorting\n";
$self->_sort_links(\@links,\% pos); # loop over sorted links
SORTED: foreach my $link (@links) { #warn " trying ".join('-', @$link)."\n";
$k++; # remember last sort order
my %last = %pos; #my $this_order = join(':', sort { $pos{$a} <=> $pos{$b} } keys %pos);
#warn " before $this_order\n";
# try both to move bottom node next to top node's current position and
# top node next to bottom node's position - one of the methods might give
# you better results
DIRECT: foreach my $direction (qw(up down)) { # move the nodes next to each other
$self->_move_nodes($link,\% pos, $direction); # next if we've seen this sort order before
my $new_order = join(':', sort { $pos{$a} <=> $pos{$b} } keys %pos); #warn " after ($direction) $new_order\n";
if ($seen{$new_order}) { #warn " seen\n";
%pos = %last; next DIRECT; } $seen{$new_order} = 1; # calculate total link length for this sort order
my $total_length = $self->_total_link_length(\@links,\% pos); if (!$opt_length or $total_length < $opt_length) { #warn " better ($total_length/$opt_length)\n";
$opt_length = $total_length; $successive_fails = 0; next OPT; } else { #warn " worse ($total_length/$opt_length)\n";
%pos = %last; $successive_fails++; } } } last OPT; } #warn "Needed $k tries (of $fact) to find optimal tree.\n";
my @best = sort { $pos{$a} <=> $pos{$b} } keys %pos; $self->{'sorted_tree'}->{'stable_ids'} =\@ best; } #
# find the number of permutations for a give array size.
# used for debugging code (compare implemented algorithm to looping over all
# possible permutations).
sub remove_ArchiveStableId {
  my ($self, $archive_id) = @_;
  throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId object expected.")
    unless ($archive_id && ref($archive_id) &&

  my %nodes = %{ $self->{'nodes'} };
  delete $nodes{$self->_node_id($archive_id)};
  $self->{'nodes'} =\% nodes;
sub remove_StableIdEvent {
  my ($self, $event) = @_;
  throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent object expected.") unless
    ($event && ref($event) && $event->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::StableIdEvent'));

  my %links = %{ $self->{'links'} };
  delete $links{$self->_link_id($event)};
  $self->{'links'} =\% links;
sub reset_tree {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'sorted_tree'} = undef;
General documentation
  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see /info/about/code_licence.html
  Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl
developers list at <>.
Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at <>.