None available.
sub process
{ my $self = shift;
my $object = $self->object;
my $data;
my $interface = EnsEMBL::Web::Interface->new();
$data = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Movie->new($object->param('id'));
$interface->element('caveat', {'type' => 'Information', 'value' => "Please note that Flash movie files need to be uploaded to the server manually at the moment, as the XML provided by Camtasia needs tweaking to work with our code. Please contact the webteam for help.<br /><br /><strong>N.B.</strong> The filename should be the 'common' part of all the files produced by the Camtasia export, e.g. '5_min_overview_24nov08', not '5_min_overview_24nov08.swf'."});
$interface->modify_element('width', {'label' => 'Width (px)'});
$interface->modify_element('height', {'label' => 'Width (px)'});
$interface->modify_element('filesize', {'label' => 'File size (MB) (to one decimal place)'});
$interface->modify_element('length', {'type'=>'String','label'=>'Length (mm:ss)'});
$interface->element_order(['caveat', 'title', 'filename', 'width', 'height', 'filesize', 'length', 'status']);
$interface->configure($self->webpage, $object);
1; } |