TOC for bioperl-live::Bio::Ontology
GOtermrepresentation of GO terms
InterProTermImplementation of InterProI term interface
Ontologystandard implementation of an Ontology
OntologyEngineIInterface a minimal Ontology implementation should satisfy
OntologyIInterface for an ontology implementation
OntologyStoreA repository of ontologies
Patha path for an ontology term graph
PathIInterface for a path between ontology terms
Relationshipa relationship for an ontology
RelationshipFactoryInstantiates a new Bio::Ontology::RelationshipI (or derived class) through a factory
RelationshipIInterface for a relationship between ontology terms
RelationshipTypea relationship type for an ontology
SimpleGOEnginea Ontology Engine for GO implementing OntologyEngineI
SimpleOntologyEngineImplementation of OntologyEngineI interface
Terminterface for ontology terms
TermFactoryInstantiates a new Bio::Ontology::TermI (or derived class) through a factory
TermIinterface for ontology terms