Bio::Tools Lucy
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::Tools::Lucy - Object for analyzing the output from Lucy,
a vector and quality trimming program from TIGR
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::Root::IO Bio::Root::Root
  # Create the Lucy object from an existing Lucy output file 
@params = ('seqfile' => 'lucy.seq', 'lucy_verbose' => 1);
$lucyObj = Bio::Tools::Lucy->new(@params);
# Get names of all sequences $names = $lucyObj->get_sequence_names(); # Print seq and qual values for sequences >400 bp in order to run CAP3 foreach $name (@$names) { next unless $lucyObj->length_clear($name) > 400; print SEQ ">$name\n", $lucyObj->sequence($name), "\n"; print QUAL ">$name\n", $lucyObj->quality($name), "\n"; } # Get an array of Bio::PrimarySeq objects @seqObjs = $lucyObj->get_Seq_Objs();
Description provides methods for analyzing the sequence and
quality values generated by Lucy program from TIGR.
Lucy will identify vector, poly-A/T tails, and poor quality regions in
a sequence. (
The input to Lucy can be the Phred sequence and quality files
generated from running Phred on a set of chromatograms.
Lucy can be obtained (free of charge to academic users) from
There are a few methods that will only be available if you make some
minor changes to the source for Lucy and then recompile. The changes
are in the 'lucy.c' file and there is a diff between the original and
the modified file in the Appendix
Please contact the author of this module if you have any problems
making these modifications.
You do not have to make these modifications to use this module.
  @params = ('seqfile' => 'lucy.seq', 'adv_stderr' => 1, 
'fwd_desig' => '_F', 'rev_desig' => '_R');
$lucyObj = Bio::Tools::Lucy->new(@params);
  You should get an array with the sequence names in order to use
accessor methods. Note: The Lucy binary program will fail unless
the sequence names provided as input are unique.
$names_ref = $lucyObj->get_sequence_names(); This code snippet will produce a Fasta format file with sequence lengths and %GC in the description line. foreach $name (@$names) { print FILE ">$name\t", $lucyObj->length_clear($name), "\t", $lucyObj->per_GC($name), "\n", $lucyObj->sequence($name), "\n"; } Print seq and qual values for sequences >400 bp in order to assemble them with CAP3 (or other assembler). foreach $name (@$names) { next unless $lucyObj->length_clear($name) > 400; print SEQ ">$name\n", $lucyObj->sequence($name), "\n"; print QUAL ">$name\n", $lucyObj->quality($name), "\n"; } Get all the sequences as Bio::PrimarySeq objects (eg., for use with Bio::Tools::Blast to perform BLAST). @seqObjs = $lucyObj->get_Seq_Objs(); Or use only those sequences that are full length and have a Poly-A tail. foreach $name (@$names) { next unless ($lucyObj->full_length($name) and $lucy->polyA($name)); push @seqObjs, $lucyObj->get_Seq_Obj($name); } Get the names of those sequences that were rejected by Lucy. $rejects_ref = $lucyObj->get_rejects(); Print the names of the rejects and 1 letter code for reason they were rejected. foreach $key (sort keys %$rejects_ref) { print "$key: ", $rejects_ref->{$key}; } There is a lot of other information available about the sequences analyzed by Lucy (see APPENDIX). This module can be used with the DBI module to store this sequence information in a database.
No description
Methods description
_parsecode    nextTop
 Title	 :  _parse
Usage : n/a (internal function)
Function: called by new() to parse Lucy output files
Returns : nothing
Args : none
 Title   :  avg_quality
Usage : $lucyObj->avg_quality($seqname)
Function: returns the average quality value for one of the sequences analyzed by Lucy.
Returns : float
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  direction
Usage : $lucyObj->direction($seqname)
Function: returns the direction for one of the sequences analyzed by Lucy
providing that 'fwd_desig' or 'rev_desig' were set when the
Lucy object was created.
Strings returned are: 'F' for forward, 'R' for reverse.
Returns : string
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  end_clear
Usage : $lucyObj->end_clear($seqname)
Function: returns the ending position of good quality, vector free DNA sequence
determined by Lucy.
Returns : integer
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  full_length
Usage : $lucyObj->full_length($seqname)
Function: returns the truth value for whether or not the sequence read was
full length (ie. vector present on both ends of read). This method
depends on the user having provided the 'info' file (Lucy must be
run with the -debug 'info_filename' option to get this file).
Returns : boolean
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  get_Seq_Obj
Usage : $lucyObj->get_Seq_Obj($seqname)
Function: returns reference to a Bio::PrimarySeq object where -id = 'sequence name'
and -seq = 'sequence'
Returns : reference to Bio::PrimarySeq object
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  get_Seq_Objs
Usage : $lucyObj->get_Seq_Objs()
Function: returns an array of references to Bio::PrimarySeq objects
where -id = 'sequence name' and -seq = 'sequence'
Returns : array of Bio::PrimarySeq objects Args : none
 Title   :  get_rejects
Usage : $lucyObj->get_rejects()
Function: returns a hash containing names of rejects and a 1 letter code for the
reason Lucy rejected the sequence.
Q- rejected because of low quality values
S- sequence was short
V- sequence was vector
E- sequence was empty
P- poly-A/T trimming caused sequence to be too short
In order to get the rejects, you must provide a file with the standard
error from Lucy. You will only get the quality category rejects unless
you have modified the source and recompiled Lucy as outlined in DESCRIPTION.
Returns : hash reference
Args : none
 Title   :  get_sequence_names
Usage : $lucyObj->get_sequence_names
Function: returns reference to an array of names of the sequences analyzed by Lucy.
These names are required for most of the accessor methods.
Note: The Lucy binary will fail unless sequence names are unique.
Returns : array reference
Args : none
 Title   :  length_clear
Usage : $lucyObj->length_clear($seqname)
Function: returns the length of a DNA sequence following quality/ vector
trimming by Lucy.
Returns : integer
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  length_raw
Usage : $lucyObj->length_raw($seqname)
Function: returns the length of a DNA sequence prior to quality/ vector
trimming by Lucy.
Returns : integer
Args : name of a sequence
 Title	 :  new
Usage : $lucyObj = Bio::Tools::Lucy->new(seqfile => lucy.seq, rev_desig => '_R',
fwd_desig => '_F')
Function: creates a Lucy object from Lucy analysis files
Returns : reference to Bio::Tools::Lucy object
Args : seqfile Fasta sequence file generated by Lucy
qualfile Quality values file generated by Lucy
infofile Info file created when Lucy is run with -debug 'infofile' option
stderrfile Standard error captured from Lucy when Lucy is run
with -info option and STDERR is directed to stderrfile
(ie. lucy ... 2> stderrfile).
Info in this file will include sequences dropped for low
quality. If you've modified Lucy source (see adv_stderr below),
it will also include info on which sequences were dropped because
they were vector, too short, had no insert, and whether a poly-A
tail was found (if Lucy was run with -cdna option).
lucy_verbose verbosity level (0-1).
fwd_desig The string used to determine whether sequence is a forward read.
The parser will assume that this match will occus at the
end of the sequence name string.
rev_desig As above, for reverse reads.
adv_stderr Can be set to a true value (1). Will only work if you have modified
the Lucy source code as outlined in DESCRIPTION and capture
the standard error from Lucy.
If you don't provide filenames for qualfile, infofile or stderrfile,
the module will assume that .qual, .info, and .stderr are the file
extensions and search in the same directory as the .seq file for these
For example, if you create a Lucy object with $lucyObj =
Bio::Tools::Lucy->new(seqfile =>lucy.seq), the module will
find lucy.qual, and lucy.stderr.
You can omit any or all of the quality, info or stderr files, but you
will not be able to use all of the object methods (see method
documentation below).
 Title   :  per_GC
Usage : $lucyObj->per_GC($seqname)
Function: returns the percente of the good quality, vector free DNA sequence
determined by Lucy.
Returns : float
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  polyA
Usage : $lucyObj->polyA($seqname)
Function: returns the truth value for whether or not a poly-A tail was detected
and clipped by Lucy. This method depends on the user having modified
the source for Lucy as outlined in DESCRIPTION and invoking Lucy with
the -cdna option and saving the standard error.
Note, the final sequence will not show the poly-A/T region.
Returns : boolean
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  quality
Usage : $lucyObj->quality($seqname)
Function: returns the quality values of one of the sequences analyzed by Lucy.
This method depends on the user having provided a quality file.
Returns : string
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  sequence
Usage : $lucyObj->sequence($seqname)
Function: returns the DNA sequence of one of the sequences analyzed by Lucy.
Returns : string
Args : name of a sequence
 Title   :  start_clear
Usage : $lucyObj->start_clear($seqname)
Function: returns the beginning position of good quality, vector free DNA sequence
determined by Lucy.
Returns : integer
Args : name of a sequence
Methods code
    my $self = shift;
    my $attr = $AUTOLOAD;
    $attr =~ s/.*:://;
    $attr = lc $attr;
    $self->throw("Unallowed parameter: $attr !") unless $OK_FIELD{$attr};
    $self->{$attr} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{$attr};
sub _parse {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{seqfile} =~ /^(\S+)\.\S+$/;
    my $file = $1;
    print "Opening $self->{seqfile} for parsing...\n" if $self->{lucy_verbose};
    open SEQ, "$self->{seqfile}" or $self->throw("Could not open sequence file: $self->{seqfile}");
    my ($name, $line);
    my $seq = "";
    my @lines = <SEQ>;
    while ($line = pop @lines) {
	chomp $line;
	if ($line =~ /^>(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/) {    
            $name = $1;
	    if ($self->{fwd_desig}) {
		$self->{sequences}{$name}{direction} = "F" if $name =~ /^(\S+)($self->{fwd_desig})$/;
	    if ($self->{rev_desig}) {
                $self->{sequences}{$name}{direction} = "R" if $name =~ /^(\S+)($self->{rev_desig})$/;
	    $self->{sequences}{$name}{min_clone_len} = $2; # this is used for TIGR Assembler, as are $3 and $4
$self->{sequences}{$name}{max_clone_len} = $3; $self->{sequences}{$name}{med_clone_len} = $4; $self->{sequences}{$name}{beg_clear} = $5; $self->{sequences}{$name}{end_clear} = $6; $self->{sequences}{$name}{length_raw} = $seq =~ tr/[AGCTN]//; # from what I've seen, these are the bases Phred calls. Please let me know if I'm wrong.
my $beg = $5-1; # substr function begins with index 0
$seq = $self->{sequences}{$name}{sequence} = substr ($seq, $beg, $6-$beg); my $count = $self->{sequences}{$name}{length_clear} = $seq =~ tr/[AGCTN]//; my $countGC = $seq =~ tr/[GC]//; $self->{sequences}{$name}{per_GC} = $countGC/$count * 100;
$seq = ""; } else { $seq = $line.$seq; } } # now parse quality values (check for presence of quality file first)
if ($self->{qualfile}) { open QUAL, "$self->{qualfile}" or $self->throw("Could not open quality file: $self->{qualfile}"); @lines = <QUAL>; } elsif (-e "$file.qual") { print "You did not set qualfile, but I'm opening $file.qual\n" if $self->{lucy_verbose}; $self->qualfile("$file.qual"); open QUAL, "$file.qual" or $self->throw("Could not open quality file: $file.qual"); @lines = <QUAL>; } else { print "I did not find a quality file. You will not be able to use all of the accessor methods.\n" if $self->{lucy_verbose}; @lines = (); } my (@vals, @slice, $num, $tot, $vals); my $qual = ""; while ($line = pop @lines) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^>(\S+)/) { $name = $1; @vals = split /\s/ , $qual; @slice = @vals[$self->{sequences}{$name}{beg_clear} .. $self->{sequences}{$name}{end_clear}]; $vals = join "\t", @slice; $self->{sequences}{$name}{quality} = $vals; $qual = ""; foreach $num (@slice) { $tot += $num; } $num = @slice; $self->{sequences}{$name}{avg_quality} = $tot/$num;
$tot = 0; } else { $qual = $line.$qual; } } # determine whether reads are full length
if ($self->{infofile}) { open INFO, "$self->{infofile}" or $self->throw("Could not open info file: $self->{infofile}"); @lines = <INFO>; } elsif (-e "$") { print "You did not set infofile, but I'm opening $\n" if $self->{lucy_verbose}; $self->infofile("$"); open INFO, "$" or $self->throw("Could not open info file: $"); @lines = <INFO>; } else { print "I did not find an info file. You will not be able to use all of the accessor methods.\n" if $self->{lucy_verbose}; @lines = (); } foreach (@lines) { /^(\S+).+CLV\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$/; if ($2>0 && $3>0) { $self->{sequences}{$1}{full_length} = 1 if $self->{sequences}{$1}; # will show cleavage info for rejected sequences too
} } # parse rejects (and presence of poly-A if Lucy has been modified)
if ($self->{stderrfile}) { open STDERR_LUCY, "$self->{stderrfile}" or $self->throw("Could not open quality file: $self->{stderrfile}"); @lines = <STDERR_LUCY>; } elsif (-e "$file.stderr") { print "You did not set stderrfile, but I'm opening $file.stderr\n" if $self->{lucy_verbose}; $self->stderrfile("$file.stderr"); open STDERR_LUCY, "$file.stderr" or $self->throw("Could not open quality file: $file.stderr"); @lines = <STDERR_LUCY>; } else { print "I did not find a standard error file. You will not be able to use all of the accessor methods.\n" if $self->{lucy_verbose}; @lines = (); } if ($self->{adv_stderr}) { foreach (@lines) { $self->{reject}{$1} = "Q" if /dropping\s+(\S+)/; $self->{reject}{$1} = "V" if /Vector: (\S+)/; $self->{reject}{$1} = "E" if /Empty: (\S+)/; $self->{reject}{$1} = "S" if /Short: (\S+)/; $self->{sequences}{$1}{polyA} = 1 if /(\S+) has PolyA/; if (/Dropped PolyA: (\S+)/) { $self->{reject}{$1} = "P"; delete $self->{sequences}{$1}; } } } else { foreach (@lines) { $self->{reject}{$1} = "R" if /dropping\s+(\S+)/; } }
sub avg_quality {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{avg_quality};
sub direction {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{direction} if $self->{sequences}{$key}{direction}; 
    return "";
sub end_clear {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{end_clear};
sub full_length {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return 1 if $self->{sequences}{$key}{full_length};
    return 0;
sub get_Seq_Obj {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    my $seqobj = Bio::PrimarySeq->new( -seq => "$self->{sequences}{$key}{sequence}",
                                    -id => "$key");
    return $seqobj;
sub get_Seq_Objs {
    my $self = shift;
    my($seqobj, @seqobjs);
    foreach my $key (sort keys %{$self->{sequences}}) {
	$seqobj = Bio::PrimarySeq->new( -seq => "$self->{sequences}{$key}{sequence}",
					-id => "$key");
	push @seqobjs, $seqobj;
    return\@ seqobjs;
sub get_rejects {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{reject};
sub get_sequence_names {
    my $self = shift;
    my @keys = sort keys %{$self->{sequences}};
    return\@ keys;
sub length_clear {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{length_clear};
sub length_raw {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{length_raw};
sub new {
    my ($class,@args) = @_;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
    my ($attr, $value);
    while (@args) {
	$attr = shift @args;
	$attr = lc $attr;
	$value = shift @args;
	$self->{$attr} = $value;
    return $self;
sub per_GC {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{per_GC};
sub polyA {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return 1 if $self->{sequences}{$key}{polyA};
    return 0;
sub quality {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{quality};
sub sequence {
    my ($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{sequence};
sub start_clear {
    my($self, $key) = @_;
    return $self->{sequences}{$key}{beg_clear};
General documentation
Mailing ListsTop
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.             - General discussion - About the mailing lists
Reporting BugsTop
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email
or the web:
Andrew G. Walsh
Methods available to Lucy objects are described below. Please note
that any method beginning with an underscore is considered internal
and should not be called directly.
Diff for Lucy source code Top
> /* AGW added next line */
> fprintf(stderr, "Empty: %s\n", seqs[i].name);
> /* AGW added next line */
> fprintf(stderr, "Short/ no insert: %s\n", seqs[i].name);
< if (left) seqs[i].left+=left;
> if (left) {
> seqs[i].left+=left;
> /* AGW added next line */
> fprintf(stderr, "%s has PolyA (left).\n", seqs[i].name);
> }
< if (right) seqs[i].right-=right;
> if (right) {
> seqs[i].right-=right;
> /* AGW added next line */
> fprintf(stderr, "%s has PolyA (right).\n", seqs[i].name);
> }
> /* AGW added next line */
> fprintf(stderr, "Dropped PolyA: %s\n", seqs[i].name);
> /* AGW added next line */
> fprintf(stderr, "Vector: %s\n", seqs[i].name);