Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable TranscriptCoalescer
Included librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::ExonUtils qw ( Exon_info )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptUtils qw ( convert_to_genes print_Transcript print_Transcript_and_Exons Transcript_info )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranslationUtils qw ( compute_translation return_translation )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning info )
my $runnable = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::TranscriptCoalescer->new(
-query => $slice,
-program => 'snap',
my @predictions = @{$runnable->output};
TranscriptCoalescer combines gene-structures from different evidence-sets
to longer predictions and adds translations to these predictions.
No description
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No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
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Methods description
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  Function  : creates TranscriptCoalescer-object 
Returnval : returns TranscripotCoalescer-object
   Arg : none
Function : Runs the TranscriptCoalescer
- clusters genes of EvidenceSet 'est' acc. to their genomic extent
Returnval : none
Methods code
sub _all_exons_visited {
  my ( $exon_cluster_aref) = @_ ;

  for my $ec (@$exon_cluster_aref) {
    for my $e ( @{ $ec->get_all_Exons_in_ExonCluster } ) {
      return 0 unless ( $e->visited ) ;
  return 1 ;
sub _check_if_lg_spans_st {
   my ($lg, $st ) = @_ ; 
  # check if long transcripts overlaps short transcript 
# by looking at it's genomic extend
if ($lg->seq_region_start <= $st->seq_region_start && $lg->seq_region_end >= $st->seq_region_end && $lg->seq_region_strand == $st->seq_region_strand && (@{$lg->get_all_Exons} >= @{$st->get_all_Exons } ) && $lg ne $st ) { return 1 ; } if ($st->seq_region_start <= $lg->seq_region_start && $st->seq_region_end >= $lg->seq_region_end && $st->seq_region_strand == $lg->seq_region_strand && (@{$st->get_all_Exons} >= @{$lg->get_all_Exons } ) && $lg ne $st ) { return 1 ; } return 0 ; } # work
sub _compare_Genes {
           my ($gene1,$gene2,$translate) = @_;
  # quit if genes do not have genomic overlap 
# start-------gene1------end start--------gene2----------end
if ($gene1->end < $gene2->start || $gene1->start > $gene2->end) { print "Gene 1 " . $gene1->start . " " . $gene1->end . "\n "; print "Gene 2 " . $gene1->start . " " . $gene1->end . "\n "; print "Failed extents check - returning 0\n"; return 0; } # $overlaps = ( $exon1->end >= $exon2->start && $exon1->start <= $exon2-> end );
if ($translate) { # exon-overlap only on coding exons !
my $exons1 = get_coding_exons_for_gene($gene1); my $exons2 = get_coding_exons_for_gene($gene2); foreach my $exon1a (@$exons1) { foreach my $exon2a (@$exons2) { if ( ($exon1a->overlaps($exon2a)) && ($exon1a->strand == $exon2a->strand) ){ #print "Passed CDS overlap check - returning 1\n";
return 1; } } } } else { #
# overlap check based on all (noncoding + coding) Exons
foreach my $exon1a (@{$gene1->get_all_Exons}){ foreach my $exon2a (@{$gene2->get_all_Exons}){ if ( ($exon1a->overlaps($exon2a)) && ($exon1a->strand == $exon2a->strand) ){ #print "Passed exon overlap check (noncod. + cod. exons checked) - returning 1\n";
return 1; } } } } #print "Failed overlap check (translate = $translate) - returning 0\n";
return 0; } #########################################################################
sub add_translation_and_trans_supp_features_to_transcripts {
    my ($self, $trans,$min_translation_length) = @_ ; 
   my @trans_with_tl ; 
     TRANSCRIPT :for my $tr (@$trans) {         
        my $new_tr = compute_translation($tr)  ; 
        unless ( $new_tr->translation ) {  
          print "skipping transcript - no translation !!\n " ;
          next TRANSCRIPT ; 
        my $tr_length = $new_tr->length ; #   . "\n" ; 
my $tl_length = $new_tr->translate->length ; my $ratio = ( (3*$tl_length) / $tr_length)*100 ;
if ( $ratio > $MIN_TRANSLATION_LENGTH ){ push @trans_with_tl , $tr ; }else { print "Translation is shorter than $MIN_TRANSLATION_LENGTH %". " of transcript length ($ratio) - Transcript will not be used\n" if $self->{v} ; if ($WRITE_FILTERED_TRANSCRIPTS) { $ratio = int($ratio) ; my $tl_length_biotype; if ($ratio < 40 ) { $tl_length_biotype = "translation_len_smaller_40_perc" ; }else{ $tl_length_biotype = "translation_len_$ratio"."_perc" ; } $tr->biotype($tl_length_biotype) ; push @trans_with_tl, $tr ; } } } return\@ trans_with_tl ;
sub check_if_all_exons_are_overlapped {
  my ($lg,$st) = @_ ; 

  # check if each exon of $lg has a counterpart in $st  
my $test_ex_ok = 0 ; my %mark_exon ; my %overlapped_test_exons ; my $nr_same_exons_conserved = 0 ; my $exon_3prim_mismatch = 0 ; my $exon_5prim_mismatch = 0 ; for my $lge (@{$lg->get_all_Exons }) { for my $ste (@{$st->get_all_Exons }) { #print "testing (1)" ; print_object($lge) ;
#print " vs. (2)" ; print_object($ste) ;
if ( $lge->seq_region_start <= $ste->seq_region_start && $lge->seq_region_end >= $ste->seq_region_end && $lge->seq_region_strand eq $ste->seq_region_strand ) { #
# THIS EXON $ste is completely overlapped
# |xxxxx| OR |xxxxxxxx| OR |xxxxxxxxx| OR |xxxxxx|
# |xxxxx| |xxxxx| |xxxx| |xxxx|
#print "long_exon (1)--> overlaps test_exon(2)\n" ;
#print "(1)" ; print_object($lge) ;
#print "(2)" ; print_object($ste) ;
$nr_same_exons_conserved++ ; $test_ex_ok++ ; $mark_exon{$lge->hashkey} = $lge ; $overlapped_test_exons{$ste->hashkey} = $ste ; } else { # no exact match
##print "no exact match between exons\n" ;
# exon is a termial exon of ST
# watch out - here we compare each time the terimal exon of ste against all exons of $lge
# so we have to make sure that we have somehow an overlap or a distance between the
# exons compared !!!!!!!
# perhaps we should just check if ste and lge overlap in their genomic extend than
# using an offset of 50 bp for this !
my $start_diff = abs( $ste->seq_region_start - $lge->seq_region_start ) ; my $end_diff = abs( $ste->seq_region_end - $lge->seq_region_end ) ; # this is an extra rule for terminal exons
if ($ste->is_terminal_exon) { #print "exon is terminal : " ;
if ($start_diff < 25 && $end_diff < 25 ) { # print "start_end_diff smaller 50\n" ;
# exon is 'in range 'of 50 bp to lge
# check how conserved the exon is
my $exon_conservation = $ste->get_percentage_exon_conversation_in_exon_cluster() ; # print "checking percentage conservation exon_conservation: $exon_conservation \n\n" ;
# if ( $exon_conservation < 0.1 && $exon_conservation != 0 )
if ( $exon_conservation < 0.1 ) { $mark_exon{$lge->hashkey} = $lge ; $overlapped_test_exons{$ste}=$ste ; $test_ex_ok++ ; # print "test_ex_ok $test_ex_ok\n" ;
}else{ # print " percentage consersation too high or zero$exon_conservation\n" ;
} } } else { #
# Exon is not terminal / if there is a boundary mismatch in
# an internal exon
my $conservation = $ste->get_percentage_exon_conversation_in_exon_cluster() ; if ($conservation < 0.1) { # print "not really conserved boundary\n" ;
} } # new rule to remove transcripts which match all exons except the terminal one's
$start_diff = abs( $ste->seq_region_start - $lge->seq_region_start ) ; $end_diff = abs( $ste->seq_region_end - $lge->seq_region_end ) ; if ($ste->is_5prim_exon ) { # print "exon_is_5prim_exon\n" ;
# print_object($ste) ;
$exon_5prim_mismatch = 1 ; #if ( $start_diff < 50 || $end_diff < 50 ) ;
} if ($ste->is_3prim_exon) { $exon_3prim_mismatch = 1 ; #if ( $start_diff < 50 || $end_diff < 50 ) ;
} } } } # print "\n\n" ;
# print "all_exons_tested : test_ex_ok $test_ex_ok \n" ;
# print "all_exons_tested : exon_3prim_mismatch $exon_3prim_mismatch \n" ;
# print "all_exons_tested : exon_5prim_mismatch $exon_5prim_mismatch \n" ;
# print "all_exons_tested : nr_same_exons_conserved $nr_same_exons_conserved \n" ;
if ($test_ex_ok == scalar(@{ $st->get_all_Exons } ) ) { # print "all exons of test-gene are overlapped by anotherone \n" ;
# all exons of $st are overlapped by $lg
# now check for exon-skipping
# xxxxxxxxxxxxx-------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# xxxxxxxxxxxxx-----------------------------------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
for my $lger (@{$lg->get_all_Exons }) { unless (exists $mark_exon{$lger->hashkey}) { # if there are exons which are on the long one but not in the short one
# now check if mark-exon is outside of boundaries of st-transcript
if ($st->seq_region_start <= $lger->seq_region_end && $st->seq_region_end >=$lger->seq_region_end ) { # overlap of skipped exon and transcript
# print "checkxxx not removed " ; print_object($st) ;
return 0 ; }else { # the skipped exon is outside of the short transcript
} } } return 1 ; # remove tr
} elsif ( (scalar(@{ $st->get_all_Exons } ) - $nr_same_exons_conserved) < 2 ) { if ($exon_3prim_mismatch || $exon_5prim_mismatch) { #print "removing_tr\n" ;
#print_Transcript($st) ;
return 1 ; # remove tr
} } # print "not all exons are ok\n" ;
return 0 ; # dont remove transcript / not all exons are overlapped
sub compare {
   my ($ft1 , $ft2) = @_ ;
  return 0 unless ($ft1 && $ft2) ; # || changed to && 
if ( ($ft1->seq_region_start == $ft2->seq_region_start) && ($ft1->seq_region_end == $ft2->seq_region_end) && ($ft1->seq_region_strand== $ft2->seq_region_strand) ) { return 1 ; } return 0 ;
sub edit_terminal_exons {
  my ($self,$aref) = @_ ; 
  for my $t (@$aref ) {
    my @exons = @{ $t->get_all_Exons } ; 

    # process 5prim terminal exon 
my $ex_5prim = $exons[0]; my $longest_exon_5 = get_longest_5prim_term_exon_in_exon_cluster_of_this_exon($ex_5prim) ; $t = $t->exchange_exon($ex_5prim, $longest_exon_5) ; my $ex_3prim = $exons[$#exons]; my $longest_exon_3 = get_longest_3prim_term_exon_in_exon_cluster_of_this_exon($ex_3prim) ; $t = $t->exchange_exon($ex_3prim, $longest_exon_3) ; } print_Transcript_and_Exons($aref) if $self->{v} ; return $aref ;
sub exon_recursion {
   my ($self, $all_ec, $exon, $last_exon, $transcript , $cnt, $href ) = @_ ; 
  #my ($self, $all_ec, $exon, $last_exon, $transcript , $exon_aref, $trans_href,$cnt, $href ) = @_ ; 
if ($self->{v}) { print "--> Starting exon recursion with this exon :\n\n " ; print_object($exon) ; print "\n\n" ; } $exon->visited("1") ; my $tmp_biotype = $exon->biotype ."_temp" ; my $init = 0 ; if ( $cnt == 0 ) { print "Initialisation\n" if $self->{v} ; $init = 1 ; $transcript = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended( -BIOTYPE => $tmp_biotype , ); #$$trans_href{$exon} = $transcript ;
$$href{$exon}=$transcript ; } $cnt++ ; # STOP if exon is in end terminal cluster and has NO next exon
# exon could be in end-terminal cluster but there could be another exon cause of overlap
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-----------------------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# xxxxxxxxxxxxx-------------------------------xxxxxxxxxxxx--------------xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
if ( $exon->cluster eq $self->{end_terminal_ec} && !$exon->next_exon) { # $transcript->add_Exon($exon) ;
print "End terminal cluster reached\n" if $self->{v} ; return $transcript ; } if ( $exon->next_exon) { $$href{$exon}=() ; # mark exon as visited
print "Exon has next exon\n" if $self->{v} ; # unless ( exon_coordinates_match ($exon, $last_exon) ) {
unless ( compare ($exon, $last_exon) ) { #$$trans_href{$exon} = $transcript ;
my $tr_tmp ; if ($init) { # Initialisation : don't clone transcript, add exon
$transcript->add_Exon($exon) ; $tr_tmp = $transcript ; }else{ # Initialisation was done, clone transcript and add exon
$tr_tmp = new_tr($transcript) ; $transcript->add_Exon($exon) ; #$$trans_href{$exon} = $transcript ;
} $self->exon_recursion( $all_ec, $exon->next_exon , $exon, $tr_tmp , $cnt, $href); #$self->exon_recursion( $all_ec, $exon->next_exon , $exon, $tr_tmp , $exon_aref, $trans_href, $cnt, $href);
# Recursion is finished now - we have to check if we have to add an end-exon
my @t_exons = @{ $transcript->get_all_Exons } ; # checking if last Exon is really at the very end of transcript
# or if we can add one more exon ($exon->next_Exon)
my $exon_to_add ; if ($exon->next_exon) { if ($transcript->end_Exon ne $exon->next_exon) { # check if exon we want to add is more 3prim than trans->end_Exon
if ($transcript->seq_region_strand eq 1 ) { if ($transcript->end_Exon->seq_region_end < $exon->next_exon->seq_region_start ) { # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-------xxxxxx-----------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# $t->seq_reg_start $t->seq_reg_end
# $e->seq_reg_start
$exon_to_add = $exon->next_exon ; } } else { if ($transcript->end_Exon->seq_region_start > $exon->next_exon->seq_region_end ) { $exon_to_add = $exon->next_exon ; } } } } if ($exon_to_add ) { $transcript->add_Exon($exon_to_add) ; } return $transcript ; } # exon_coords_match
} else { # exon->next_exon()
print "Exon has no next exon - trying to find conserved intron to extend Transcript\n\n" if $self->{v} ; } #
# exon has no next exon / getting all TEST-exons in exon_cluster
my @all_ex_in_ec = @{ $exon->cluster->get_all_Exons_in_ExonCluster() } ; $$href{$exon}=() ; print "Now walking through all exons in Cluster.... ( try to find last matching Intron)\n\n" if $self->{v}; ALL_EXONS_IN_EC: for my $te ( @all_ex_in_ec ) { my $nr_all_exons_in_ec = scalar(@all_ex_in_ec); my $nr_exons_visited = keys %{$href} ; if ($te eq $exon) { print "exon is the same ---> skipping / next\n" if $self->{v}; # exon is the same
next ; } if (exists $$href{$te} ) { # exon has already been processed
print "exon has been visited ---> skipping / next\n" if $self->{v}; # exon is the same
next ; } if ($self->{v}){ print "Now testing this exon for conseverd intron:\n" ; $self->print_exon($te," (this exon will be tested for cons. intron) ") ; } # INTRONS
my ( $te_intron, $ex_intron ) ; if ($te->prev_exon && $exon->prev_exon) { print "\nExon and test-exon have prev. exon - building last intron\n" if $self->{v}; $te_intron = Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron->new($te->prev_exon,$te) ; $ex_intron = Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron->new($exon->prev_exon,$exon) ; } else { #print "Can't build intron cause test-exon OR exon have no prev exon\n" ;
} print "Comparing introns if there are introns...\n" if $self->{v}; if ( compare($te_intron, $ex_intron ) ) { print "Introns match !!\n" if $self->{v}; if (!exists($$href{$te})) { print "Exon hasn't been visited\n" if $self->{v}; my $new_tr_2 ; if ($last_exon) { if ($self->{v}) { print "Last_exon : $last_exon\n " ; $self->print_exon($last_exon) ; $self->print_exon($te->prev_exon) ; print "switching transcript bcs conserved intron to this exon:\n"; print_exon($te->prev_exon) ; print "\nCloning transcript -has the foolowing exons now :\n" ; print "-------------------------------------------------\n" ; } $new_tr_2 = new_tr($transcript) ; my @all_exons_new_tr = @{$new_tr_2->get_all_Exons} ; for my $e (@all_exons_new_tr) { $self->print_exon($e) ; } print "\n\n" if $self->{v}; } else { $new_tr_2 = new_tr($transcript) ; $last_exon = $exon ; } $new_tr_2 = new_tr($transcript) ; $$href{$te}=1 ; # mark exon as visited
# start new recursion
if ($self->{v}) { print "new_starting_point:" ; $self->print_exon($te) ; } if ($te->next_exon) { $self->exon_recursion ($all_ec,$te,$last_exon,$new_tr_2,$cnt,$href) ; }else { print "test exon has no next exon, skipping to start new recursiox\n" if $self->{v}; } #$self->exon_recursion ($all_ec,$te,$last_exon,$new_tr_2,$exon_aref,$trans_href,$cnt,$href) ;
return ; }else { if ($self->{v}) { print "exon has already been visited\n\n" ; $self->print_exon($te," VISITED " ) ; } } }elsif ( ($te->seq_region_end eq $exon->seq_region_end) && $te->next_exon) { # end match
#print "Introns does not_match_1\n" ;
}elsif ( ($te->seq_region_start eq $exon->seq_region_start) && $te->next_exon){ # start match
#print "Introns does not_match_2\n" ;
}else { #print "Introns does not_match_3.... processing next exon in exon_cluster\n\n" ;
} $$href{$te}=1 ; } #: ALL_EXONS_IN_EC
return ;
sub get_all_evidence_sets {
   my ($self) = @_ ; 
  return $self->{evidence_sets};
sub get_biotypes_of_evidence_set {
  my ($self, $ev_set ) = @_ ;
  return ${ $self->{evidence_sets}}{$ev_set};  

 #### non object-methods below ### 
sub get_genes_by_biotype {
  my ($self, $biotype ) = @_ ;
  return ${ $self->{all_genes_href}}{$biotype};
sub get_genes_by_evidence_set {
   my ($self,$ev_set) = @_ ; 
  my @ev_set_genes ; 

  for my $biotype ( @{ $self->get_biotypes_of_evidence_set( $ev_set )} ) { 
    if ($self->get_genes_by_biotype($biotype)){ 
     push @ev_set_genes, @{ $self->get_genes_by_biotype( $biotype ) } ;  
  return\@ ev_set_genes ;
sub get_longest_3prim_term_exon_in_exon_cluster_of_this_exon {
   my ($small_exon ) = @_ ; 
  my $ec = $small_exon->cluster; 

  my @all_exons_in_clust = @{ $ec->get_all_Exons_in_ExonCluster } ; 
  my $longest_term_exon_in_clust = $small_exon  ; 

  for my $exon (@all_exons_in_clust) {

    if (!$exon->prev_exon && !$exon->next_exon) {
      warning("Skipping this exon because this is a single exon\n") ; 
      next ; 
    if (!$exon->next_exon && ($exon->length>$longest_term_exon_in_clust->length) ) { 
      if ($exon->seq_region_strand eq "1" ) { 
        if ($exon->seq_region_start == $small_exon->seq_region_start) {
          $longest_term_exon_in_clust = $exon ;
      }elsif ($exon->seq_region_strand eq "-1") {
        if ($exon->seq_region_end == $small_exon->seq_region_end ) {
          $longest_term_exon_in_clust = $exon ;
      }else {
        throw("exon has no seq_region_strand assigned. exiting\n" ) ; 
  return $longest_term_exon_in_clust ; 

sub get_longest_5prim_term_exon_in_exon_cluster_of_this_exon {
   my ($small_exon ) = @_ ; 
  my $ec = $small_exon->cluster; 

  my @all_exons_in_clust = @{ $ec->get_all_Exons_in_ExonCluster } ; 
  my $longest_term_exon_in_clust = $small_exon  ; 

  for my $exon (@all_exons_in_clust) {
    if (!$exon->prev_exon && !$exon->next_exon) {
      warning("Skipping this exon because this is a single exon\n") ; 
      next ; 
    if (!$exon->prev_exon && ($exon->length>$longest_term_exon_in_clust->length) ) { 
      if ($exon->seq_region_strand eq "1" ) { 
        if ($exon->seq_region_end == $small_exon->seq_region_end) {

          # we only want to include the most 5prim exon, no overlapping exons 
# (extending b with a is ok but not with c)
# aaaaaaaaa---aaa-------xxxxxxxx
# bbbb---bbb-------xxxxxxxx
# cccccccccccccccccccc--------xxxxxxx
$longest_term_exon_in_clust = $exon ; } }elsif ($exon->seq_region_strand eq "-1") { if ($exon->seq_region_start == $small_exon->seq_region_start ) { $longest_term_exon_in_clust = $exon ; } }else { throw("exon has no seq_region_strand assigned. exiting\n" ) ; } } } return $longest_term_exon_in_clust ;
sub get_unvisited_exons_in_next_ec {
  my ( $exon_cluster_aref) = @_ ;
  my @unprocessed ;
  for my $ec (@$exon_cluster_aref) {
    for my $e ( @{ $ec->get_all_Exons_in_ExonCluster } ) {
       push @unprocessed, $e  unless ( $e->visited ) ;
     return\@ unprocessed if ( @unprocessed > 0 ) ;
  return [] ;
sub main_clustering_and_recursion {
  my ($self, $gene_cluster) = @_ ;

  my @exon_clusters = @{ $gene_cluster->get_exon_clustering_from_gene_cluster() } ; 

  my @ex_cluster_est_evidence = @exon_clusters ; 
  $self->{start_terminal_ec} = $ex_cluster_est_evidence[0];
  $self->{end_terminal_ec} = $ex_cluster_est_evidence[$#ex_cluster_est_evidence];
  # use all possible exons with EST-evidence in first ExonCluster 
my @est_start_exons = @{ $ex_cluster_est_evidence[0]->get_all_Exons_of_EvidenceSet('est') } ; # make sure we don't have 3prim exons in the start-exon-set ! (only use exons with have next exon)
@est_start_exons = grep {$_->next_exon} @est_start_exons ; my @all_assembled_tr; #
# we could do this stuff as well with a recursion /
# idea would be :
# check first eand second exon to avoid situation where it's like :
# xxxxx----------------------------------------------------xxxxxxxxxx
# xxxxxx--------xxxxxxxxx--------xxxxx-xxxxxxx--------------x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# xxxxxx--------xxxxxxxxx--------xxxxx-xxxxxxx--------------x-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# implement a restarting of the algorithm !
# returns array of arrays of transcripts [ [ tra tra tra ] [ tra ]
my $trans_aref = $self->transcript_recursion(\@ ex_cluster_est_evidence,\@ est_start_exons, [] ) ; #
# prune transcript (change biotype and re-adjust start/end of transcript and biotype )
my @pruned_transcripts ; for my $transcript ( @$trans_aref ) { my $ntr = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended( -BIOTYPE => $self->{new_biotype} ) ; for my $exon ( @{ $transcript->get_all_Exons } ) { $exon->biotype( $self->{new_biotype} ) ; $ntr->add_Exon( $exon ) ; } push @pruned_transcripts , $ntr ; } return\@ pruned_transcripts ; } # does recursion in region with clustered transcripts and selects
# every unvisited exon as possible start exon for restart of recursion
# i have a seq-range with all transcripts and exon-clusters
# i have to select the start-exon-clusters if possible
# i start to process the first start exon clusters
# if i am finished with this i check if all exons have been visited
# if not, i sort the exons, use the one at 5prim end and call exon_recursion on this exon
# i check again if all exons have been visited -> if not, i choose the one which has'nt been
# visited and call exon_recursion on this......
sub merge_transcripts {
  my ($self, $base_trans, $trans_to_add , $merge_exon , $string) = @_ ; 
  my $new_biotype = $self->{new_biotype} . "_" . $merge_exon->biotype . "_merged_$string" ; 
  # my $new_biotype = $self->{new_biotype} . "_abinitio_merged" ;
# we need to clone exon otherwise we end up with multipe transcripts which share the same Exon object
my $cloned_ex = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::ExonExtended ( -start => $merge_exon->start , -end => $merge_exon->end , -phase => $merge_exon->phase , -end_phase => $merge_exon->end_phase, -strand => $merge_exon->seq_region_strand , -slice => $merge_exon->slice , -analysis => $base_trans->analysis ) ; $cloned_ex->biotype( $new_biotype ) ; $cloned_ex->transcript($merge_exon->transcript) ; $cloned_ex->add_supporting_features( @{$merge_exon->get_all_supporting_features}) ; #
# register new biotype as a member of evidence_set 'est_merged' and make sure that the new
# biotype is only stored once in the array of biotypes , otherwise gene clustering won't work
my %tmp = %{ $self->get_all_evidence_sets }; my %tmp2 ; @tmp2{ @{ $tmp{est_merged} } } =(); unless (exists $tmp2{ $new_biotype } ) { push @{ $tmp{'est_merged'}}, $new_biotype ; $self->get_all_evidence_sets(\% tmp ) ; } my $old_merge_exon_biotype = $merge_exon->biotype ; if ( length($new_biotype) > 40) { warning("The stringlength of the biotype is too loong....mysql will shorten it\n") ; } my @base_exons = @{$base_trans->get_all_Exons()} ; #
# chop of 3prim exon cause here we use the abintio/ simgw exon for merging
pop @base_exons ; my @exons_to_add = @{ $trans_to_add->get_all_Exons} ; #
# chop of 5prim exon cause here we use the abintio/ simgw exon for merging
shift @exons_to_add ; my $tr_merged = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended( -BIOTYPE => $new_biotype , -ANALYSIS =>$base_trans->analysis , ); #
# creating transcript supporting feature
my $hseq_name ; if ($merge_exon->stable_id) { $hseq_name = $merge_exon->stable_id ; }elsif ($merge_exon->dbID) { $hseq_name = $merge_exon->dbID ; }else { $hseq_name = $merge_exon->biotype ; } my $feat_pair = Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair->new ( -start => $merge_exon->seq_region_start , -end => $merge_exon->seq_region_end , -strand => $merge_exon->seq_region_strand , -slice => $merge_exon->slice , -analysis =>$merge_exon->analysis , -hseqname =>$hseq_name , -hstart => 1 , -hend => ( $merge_exon->seq_region_end - $merge_exon->seq_region_start +1 ) , -hstrand => $merge_exon->seq_region_strand , -score => 0 , -percent_id => 0 , ) ; # jhv
# # we should decide here if we want to create dnadna or dnapep align feature ...
# if ( ref($merge_exon) =~m/Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature/ ) {
# }elsif ( ref($merge_exon) =~m/Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature/ ) {
# }
my $dna_align_feat = Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature->new (-features =>[$feat_pair] , -analysis => $merge_exon->analysis ) ; $cloned_ex->add_supporting_features ( $dna_align_feat) ; #
# Doing first part of merge
for my $be (@base_exons ) { $be->biotype( $new_biotype ) ; $tr_merged->add_Exon( $be ) ; # print "add base_exons to tr: " ; print_object($be) ;
} #
# add exon of abinitio / simgw
#$merge_exon->biotype( $old_merge_exon_biotype ) ;
$tr_merged->add_Exon ( $cloned_ex ) ; # $tr_merged->add_Exon ( $merge_exon ) ;
# print "add merge_exon to tr: " ; print_object($merge_exon) ;
# adding rest of following est
for my $e (@exons_to_add) { $e->biotype($new_biotype) ; #print "adding rest of second est: " ; print_object($e) ;
$tr_merged->add_Exon ($e) ; } #print "\n\nThis_is_merged_trans :\n" ;
#print_Transcript_and_Exons([$tr_merged],"tr_merged") ;
return $tr_merged ;
sub merge_transcripts_recursion {
  my ( $self, $start_transcript , $transcripts_ref , $exon_clusters ) = @_ ;
      #print "recusrion start\n" ; 
my $tr1 = $start_transcript ; my $tr2 ; if (@$transcripts_ref > 0 ) { $tr2 = shift @$transcripts_ref ; my @new_transcripts ; my $ex_3prim = $tr1->end_Exon(); my $merged_transcript ; unless ($ex_3prim->next_exon ) { if ( $tr2->start_Exon->overlaps($ex_3prim) && !$tr2->start_Exon->prev_exon ) { #
# exon is in same cluster and has terminal 5prim exon of est
# xxxxx------------xxxxxxxxxxx tr1 (no next_exon)
# yyyyyyyyyyy----------yyyyyyyyyyyyyy tr2 (no prev_exon)
if ($self->{v}){ print "no next exon - look for overlapping 5prm\n " ; print "\nRECURSION : These transcripts could be merged:\n" ; print "="x80; print "\ntr1 : " . $tr1->seq_region_start . " -- " .$tr1->seq_region_end . " " . $tr1->biotype . "\n" ; ; print "tr2 : " . $tr2->seq_region_start . " -- " .$tr2->seq_region_end . " " . $tr2->biotype . "\n" ; ; } my $this_ec = $tr1->end_Exon->cluster ; #
# get evidence to merge $tr1->end_Exon AND $tr2->start_Exon
my @candidate_exons = @{ $this_ec->get_all_Exons_of_EvidenceSet('simgw')} ; push @candidate_exons, @{ $this_ec->get_all_Exons_of_EvidenceSet('abinitio')} ; #
# get ab-initios or sim-gws in this cluster which match the boundaries
# aaaaaaaaaaaa|--------------|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
# |$tr1->end_Exon
# bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb|-------|bbbbbbbbbbbbbb--
# $tr2->start_Exon|
# simsimsimsim|--------------|simsimsimsimsimsimsimsim|-------|simsimsismisms-- CONSERVED, OK
# abinitioabin|--------------|itioabinitioabinitioabin|-------|initioabinitio-- CONSERVED, OK
for my $ce (@candidate_exons) { if ($self->{v}){ print "RECURSION checking candidate exon which spans region :\n" ; print "start : " . $ce->seq_region_start . "\t". $ce->seq_region_end . " (" . $ce->analysis->logic_name . ")\n\n" ; } if ( $ce->prev_exon && $ce->next_exon ) { # check the boundarie of previous exon of 3prim term exon of EST-1-gene :
my ( $tr1_boundary , $tr2_boundary ) ; my $ce_start = $ce->seq_region_end ; my $ce_end = $ce->seq_region_start ; if ( $tr1->seq_region_strand eq '1' ){ $tr1_boundary = $tr2->start_Exon->seq_region_end ; $tr2_boundary = $tr1->end_Exon->seq_region_start ; } else { $tr1_boundary = $tr1->end_Exon->seq_region_end ; $tr2_boundary = $tr2->start_Exon->seq_region_start ; } if ($self->{v}){ print "check_exon has previous and next exon\n" ; print "\n" ; print "tr1_boundary : " . $tr1_boundary . "\n" ; print "ce_start : " . $ce_start . "\n" ; print "\n" ; print "tr2_boundary : " . $tr2_boundary . "\n" ; print "ce_end : " . $ce_end . "\n" ; print "\n\n" ; print "\n\n" ; } if ($ce_start == $tr1_boundary && $ce_end == $tr2_boundary ) { print "Boundaries match - merging genes\n " if $self->{v}; # less strict way in finding a compatible exon :
# only the intron has to be conserved between the flanking ab-initios and the est's
# TR_1 TR_2
# --------estestest||-------------||estestestest
# estestestest||---------------||estestestest|----------
# --|abinitioabiont||-------------||abintioabintioabinitio||---------------||abinitioabinitioabinitio|----
# ^^ CONS.INTR. ^^ ^^ CONS. INTRON ^^
# || || || ||
# NOMATCH match match match match NOMATCH
# It is only checked if there are two conserved Introns at 3prim and 5rim end
# of 'broken' exon which we want to bridge. The more 'strict' approach is handeld in the
# second case below (look if the last exon of est-gene nr1 and next exon of est-gene nr2
# have excatly the same coordinates as the simgw / abinitio exon we use to merge
# merge the two transcripts by using the coordinates of simgw/abinitio bridge exon
# bondaries of abinotio/simgw exon match the start/ends of the exon to bridge
my $tr1_last_intron = Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron->new($tr1->end_Exon->prev_exon,$tr1->end_Exon) ; my $ce_last_intron = Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron->new( $ce->prev_exon,$ce ) ; my $tr2_next_intron = Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron->new($tr2->start_Exon,$tr2->start_Exon->next_exon) ; my $ce_next_intron = Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron->new($ce, $ce->next_exon ) ; if ( compare ($tr1_last_intron, $ce_last_intron ) && compare ($tr2_next_intron, $ce_next_intron)) { push @new_transcripts , $self->merge_transcripts ( $tr1, $tr2, $ce, 'no_strict') ; $merged_transcript = $self->merge_transcripts ( $tr1, $tr2, $ce, 'no_strict') ; $self->merge_transcripts_recursion ( new_tr($merged_transcript) , $transcripts_ref , $exon_clusters ); # $self->merge_transcripts_recursion ( $merged_transcript , $transcripts_ref , $exon_clusters );
} if ( $tr1->end_Exon->prev_exon->seq_region_end == $ce->prev_exon->seq_region_end && $tr1->end_Exon->prev_exon->seq_region_start == $ce->prev_exon->seq_region_start && $tr2->start_Exon->next_exon->seq_region_start == $ce->next_exon->seq_region_start && $tr2->start_Exon->next_exon->seq_region_end == $ce->next_exon->seq_region_end ) { # STRICT WAY in finding a compatible exon :
# we need two flanking consreved Introns and two exons which match exactly the boundaries !!
# (all double || marked starts/ends are checked
# ---||esteststesteste||-------------||estestestest
# estestestest||---------------||estestestest||----------
# ---||abinitioabiniot||-------------||abintioabintioabinitio||---------------||abinitioabin||----------
# ^^ ^^ CONS.INTR. ^^ ^^ CONS. INTRON ^^ ^^
# || || || || || ||
# match match match match match match
# It's checked if there are two conserved Introns at 3prim and 5rim end around the
# 'broken' exon which we want to bridge and if the start/ends of the flanking exdons match as well
# merge the two transcripts by using the coordinates of simgw/abinitio bridge exon
push @new_transcripts , $self->merge_transcripts ( $tr1, $tr2, $ce, 'strict' ) ; $merged_transcript = $self->merge_transcripts ( $tr1, $tr2, $ce, 'strict') ; $self->merge_transcripts_recursion ( new_tr($merged_transcript) , $transcripts_ref , $exon_clusters ); } } else { print "Boundaries does not match\n" if $self->{v}; } } } # for candidate exons
} } ####
} else { # there is no more transcriptin $transcripts_ref
push @{$self->{merged_tr} } , $start_transcript ; return ; } my $tr_new = new_tr($tr2) ; $self->merge_transcripts_recursion ( $tr_new , $transcripts_ref , $exon_clusters );
sub new {
  my ($class,@args) = @_;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);

  $self->{'_modified_genes'} =[] ;        # array ref to modified genes to write to new db
$self->{'_discarded_transcripts'} = []; # array ref to discarded transcripts
$self->{'_genes'} = []; #array of genes to test;
my( $all_genes, $evidence_sets,$dnadb , $utils_verbosity ) = rearrange([qw( ALL_GENES EVIDENCE_SETS DNADB UTILS_VERBOSITY )], @args); $self->{merged_tr}=[] ; $self->{min_translation_length}=$MIN_TRANSLATION_LENGTH ; $self->{dnadb}=$dnadb ; #
# we add one more evidence set called 'est_merged' to be able
# to re-cluster the newly constructed genes with the input-genes
# ( of the sets 'simgw' and 'abinitio' genes )
# my %types_hash{'name_of_the_set'} = [gene_bt_100, simgw_200, simgw300, ...]
# types_set{'genes_with_est_source'} = [est_100, est_200, est_300....]
$self->{new_biotype} = $NEW_BIOTYPE ; ${$evidence_sets}{'est_merged'}=[$self->{new_biotype}] ; # href to $hash{'evi_set'} = \@{biotype1,obiotype2}
$self->{evidence_sets} = $evidence_sets; $self->{write_filtered_transcripts} = $WRITE_FILTERED_TRANSCRIPTS ; $self->{write_alternative_transcripts} = $WRITE_ALTERNATIVE_TRANSCRIPTS ; $self->{adjudicate_simgw_est} = $ADJUDICATE_SIMGW_EST ; $self->{all_genes_href} = $all_genes ; # hashref $hash{'biotype'} = \@genes
$self->{v} = $VERBOSE ; # verbose or not
if (defined($utils_verbosity)) { $self->{v} = 1 if ($utils_verbosity=~m/INFO/) ; } #$VERBOSE = 0 ;
#$self->{v} = 0;
return $self ;
sub new_tr {
  my ($old_tr) = @_ ;
  my $new_tr = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended(
                 -EXONS => $old_tr->get_all_Exons(), 
                 -BIOTYPE =>$old_tr->biotype(),  
                 ) ; 
   $new_tr->ev_set($old_tr->ev_set) if $old_tr->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended")  ; 
  return $new_tr ;
sub print_cluster_info {
  my ($slice,$cluster) = @_; 
  my $name = "GENE-CLUSTER : ";
  $name = "EXON-CLUSTER" if ref($cluster)=~m/Exon/ ; 
  my $offset = $slice->start -1 ;  #correction for apollo
my $cl_start = $offset + $cluster->start ; my $cl_end= $offset + $cluster->end ; print "$name start: $cl_start\tend: $cl_end\t" . $cluster->strand ."\n " ; return ;
sub print_exon {
  my ($self, $ex,$string,$nr_tab) = @_ ; 
    if ($self->{v}) { 
      $string ="" unless $string ;
      my $tr_dbID = "" ;  
      my $hseq_name = "" ; 
      $nr_tab = 0  unless $nr_tab;
      my $tr = $ex->transcript() ;
      print $ex->biotype if $ex->biotype ; 
      my @sup_feat = @{ $ex->transcript->get_all_supporting_features} ; 
      $tr_dbID = "\ttr-db-id " . $ex->transcript->dbID ;  
      if ( $sup_feat[0]) { 
        $hseq_name = $sup_feat[0]->hseqname ; 
      print  " " . $hseq_name . 
             "\t". $ex->seq_region_start .  "---". $ex->seq_region_end . 
             "\t". $ex->seq_region_end.  "---". $ex->seq_region_start . 
             "\t". $ex->seq_region_strand . 
             "\t". $ex->biotype ."$string" . 
             "\n" ; 
sub print_object {
  my ( $ex, $string  ) = @_ ; 
   print "$string :\n"  if $string ; 
   print "srs -- sre:" .  
       "\t". $ex->seq_region_start . 
       "---". $ex->seq_region_end . 
       "\t". $ex->seq_region_strand . 
       "\t". $ex->biotype  . 
       "\n" ;
sub remove_overlapping_transcripts {
  my ($tref ) = @_ ;
  my @transcripts ; 

  # only remove transcripts which are not already deleted 
for my $tr (@$tref) { push @transcripts, $tr unless ($tr->biotype=~m/^del_/) ; } # sort by number of exons if tr have more than one exon
@transcripts = sort { scalar(@{$a->get_all_Exons}) <=> scalar(@{$b->get_all_Exons}) } @transcripts; # case of having single exon transcripts sort them by length
if ( @{$transcripts[-1]->get_all_Exons} == 1){ @transcripts = sort { $a->length <=> $b->length } @transcripts; } # since we call this function out of the gene-cluster routine,
# all genes should be in a gene cluster which makes
# preocessing much easier !
# idea : sort transcripts accourding to their number of exons and
# than begin with the shortest transcript and check if it's exon is
# covered by one one the longer transcripts
# we could also implement some other filters here
# sort transcripts acc. to their number of exons
my @ltr = reverse @transcripts ; # tr with most exons first
my @remove_tr ; # MAIN LOOPS : loop through longer transcripts
for (my $i=0 ; $i<@ltr; $i++) { my $lg = $ltr[$i] ; # loop through shorter transcripts
for (my $j=$i+1 ; $j < @ltr; $j++ ) { #print " checking $i $j \n" ;
my $st = $ltr[$j] ; if ($lg ne $st) { # check genomic extent , nr_of_exons and if $lg eq st
if ( _check_if_lg_spans_st ($lg,$st) ) { if ( check_if_all_exons_are_overlapped ($lg,$st) ) { # transcript is incorprated in other transcript all exons have been checked
# print "\nTranscript_will be removed : " ; print_object($st) ; print "\n\n" ;
push @remove_tr, $st ; } } # else : lg does not span st
} } } my %seen ; @seen{ @$tref } = @$tref ; delete @seen{ @remove_tr } ; my @diff = values %seen ; #
# change biotype of the transcripts which are removed to get overview what has
# been removed / remove redundant transcript out of @remove_tr before
my %tmp ; @tmp{@remove_tr} = @remove_tr ; @remove_tr = values %tmp ; # labelling the exons / transcripts
for my $t ( @remove_tr ) { my $bt = "del_" . $t->biotype ; $t->biotype($bt) ; for my $e (@{ $t->get_all_Exons} ) { # $e->biotype($bt) ;
} } # print "xxx these tr will be removed\n===========================================\n" ;
# print_Transcript_and_Exons(\@remove_tr) ;
# print "xxx these tr will be NOT removed\n===========================================\n" ;
# print_Transcript_and_Exons(\@diff) ;
return (\@diff,\@ remove_tr) ;
sub remove_redundant_transcripts {
  my ($tr_ref) = @_ ;

  my @non_red_trans ; 
  my %tmp ; 

  # make hashkey out of exon-start-end-strand for each transcripts to see if 
# they are the same
for my $t (@$tr_ref){ my @ex= @{ $t->get_all_Exons } ; my $string ; for my $e (@ex) { my $exon_hk = $e->hashkey ; $string.=$exon_hk ; } push @{$tmp{$string}}, $t ; } # since hashkeys are unique, get only one transcript for each hashkey
for my $k (keys %tmp){ my @t = @{$tmp{$k}} ; push @non_red_trans, $t[0]; } return\@ non_red_trans ;
sub run {
   my ($self) = @_ ; 
  print " all genes fetched\n" if $self->{v};   
  # get all genes of evidence set 'est' on slice and cluster them
my @allgenes = @{ $self->get_genes_by_evidence_set('est') } ; my ($clusters, $non_clusters) = cluster_Genes(\@allgenes, $self->get_all_evidence_sets ) ; push @$clusters, @$non_clusters if (scalar(@$non_clusters) > 0 ) ; my (@all_merged_est_transcripts, @tr_to_delete ) ; #
# STAGE_1 :
# begin the process of merging est-gene and est-gene by using the conserved introns as evidence
print "non_clusters : " . scalar(@$non_clusters) . "\n" if $self->{v}; GENE_CLUSTER: foreach my $gene_cluster (@$clusters) { if ($self->{v}) { print " processing gene_cluster : $gene_cluster\n" ; print "\n" ; print_cluster_info($self->query,$gene_cluster ) ; print "="x80; print "\n" ; } # cluster transcripts and exons and start the recursions on transcripts
# and exon clusters / this is the main routine to extend / merge the est-genes
print "Starting main_clustering_and_recursion\n" if $self->{v} ; my $tr = $self->main_clustering_and_recursion($gene_cluster) ; # remove redundant transcripts and edit last exons
if ( $tr ) { if ($self->{v}){ print "Stage 1: Number Genes resulting out of pure est-merging : ".scalar(@$tr)."\n"; print_Transcript_and_Exons($tr) ; } # remove red. trans, edit terminal exons and remove redundant trans again
my @non_red_trans = @{ remove_redundant_transcripts( $self->edit_terminal_exons(remove_redundant_transcripts($tr)))}; print "Stage 2: Number Trans. after term exon edit / removing redundancy : " . scalar(@non_red_trans)."\n" if $self->{v}; # transcripts are splitted in ones which we're going to cluster again and ones which are
# removed by now (biotype of them has been changed)
my ($non_overlapping_trans , $removed_trans )=remove_overlapping_transcripts(\@non_red_trans) ; print "Stage 3: Number non-overlapping Transcripts : " . scalar(@$non_overlapping_trans) . " (" . scalar(@$removed_trans) . " removed )\n\n" if $self->{v} ; push @tr_to_delete , @$removed_trans if $self->{write_filtered_transcripts} ; #
# @$non_overlapping_trans are transcript stuctures which have been produced by est-merging
# these might also be 'pure' ests / if we have a tr-structure later on (by abintio merging)
# which overlap this transcript, this structure will be removed from this array
push @all_merged_est_transcripts , @$non_overlapping_trans ; #print "non-overlapping transcripts which have been made by est-merging :\n" ;
#print_Transcript_and_Exons($non_overlapping_trans) ;
## RE-clustering of genes with other evidence
## to extend genes by abintio / simgw
if ($VERBOSE) { print "after the first round\n" ; print "="x80 ; print "\n" ; print_Transcript_and_Exons(\@all_merged_est_transcripts) ; } #
# building new gene set which contains genes of set abinitio and simgw and the
# freshly merged genes (biotype of these genes is set in config)
my @new_gene_set ; push @new_gene_set , @{convert_to_genes(\@ all_merged_est_transcripts, $self->analysis ) } ; push @new_gene_set , @{ $self->get_genes_by_evidence_set('abinitio') } ; push @new_gene_set , @{ $self->get_genes_by_evidence_set('simgw') } ; #
# re-cluster freshly merged / extended of type 'est_merged' genes of other sources
my ($clusters2, $non_clusters2) = cluster_Genes(\@new_gene_set, $self->get_all_evidence_sets ) ; GENE_CLUSTERS: for my $gene_cluster (@$clusters2) { #
# check if there are genes of type 'est_merged' in result
#my @est_merged_genes = $gene_cluster->get_Genes_by_Set('est_merged') ;
my %sets_in_gene_cluster ; @sets_in_gene_cluster { @{$gene_cluster->get_sets_included} }= () ; # If there are est_merged genes in the cluster (est's which have been merged in the first step)
# try to merge them with abintio or simgw
if ( exists $sets_in_gene_cluster{est_merged} ) { # try to do recursive merge with simgw / abinitio, begin with clustering (Transcripts & Exons)
my @tr_merged = map {@{$_->get_all_Transcripts}} $gene_cluster->get_Genes_by_Set ( 'est_merged' ); my $exon_clusters = $gene_cluster->get_exon_clustering_from_gene_cluster(); print "exon_clustering finished\n" if $self->{v}; # recursive approach (merge already merged genes by abinitio or simgw)
if ($gene_cluster->strand == 1 ) { @tr_merged = sort { $a->seq_region_start <=> $b->seq_region_start } @tr_merged ; }else { @tr_merged = sort { $b->seq_region_start <=> $a->seq_region_start } @tr_merged ; } my $start_transcript = shift @tr_merged ; my $t = $self->merge_transcripts_recursion($start_transcript ,\@ tr_merged, $exon_clusters ); if ( @{ $self->{merged_tr} }>0 ){ #print "cluster: have merged_tr genes \n" ;
my @cloned_tr = @{ $self->{merged_tr} } ; $self->{merged_tr}=[] ; # reset counter
#print "gene_comes_from_merging\n" ;
print_Transcript_and_Exons(\@cloned_tr) ; # remove redundant genes which result out of abintio/simgw merged transcripts
@cloned_tr = @{ remove_redundant_transcripts(\@ cloned_tr ) } ; # remove overlapping transcripts
my ($non_overlapping_trans, $removed_trans )= remove_overlapping_transcripts(\@ cloned_tr ) ; # if we want to write the filtered / removed /overlapping genes as well to DB
# i.e. for debugging (biotype 'del_') (see config)
push @tr_to_delete, @$removed_trans if ($self->{write_filtered_transcripts}); # prevent to add the start-transcript a second to the set of all_merged_est_transcripts
push @all_merged_est_transcripts , @$non_overlapping_trans ; @all_merged_est_transcripts = @{ remove_redundant_transcripts(\@ all_merged_est_transcripts ) }; ($non_overlapping_trans, $removed_trans ) = remove_overlapping_transcripts(\@ all_merged_est_transcripts ) ; @all_merged_est_transcripts = @$non_overlapping_trans ; # this is ok
push @tr_to_delete , @$removed_trans if $self->{write_filtered_transcripts}; } else { # recover transcripts cause they haven't been merged
push @all_merged_est_transcripts , @tr_merged ; } } else { #print "have no est_merged genes\n" ;
} } #
# use rule-set to decide if we want to take simgw or est gene
if ($self->{adjudicate_simgw_est}) { # print "deciding weather to use simgw or est-combined gene in final set\n" ;
# #
# # 3rd re-clustering of simgw against est genes
# #
# my @est_simgw = @all_merged_est_transcripts ;
# push @est_simgw , @{ $self->get_genes_by_evidence_set('est_merged') } ;
# push @est_simgw , @{ $self->get_genes_by_evidence_set('simgw') } ;
# print "3rd reclustering to choose if we want to have simgw or est or both\n" ;
# ($clusters, $non_clusters) = cluster_Genes(\@est_simgw, $self->get_all_evidence_sets ) ;
# GENE_CLUSTER: foreach my $gene_cluster (@$clusters) {
# # cluster exons and re-set the exon-cluster relation
# my @exon_clusters = @{ $gene_cluster->get_exon_clustering_from_gene_cluster() };
# for my $ec (@exon_clusters) {
# for my $e ( @{$ec->get_all_Exons_in_ExonCluster} ) {
# $e->cluster($ec) ;
# }
# }
# # get simgw genes and remove overlapping ones
# my @tr_simgw = map {@{$_->get_all_Transcripts}} $gene_cluster->get_Genes_by_Set('simgw');
# my ($non_ov, $ov) = remove_overlapping_transcripts(\@tr_simgw) ;
# push @tr_to_delete , @$ov if $self->{write_filtered_transcripts};
# @tr_simgw = @$non_ov ;
# my @tr_est = $gene_cluster->get_Genes_by_Set('est_merged') ;
# my %sets_in_gene_cluster ;
# @sets_in_gene_cluster{@{ $gene_cluster->get_sets_included }}=() ;
# if (exists $sets_in_gene_cluster{simgw} && exists $sets_in_gene_cluster{est_merged} ) {
# #
# # filter genes and decide if we want simgw , est_merged or whatever / UTR addtion
# #
# print "\n"x4;
# print "We have SIMGW and EST_MERGED genes in cluster :\n" ;
# my ($keep, $removed) = compare_simgw_and_est_merged(\@tr_simgw, \@tr_est,$self->{write_alternative_transcripts}) ;
# }elsif ( exists $sets_in_gene_cluster{est_merged} && !exists $sets_in_gene_cluster{simgw} ) {
# print "have no simgw and but est_merged genes \n" ;
# }elsif ( exists $sets_in_gene_cluster{simgw} && !exists $sets_in_gene_cluster{est_merged} ) {
# print "have simgw but no est_merged\n" ;
# # there are only simgw-genes (and some abinitio ) in the GENE_CLUSTER
# my @simgw_trans =
# map { @{ $_->get_all_Transcripts } } $gene_cluster->get_Genes_by_Set('simgw') ;
# #my $exon_clusters = $gene_cluster->get_exon_clustering_from_gene_cluster() ;
# for ( @tr_simgw ) {
# $_->biotype($self->{new_biotype} . "_" . $_->biotype) ;
# }
# push @all_merged_est_transcripts, @tr_simgw ;
# }
# }
} if ($WRITE_FILTERED_TRANSCRIPTS) { push @all_merged_est_transcripts, @tr_to_delete ; } print "Having " . scalar( @all_merged_est_transcripts ) . " genes so far for this slice\n\n " ; # convert Bio::EnsEMBL::TranscriptExtended objects back
# and Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon object to avoid any shared exons
my @converted_transcripts ; OLD_TR: for my $old_tr (@all_merged_est_transcripts) { print "transcript\n " ; my @new_exons ; my @tsf ; my @esf ; OLD_EX: for my $oe ( @{$old_tr->get_all_Exons} ) { push @tsf, @{$oe->transcript->get_all_supporting_features} ; print "have " . scalar ( @tsf ) . " tsf for exon ".$oe->dbID."\n " ; my $ne = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon( -START =>$oe->start, -END =>$oe->end, -STRAND =>$oe->strand, -SLICE =>$oe->slice, -ANALYSIS =>$oe->analysis, ); $ne->add_supporting_features(@{$oe->get_all_supporting_features} ) ; push @esf, @{$oe->get_all_supporting_features} ; push @new_exons, $ne ; } my $ntr = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript (-EXONS =>\@ new_exons) ; $ntr->biotype($old_tr->biotype) ; $ntr->add_supporting_features(@tsf) ; push @converted_transcripts, $ntr; } @all_merged_est_transcripts = @converted_transcripts ; @all_merged_est_transcripts = sort {$a->seq_region_start <=> $b->seq_region_start} @all_merged_est_transcripts ; print_Transcript_and_Exons(\@all_merged_est_transcripts) if $self->{v}; my @trans_with_tl = @{$self->add_translation_and_trans_supp_features_to_transcripts(\@ all_merged_est_transcripts,$self->{min_translation_length}) } ; $self->output ( convert_to_genes (\@ trans_with_tl, $self->analysis) ) ; return ;
sub start_est_linking {
   my ( $self,  $start_exons , $ex_cluster_real_ev ) = @_ ; 
  my @all_assembled_tr ; 

  if ($self->{v}){ 
    print "starting est-linking with set of start-exons\n" ; 
    for (@$start_exons) { 
      print "START_exon: " ; print_object($_) ; 

  for my $act_start_exon (@$start_exons) { 
    if ($self->{v}){    
      print "\n\nSTART: Starting with exon :\n" ; 
      $self->print_exon($act_start_exon) ;  
      print "starting the exon_recursion\n" ; 
    my $t  =  $self->exon_recursion( 
                      $ex_cluster_real_ev,        # all ec with exon ranked > 0 
$act_start_exon, # the exon where the story begins
undef, # last exon
[], # transcript
# [], # ref to store exons
# {}, # reference to transcript_hash
0 , # counter
{} # href
); push @all_assembled_tr, $t if $t; print "exon_recursion finished" if $self->{v} ; } if ($self->{v}){ print "\nAfter exon_recursion:\n" ; print_Transcript_and_Exons(\@all_assembled_tr) ; } return\@ all_assembled_tr ;
sub transcript_recursion {
   my ($self , $ex_clusters_real_ev,  $exons ,$all_tr ) = @_ ;
  print "\nTranscriptRecursion:\n=============================================\n" if $self->{v}; 
  my @ex_clusters_real_evidence = @$ex_clusters_real_ev ; 
  my @start_exons ; 

  if ( scalar(@$all_tr)==0) { 

   print "initialisation - using start exons which have been handend over _tmp_\n" if $self->{v} ;
   @start_exons = @$exons ;  

  } else { 

    # We have already transcripts and we have to check out for next 
# cluster with unprocessed / unvistited exons and call the recursion again on this cluster
# how to find next startpoint ?
@start_exons = @{ get_unvisited_exons_in_next_ec( $ex_clusters_real_ev ) } ; #
# sort start-exons such that we don't end up using terminal 3-prim exons
my @tmp ; if ( ( @start_exons) > 0 ) { print "start_exons :" . scalar(@start_exons) . "\n\n" if $self->{v} ; for my $se (@start_exons) { if ($se->next_exon) { if ($self->{v}) { print "this exon_has_next_exon : " ; print_object($se) ; print "this is next exon : " ; print_object($se->next_exon) ; } push @tmp, $se if $se->next_exon() ; } } } @start_exons = @tmp ; } if ( _all_exons_visited ( $ex_clusters_real_ev) ) { print "\nall_exons_visited_returning_from_transcript_recursion\n" if $self->{v}; return ; } if (@start_exons > 0 ) { print "starting est_linking\n" if $self->{v}; my $trans_aref = $self->start_est_linking(\@start_exons , $ex_clusters_real_ev ) ; print_Transcript_and_Exons($trans_aref , "trans_aref_smart" ) if $self->{v}; push @$all_tr, @$trans_aref ; print "finished est_linking\n" if $self->{v}; for my $ref (@$all_tr) { if ( ref($ref)=~m/ARRAY/){ throw("having_array_that is not good"); } } } # only start transcript_recursion if there are start_exons
# do we need this ???
$self->transcript_recursion ($ex_clusters_real_ev,\@ start_exons , $all_tr ) ; if ($self->{v}){ print "END_OF_TRANSCRIPT_RECURSION\ntrying print_Transcript\n" ; print_Transcript_and_Exons($all_tr,"debug_trans_rec") ; } return $all_tr ;
General documentation
Post questions to the Ensembl development list:
Name : get_all_evidence_sets
Arg[1] : none
Function : Returns hash of evidence_set_names($key) and biotypes
Returnval : Hashref $hash{evidence_set_name} = @\biotypes
Name : get_genes_by_evidence_set($evidence_set)
Arg[1] : String
Function : Returns all genes of an evidence set
(an evidence set contains genes of different biotypes ).
If there were any PredictionTranscripts specified as evidence set,
they were converted to genes and returned, too.
Name : get_genes_by_biotype($arg)
Arg[1] : String
Function : Returns all genes of a specific biotype (like all simgw_100 or genscan genes)
Returnval : Arrayref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene objects
Name : get_biotypes_of_evidence_set($arg)
Arg[1] : String
Function : Returns all biotypes specific evidence set (like simgw_100 , genscan )
Returnval : Arrayref of Strings
Arg : Arrayref to array of array of transcripts
Function : removes redundant transcripts by comparing their exon-hashkeys
Returns : Arrayref to Array of Transcripts