bin ConfBuilder
SummaryPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
WebCvsRaw content
Package variables
No package variables defined.
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub makeCopyDirectories {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	my $path = $OPTIONS{htdocs}.'/'.$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}.'/mview/';
	system("mkdir -p $path");
	my $source = $OPTIONS{htdocs}.'/martview/*';
	my $destination = $path;
	system("cp -r $source $destination");
#	print "\nPATH:  ",$path, "\n";
# print "\nSOURCE: ",$source, "\n";
sub makeDSN {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	my $dsnFile = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/dsn.PLS";
	undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
open(STDDSN,"$dsnFile"); my $fileContents = <STDDSN> ; close STDDSN; my $dasRegistry .= qq//<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>
<!DOCTYPE DASDSN SYSTEM \"http:\/\/\/dtd\/dasdsn.dtd\">
foreach my $datasetName (@{$OPTIONS{'dasDatasets'}}) { $dasRegistry .= qq//<DSN>
<SOURCE id=\"$datasetName\" version=\"default\">$datasetName<\/SOURCE>
} $dasRegistry .= qq /<\/DASDSN>/; $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:dasSources\]/$dasRegistry/m; $dsnFile = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/dsn"; open(STDDSN, ">$dsnFile"); print STDDSN $fileContents; close(STDDSN); chmod 0755, $dsnFile;
sub makeFeatures {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/features.PLS"; open(STDFEATURES, "$file"); my $fileContents = <STDFEATURES> ; close(STDFEATURES); #print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths; if ($OPTIONS{libdirs}) { foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}}) { $libPaths .= qq//use lib "$path";\n/;
} } $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/mg; ##---------------- replacing [TAG:conf]
if ($OPTIONS{conf}) { my $confFile = qq//$OPTIONS{conf}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:conf\]/$confFile/mg; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host}) { my $server_host = qq//$OPTIONS{server_host}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$server_host/mg; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation}) { my $cgiLocation = qq//$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$cgiLocation/mg; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port}) { my $server_port; if($OPTIONS{proxy}) { $server_port = qq//$OPTIONS{proxy}/;
} else { $server_port = qq//$OPTIONS{server_port}/;
} $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$server_port/mg; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:log_dir]
my $logDir = qq//$OPTIONS{logDir}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:log_dir\]/$logDir/m; $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/features"; open(STDFEATURES, ">$file"); print STDFEATURES $fileContents; close(STDFEATURES); chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartResults {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martresults.PLS"; open(STDMARTRES, "$file"); my $fileContents = <STDMARTRES> ; close(STDMARTRES); #print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths; if ($OPTIONS{libdirs}) { foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}}) { $libPaths .= qq//use lib "$path";\n/;
} } $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/m; $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martresults"; open(STDMARTRES, ">$file"); print STDMARTRES $fileContents; close(STDMARTRES); chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartService {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martservice.PLS"; open(STDMARTSERVICE, "$file"); my $fileContents = <STDMARTSERVICE> ; close(STDMARTSERVICE); #print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths; if ($OPTIONS{libdirs}) { foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}}) { $libPaths .= qq//use lib "$path";\n/;
} } $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/m; ##---------------- replacing [TAG:conf]
if ($OPTIONS{conf}) { my $confFile = qq//\$CONF_FILE = '$OPTIONS{conf}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:conf\]/$confFile/m; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host}) { my $server_host = qq//\$server_host = '$OPTIONS{server_host}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$server_host/m; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation}) { my $cgiLocation = qq//\$cgiLocation = '$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$cgiLocation/m; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port}) { my $server_port; if($OPTIONS{proxy}) { $server_port = qq//\$server_port = '$OPTIONS{proxy}';\n/;
} else { $server_port = qq//\$server_port = '$OPTIONS{server_port}';\n/;
} $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$server_port/m; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:log_dir]
my $logDir = qq//\$log_Dir = '$OPTIONS{logDir}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:log_dir\]/$logDir/m; $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martservice"; open(STDMARTSERVICE, ">$file"); print STDMARTSERVICE $fileContents; close(STDMARTSERVICE); chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartSoap {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	my $mart_registry = $OPTIONS{registryObj};
	undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martsoap.PLS"; open(STDMARTSERVICE, "$file"); my $fileContents = <STDMARTSERVICE> ; close(STDMARTSERVICE); #print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths; if ($OPTIONS{libdirs}) { foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}}) { $libPaths .= qq//use lib "$path";\n/;
} } $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/m; ##---------------- replacing [TAG:conf]
if ($OPTIONS{conf}) { my $confFile = qq//\$CONF_FILE = '$OPTIONS{conf}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:conf\]/$confFile/m; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host}) { my $server_host = qq//\$server_host = '$OPTIONS{server_host}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$server_host/m; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation}) { my $cgiLocation = qq//\$cgiLocation = '$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$cgiLocation/m; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port}) { my $server_port; if($OPTIONS{proxy}) { $server_port = qq//\$server_port = '$OPTIONS{proxy}';\n/;
} else { $server_port = qq//\$server_port = '$OPTIONS{server_port}';\n/;
} $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$server_port/m; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:log_dir]
my $logDir = qq//\$log_Dir = '$OPTIONS{logDir}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:log_dir\]/$logDir/m; $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS\]//m; $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martsoap"; open(STDMARTSERVICE, ">$file"); print STDMARTSERVICE $fileContents; close(STDMARTSERVICE); chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartView {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martview.PLS"; open(STDMARTVIEW, "$file"); my $fileContents = <STDMARTVIEW> ; close(STDMARTVIEW); #print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths; if ($OPTIONS{libdirs}) { foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}}) { $libPaths .= qq//use lib "$path";\n/;
} } $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/m; ##---------------- replacing [TAG:conf]
if ($OPTIONS{conf}) { my $confFile = qq//\$CONF_FILE = '$OPTIONS{conf}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:conf\]/$confFile/m; } $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martview"; open(STDMARTVIEW, ">$file"); print STDMARTVIEW $fileContents; close(STDMARTVIEW); chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartWSDL {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martwsdl.PLS"; open(STDMARTRES, "$file"); my $fileContents = <STDMARTRES> ; close(STDMARTRES); #print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host}) { $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$OPTIONS{server_host}/mg; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation}) { $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}/mg; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port}) { my $server_port; if($OPTIONS{proxy}) { $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$OPTIONS{proxy}/mg; } else { $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$OPTIONS{server_port}/mg; } } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:xx]
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS_OPERATION\]//mg; $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS_PORTTYPE\]//mg; $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS_MESSAGE\]//mg; $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martwsdl"; open(STDMARTRES, ">$file"); print STDMARTRES $fileContents; close(STDMARTRES); chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartXSD {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martxsd.PLS"; open(STDMARTRES, "$file"); my $fileContents = <STDMARTRES> ; close(STDMARTRES); #print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host}) { $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$OPTIONS{server_host}/mg; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation}) { $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}/mg; } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port}) { my $server_port; if($OPTIONS{proxy}) { $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$OPTIONS{proxy}/mg; } else { $fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$OPTIONS{server_port}/mg; } } ##---------------- replacing [TAG:xx]
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS\]//mg; $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martxsd"; open(STDMARTRES, ">$file"); print STDMARTRES $fileContents; close(STDMARTRES); chmod 0755, $file;
sub makehttpdConf {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
$OPTIONS{conf} =~ m/(.*\/)[^\/]*/;
my $confdir = $1; my $httpdConfFile = $1."httpd.conf"; open(STDHTTPD,">$httpdConfFile"); print STDHTTPD qq//
PidFile logs\/
Timeout 300
KeepAlive Off
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 2
MaxSpareServers 2
StartServers 2
MaxClients 30
MaxRequestsPerChild 400

DirectoryIndex index.html

TypesConfig conf\/mime.types
DefaultType text\/plain
AddType image\/gif .gif
AddType image\/png .png
AddType image\/jpeg .jpg .jpeg
AddType text\/css .css
AddType text\/html .html .htm
AddType text\/xml .xml
AddType text\/plain .asc .txt
AddType application\/pdf .pdf
AddType application\/x-gzip .gz .tgz
AddType application\/ .xls

ErrorLog logs\/error_log
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "
%h %l %u %t \\"%r\\" %>s %b" combined
CustomLog logs\/access_log combined
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl} && $OPTIONS{httpd_modperl} eq 'DSO') { print STDHTTPD qq//
LoadModule perl_module
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath_modules}) { foreach (@{$OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath_modules}}) { print STDHTTPD qq//
$_ /
} } } ## for mod_gzip Apache 1.3 only
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath_modules}) { foreach (@{$OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath_modules}}) { print STDHTTPD qq//
$_ /
} } } if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl} ) { print STDHTTPD qq//
if($OPTIONS{libdirs}) { foreach (@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}}) { print STDHTTPD qq//
use lib '
$_'; /
} } foreach (@{$OPTIONS{modules_in_dist}}) { print STDHTTPD qq//
require "
$_"; /
} print STDHTTPD qq//
#warn "MartView:: Initializing master Mart registry";
eval { my \
$init = BioMart::Initializer->new(registryFile => '$OPTIONS{conf}');
$main::BIOMART_REGISTRY = \$init->getRegistry() || die "Can't get registry from initializer";
} ## APACHE 1.3 compression
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { print STDHTTPD qq//
<IfModule mod_gzip.c>
mod_gzip_on Yes
mod_gzip_can_negotiate Yes
mod_gzip_static_suffix .gz
AddEncoding gzip .gz
mod_gzip_update_static No
mod_gzip_command_version '\/mod_gzip_status'
mod_gzip_temp_dir \/tmp
mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No
mod_gzip_handle_methods GET POST
mod_gzip_dechunk yes
mod_gzip_min_http 1000
mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 1000
mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 3000000
mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 60000

# which files are to be compressed?
# The order of processing during each of both phases is not important,
# but to trigger the compression of a request's content this request
# a) must match at least one include rule in each of both phases and
# b) must not match an exclude rule in any of both phases.
# These rules are not minimal, they are meant to serve as example only.
# phase 1: (reqheader, uri, file, handler)
# ========================================
# (see chapter about caching for problems when using 'reqheader' type
# filter rules.)
# NO: special broken browsers which request for gzipped content
# but then aren't able to handle it correctly
mod_gzip_item_exclude reqheader "User-agent: Mozilla\/4.0[678]"
# JA: HTML-Dokumente
mod_gzip_item_include file \\.html\$
mod_gzip_item_include file \\.biomart\$
mod_gzip_item_include uri .

# NO: include files \/ JavaScript & CSS (due to Netscape4 bugs)
mod_gzip_item_exclude file \\.js\$
mod_gzip_item_exclude file \\.css\$
mod_gzip_item_exclude file \\.gz\$
mod_gzip_item_exclude file \\.xls\$

# YES: CGI scripts
mod_gzip_item_include file \\.pl\$
mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-script\$
# phase 2: (mime, rspheader)
# ===========================
# YES: normal HTML files, normal text files, Apache directory listings
#mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text\/html\$
#mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text\/plain\$
#mod_gzip_item_include mime ^httpd\/unix-directory\$

mod_gzip_item_include mime .

#mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application\/

# NO: images (GIF etc., will rarely ever save anything)
mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image\/

mod_gzip_send_vary Yes
} print STDHTTPD qq//
DocumentRoot "
<Location \/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

ScriptAlias \/
$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martview "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martview"
<Location \/

AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+') { print STDHTTPD qq//
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
## zip both input and output
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
SetInputFilter DEFLATE
## donot zip already zipped files
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \\.(?:exe|t?gz|zip|bz2|sit|rar)\$ no-gzip dont-vary
} if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl}) { print STDHTTPD qq//SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
} elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
} } print STDHTTPD qq//
Options +ExecCGI
print STDHTTPD qq//
ScriptAlias \/
$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martservice "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martservice"
<Location \/
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl}) { print STDHTTPD qq// SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
} elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
} } print STDHTTPD qq//
Options +ExecCGI
print STDHTTPD qq//
ScriptAlias \/
$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martsoap "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martsoap"
<Location \/
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl}) { print STDHTTPD qq// SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
} elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
} } print STDHTTPD qq//
Options +ExecCGI
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
print STDHTTPD qq//
ScriptAlias \/
$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martwsdl "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martwsdl"
<Location \/
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
print STDHTTPD qq//
ScriptAlias \/
$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martxsd "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martxsd"
<Location \/
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
print STDHTTPD qq//
ScriptAlias \/
$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martresults "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martresults"
<Location \/
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl}) { print STDHTTPD qq// SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
} elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
} } print STDHTTPD qq//
Options +ExecCGI
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl}) { print STDHTTPD qq//
<Location \/
print STDHTTPD qq//
SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlHandler Apache::status/;
} elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlHandler Apache2::Status/;
} print STDHTTPD qq//
} close(STDHTTPD);
sub printOptions {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;	
	foreach my $key (keys %OPTIONS)
		if($key eq 'modules_in_dist' || $key eq 'libdirs')
			print "\n", $key, "\t\t >>>> ", @{$OPTIONS{$key}}, "\n";
			print "\n", $key, "\t\t >>>> ", $OPTIONS{$key}, "\n";


sub updatehttpdConf {
	my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
	$OPTIONS{conf} =~ m/(.*\/)[^\/]*/;	
my $confdir = $1; my $httpdConfFile = $1."httpd.conf"; open(STDHTTPD,">>$httpdConfFile"); foreach my $datasetName (@{$OPTIONS{'dasDatasets'}}) { #print "\n$datasetName";
print STDHTTPD qq//
ScriptAlias \/
$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/das\/$datasetName\/features "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/features"
<Location \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/das\/$datasetName\/features>
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl}) { print STDHTTPD qq// SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
} elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
} } print STDHTTPD qq//
Options +ExecCGI
} # end of foreach
# Now adding location for server/location/das/dsn file
print STDHTTPD qq//
ScriptAlias \/
$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/das\/dsn "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/dsn"
<Location \/
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl}) { print STDHTTPD qq// SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
} elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+') { print STDHTTPD qq//PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
} } print STDHTTPD qq//
Options +ExecCGI
General documentation
AUTHOR - Arek Kasprzyk, Syed Haider, Richard Holland, Damian SmedleyTop
This module is part of the BioMart project
Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list: