Bio::Align Utilities
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Bio::Align::Utilities - A collection of utilities regarding converting and manipulating alignment objects
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
use Bio::Align::Utilities qw(aa_to_dna_aln);
my $dna_aln = aa_to_dna_aln($aaaln,\%dnaseqs);
This module contains utility methods for manipulating sequence
alignments ( Bio::Align::AlignI) objects.
The aa_to_dna_aln utility is essentially the same as the mrtrans
program by Bill Pearson available at Of course this
is a pure-perl implementation, but just to mention that if anything
seems odd you can check the alignments generated against Bill's
Methods description
aa_to_dna_alncode    nextTop
 Title   : aa_to_dna_aln
Usage : my $dnaaln = aa_to_dna_aln($aa_aln, \%seqs);
Function: Will convert an AA alignment to DNA space given the
corresponding DNA sequences. Note that this method expects
the DNA sequences to be in frame +1 (GFF frame 0) as it will
start to project into coordinates starting at the first base of
the DNA sequence, if this alignment represents a different
frame for the cDNA you will need to edit the DNA sequences
to remove the 1st or 2nd bases (and revcom if things should be).
Returns : Bio::Align::AlignI object
Args : 2 arguments, the alignment and a hashref.
Alignment is a Bio::Align::AlignI of amino acid sequences.
The hash reference should have keys which are
the display_ids for the aa
sequences in the alignment and the values are a
Bio::PrimarySeqI object for the corresponding
spliced cDNA sequence.
See also: Bio::Align::AlignI, Bio::SimpleAlign, Bio::PrimarySeq
Methods code
sub aa_to_dna_aln {
    my ($aln,$dnaseqs) = @_;
    unless( defined $aln && 
	    ref($aln) &&
	    $aln->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI') ) { 
	croak('Must provide a valid Bio::Align::AlignI object as the first argument to aa_to_dna_aln, see the documentation for proper usage and the method signature');
    my $alnlen = $aln->length;
    #print "HSP length is $alnlen\n";
my $dnaalign = new Bio::SimpleAlign; foreach my $seq ( $aln->each_seq ) { my $newseq; my $dnaseq = $dnaseqs->{$seq->display_id} || croak("cannot find ". $seq->display_id); foreach my $pos ( 1..$alnlen ) { my $loc = $seq->location_from_column($pos); my $dna = ''; if( !defined $loc || $loc->location_type ne 'EXACT' ) { $dna = '---'; } else { # To readjust to codon boundaries
# end needs to be +1 so we can just multiply by CODONSIZE
# to get this
my ($start,$end) = ((($loc->start - 1)* CODONSIZE) +1, ($loc->end)* CODONSIZE); if( $start <=0 || $end > $dnaseq->length() ) { print STDERR "start is ", $loc->start, " end is ", $loc->end, " while dnaseq length is ", $dnaseq->length(), " and start/end projected are $start,$end\n "; warn("codons don't seem to be matching up for $start,$end"); $dna = '---'; } else { $dna = $dnaseq->subseq($start,$end); } } $newseq .= $dna; } # funky looking math is to readjust to codon boundaries and deal
# with fact that sequence start with 1
my $newdna = new Bio::LocatableSeq(-display_id => $seq->id(), -start => (($seq->start - 1) * CODONSIZE) + 1, -end => ($seq->end * CODONSIZE), -strand => $seq->strand, -seq => $newseq); $dnaalign->add_seq($newdna); } return $dnaalign; } 1;
General documentation
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AUTHOR - Jason StajichTop
Additional contributors names and emails here
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _