Bio::Seq QualI
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Bio::Seq::QualI - Interface definition for a Bio::Seq::Qual
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
    # get a Bio::Seq::Qual compliant object somehow
# to test this is a seq object $obj->isa("Bio::Seq::QualI") || $obj->throw("$obj does not implement the Bio::Seq::QualI interface"); # accessors $string = $obj->qual(); $substring = $obj->subqual(12,50); $display = $obj->display_id(); # for human display $id = $obj->primary_id(); # unique id for this object, implementation defined $unique_key= $obj->accession_number(); # unique biological id
This object defines an abstract interface to basic quality
information. PrimaryQual is an object just for the quality and its
name(s), nothing more. There is a pure perl implementation of this in
Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual. If you just want to use Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual
objects, then please read that module first. This module defines the
interface, and is of more interest to people who want to wrap their own
Perl Objects/RDBs/FileSystems etc in way that they "are" bioperl quality
objects, even though it is not using Perl to store the sequence etc.
This interface defines what bioperl consideres necessary to "be" a
sequence of qualities, without providing an implementation of this. (An
implementation is provided in Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual). If you want to
provide a Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual 'compliant' object which in fact wraps
another object/database/out-of-perl experience, then this is the correct
thing to wrap, generally by providing a wrapper class which would inheriet
from your object and this Bio::Seq::QualI interface. The wrapper
class then would have methods lists in the "Implementation Specific
Functions" which would provide these methods for your object.
Methods description
_attempt_to_load_Seqcode    nextTop
 Title   : _attempt_to_load_Seq
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args :
 Title   : accession_number()
Usage : $unique_biological_key = $obj->accession_number(); _or_
$unique_biological_key = $obj->accession_number($new_acc_num);
Function: Returns the unique biological id for a sequence, commonly
called the accession_number. For sequences from established
databases, the implementors should try to use the correct
accession number. Notice that primary_id() provides the unique id
for the implemetation, allowing multiple objects to have the same
accession number in a particular implementation. For sequences
with no accession number, this method should return "unknown".
Returns : A string.
Args : If an arg is provided, it will replace the existing
accession_number in the object.
 Title   : can_call_new()
Usage : if( $obj->can_call_new ) {
$newobj = $obj->new( %param );
Function: can_call_new returns 1 or 0 depending on whether an
implementation allows new constructor to be called. If a new
constructor is allowed, then it should take the followed hashed
constructor list.
$myobject->new( -qual => $quality_as_string,
-display_id => $id,
-accession_number => $accession,
Example :
Returns : 1 or 0
Args :
 Title   : desc()
Usage : $qual->desc($newval);
$description = $seq->desc();
Function: Get/set description text for a qual object
Example :
Returns : value of desc
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : display_id()
Usage : $id_string = $obj->display_id() _or_
$id_string = $obj->display_id($new_display_id);
Function: Returns the display id, aka the common name of the Quality
The semantics of this is that it is the most likely string to be
used as an identifier of the quality sequence, and likely to have
"human" readability. The id is equivalent to the ID field of the
GenBank/EMBL databanks and the id field of the Swissprot/sptrembl
database. In fasta format, the >(\S+) is presumed to be the id,
though some people overload the id to embed other information.
Bioperl does not use any embedded information in the ID field,
and people are encouraged to use other mechanisms (accession field
for example, or extending the sequence object) to solve this.
Notice that $seq->id() maps to this function, mainly for
legacy/convience issues
Returns : A string
Args : If an arg is provided, it will replace the existing display_id
in the object.
 Title   : id()
Usage : $id = $qual->id()
Function: ID of the quality. This should normally be (and actually is in
the implementation provided here) just a synonym for display_id().
Example :
Returns : A string.
Args :
 Title   : length()
Usage : $length = $qual->length();
Function: Return the length of the array holding the quality values.
Under most circumstances, this should match the number of quality
values but no validation is done when the PrimaryQual object is
constructed and non-digits could be put into this array. Is this a
bug? Just enough rope...
Returns : A scalar (the number of elements in the quality array).
Args : None.
 Title   : primary_id()
Usage : $unique_implementation_key = $obj->primary_id(); _or_
$unique_implementation_key = $obj->primary_id($new_prim_id);
Function: Returns the unique id for this object in this implementation.
This allows implementations to manage their own object ids in a
way the implementaiton can control clients can expect one id to
map to one object. For sequences with no accession number, this
method should return a stringified memory location.
Returns : A string
Args : If an arg is provided, it will replace the existing
primary_id in the object.
 Title   : qual()
Usage : @quality_values = @{$obj->qual()};
Function: Returns the quality as a reference to an array containing the
quality values. The individual elements of the quality array are
not validated and can be any numeric value.
Returns : A reference to an array.
Status :
 Title   : qualat($position)
Usage : $quality = $obj->qualat(10);
Function: Return the quality value at the given location, where the
first value is 1 and the number is inclusive, ie 1-2 are the first
two bases of the sequence. Start cannot be larger than end but can
be equal.
Returns : A scalar.
Args : A position.
 Title   : qualtype()
Usage : if( $obj->qualtype eq 'phd' ) { /Do Something/ }
Function: At this time, this function is not used for
Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual objects. In fact, now it is a month later and
I just completed the Bio::Seq::SeqWithQuality object and this is
definitely deprecated.
Returns : Nothing. (not implemented)
Args : none
Status : Virtual
 Title   : revcom
Usage : @rev = @{$qual->revcom()};
Function: Produces a new Bio::Seq::QualI implementing object which
is reversed from the original quality array.
The id is the same id as the orginal sequence, and the accession number
is also indentical. If someone wants to track that this sequence has
been reversed, it needs to define its own extensions
To do an inplace edit of an object you can go: $qual = $qual->revcom(); This of course, causes Perl to handle the garbage collection of the old object, but it is roughly speaking as efficient as an inplace edit. Returns : A new (fresh) Bio::Seq::PrimaryQualI object Args : none
 Title   : subqual($start,$end)
Usage : @subset_of_quality_values = @{$obj->subseq(10,40)};
Function: returns the quality values from $start to $end, where the
first value is 1 and the number is inclusive, ie 1-2 are the first
two bases of the sequence. Start cannot be larger than end but can
be equal.
Returns : A reference to an array.
Args : a start position and an end position
 Title   : translate()
Usage : $protein_seq_obj = $dna_seq_obj->translate
#if full CDS expected:
$protein_seq_obj = $cds_seq_obj->translate(undef,undef,undef,undef,1);
Function: Completely useless in this interface.
Returns : Nothing.
Args : Nothing.
 Title   : trunc
Usage : $subseq = $myseq->trunc(10,100);
Function: Provides a truncation of a sequence,
Returns : a fresh Bio::Seq::QualI implementing object
Args : Two integers denoting first and last base of the sub-sequence.
Methods code
sub _attempt_to_load_Seq {
   my ($self) = @_;

   if( $main::{'Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual'} ) {
       return 1;
   } else {
       eval {
	   require Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual;
       if( $@ ) {
	   if( $self->can('throw') ) {
	       $self->throw("Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual could not be loaded for $self\nThis indicates that you are using Bio::Seq::PrimaryQualI without Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual loaded and without providing a complete solution\nThe most likely problem is that there has been a misconfiguration of the bioperl environment\nActual exception\n\n$@\n");
	   } else {
	       confess("Bio::Seq::PrimarySeq could not be loaded for $self\nThis indicates that you are usnig Bio::Seq::PrimaryQualI without Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual loaded and without providing a complete solution\nThe most likely problem is that there has been a misconfiguration of the bioperl environment\nActual exception\n\n$@\n");
	   return 0;
       return 1;
sub accession_number {
   my ($self,@args) = @_;

   if( $self->can('throw') ) {
       $self->throw("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of seq - implementing class did not provide this method");
   } else {
       confess("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of seq - implementing class did not provide this method");
sub can_call_new {
   my ($self,@args) = @_;
   # we default to 0 here
return 0;
sub desc {
   my ($self,$value) = @_;
   if( $self->can('warn') ) {
       $self->warn("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of desc - implementing class did not provide this method");
   } else {
       warn("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of desc - implementing class did not provide this method");
   return '';

#  These methods are here for backward compatibility with the old, 0.5
# Seq objects. They all throw warnings that someone is using a
# deprecated method, and may eventually be removed completely from
# this object. However, they are important to ease the transition from
# the old system.
sub display_id {
   my ($self) = @_;

   if( $self->can('throw') ) {
       $self->throw("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of id - implementing class did not provide this method");
   } else {
       confess("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of id - implementing class did not provide this method");
sub id {
   my ($self)= @_;
   return $self->display_id();
sub length {
   my ($self)= @_;
   if( $self->can('throw') ) {
       $self->throw("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of length - implementing class did not provide this method");
   } else {
       confess("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of length - implementing class did not provide this method");
sub primary_id {
   my ($self,@args) = @_;

   if( $self->can('throw') ) {
       $self->throw("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of qual - implementing class did not provide this method");
   } else {
       confess("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of qual - implementing class did not provide this method");
sub qual {
   my ($self) = @_;
   if( $self->can('throw') ) {
       $self->throw("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of qual - implementing class did not provide this method");
   } else {
       confess("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of qual - implementing class did not provide this method");
sub qualat {
   my ($self,$value) = @_;
   if( $self->can('warn') ) {
       $self->warn("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of qualat - implementing class did not provide this method");
   } else {
       warn("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of qualat - implementing class did not provide this method");
   return '';
sub qualtype {
   my ($self,@args) = @_;
   if( $self->can('throw') ) {
	# $self->throw("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of qual - implementing class did not provide this method");
$self->throw("qualtypetype is not used with quality objects."); } else { # confess("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of qual - implementing class did not provide this method");
confess("qualtype is not used with quality objects."); } } 1;
sub revcom {
   my ($self) = @_;
		# this is the cleanest way
my @qualities = @{$self->seq()}; my @reversed_qualities = reverse(@qualities); my $seqclass; if($self->can_call_new()) { $seqclass = ref($self); } else { $seqclass = 'Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual'; # Wassat?
# $self->_attempt_to_load_Seq();
} # the \@reverse_qualities thing works simply because I will it to work.
my $out = $seqclass->new( '-qual' =>\@ reversed_qualities, '-display_id' => $self->display_id, '-accession_number' => $self->accession_number, '-desc' => $self->desc() ); return $out;
sub subqual {
   my ($self) = @_;

   if( $self->can('throw') ) {
       $self->throw("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of subqual - implementing class did not provide this method");
   } else {
       confess("Bio::Seq::QualI definition of subqual - implementing class did not provide this method");
sub translate {
	return 0;
sub trunc {
   my ($self,$start,$end) = @_;

   if( !$end ) {
       if( $self->can('throw')  ) {
	   $self->throw("trunc start,end");
       } else {
	   confess("[$self] trunc start,end");

   if( $end < $start ) {
       if( $self->can('throw')  ) {
	   $self->throw("$end is smaller than $start. if you want to truncated and reverse complement, you must call trunc followed by revcom. Sorry.");
       } else {
	   confess("[$self] $end is smaller than $start. If you want to truncated and reverse complement, you must call trunc followed by revcom. Sorry.");

   my $r_qual = $self->subqual($start,$end);

   my $seqclass;
   if($self->can_call_new()) {
       $seqclass = ref($self);
   } else {
       $seqclass = 'Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual';
		# wassat?
# $self->_attempt_to_load_Seq();
} my $out = $seqclass->new( '-qual' => $r_qual, '-display_id' => $self->display_id, '-accession_number' => $self->accession_number, '-desc' => $self->desc() ); return $out;
General documentation
Mailing ListsTop
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.          - General discussion - About the mailing lists
Reporting BugsTop
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email
or the web:
AUTHOR - Chad MatsallaTop
This module is heavily based on Bio::Seq::PrimarySeq and is modeled after
or outright copies sections of it. Thanks Ewan!
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Implementation Specific FunctionsTop
These functions are the ones that a specific implementation must
Optional Implementation FunctionsTop
The following functions rely on the above functions. A implementing
class does not need to provide these functions, as they will be
provided by this class, but is free to override these functions.
All of revcom(), trunc(), and translate() create new sequence
objects. They will call new() on the class of the sequence object
instance passed as argument, unless can_call_new() returns FALSE. In
the latter case a Bio::PrimarySeq object will be created. Implementors
which really want to control how objects are created (eg, for object
persistence over a database, or objects in a CORBA framework), they
are encouraged to override these methods
Private functionsTop
These are some private functions for the PrimarySeqI interface. You do not
need to implement these functions