TOC for bioperl-live::Bio
AlignIOHandler for AlignIO Formats
AnalysisIAn interface to any (local or remote) analysis tool
AnalysisParserIGeneric analysis output parser interface
AnalysisResultIInterface for analysis result objects
AnnotatableIthe base interface an annotatable object must implement
AnnotationCollectionIInterface for annotation collections
AnnotationIAnnotation interface
BiblioA Bibliographic Query Service module
ClusterICluster Interface
ClusterIOHandler for Cluster Formats
DBLinkContainerIAbstract interface for any object wanting to use database cross references
DasIDAS-style access to a feature database
DescribableIinterface for objects with human readable names and descriptions
FeatureHolderIthe base interface an object with features must implement
GraphicsGenerate GD images of Bio::Seq objects
IdCollectionIinterface for objects with multiple identifiers
IdentifiableIinterface for objects with identifiers
LocatableSeqA Sequence object with start/end points on it that can be projected into a MSA or have coordinates relative to another seq.
LocationIAbstract interface of a Location on a Sequence
MapIOA Map Factory object
OntologyIOParser factory for Ontology formats
PerlFunctional access to BioPerl for people who don't know objects
PrimarySeqBioperl lightweight Sequence Object
PrimarySeqI[Developers] - Interface definition for a Bio::PrimarySeq
RangePure perl RangeI implementation
RangeIRange interface
SearchDistA perl wrapper around Sean Eddy's histogram object
SearchIODriver for parsing Sequence Database Searches (Blast,FASTA,...)
SeqSequence object, with features
SeqAnalysisParserISequence analysis output parser interface
SeqFeatureIAbstract interface of a Sequence Feature
SeqI[Developers] - Abstract Interface of Sequence (with features)
SeqIOHandler for SeqIO Formats
SeqUtilsAdditional methods for PrimarySeq objects
SimpleAlignMultiple alignments held as a set of sequences
SpeciesGeneric species object
TaxonomyConversion used bt the Taxonomy classes
TreeIOParser for Tree files
UpdateableSeqIDescendant of Bio::SeqI that allows updates