AlignIO | Handler for AlignIO Formats |
AnalysisI | An interface to any (local or remote) analysis tool |
AnalysisParserI | Generic analysis output parser interface |
AnalysisResultI | Interface for analysis result objects |
AnnotatableI | the base interface an annotatable object must implement |
AnnotationCollectionI | Interface for annotation collections |
AnnotationI | Annotation interface |
Biblio | A Bibliographic Query Service module |
ClusterI | Cluster Interface |
ClusterIO | Handler for Cluster Formats |
DBLinkContainerI | Abstract interface for any object wanting to use
database cross references |
DasI | DAS-style access to a feature database |
DescribableI | interface for objects with human readable names and descriptions |
FeatureHolderI | the base interface an object with features must implement |
Graphics | Generate GD images of Bio::Seq objects |
IdCollectionI | interface for objects with multiple identifiers |
IdentifiableI | interface for objects with identifiers |
JobI | |
LocatableSeq | A Sequence object with start/end points on it
that can be projected into a MSA or have coordinates relative to another seq. |
LocationI | Abstract interface of a Location on a Sequence |
MapIO | A Map Factory object |
OntologyIO | Parser factory for Ontology formats |
Perl | Functional access to BioPerl for people who don't know objects |
PrimarySeq | Bioperl lightweight Sequence Object |
PrimarySeqI | [Developers] - Interface definition for a Bio::PrimarySeq |
Range | Pure perl RangeI implementation |
RangeI | Range interface |
SearchDist | A perl wrapper around Sean Eddy's histogram object |
SearchIO | Driver for parsing Sequence Database Searches (Blast,FASTA,...) |
Seq | Sequence object, with features |
SeqAnalysisParserI | Sequence analysis output parser interface |
SeqFeatureI | Abstract interface of a Sequence Feature |
SeqI | [Developers] - Abstract Interface of Sequence (with features) |
SeqIO | Handler for SeqIO Formats |
SeqUtils | Additional methods for PrimarySeq objects |
SimpleAlign | Multiple alignments held as a set of sequences |
Species | Generic species object |
Taxonomy | Conversion used bt the Taxonomy classes |
TreeIO | Parser for Tree files |
UpdateableSeqI | Descendant of Bio::SeqI that allows updates |