Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable ExonerateProbe
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Package variables
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Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
  my $runnable = 
-query_seqs => \@q_seqs,
-query_type => 'dna',
-target_seqs => \@t_seqs,
-options => $options,
$runnable->run; #create and fill Bio::Seq object my @results = $runnable->output;
This module handles a specific use of the Exonerate (G. Slater) program, to
align probes to a target genome. (The resulting alignments will be stored in an
ansembl Funcgen db as Bio::EnsEMBL::ProbeFeature objects.)
NOTE: the ProbeFeature objects refer to Probe id's, and they in turn
refer to ArrayChip and Array id's. Hence, Arrays, ArrayChips and Probes
should be pre-loaded into the ensembl db: there are separate RunnableDB
/RunnableDB's to do this from the Affymetrix data sets r use the EFG Importer
to load other arrays e.g. Nimblegen or Sanger.
This runnable just creates fake Probes in order to create reasonable-looking
affy features???????
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Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub filter_method {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'filter_method'};

# Create affy features attached to 'fake' affy array's and affy probe
# objects: these are identified by name only, and are then persisted by
# runnabledb: the runnabledb can sort out whether the attached probe/array
# is valid (exists in the db).
sub filter_mismatches {
  my ($self, $query_match_length, $q_length, $score) = @_;

  my $mismatch;
  #score is + 5 for a match, -4 for mismatch: hence -9 from total score for one mismatch.
my $full_score = $q_length * 5; # Should add this as a config var?
#my $mismatch_length = $q_length - 1;
#my $mismatch_score = $mismatch_length * 5;
#Can we not rewrite this to use the allowed mismatches conf var
#We could just use the mismatch output instead of calculating all this nonsense!
#Then we just build the soft cigar line from the info string and the match length query start!
if($query_match_length == $q_length){ if($score == $full_score){ $mismatch = 0; } } if(! defined $mismatch){ my $max_mismatch = $self->max_mismatches; for my $i(1..$max_mismatch){ my $mismatch_length = $q_length - $i; my $mismatch_score = $mismatch_length * 5; if($query_match_length == $q_length){ if ($score == ($full_score - ($i*9))) { $mismatch = $i; } } elsif($query_match_length == $mismatch_length){ $mismatch = $i if ($score == $mismatch_score); } } } return $mismatch; } #This simply contains/returns the coderef which has been set to an internal method or sub specified in the RunnableDB config
#And passed to ExonerateProbe via the -filter_method param.
sub make_feature {
  my ($self, @args) = @_;
  #huh? Isn't this assign self to $tag?
my ( $tag, $q_id, $q_start, $q_end, $q_strand, $t_id, $t_start, $t_end, $t_strand, $score, $q_length, $query_match_length ) = @_; #because of the 'in-between' coordinates.???
$t_start += 1; #What about t_end and q_start/end?
my $probe_internal_id = $q_id; my $mismatch_count; if(!($probe_internal_id =~ /\d+/)){ throw "Probe headers MUST be the internal db ids of the Probes for this parser to work!\n"; } #we need to full unmatched query length to calculat the mismatches!
#Can't assume will always be
#If we miss by more than one, don't create the feature.
#This is based on 25mers
#we need to be able to adapt this for a % hit
#This should be calculated based on % id?
#score is + 5 for a match -4 for mismatch: hence -9 from total score for one mismatch.
#if($query_match_length == $q_length){
#if($score == 125){#25mers
# if($score == 250){ #50mers
# $mismatch_count = 0;
#}elsif ($score == 116) {
#}elsif ($score == 241) {#50mer 98%
# $mismatch_count = 1;
#}elsif ($score == 232) {#50mer 96%
# $mismatch_count = 2;
#} else {
# return undef;
#}elsif($query_match_length == $q_length -1){
# if ($score == 120) {
#if ($score == 245) {#50mer 100% over 49 bases
# $mismatch_count = 1;
#}elsif ($score == 236) {#50mer just under 98% over 49 bases
# $mismatch_count = 2;
# }
# else {
# return undef;
# }
#elsif($query_match_length == $q_length -2){#50mers only!
# if($score == 240){
# $mismatch_count=2;
# }
# return undef;
#100% ID for tiling arrays
if(($query_match_length == $q_length) && $score == 250){ $mismatch_count = 0; } else { return undef; } #98 % = 241 for 50 mers
#Create a dummy probe object to pass out. It must be checked and
#replaced by the parent runnabledb before being stored.
#my $probe =
# new Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Probe(
# -dbID =>$q_id,
# -name => "replace this probe name",
# -arrayname => "replace this array name",
# );
# Everything is 'flipped' into the forward strand of the probe -
# so a hit on the reverse strand of the probe (q_strand = '-1')
# is altered: q_strand = '+1' and t_strand => -1 x t_strand.
if($q_strand eq '+'){ if($t_strand eq '+'){ $t_strand = 1; }elsif($t_strand eq '-'){ $t_strand = -1; }else{ throw "unrecognised target strand symbol: $t_strand\n"; } }elsif($q_strand eq '-'){ if($t_strand eq '-'){ $t_strand = 1; }elsif($t_strand eq '+'){ $t_strand = -1; }else{ throw "unrecognised target strand symbol: $t_strand\n"; } }else{ throw "unrecognised query strand symbol: $q_strand\n"; } my $feature = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ProbeFeature( #-probe => $probe,
-probe_id => $q_id, -start => $t_start, -end => $t_end, -strand => $t_strand, -mismatchcount => $mismatch_count, ); # attach the slice name onto the feature: let the runnabledb
# sort out whether it's valid.
$feature->seqname($t_id); return $feature; } 1;
sub mapping_type {
  return $_[0]->{mapping_type};

# Implementation of method in abstract superclass
sub max_mismatches {
  return $_[0]->{max_mismatches};
sub new {
  my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
  #my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
#slightly rearranged order as we want to pass some different defaults to BaseExonerate
my ($max_mismatches, $mapping_type, $basic_options) = rearrange(['max_mismatches', 'mapping_type', 'basic_options'], @args); my %basic_opts; #We could change mapping_type to same_strand hits filter
#As this is the only thing we're using it for here
if(! defined $basic_options){ #parse result depends on the output format options
#only override if you intend overload or rewrite the parse_results method.
#Now let's reset the default BaseExonerate options to remove vulgar and add scores
#RESULT: 3020922 0 50 + ENSMUST00000111559 964 1014 + 250 100.00 50 3184 0 scores:0:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:0:
$basic_opts{'-basic_options'} = "--showsugar false --showvulgar false --showalignment false --ryo\" RESULT: %S %pi %ql %tl %em scores:{%Ps:}\\n\" "; } my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args, %basic_opts); if(! defined $max_mismatches){ throw("Must provide a -max_mismatches parameter e.g. 0, 1 or 2"); } if(! (defined $mapping_type && $mapping_type =~ /genomic|transcript/)){ throw("Must provide a valid -mapping_type parameter e.g. genomic or transcript"); } #reset to the new default exonerate
if (not $self->program) { #This is an architecture specific build path
$self->program('/lustre/work1/ensembl/gs2/local/x86_64/bin/exonerate'); } #if(! (defined $filter_method && (ref($filter_method) ne 'CODE' || $self->can($filter_method)))){
# throw('You must pass a -filter_method name or CODEREF to filter the ProbeFeatures');
# }
##Set code ref or pointer to internal method
#We will always have explicitly pass self to the coderef
#$self->{'filter_method'} = (ref($filter_method) eq 'CODE') ? $filter_method : $self->can($filter_method);
$self->{'max_mismatches'} = $max_mismatches; $self->{'mapping_type'} = $mapping_type; return $self;
sub parse_results {
  my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
  my @features;
  #my $filter_method = $self->{'match_rules'};
#my $filter_method = $self->filter_method;
#No, now uses code ref to allow definition in config
#print "Parsing results from fh ".Data::Dumper::Dumper($fh)."\n";
my ($tag, $probe_id, $q_start, $q_end, $q_strand, $t_id, $t_start, $t_end, $t_strand, $score, $tscore, $perc_id, $q_length, $t_length, $mismatch_count, $scores, $match_length, $align_mismatch, $total_mismatches, $tmp); my $max_mismatches = $self->max_mismatches; my $mapping_type = $self->mapping_type; while (<$fh>){ #print STDERR $_ if $self->_verbose;
next unless /^RESULT:/; chomp; #Vulgar blocks are also report in in-between coords! So need to add 1(only to start???)
#Shows the alignments in "vulgar" format. Vulgar is Verbose Useful Labelled Gapped Alignment Report, This format also starts with the same 9 fields as sugar output (see above), and is followed by a series of <label, query_length, target_length> triplets. The label may be one of the following:
# M Match
# G Gap
# N Non-equivalenced region
# 5 5' splice site
# 3 3' splice site
# I Intron
# S Split codon
# F Frameshift
#Should always be M probe_length target_length(which would be equal to probe length for ungapped alignment))
#Can we have a way of dynamically linking the ryo string to a particular method?
#We shouldn't need different formats!!!
#RESULT: %S %pi %ql %tl %em scores:{%Ps:}\n
#RESULT: 3020922 0 50 + ENSMUST00000111559 964 1014 + 250 100.00 50 3184 0 scores:0:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:0:
#So we use %em to figure out if we don't have a perfect match, then we use %em the info string to figure out where the mismatches are
#< 25M effectively means mismatches at the start of end of a query sequence
print $_."\n"; (undef, $probe_id, $q_start, $q_end, $q_strand, $t_id, $t_start, $t_end, $t_strand, $score, $perc_id, $q_length, $t_length, $mismatch_count, $scores) = split; #Let's validate output formats somehow?
#$gene_orientation always .?
#, $match_type, $query_match_length, $target_match_length, @rest_of_vulgar #vulgar blocks
#query strand should always be +?
#Do we really need vulgar?
#We never get anything than M N N for ungapped alignments?
# throw ("There is more than a simple match ('M') vulgar output:\n".
# "$match_type $query_match_length $target_match_length @rest_of_vulgar\n".
# "for affy tag $probe_id mapped to region $t_id \n");
#if(!($match_type eq 'M')){
# throw "I have received a starting Vulgar symbol $match_type which is not a match!";
#1 25 + ENSMUST00000115314 1593 1617 + 120 100.00 25 3173 . 0 M 24 24
#0 25 + ENSMUST00000109902 2318 2343 + 116 96.00 25 2449 . 1 M 25 25
#because of the 'in-between' coordinates.???
$t_start += 1; #What about t_end?
#Not all seem to be inbetween:
#0 25 -represents 1-25 of a 25mer
#Only seems to affect start!
#what about query? We also need to add to query if we were using it.
if(!($probe_id =~ /\d+/)){ throw "Probe headers MUST be the internal db ids of the Probes for this parser to work!\n"; } #We could filter here for -ve strand on transcripts, unless we want to capture this infor for antisense transcription?
#But this may not follow cdna, so genomic alignment is fine for this.
#Would -ve to -ve alignments be valid? Yes, but they will never be report over +ve to +ve?
#SHouldn't this be filtered in the RunnableDB ProbeAlign and leave this to be generic?
if($mapping_type eq 'transcript' && $t_strand eq '-'){ if($q_strand eq '-'){ warn "Found -ve to -ve mapping for probe $probe_id, need to account for this"; } else{ next; } } #RESULT: 9379131 0 25 + chromosome:NCBIM37:16:1:98319150:1 33212985 33213010 + 116 96.00 25 98319150 1 scores:0:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:-4:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:5:0: at /nfs/acari/nj1/src/ensembl-analysi
#filter_emthod is FILTER_METHOD coderef set in the RunnableDB analysis config hash
#We don't need this filter method any more as we can simply us the query length - match_length + mismatch count!!!
#Will query start end always have full query length?
#How will we know full query length if we have different sized probes?
#my $mismatch_count = $self->filter_method($query_match_length, $q_length, $score);#, $cigar_line);
$match_length = $q_end - $q_start; $align_mismatch = $q_length - $match_length; #We also need to alter $t_end or $t_start if we have an align_mismatch!?
#Should we be reporting these align mismatches at the end?
#We simply need to know them for filtering
#We have no way of knowing the full query length if we don't pass the full length
#cigar line to the Runnable DB
#Storing the hanging mismatches is not incorrect, just non-sandard
#We would have to pass the probe length as part of the ProbeFeature
#to enable storage of query % ID
#Leave for now as we have no way of passing the query start stop to ProbeAlign
#hence we would lose where the flanking mismatch was.
$total_mismatches = $mismatch_count + $align_mismatch; my @soft_cigar_line; #5' unaligned
if($align_mismatch){ push @soft_cigar_line, $q_start.'m' if $q_start;#set this to the value of start if not 0
#We want to subtract from start if +ve hit
#else we want to add to end if -ve strand, end is actually start in ensembl terms
$t_start = ($t_strand eq '+') ? ($t_start - $q_start) : ($t_end + $q_start); } #mismatches
if($total_mismatches){ my @scores = split/:/, $scores; #remove scores:0
shift @scores; shift @scores; #remove last :0
pop @scores; #Is this quicker that a splice?
my $cnt = 0; my $prev_score = 5;#always starts with a match otherwise it wouldn't have been reported.
while($tscore = shift @scores){ if($tscore == $prev_score){ $cnt += 1; }else{ $tmp = ($prev_score == 5) ? $cnt.'M' : $cnt.'m'; push @soft_cigar_line, $tmp; $cnt = 1; $prev_score = $tscore; } } #handle last align length
$tmp = ($prev_score == 5) ? $cnt.'M' : $cnt.'m'; push @soft_cigar_line, $tmp; } #3' unaligned
if($align_mismatch != $q_start){ #Add end mismatch if
#not accounted for by 5' mismatch
my $three_mismatch = ($q_length - $q_end); push @soft_cigar_line, $three_mismatch.'m'; #Either add to end for +ve or subtract from ensembl start(which is end) for -ve
$t_end = ($t_strand eq '+') ? ($t_end + $three_mismatch) : ($t_start - $three_mismatch); } #Do we need to account for this?!!
#i.e. do we need to swap the t_start t_end?
#9381894 0 25 + ENSMUST00000039541 2799 2774 -
#We don't want -ve strand matches from transcripts?!
#Only valid -ve strand matches will be not cross introns
#So we are not interested in them for transcript mapping.
#Only for genomic mapping
if($total_mismatches <= $max_mismatches){ if($q_strand eq '+'){ if($t_strand eq '+'){ $t_strand = 1; #Alter start/end if we have flanking mismatches here or above?
} elsif($t_strand eq '-'){ $t_strand = -1; #Do we really want to do this?
#Are we interested in -ve strand exon hits?
#Isn't -ve strand transcription normally intronic?
#Yes but we may have an ST type array so we don't want to through these away.
($t_start, $t_end) = reverse($t_start, $t_end); #Reverse the cigar line
#As match scores are reported wrt to strand of hit
#And we want cigar line wrt to +ve strand of hit
@soft_cigar_line = reverse(@soft_cigar_line); } else{ throw "Unrecognised target strand symbol: $t_strand\n"; } } elsif($q_strand eq '-'){ throw('We have found a -ve query match'); #Exonerate only reports +ve query strand matches??? Really?
#Are we even interested in -ve query strand matches?
#if($t_strand eq '-'){
# $t_strand = 1;
#}elsif($t_strand eq '+'){
# $t_strand = -1;
# throw "unrecognised target strand symbol: $t_strand\n";
}else{ throw "unrecognised query strand symbol: $q_strand\n"; } #print "Creating ProbeFeature \n";
push @features, new Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ProbeFeature ( #-probe => $probe,
-probe_id => $probe_id, -start => $t_start, -end => $t_end, -strand => $t_strand, -mismatchcount => $total_mismatches, -cigar_line => join(':', @soft_cigar_line) || $match_length.'M', -seqname => $t_id, ); # attach the slice name onto the feature: let the runnabledb
# sort out whether it's valid.
} else{ warn "Feature from probe :$probe_id doesnt match well enough\n"; } } return\@ features; } #we need the full unmatched query length to calculat the mismatches!
#Can't assume will always be 25 or 50
#This should be calculated based on % id?
#This can now coderef'd in the analysis config hash
#Altho this obfuscates this module slighlty, it gather all element which need to be
#configured/added into one place, making this truly generic/extendable
General documentation