Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable Infernal
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
$verbose = 1
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
    my $runnable = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::Infernal->new
'-queries' => \@array_ref_of_dna_align_features,
'-analysis' => $self->analysis,
$output = $runnable->output;
Runnable for Infernal (Runs ncRNA analysis on blast hits).
Wraps cmsearch, part of the Infernal suite of programs by Sean Eddy.
Parses results to build non-coding gene objects and a representation
of secondary structure which is string length encoded and stored as a
transcript attribute
Methods description
get_descriptionscode    nextTop
  Title      : get_descriptions
Usage : $runnable->get_descriptions
Function : Fetches and stores predefined descriptions for each RFAM familly
: in the Rfam.descriptions file
Returns : none
Exceptions : Throws if it cannot open the descriptions file
Args : Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature
  Title      : get_sequence
Usage : my $seq = $runnable->get_sequence($dna_align_feature)
Function : Makes a BioPerl seq object containing the sequecnce for cmsearch to run on.
: Uses the original RFAM blast hit represented by a dna alignment feature and adds
: 5' and 3' flanking sequence based on predefined values set for each RFAM familly
: in the /data/blastdb/Rfam/Rfam.thr file
Returns : Bio::Seq object
Exceptions : None
Args : Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature
  Title      : get_thresholds
Usage : $runnable->get_thresholds
Function : Fetches and stores predefined thresholds set for each RFAM familly
: in the /data/blastdb/Rfam/Rfam.thr file
Returns : None
Exceptions : Throws if it cannot open the thresholds file
Args : Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature
  Title      : make_gene
Usage : my $gene = $runnable->make_gene($result_hash,$dna_align_feature)
Function : Creates the non coding gene object from the parsed result file.
: Takes all the results from the result file sorted by score and
: selects the highest scoring result that also overlaps the original BLAST hit
: Uses Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::RNAfold to create a structure
: line for the gene. The structure obtained from the cmsearch alignment
: is used to constrain the folding prediction made by RNAfold.
: Adds the encoded structure as a transript attribute and xrefs are
: made based on the original BLAST hit
Returns : Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene
Exceptions : None
Args : ref to array of hashes containing parsed cmsearch results
: Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature ($dna_align_feature)
  Title      : new
Usage : my $runnable = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::Infernal->new
Function : Instantiates new Infernal runnable
Returns : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::Infernal object
Exceptions : none
Args : Array ref of Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature objects
  Arg [1]   : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable
Arg [2] : hashref of output
Function : overrides runnable output method to allow storing of hash refs
Exceptions: throws if not passed an hashref
Example :
  Title      : parse_results
Usage : $runnable->parse_results(\@dna_align_features)
Function : Parses all cmsearch output: rejects alignments where score is below
: the threshold defined for the RFAM family in question.
: The thresholds are defined in the file /data/blastdb/Rfam/Rfam.thr.
: A dna_align_feature representing the initial RFAM blast hit is used to determine
: the family and position on the genome.
: Parses all the results (there can be more than one) and stores them in
: an array of hashes which is then sorted by the cmsearch score
Returns : None
Exceptions : Throws if it cannot find, open or close the cmsearch output
Args : ref to array of hashes
  Title      : parse_structure
Usage : my $structure = $runnable->parse_structure(\%hash_ref_containing_parsed_cmsearch_results)
Function : Parses cmsearch alignment to create a structure line which represents the
: predicted secondary structure of the ungaped sequence
Returns : String representing a run length encoded form of the structure line
Exceptions : Throws if it cannot find, open or close the cmsearch output
Args : ref to an array of hashes wrapping the cmsearch output alignment
  Title      : queries
Usage : my %queries = %$runnable->queries
Function : Get/ set for the dna alignfeatures defining as the query sequences for cmsearch
Returns : Hash reference
Exceptions : None
Args : Array reference of Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature
  Title      : run
Usage : my $runnable->run;
Function : Runs the runnable
Returns : None
Exceptions : Throws if no query sequence is provided
Args : None
  Title      : run_analysis
Usage : $runnable->run_analysis;
Function : Runs the analysis (cmsearch)
Returns : None
Exceptions : Throws in the event of cmsearch returning an error code
Args : None
  Title      : thresholds
Usage : my %thresholds = %$runnable->thresholds
Function : Get/ set for the cmsearch thresholds for each RFAM familly
Returns : Hash reference
Exceptions : None
Args : Hash Reference
Methods code
sub get_descriptions {
  my($self)= @_;
  my %descriptions;
  my $domain;
  my $name;
  # read descriptions file
return undef unless -e $self->analysis->db_file."/Rfam.seed"; open( T,$self->analysis->db_file."/Rfam.seed") or $self->throw("can't file the ".$self->analysis->db_file."/Rfam.seed file"); while(<T>) { chomp; if ($_ =~ /^\#=GF AC (.+)/){ $domain = $1; } if ($_ =~ /^\#=GF DE (.+)/){ $descriptions{$domain}{'description'} = $1; } if ($_ =~ /^\#=GF ID (.+)/){ $descriptions{$domain}{'name'} = $1; } } close T; return\% descriptions if scalar(keys %descriptions > 0); $self->throw("Unable to find descriptions"); return undef; } #################################################################
# Containers
sub get_sequence {
  my ($self,$daf)=@_;
  my $domain = substr($daf->hseqname,0,7);
  my %thresholds = %{$self->thresholds};
  my $slice = $daf->slice;
  my $padding = $thresholds{$domain}{'win'};
  my $old_start = $daf->start;
  my $old_end = $daf->end;
  print STDERR "Using padding of $padding\t"if $verbose;
  # add padding
$daf->start($daf->start-$padding); $daf->end($daf->end+$padding); my $seq = Bio::Seq->new( -seq => $daf->seq, -display_id => $domain, ); # remove padding
$daf->start($old_start); $daf->end($old_end); print STDERR " total seq length = "if $verbose;; print $seq->length."\n"if $verbose;; return $seq;
sub get_thresholds {
  my($self)= @_;
  # read threshold file
my %thr; # full thresholds
open( T,$self->analysis->db_file."/Rfam.thr" ) or $self->throw("can't file the Rfam.thr file"); while(<T>) { if( /^(RF\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/ ) { $thr{ $1 } = { 'id' => $2, 'thr' => $3, 'win' => $4, 'mode' => $5 }; } } close T; $self->thresholds(\%thr);
sub make_gene {
  my ($self,$results,$daf,$descriptions) = @_;
  my $domain = substr($daf->hseqname,0,7);
  my $description = $descriptions->{$domain}->{'description'};
  my $name = $descriptions->{$domain}->{'name'};
  my %thresholds = %{$self->thresholds};
  my $padding = $thresholds{$domain}{'win'};
  my %gene_hash;
  my $slice = $daf->slice;
  my @attributes;
  my ($start,$end,$strand,$str,$score,$exon);
  # step through all the results in order of score, highest first until
# you find a model that overlapping the blast hit
foreach my $result (@$results){ if ($daf->strand == 1){ $start = $daf->start - $padding + $result->{'start'} - 1 ; $end = $daf->start - $padding + $result->{'end'} - 1; } else { $start = $daf->end + $padding - $result->{'end'} + 1 ; $end = $daf->end + $padding - $result->{'start'} + 1; } $str = $result->{'str'}; $score = $result->{'score'}; # exons
# need to remove padding from exon coordinates to put them in the correct place
$exon = Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon->new ( -start => $start, -end => $end, -strand => $daf->strand, -slice => $slice, -phase => -1, -end_phase => -1 ); # reject if it falls of the start of the slice
next if ($exon->start < 1); # reject if it falls of the end of the slice
next if ($exon->end > $slice->length); # Only allow exons that overlap the origional dna_align_feature and
# have a secondary structure that is possible to parse
last if ($exon->overlaps($daf)); } # return undef if no suitable candidates are found
return unless ($exon->start >= 1); return unless ($exon->overlaps($daf)); # $daf->score($score);
$exon->add_supporting_features($daf); # transcripts
my $transcript = Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript->new; $transcript->add_Exon($exon); $transcript->start_Exon($exon); $transcript->end_Exon($exon); my $gene = Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new; #Biotypes
$gene->biotype("misc_RNA"); $gene->biotype("snRNA") if($description =~ /uclear/ or $description =~ /pliceosomal/ ); $gene->biotype("snoRNA") if($description =~ /ucleolar/); $gene->biotype("rRNA") if($description =~ /ibosomal/); $gene->confidence("NOVEL"); $gene->description($description." [Source: RFAM ".$self->analysis->db_version."]"); print STDERR "Rfam_id $domain ".$description."\n"if $verbose;; $gene->analysis($self->analysis); $gene->add_Transcript($transcript); $transcript->biotype($gene->biotype); # XREFS
my $xref = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry->new ( -primary_id => substr($daf->hseqname,0,7), -display_id => $name, -dbname => 'RFAM', -release => 1, -version => 0, -description => $description." [Source: RFAM ".$self->analysis->db_version."]", ); # Use RNA fold to tidy up the structure parsed from cmsearch results
my $seq = Bio::PrimarySeq->new( -display_id => $domain, -seq => $gene->seq, ); my $RNAfold = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::RNAFold->new ( -analysis => $self->analysis, -sequence => $seq, -structure => $str, ); $RNAfold->run; # return if there is no structure to display
return unless $RNAfold->structure; # get the final structure encoded by run length
my @final_str = @{$RNAfold->encoded_str}; foreach my $str (@final_str){ # add the transcript attribute to the gene hash
my $attribute = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new (-CODE => 'ncRNA', -NAME => 'Structure', -DESCRIPTION => 'RNA secondary structure line', -VALUE => $str ); push @attributes,$attribute; } # add the final structure to the gene as a transcript attribute
$gene_hash{'attrib'} =\@ attributes; $gene_hash{'gene'} = $gene; $gene_hash{'xref'} = $xref; print "Chosen hit and structure constraint : $start $end $strand $description $name\n$str\n"; return\% gene_hash;
sub new {
  my ($class,@args) = @_;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
  my ($queries,$thresholds) = rearrange(['QUERIES'], @args);
 return $self;
sub output {
  my ($self, $output) = @_;
    $self->{'output'} = [];
    throw("Must pass Runnable:output an hashref not a ".$output)
      unless(ref($output) eq 'HASH');
    push(@{$self->{'output'}}, $output);
  return $self->{'output'};
sub parse_results {
  my ($self, $daf) = @_;
  my @dafs;
  my $align;
  my $line =0;
  my $domain = substr($daf->hseqname,0,7);
  my %thresholds = %{$self->thresholds};
  my $threshold = $thresholds{$domain}{'thr'};
  print STDERR "Domain $domain has threshold $threshold\n" if $verbose;
  my $results = $self->resultsfile;
  my $ff = $self->feature_factory;
  if(!-e $results){
    $self->throw("Can't parse a  results file that dosen't exist ".$results.
          " Infernal:parse_results");
  my @results;
  my ($hit,$start,$end,$score,$strand,$str) =0;
  open(INFERNAL, $results) or $self->throw("FAILED to open ".$results.
				    " INFERNAL:parse_results");
 LINE: while(<INFERNAL>){
    if ($_ =~ /^hit/){
      if ($score &&  $threshold && $score > $threshold && $align->{'name'}){
	$str = $self->parse_structure($align);
	print STDERR "positve result at ".$daf->seq_region_name.":".$daf->seq_region_start."-".$daf->seq_region_end." strand ".
           $daf->strand."\n" if $verbose;
	push @results, {str => $str,
			score => $score,
			start => $start,
			end   => $end,
			strand=> $strand};		
      $align = {};
      $align->{'name'} = $domain ;
      $line = -1;
    if ($_ =~ /^CPU/){
      $line = -1;
    print STDERR "$line\t$_\n"if $verbose;
    if ($score && $score >= $threshold && $line >= 0){
      # parsing goes in 5 lines
# split the lines and store each element in a anonymous hash array
$line++; if ($_){ push @{$align->{'str'}} , split//,substr($_,11,60) if ($line == 1); push @{$align->{'target'}}, split//,substr($_,11,-9) if ($line == 2); push @{$align->{'match'}} , split//,substr($_,11,60) if ($line == 3); push @{$align->{'query'}} , split//,substr($_,11,-9) if ($line == 4); } else{ $line =0; } } if ($_ =~ /^hit\s+(\d+)\s+:\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).(\d+)\s+bits/){ $hit = $1; $start = $2; $end = $3; $score = $4+$5/100;
print STDERR "hit - $hit\nscore - $score\n" if $verbose;; if ($score >= $threshold){ if ($end < $start){ $strand = -1; my $temp = $end; $end = $start; $start = $temp; } else { $strand =1; } $line = 0; } else{ $line = -1; } } } if ($align->{'name'} && $score > $threshold){ print STDERR "positve result at ".$daf->seq_region_name.":".$daf->seq_region_start."-".$daf->seq_region_end." strand ". $daf->strand."\n" if $verbose; $str = $self->parse_structure($align); push @results, {str => $str, score => $score, start => $start, end => $end, strand=> $strand}; } close(INFERNAL) or $self->throw("FAILED to close ".$results. " INFERNAL:parse_results"); # sort the results to get the highest scoring infernal alignment
@results = sort {$b->{'score'} <=> $a->{'score'}} @results; if (@results){ return\@ results; } else { return; }
sub parse_structure {
  my ($self,$align)=@_;
  my @all_matches;
  my @stack;
  my @big_gaps;
  my $matchstring;
  my @matches;
  my $big_gap=0;
  my @attributes;
  # Brace matching
# push open braces on to the stack
for (my $i=0 ; $i< scalar(@{$align->{'str'}}); $i++){ if ($align->{'str'}[$i] eq '(' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '<' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '[' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '{'){ push @stack,$i; } # pop the positions of the open brace off the stack as you find close braces
if ($align->{'str'}[$i] eq ')' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '}' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq ']' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '>'){ $all_matches[$i] = pop @stack; } } @stack = []; # Need to do the reverse proces to get all matches
for (my $i = scalar(@{$align->{'str'}}-1); $i >=0 ; $i--){ if ($align->{'str'}[$i] eq ')' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '}' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq ']' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '>'){ push @stack,$i; } # pop the positions of the close brace off the stack as you find open braces
if ($align->{'str'}[$i] eq '(' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '<' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '[' or $align->{'str'}[$i] eq '{'){ $all_matches[$i] = pop @stack; } } for (my $i=0 ; $i< scalar(@{$align->{'str'}}); $i++){ # Parse out large gaps by looking for ~ on the str line;
if ($align->{'query'}[$i] eq '*'){ my $string; for (my $j=$i+1 ; $j < scalar(@{$align->{'str'}}) ; $j++){ last if ($align->{'query'}[$j] eq '*'); $string .= $align->{'query'}[$j]; } if ($string =~ /\[(.+)\]/){ my $gap = $1; $gap =~ s/\D//g; $big_gaps[$i] = $gap; } } #skip over if you have a gap - beware gaps at the other end of the alignment;
if ($align->{'query'}[$i] eq '-'){ next; } # skip over if you have a missmatch
if ($align->{'match'}[$i] eq ' ' or $align->{'match'}[$i] eq ':'){ $matches[$i] = '.'; next; } # Found a match
if (defined $all_matches[$i]){ # check there isnt a gap at the other end
if ($align->{'query'}[$all_matches[$i]] eq '-'){ $matches[$i] = '.'; next; } $matches[$i] = $align->{'str'}[$i]; $matches[$all_matches[$i]] = $align->{'str'}[$all_matches[$i]]; } else { $matches[$i] = $align->{'str'}[$i]; } } for (my $i=0 ; $i< scalar(@{$align->{'str'}}); $i++){ if ($big_gaps[$i]){ for (my $j = 0 ; $j < $big_gaps[$i] ; $j++){ $matchstring .= "."; } $i=$i+5; next; } if ($matches[$i]){ $matchstring.= $matches[$i]; } } # make all characters into either (,),or .
$matchstring =~ s/[\<\[\{]/(/g; $matchstring =~ s/[\>\]\}]/)/g; $matchstring =~ s/[,:_-]/./g; return $matchstring;
sub queries {
  my ($self, $queries) = @_;
  if ($queries){
    $self->{'_queries'} = $queries;
  return $self->{'_queries'};
sub run {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $queries = $self->queries;
  my @attributes;
  my $descriptions = $self->get_descriptions;
  foreach my $query (@$queries){
    $self->throw("Can't run ".$self." without a query sequence") 
    # write the seq file
my $filename = $self->write_seq_file(); $self->files_to_delete($filename); $self->files_to_delete($self->resultsfile); # run cmsearch
$self->run_analysis(); # parse the cmsearch results file - make a hash containing all
# the results ordered by score;
my $results = $self->parse_results($query); next unless($results); # make the gene object out of the highest scoring result that
# overlaps the blast hit
my $gene = $self->make_gene($results,$query,$descriptions); $self->output($gene) if $gene; } $self->delete_files; return 1;
sub run_analysis {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $db =  $self->analysis->db_file."/".$self->query->display_id.".cm";
  my $command  =  $self->program;
  my %thresholds = %{$self->thresholds};
  my $domain = $self->query->display_id;
  my $filename = $self->queryfile;
  my $results_file = $self->create_filename("Infernal.$domain.out");
  $command .= " -W ".$thresholds{$domain}{'win'};
  if ($thresholds{$domain}{'mode'} =~ /local/) {
    $command .= " --local";
  $command .= " $db  $filename > $results_file";
  print STDOUT "Running infernal ".$command."\n" if $verbose;
  open(my $fh, "$command |") || 
    $self->throw("Error opening Infernal cmd <$command>." .
		 " Returned error $? Infernal EXIT: '" .
		 ($? >> 8) . "'," ." SIGNAL '" . ($? & 127) .
		 "', There was " . ($? & 128 ? 'a' : 'no') .
		 " core dump");
  # this loop reads the STDERR from the blast command
while (<$fh>) { if (/FATAL:(.+)/) { my $match = $1; $self->throw("Infernal failed to run - $match\n "); } }
sub thresholds {
  my ($self, $thresholds) = @_;
  if ($thresholds){
    $self->{'_thresholds'} = $thresholds;
  return $self->{'_thresholds'};
General documentation
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