Bio::EnsEMBL Exon
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon - A class representing an Exon
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( warning throw deprecate )
    $ex = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon(
-START => 100,
-END => 200,
-STRAND => 1,
-SLICE => $slice,
-DBID => $dbID,
-ANALYSIS => $analysis,
-STABLE_ID => 'ENSE000000123',
# seq() returns a Bio::Seq my $seq = $exon->seq->seq(); # Peptide only makes sense within transcript context my $pep = $exon->peptide($transcript)->seq(); # Normal feature operations can be performed: $exon = $exon->transform('clone'); $exon->move( $new_start, $new_end, $new_strand ); print $exon->slice->seq_region_name();
This is a class which represents an exon which is part of a transcript.
See Bio::EnsEMBL:Transcript
Methods description
_get_stable_entry_info code    nextTop
  Description: DEPRECATED.
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature $feature
Example : $exon->add_supporting_features(@features);
Description: Adds a list of supporting features to this exon.
Duplicate features are not added.
If supporting features are added manually in this
way, prior to calling get_all_supporting_features then the
get_all_supporting_features call will not retrieve supporting
features from the database.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : throw if any of the features are not Feature
throw if any of the features are not in the same coordinate
system as the exon
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg  1     : int $start_adjustment
Arg 2 : int $end_adjustment
Example : none
Description: returns a new Exon with this much shifted coordinates
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon
Exceptions : none
Caller : Transcript->get_all_translateable_Exons()
Status : Stable
    Arg [1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript $transcript
The transcript for which cDNA coordinates should be
relative to.
Example : $cdna_coding_end = $exon->cdna_coding_end($transcript);
Description : Returns the end position of the coding region of the
exon in cDNA coordinates. Returns undef if the whole
exon is non-coding.
Since an exon may be part of one or more transcripts,
the relevant transcript must be given as argument to
this method.
Return type : Integer or undef
Exceptions : Throws if the given argument is not a transcript.
Caller : General
Status : Stable
    Arg [1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript $transcript
The transcript for which cDNA coordinates should be
relative to.
Example : $cdna_coding_start = $exon->cdna_coding_start($transcript);
Description : Returns the start position of the coding region of the
exon in cDNA coordinates. Returns undef if the whole
exon is non-coding.
Since an exon may be part of one or more transcripts,
the relevant transcript must be given as argument to
this method.
Return type : Integer or undef
Exceptions : Throws if the given argument is not a transcript.
Caller : General
Status : Stable
    Arg [1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript $transcript
The transcript for which cDNA coordinates should be
relative to.
Example : $cdna_end = $exon->cdna_end($transcript);
Description : Returns the end position of the exon in cDNA
Since an exon may be part of one or more transcripts,
the relevant transcript must be given as argument to
this method.
Return type : Integer
Exceptions : Throws if the given argument is not a transcript.
Throws if the last part of the exon maps into a gap.
Throws if the exon can not be mapped at all.
Caller : General
Status : Stable
    Arg [1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript $transcript
The transcript for which cDNA coordinates should be
relative to.
Example : $cdna_start = $exon->cdna_start($transcript);
Description : Returns the start position of the exon in cDNA
Since an exon may be part of one or more transcripts,
the relevant transcript must be given as argument to
this method.
Return type : Integer
Exceptions : Throws if the given argument is not a transcript.
Throws if the first part of the exon maps into a gap.
Throws if the exon can not be mapped at all.
Caller : General
Status : Stable
    Arg [1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript $transcript
Example : $coding_region_end =
Description : Returns the end position of the coding region of
the exon in slice-relative coordinates on the
forward strand. Returns undef if the whole exon is
Since an exon may be part of one or more transcripts,
the relevant transcript must be given as argument to
this method.
Return type : Integer or undef
Exceptions : Throws if the given argument is not a transcript.
Caller : General
Status : Stable
    Arg [1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript $transcript
Example : $coding_region_start =
Description : Returns the start position of the coding region
of the exon in slice-relative coordinates on the
forward strand. Returns undef if the whole exon is
Since an exon may be part of one or more transcripts,
the relevant transcript must be given as argument to
this method.
Return type : Integer or undef
Exceptions : Throws if the given argument is not a transcript.
Caller : General
Status : Stable
  Description: DEPRECATED.  Do not use.
  Arg [1]    : string $created_date
Example : none
Description: get/set for attribute created_date
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : print $exons->display_id();
Description: This method returns a string that is considered to be
the 'display' identifier. For exons this is (depending on
availability and in this order) the stable Id, the dbID or an
empty string.
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : web drawing code
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : int $end (optional)
Example : $end = $exon->end();
Description: Getter/Setter for the end of this exon. The superclass
implmentation is overridden to flush the internal sequence
cache if this value is altered
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : (optional) int $end_phase
Example : $end_phase = $feat->end_phase;
Description: Gets/Sets the end phase of the exon.
end_phase = number of bases from the last incomplete codon of
this exon.
Usually, end_phase = (phase + exon_length)%3
but end_phase could be -1 if the exon is half-coding and its 3
prime end is UTR.
Returntype : int
Exceptions : warning if end_phase is called without an argument and the
value is not set.
Caller : general
Status : Stable
# This method is only for genebuild backwards compatibility.
# Avoid using it if possible
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature $features
The list of features to search for supporting (i.e. overlapping)
Arg [2] : (optional) boolean $sorted
Used to speed up the calculation of overlapping features.
Should be set to true if the list of features is sorted in
ascending order on their start coordinates.
Example : $exon->find_supporting_evidence(\@features);
Description: Looks through all the similarity features and
stores as supporting features any feature
that overlaps with an exon.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Medium Risk
  Example     : $exon->flush_supporting_features;
Description : Removes all supporting evidence from the exon.
Return type : (Empty) listref
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : $frame = $exon->frame
Description: Gets the frame of this exon
Returntype : int
Exceptions : thrown if an arg is passed
thrown if frame cannot be calculated due to a bad phase value
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : @evidence = @{$exon->get_all_supporting_features()};
Description: Retreives any supporting features added manually by
calls to add_supporting_features. If no features have been
added manually and this exon is in a database (i.e. it h
Returntype : listreference of Bio::EnsEMBL::BaseAlignFeature objects
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : if(exists $hash{$exon->hashkey}) { do_something(); }
Description: Returns a unique hashkey that can be used to uniquely identify
this exon. Exons are considered to be identical if they share
the same seq_region, start, end, strand, phase, end_phase.
Note that this will consider two exons on different slices
to be different, even if they actually are not.
Returntype : string formatted as slice_name-start-end-strand-phase-end_phase
Exceptions : thrown if not all the necessary attributes needed to generate
a unique hash value are set
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : Boolean $is_current
Example : $exon->is_current(1)
Description: Getter/setter for is_current state of this exon.
Returntype : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Description: DEPRECATED.  Do not use.
  Arg [1]    : string $modified_date
Example : none
Description: get/set for attribute modified_date
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : int start
Arg [2] : int end
Arg [3] : (optional) int strand
Example : None
Description: Sets the start, end and strand in one call rather than in
3 seperate calls to the start(), end() and strand() methods.
This is for convenience and for speed when this needs to be
done within a tight loop. This overrides the superclass
move() method so that the internal sequence cache can be
flushed if the exon if moved.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : Thrown is invalid arguments are provided
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [-SLICE]: Bio::EnsEMBL::SLice - Represents the sequence that this
feature is on. The coordinates of the created feature are
relative to the start of the slice.
Arg [-START]: The start coordinate of this feature relative to the start
of the slice it is sitting on. Coordinates start at 1 and
are inclusive.
Arg [-END] : The end coordinate of this feature relative to the start of
the slice it is sitting on. Coordinates start at 1 and are
Arg [-STRAND]: The orientation of this feature. Valid values are 1,-1,0.
Arg [-SEQNAME] : (optional) A seqname to be used instead of the default name
of the of the slice. Useful for features that do not have an
attached slice such as protein features.
Arg [-dbID] : (optional) internal database id
Arg [-ADAPTOR]: (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor
Arg [-PHASE] : the phase.
Arg [-END_PHASE]: the end phase
Arg [-STABLE_ID]: (optional) the stable id of the exon
Arg [-VERSION] : (optional) the version
Arg [-CREATED_DATE] : (optional) the created date
Arg [-MODIFIED_DATE]: (optional) the last midifeid date
Example : none Description: create an Exon object Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon Exceptions : if phase is not valid (i.e. 0,1, 2 -1) Caller : general Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript $tr
Example : my $pep_str = $exon->peptide($transcript)->seq;
Description: Retrieves the portion of the transcripts peptide
encoded by this exon. The transcript argument is necessary
because outside of the context of a transcript it is not
possible to correctly determine the translation. Note that
an entire amino acid will be present at the exon boundaries
even if only a partial codon is present. Therefore the
concatenation of all of the peptides of a transcripts exons
is not the same as a transcripts translation because the
summation may contain duplicated amino acids at splice sites.
In the case that this exon is entirely UTR, a Bio::Seq object
with an empty sequence string is returned.
Returntype : Bio::Seq
Exceptions : thrown if transcript argument is not provided
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : (optional) int $phase
Example : my $phase = $exon->phase;
Description: Gets/Sets the phase of the exon.
Returntype : int
Exceptions : throws if phase is not (0, 1 2 or -1).
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Get or set the phase of the Exon, which tells the
translation machinery, which makes a peptide from
the DNA, where to start.
The Ensembl phase convention can be thought of as
"the number of bases of the first codon which are
on the previous exon". It is therefore 0, 1 or 2
(or -1 if the exon is non-coding). In ascii art,
with alternate codons represented by ### and
       Previous Exon   Intron   This Exon
...------------- -------------...
5' Phase 3' ...#+++###+++### 0 +++###+++###+... ...+++###+++###+ 1 ++###+++###++... ...++###+++###++ 2 +###+++###+++...
Here is another explanation from Ewan:
Phase means the place where the intron lands
inside the codon - 0 between codons, 1 between
the 1st and second base, 2 between the second and
3rd base. Exons therefore have a start phase and
a end phase, but introns have just one phase.
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : my $seq_str = $exon->seq->seq;
Description: Retrieves the dna sequence of this Exon.
Returned in a Bio::Seq object. Note that the sequence may
include UTRs (or even be entirely UTR).
Returntype : Bio::Seq or undef
Exceptions : warning if argument passed,
warning if exon does not have attatched slice
warning if exon strand is not defined (or 0)
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Example : $slice = $exon->slice();
Description: Getter/Setter for the slice this exon is on. The superclass
implmentation is overridden to flush the internal sequence
cache if this value is altered
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : string $stable_id
Example : none
Description: get/set for attribute stable_id
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : int $start (optional)
Example : $start = $exon->start();
Description: Getter/Setter for the start of this exon. The superclass
implmentation is overridden to flush the internal sequence
cache if this value is altered
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : int $strand (optional)
Example : $start = $exon->strand();
Description: Getter/Setter for the strand of this exon. The superclass
implmentation is overridden to flush the internal sequence
cache if this value is altered
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Description: DEPRECATED.  This should not be necessary.
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $destination_slice
Example : none
Description: Moves this Exon to given target slice coordinates. If Features
are attached they are moved as well. Returns a new exon.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg  1     : String $coordinate_system_name
Arg [2] : String $coordinate_system_version
Description: moves this exon to the given coordinate system. If this exon has
attached supporting evidence, they move as well.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon
Exceptions : wrong parameters
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Description: DEPRECATED. Do not use.
  Arg [1]    : string $version
Example : none
Description: get/set for attribute version
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Methods code
sub _get_stable_entry_info {
   my $self = shift;
   deprecate( "This function shouldnt be called any more" );
   if( !defined $self->adaptor ) {
     return undef;
sub add_supporting_features {
  my ($self,@features) = @_;

  return unless @features;

  $self->{_supporting_evidence} ||= []; 
  # check whether this feature object has been added already
FEATURE: foreach my $feature (@features) { unless($feature && $feature->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature")) { throw("Supporting feat [$feature] not a " . "Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature"); } if ((defined $self->slice() && defined $feature->slice())&& ( $self->slice()->name() ne $feature->slice()->name())){ throw("Supporting feat not in same coord system as exon\n" . "exon is attached to [".$self->slice()->name()."]\n" . "feat is attached to [".$feature->slice()->name()."]"); } foreach my $added_feature ( @{ $self->{_supporting_evidence} } ){ # compare objects
if ( $feature == $added_feature ){ # this feature has already been added
next FEATURE; } } # no duplicate was found, add the feature
push(@{$self->{_supporting_evidence}},$feature); }
sub adjust_start_end {
  my ( $self, $start_adjust, $end_adjust ) = @_;

  my $new_exon = Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon->new();
  %{$new_exon} = %{$self};

  #invalidate the sequence cache
delete $new_exon->{'_seq_cache'}; if( $self->strand() == 1 ) { $new_exon->start( $self->start() + $start_adjust ); $new_exon->end( $self->end() + $end_adjust ) } else { $new_exon->start( $self->start() - $end_adjust ); $new_exon->end( $self->end() - $start_adjust ) } return $new_exon;
sub cdna_coding_end {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($transcript) = @_;

  if (    !defined($transcript)
       || !ref($transcript)
       || !$transcript->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript') )
    throw("Argument is not a transcript");

  my $transcript_id = $transcript->dbID();

  if ( !exists( $self->{'cdna_coding_end'}->{$transcript_id} ) ) {
    my $transcript_coding_end = $transcript->cdna_coding_end();

    if ( !defined($transcript_coding_end) ) {
      # This is a non-coding transcript.
$self->{'cdna_coding_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; $self->{'cdna_coding_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } else { my $cdna_end = $self->cdna_end($transcript); if ( $transcript_coding_end > $cdna_end ) { # Coding region ends downstream of this exon...
if ( $transcript->cdna_coding_start() > $cdna_end ) { # ... and also starts downstream of this exon.
$self->{'cdna_coding_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } else { # ... and does not start downstream of this exon.
$self->{'cdna_coding_end'}->{$transcript_id} = $cdna_end; } } else { # Coding region ends either within or upstream of this
# exon.
if ( $transcript_coding_end >= $self->cdna_start($transcript) ) { # Coding region ends within this exon.
$self->{'cdna_coding_end'}->{$transcript_id} = $transcript_coding_end; } else { # Coding region ends upstream of this exon.
$self->{'cdna_coding_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } } } ## end else [ if ( !defined($transcript_coding_end...
} ## end if ( !exists( $self->{...
return $self->{'cdna_coding_end'}->{$transcript_id}; } ## end sub cdna_coding_end
sub cdna_coding_start {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($transcript) = @_;

  if (    !defined($transcript)
       || !ref($transcript)
       || !$transcript->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript') )
    throw("Argument is not a transcript");

  my $transcript_id = $transcript->dbID();

  if ( !exists( $self->{'cdna_coding_start'}->{$transcript_id} ) ) {
    my $transcript_coding_start = $transcript->cdna_coding_start();

    if ( !defined($transcript_coding_start) ) {
      # This is a non-coding transcript.
$self->{'cdna_coding_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; $self->{'cdna_coding_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } else { my $cdna_start = $self->cdna_start($transcript); if ( $transcript_coding_start < $cdna_start ) { # Coding region starts upstream of this exon...
if ( $transcript->cdna_coding_end() < $cdna_start ) { # ... and also ends upstream of this exon.
$self->{'cdna_coding_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } else { # ... and does not end upstream of this exon.
$self->{'cdna_coding_start'}->{$transcript_id} = $cdna_start; } } else { # Coding region starts either within or downstream of this
# exon.
if ( $transcript_coding_start <= $self->cdna_end($transcript) ) { # Coding region starts within this exon.
$self->{'cdna_coding_start'}->{$transcript_id} = $transcript_coding_start; } else { # Coding region starts downstream of this exon.
$self->{'cdna_coding_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } } } ## end else [ if ( !defined($transcript_coding_start...
} ## end if ( !exists( $self->{...
return $self->{'cdna_coding_start'}->{$transcript_id}; } ## end sub cdna_coding_start
sub cdna_end {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($transcript) = @_;

  if (    !defined($transcript)
       || !ref($transcript)
       || !$transcript->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript') )
    throw("Argument is not a transcript");

  my $transcript_id = $transcript->dbID();

  if ( !exists( $self->{'cdna_end'}->{$transcript_id} ) ) {
    my @coords =
      $transcript->genomic2cdna( $self->start(), $self->end(),
                                 $self->strand() );

    if ( @coords && !$coords[-1]->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap') ) {
      $self->{'cdna_end'}->{$transcript_id} = $coords[-1]->end();
    } elsif (@coords) {
      throw("Last part of exon maps into gap");
    } else {
      throw("Can not map exon");

  return $self->{'cdna_end'}->{$transcript_id};
} ## end sub cdna_end
sub cdna_start {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($transcript) = @_;

  if (    !defined($transcript)
       || !ref($transcript)
       || !$transcript->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript') )
    throw("Argument is not a transcript");

  my $transcript_id = $transcript->dbID();

  if ( !exists( $self->{'cdna_start'}->{$transcript_id} ) ) {
    my @coords =
      $transcript->genomic2cdna( $self->start(), $self->end(),
                                 $self->strand() );

    if ( @coords && !$coords[0]->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap') ) {
      $self->{'cdna_start'}->{$transcript_id} = $coords[0]->start();
    } elsif (@coords) {
      throw("First part of exon maps into a gap");
    } else {
      throw("Can not map exon");

  return $self->{'cdna_start'}->{$transcript_id};
} ## end sub cdna_start
sub coding_region_end {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($transcript) = @_;

  if (    !defined($transcript)
       || !ref($transcript)
       || !$transcript->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript') )
    throw("Argument is not a transcript");

  my $transcript_id = $transcript->dbID();

  if ( !exists( $self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} ) ) {
    my $transcript_coding_end = $transcript->coding_region_end();

    if ( !defined($transcript_coding_end) ) {
      # This is a non-coding transcript.
$self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; $self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } else { my $end = $self->end(); if ( $transcript_coding_end > $end ) { # Coding region ends downstream of this exon...
if ( $transcript->coding_region_start() > $end ) { # ... and also starts downstream of this exon.
$self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; $self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } else { # ... and does not start downstream of this exon.
$self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} = $end; } } else { # Coding region ends either within or upstream of this
# exon.
if ( $transcript_coding_end >= $self->start() ) { # Coding region ends within this exon.
$self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} = $transcript_coding_end; } else { # Coding region ends upstream of this exon.
$self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; $self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } } } ## end else [ if ( !defined($transcript_coding_end...
} ## end if ( !exists( $self->{...
return $self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id}; } ## end sub coding_region_end
sub coding_region_start {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($transcript) = @_;

  if (    !defined($transcript)
       || !ref($transcript)
       || !$transcript->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript') )
    throw("Argument is not a transcript");

  my $transcript_id = $transcript->dbID();

  if ( !exists( $self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} ) ) {
    my $transcript_coding_start = $transcript->coding_region_start();

    if ( !defined($transcript_coding_start) ) {
      # This is a non-coding transcript.
$self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; $self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } else { my $start = $self->start(); if ( $transcript_coding_start < $start ) { # Coding region starts upstream of this exon...
if ( $transcript->coding_region_end() < $start ) { # ... and also ends upstream of this exon.
$self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; $self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } else { # ... and does not end upstream of this exon.
$self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} = $start; } } else { # Coding region starts either within or downstream of this
# exon.
if ( $transcript_coding_start <= $self->end() ) { # Coding region starts within this exon.
$self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} = $transcript_coding_start; } else { # Coding region starts downstream of this exon.
$self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; $self->{'coding_region_end'}->{$transcript_id} = undef; } } } ## end else [ if ( !defined($transcript_coding_start...
} ## end if ( !exists( $self->{...
return $self->{'coding_region_start'}->{$transcript_id}; } ## end sub coding_region_start
sub created {
    my ($self,$value) = @_;
    deprecate( "Created attribute not supported any more." );
    if(defined $value ) {
      $self->{'_created'} = $value;
    return $self->{'_created'};
sub created_date {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'created_date'} = shift if ( @_ );
  return $self->{'created_date'};
sub display_id {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'stable_id'} || $self->dbID || '';
sub end {
  my $self = shift;
  # if an arg was provided, flush the internal sequence cache
delete $self->{'_seq_cache'} if(@_); return $self->SUPER::end(@_);
sub end_phase {
  my $self = shift;
  if( @_ ) { 
    $self->{'end_phase'} = shift;
  } else {
    if( ! defined ( $self->{'end_phase'} )) {
      warning( "No end phase set in Exon. You must set it explicitly." );
  return $self->{'end_phase'};
sub find_supporting_evidence {
  my ($self,$features,$sorted) = @_;

  foreach my $f (@$features) {
    # return if we have a sorted feature array
if ($sorted == 1 && $f->start > $self->end) { return; } if ($f->sub_SeqFeature) { my @subf = $f->sub_SeqFeature; $self->find_supporting_evidence(\@subf); } else { if ($f->entire_seq()->name eq $self->slice()->name) { if ($f->end >= $self->start && $f->start <= $self->end && $f->strand == $self->strand) { $self->add_supporting_features($f); } } } }
sub flush_supporting_features {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_supporting_evidence'} = [];
sub frame {
  my ($self,$value) = @_;

  if( defined $value ) {
    throw("Cannot set frame. Deduced from seq_start and phase");

  # frame is mod 3 of the translation point
if( $self->phase == -1 ) { return '.'; # gff convention for no frame info
} if( $self->phase == 0 ) { return $self->start%3; } if( $self->phase == 1 ) { return ($self->start+2)%3; } if( $self->phase == 2 ) { return ($self->start+1)%3; } throw("bad phase in exon ".$self->phase);
sub get_all_supporting_features {
  my $self = shift;

  if( !exists  $self->{_supporting_evidence} )  {
    if($self->adaptor) {
      my $sfa = $self->adaptor->db->get_SupportingFeatureAdaptor();
      $self->{_supporting_evidence} = $sfa->fetch_all_by_Exon($self);
  return $self->{_supporting_evidence} || [];
sub hashkey {
  my $self = shift;

  my $slice      = $self->{'slice'}; 
  my $slice_name = ($slice) ? $slice->name() : undef;
  my $start      = $self->{'start'};
  my $end        = $self->{'end'};
  my $strand     = $self->{'strand'};
  my $phase      = $self->{'phase'};
  my $end_phase  = $self->{'end_phase'};

  if(!defined($slice_name)) {
    throw('Slice must be set to generate correct hashkey.');

  if(!defined($start)) {
    warning("start attribute must be defined to generate correct hashkey.");

  if(!defined($end)) {
    throw("end attribute must be defined to generate correct hashkey.");

  if(!defined($strand)) {
    throw("strand attribute must be defined to generate correct hashkey.");

  if(!defined($phase)) {
    throw("phase attribute must be defined to generate correct hashkey.");

  if(!defined($end_phase)) {
    throw("end_phase attribute must be defined to generate correct hashkey.");

  return "$slice_name-$start-$end-$strand-$phase-$end_phase";
sub is_current {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'is_current'} = shift if (@_);
  return $self->{'is_current'};
sub modified {
    my ($self,$value) = @_;
    deprecate( "Modified attribute not supported any more." );
    if( defined $value ) {
      $self->{'_modified'} = $value;
    return $self->{'_modified'};
sub modified_date {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'modified_date'} = shift if ( @_ );
  return $self->{'modified_date'};
sub move {
  my $self = shift;
  # flush the internal sequence cache
delete $self->{'_seq_cache'}; return $self->SUPER::move(@_);
sub new {
  my $class = shift;

  $class = ref $class || $class;

  my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );

  my ( $phase, $end_phase, $stable_id, $version, $created_date, $modified_date,
       $is_current ) =
      rearrange( [ "PHASE", "END_PHASE", "STABLE_ID", "VERSION",
  $self->phase($phase) if (defined $phase); # make sure phase is valid.
$self->{'end_phase'} = $end_phase; $self->{'stable_id'} = $stable_id; $self->{'version'} = $version; $self->{'created_date'} = $created_date; $self->{'modified_date'} = $modified_date; # default is_current
$is_current = 1 unless (defined($is_current)); $self->{'is_current'} = $is_current; return $self; } # =head2 new_fast
# Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
# Arg [2] : int $start
# Arg [3] : int $end
# Arg [4] : int $strand (1 or -1)
# Example : none
# Description: create an Exon object
# Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon
# Exceptions : throws if end < start
# Caller : general, creation in Bio::EnsEMBL::Lite::GeneAdaptor
# Status : Stable
# =cut
# sub new_fast {
# my ($class, $slice, $start, $end, $strand) = @_;
# my $self = bless {}, $class;
# # Swap start and end if they're in the wrong order
# # We assume that the strand is correct and keep the input value.
# if ($start > $end) {
# throw( "End smaller than start not allowed" );
# }
# $self->start ($start);
# $self->end ($end);
# $self->strand($strand);
# $self->slice($slice);
# return $self;
sub peptide {
  my $self = shift;
  my $tr = shift;

  unless($tr && ref($tr) && $tr->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript')) {
    throw("transcript arg must be Bio::EnsEMBL:::Transcript not [$tr]");

  #convert exons coordinates to peptide coordinates
my $tmp_exon = $self->transfer($tr->slice); if (!$tmp_exon) { throw("Couldn't transfer exon to transcript's slice"); } my @coords = $tr->genomic2pep($tmp_exon->start, $tmp_exon->end, $tmp_exon->strand); #filter out gaps
@coords = grep {$_->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate')} @coords; #if this is UTR then the peptide will be empty string
my $pep_str = ''; if(scalar(@coords) > 1) { throw("Error. Exon maps to multiple locations in peptide." . " Is this exon [$self] a member of this transcript [$tr]?"); } elsif(scalar(@coords) == 1) { my $c = $coords[0]; my $pep = $tr->translate; #bioperl doesn't give back residues for incomplete codons
#make sure we don't subseq too far...
my ($start, $end); $end = ($c->end > $pep->length) ? $pep->length : $c->end; $start = ($c->start < $end) ? $c->start : $end; $pep_str = $tr->translate->subseq($start, $end); } return Bio::Seq->new(-seq => $pep_str, -moltype => 'protein', -alphabet => 'protein', -id => $self->display_id);
sub phase {
  my ($self,$value) = @_;
  if (defined($value)) {
    # Value must be 0,1,2, or -1 for non-coding
if ($value =~ /^(-1|0|1|2)$/) { #print STDERR "Setting phase to $value\n";
$self->{'phase'} = $value; } else { throw("Bad value ($value) for exon phase. Should only be" . " -1,0,1,2\n"); } } return $self->{'phase'};
sub seq {
  my $self = shift;
  my $arg = shift;

  if( defined $arg ) {
    warning( "seq setting on Exon not supported currently" );
    $self->{'_seq_cache'} = $arg->seq();

  if(!defined($self->{'_seq_cache'})) {
    my $seq;

    if ( ! defined $self->slice ) {
      warning("Cannot retrieve seq for exon without slice\n");
      return undef;

    if(!$self->strand()) {
      warning("Cannot retrieve seq for unstranded exon\n");
      return undef;

    $seq = $self->slice()->subseq($self->start, $self->end, $self->strand);
    $self->{'_seq_cache'} = $seq;

  return Bio::Seq->new(-seq     => $self->{'_seq_cache'},
                       -id      => $self->display_id,
                       -moltype => 'dna');
sub slice {
  my $self = shift;
  # if an arg was provided, flush the internal sequence cache
delete $self->{'_seq_cache'} if(@_); return $self->SUPER::slice(@_);
sub stable_id {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'stable_id'} = shift if( @_ );
  return $self->{'stable_id'};
sub start {
  my $self = shift;
  # if an arg was provided, flush the internal sequence cache
delete $self->{'_seq_cache'} if(@_); return $self->SUPER::start(@_);
sub strand {
  my $self = shift;
  # if an arg was provided, flush the internal sequence cache
delete $self->{'_seq_cache'} if(@_); return $self->SUPER::strand(@_);
sub temporary_id {
  my $self = shift;
  deprecate('It should not be necessary to use this method.');
  $self->{'tempID'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'tempID'};
sub transfer {
  my $self  = shift;

  my $new_exon = $self->SUPER::transfer( @_ );
  return undef unless $new_exon;

  if( exists $self->{'_supporting_evidence'} ) {
    my @new_features;
    for my $old_feature ( @{$self->{'_supporting_evidence'}} ) {
      my $new_feature = $old_feature->transfer( @_ );
      push( @new_features, $new_feature );
    $new_exon->{'_supporting_evidence'} =\@ new_features;

  #dont want to share the same sequence cache
delete $new_exon->{'_seq_cache'}; return $new_exon;
sub transform {
  my $self = shift;

  # catch for old style transform calls
if( !@_ || ( ref $_[0] && $_[0]->isa( "Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice" ))) { deprecate('Calling transform without a coord system name is deprecated.'); return $self->_deprecated_transform(@_); } my $new_exon = $self->SUPER::transform( @_ ); if (not defined $new_exon or $new_exon->length != $self->length) { return undef; } if( exists $self->{'_supporting_evidence'} ) { my @new_features; for my $old_feature ( @{$self->{'_supporting_evidence'}} ) { my $new_feature = $old_feature->transform( @_ ); if (defined $new_feature) { push( @new_features, $new_feature ); } } $new_exon->{'_supporting_evidence'} =\@ new_features; } #dont want to share the same sequence cache
delete $new_exon->{'_seq_cache'}; return $new_exon;
sub type {
  my ($self,$value) = @_;
  deprecate("Type attribute not supported anymore.");
  if (defined($value)) {
    $self->{'type'} = $value;
  return $self->{'type'};

sub version {
   my $self = shift;
  $self->{'version'} = shift if( @_ );
  return $self->{'version'};
General documentation
  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see /info/about/code_licence.html
  Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl
developers list at <>.
Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at <>.