Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::IMGT::SeqIO imgt_embl
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_read_EMBL_Speciescode    nextTop
 Title   : _read_EMBL_Species
Usage :
Function: Reads the EMBL Organism species and classification
Example :
Returns : A Bio::Species object
Args : a reference to the current line buffer, accession number
Notes : Over-ridden from Bio/SeqIO/ to cope with "eccentric"
OS and OC lines in IMGT flat file
 Title   : _read_FTHelper_EMBL
Usage : _read_FTHelper_EMBL($buffer)
Function: reads the next FT key line
Example :
Returns : Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper object
Args : filehandle and reference to a scalar
Notes : overridden from Bio::SeqIO::embl
to cope with blank FT lines in IMGT flatfile
Methods code
sub _initialize {
  my($self,@args) = @_;

  $self->sequence_factory(new Bio::Seq::SeqFactory
                          (-verbose => $self->verbose(),
                           -type => 'Bio::Seq::RichSeqIMGT'));
sub _read_EMBL_Species {
  my( $self, $buffer, $acc ) = @_;
  my $org;
  $_ = $$buffer;
  my( $sub_species, $species, $genus, $common, $sci_name, $class_lines );
  while (defined( $_ ||= $self->_readline )) {
    if (/^OS\s+(.+)/) {
      $sci_name .= ($sci_name) ? ' '.$1 : $1;
    elsif (s/^OC\s+(.+)$//) {
      $class_lines .= $1;
    elsif (/^OG\s+(.*)/) {
      $org = $1;
    else {
    $_ = undef; # Empty $_ to trigger read of next line
} $$buffer = $_; $sci_name || return; # IMGT sometimes has "unclassified" for both species and taxon
# which confuses Bio::Taxon. Replace it with unidentified in species
$sci_name =~ s/unclassified/unidentified/i; # sometimes things have common name in brackets, like
# Schizosaccharomyces pombe (fission yeast), so get rid of the common
# name bit. Probably dangerous if real scientific species name ends in
# bracketed bit.
if ($sci_name =~ /^(.+)\s+\((.+)\)$/) { $sci_name = $1; $common = $2; } if ($sci_name =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/) { ($genus, $species) = ($1, $2); } elsif ($sci_name =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { ($genus, $species, $sub_species) = ($1, $2, $3); $sci_name = $genus . " " . $species; } # Convert data in classification lines into classification array.
# only split on ';' or '.' so that classification that is 2 or more words
# will still get matched, use map() to remove trailing/leading/intervening
# spaces
my @class = map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s{2,}/ /g; $_; } split /[;\.]+/, $class_lines; @class = grep { /\S/ } @class; # Bio::Species array needs array in Species -> Kingdom direction
unless ($class[-1] eq $species) { push(@class, $sci_name); } @class = reverse @class; my %names; foreach my $i (0..$#class) { my $name = $class[$i]; $names{$name}++; if ($names{$name} > 1 && $name ne $class[$i - 1]) { $self->throw("$acc seems to have an invalid species classification."); } } my $make = Bio::Species->new(); $make->scientific_name($sci_name); $make->classification(@class); $make->genus($genus) if $genus; $make->species($species) if $species; $make->sub_species($sub_species) if $sub_species; $make->common_name($common) if $common; $make->organelle($org) if $org; return $make;
sub _read_FTHelper_EMBL {
  my ($self,$buffer) = @_;
  my ($key,   # The key of the feature
$loc, # The location line from the feature
@qual, # An arrray of lines making up the qualifiers
); if ($$buffer =~ /^FT\s{3}(\S+)\s*(\S*)$/ ) { $key = $1; $loc = $2; if (not $loc) { # in some cases, there is no whitespace between
# the key and the location. Try to separate them.
if ($key =~ /^(\S+?)([\>\<\.\d]+)/) { $key = $1; $loc = $2; } } # Read all the lines up to the next feature
while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { if (/^FT(\s+)(.+?)\s*$/) { # Lines inside features are preceeded by 19 spaces
# A new feature is preceeded by 3 spaces
my ($spacer, $rest) = ($1, $2); next if $rest !~ /\S/; if (length($spacer) > 4) { # Add to qualifiers if we're in the qualifiers
if (@qual) { push(@qual, $rest); } # Start the qualifier list if it's the first qualifier
elsif (substr($rest, 0, 1) eq '/') { @qual = ($rest); } # We're still in the location line, so append to location
else { $loc .= $rest; } } else { # We've reached the start of the next feature
last; } } else { # We're at the end of the feature table
last; } } } else { # No feature key
return; } # Put the first line of the next feature into the buffer
$$buffer = $_; return if not $key or not $loc; # Make the new FTHelper object
my $out = new Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper(); $out->verbose($self->verbose()); $out->key($key); $out->loc($loc); # Now parse and add any qualifiers. (@qual is kept
# intact to provide informative error messages.)
QUAL: for (my $i = 0; $i < @qual; $i++) { $_ = $qual[$i]; my( $qualifier, $value ) = m{^/([^=]+)(?:=(.+))?} or $self->throw("Can't see new qualifier in: $_\nfrom:\n" . join('', map "$_\n", @qual)); if (defined $value) { # Do we have a quoted value?
if (substr($value, 0, 1) eq '"') { # Keep adding to value until we find the trailing quote
# and the quotes are balanced
QUOTES: while ($value !~ /\"$/ or $value =~ tr/"/"/ % 2) { #"
$i++; my $next = $qual[$i]; if (!defined($next)) { $self->warn("Unbalanced quote in:\n".join("\n", @qual). "\nAdding quote to close...". "Check sequence quality!"); $value .= '"'; last QUOTES; } # Join to value with space if value or next line contains a space
$value .= (grep /\s/, ($value, $next)) ? " $next" : $next; } # Trim leading and trailing quotes
$value =~ s/^"|"$//g; # Undouble internal quotes
$value =~ s/""/"/g; #"
} } else { $value = '_no_value'; } # Store the qualifier
$out->field->{$qualifier} ||= []; push(@{$out->field->{$qualifier}},$value); } return $out; } 1;
sub next_seq {
  my ($self,@args) = @_;
  my ($pseq,$c,$line,$name,$dataclass,$desc,$acc,$seqc,$mol,$div,
      $date, $comment, @date_arr);
  my ($annotation, %params, @features) =
      new Bio::Annotation::Collection;
  $line = $self->_readline;
  # This needs to be before the first eof() test
if( !defined $line ) { return; # no throws - end of file
} if( $line =~ /^\s+$/ ) { while( defined ($line = $self->_readline) ) { $line =~/^\S/ && last; } # return without error if the whole next sequence was just a single
# blank line and then eof
return unless $line; } # no ID as 1st non-blank line, need short circuit and exit routine
$self->throw("EMBL stream with no ID. Not embl in my book") unless $line =~ /^ID\s+\S+/; # At this point we are sure that $line contains an ID header line
my $alphabet; # IMGT header : ID A00673 IMGT/LIGM annotation : keyword level; DNA; SYN; 45 BP.
if ( $line =~ /^ID\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+:\s+([^;]+);\s+([^;]+);\s+([^;]+);\s+\d+\s+BP\.$/) { ($name, $dataclass, $mol, $div) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); if (defined $mol ) { if ($mol =~ /DNA/) { $alphabet='dna'; } elsif ($mol =~ /RNA/) { $alphabet='rna'; } elsif ($mol =~ /AA/) { $alphabet='protein'; } } } unless( defined $name && length($name) ) { $name = "unknown_id"; } # $self->warn("not parsing upper annotation in EMBL file yet!");
my $buffer = $line; local $_; BEFORE_FEATURE_TABLE: until( !defined $buffer ) { $_ = $buffer; # Exit at start of Feature table
if( /^(F[HT]|SQ)/ ) { $self->_pushback($_) if( $1 eq 'SQ' ); last; } # Description line(s)
if (/^DE\s+(\S.*\S)/) { $desc .= $desc ? " $1" : $1; } #accession number
if( /^AC\s+(.*)?/ ) { my @accs = split(/[; ]+/, $1); # allow space in addition
$params{'-accession_number'} = shift @accs unless defined $params{'-accession_number'}; push @{$params{'-secondary_accessions'}}, @accs; } #version number
if( /^SV\s+\S+\.(\d+);?/ ) { my $sv = $1; #$sv =~ s/\;//;
$params{'-seq_version'} = $sv; $params{'-version'} = $sv; } #date (NOTE: takes last date line)
if( /^DT\s+(.+)$/ ) { my $line = $1; my ($date, $version) = split(' ', $line, 2); $date =~ tr/,//d; # remove comma if new version
if ($version =~ /\(Rel\. (\d+), Created\)/xms ) { my $release = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue-> new( -tagname => 'creation_release', -value => $1 ); $annotation->add_Annotation($release); } elsif ($version =~ /\(Rel\. (\d+), Last updated, Version (\d+)\)/xms ) { my $release = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue-> new( -tagname => 'update_release', -value => $1 ); $annotation->add_Annotation($release); my $update = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue-> new( -tagname => 'update_version', -value => $2 ); $annotation->add_Annotation($update); } push @{$params{'-dates'}}, $date; } #keywords
if( /^KW (.*)\S*$/ ) { my @kw = split(/\s*\;\s*/,$1); push @{$params{'-keywords'}}, @kw; } # Organism name and phylogenetic information
elsif (/^O[SC]/) { # pass the accession number so we can give an informative throw message if necessary
my $species = $self->_read_EMBL_Species(\$buffer, $params{'-accession_number'}); $params{'-species'}= $species; } # References
elsif (/^R/) { my @refs = $self->_read_EMBL_References(\$buffer); foreach my $ref ( @refs ) { $annotation->add_Annotation('reference',$ref); } } # DB Xrefs
elsif (/^DR/) { my @links = $self->_read_EMBL_DBLink(\$buffer); foreach my $dblink ( @links ) { $annotation->add_Annotation('dblink',$dblink); } } # Comments
#elsif (/^CC\s+(.*)/) {
# $comment .= $1;
# $comment .= " ";
# while (defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) {
# if (/^CC\s+(.*)/) {
# $comment .= $1;
# $comment .= " ";
# }
# else {
# last;
# }
# }
# my $commobj = Bio::Annotation::Comment->new();
# $commobj->text($comment);
# $annotation->add_Annotation('comment',$commobj);
# $comment = "";
# Get next line.
$buffer = $self->_readline; } while( defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^FT\s{3}\w/ && last; /^SQ / && last; /^CO / && last; } $buffer = $_; if (defined($buffer) && $buffer =~ /^FT\s+\S+/) { until( !defined ($buffer) ) { my $ftunit = $self->_read_FTHelper_EMBL(\$buffer); next if not defined $ftunit; # process ftunit
my $feat = $ftunit->_generic_seqfeature($self->location_factory(), $name); # add taxon_id from source if available
if($params{'-species'} && ($feat->primary_tag eq 'source') && $feat->has_tag('db_xref') && (! $params{'-species'}->ncbi_taxid())) { foreach my $tagval ($feat->get_tag_values('db_xref')) { if(index($tagval,"taxon:") == 0) { $params{'-species'}->ncbi_taxid(substr($tagval,6)); last; } } } # add feature to list of features
push(@features, $feat); if( $buffer !~ /^FT/ ) { last; } } } # skip comments
while( defined ($buffer) && $buffer =~ /^XX/ ) { $buffer = $self->_readline(); } if( $buffer !~ /^SQ/ ) { while( defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^SQ/ && last; } } $seqc = ""; while( defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) { m{^//} && last; $_ = uc($_); s/[^A-Za-z]//g; $seqc .= $_; } my $seq = $self->sequence_factory->create (-verbose => $self->verbose(), -division => $div, -data_class => $dataclass, -seq => $seqc, -desc => $desc, -display_id => $name, -primary_id => $name, -annotation => $annotation, -molecule => $mol, -alphabet => $alphabet, -features =>\@ features, %params); return $seq;
General documentation
No general documentation available.