Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::WGA2Genes GeneScaffold
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
$GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME = 'genescaffold'
$FROM_CS_NAME = 'chromosome'
$TO_CS_NAME = 'scaffold'
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Sequence qw ( reverse_comp )
A Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice that is comprised
of pieces of different target sequences, inferred by an alignment
of the target to a finished, query genome sequence. This object
extends Slice with mappings to/from the query and target
- that the given GenomicAlignBlocks are sorted with respect
to the reference and non-overlapping on query and target
- that the given list of features is sorted with respect to
the reference
No description!
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub _check_direct_target_coordinates {
  my ($blocks, $slices) = @_;

  my ($tname, $tstrand);

  my @blocks = @$blocks;
  for(my $i=0; $i < @blocks; $i++) {
    my ($right_to) = @{$blocks[$i]->get_all_non_reference_genomic_aligns};
    if ($i > 0) { 
      my ($left_to) = @{$blocks[$i-1]->get_all_non_reference_genomic_aligns};

      if ($left_to->dnafrag->name ne $right_to->dnafrag->name or
          $left_to->dnafrag_strand != $right_to->dnafrag_strand or
          ($left_to->dnafrag_strand > 0 and $left_to->dnafrag_end >= $right_to->dnafrag_start) or
          ($left_to->dnafrag_strand < 0 and $left_to->dnafrag_start <= $right_to->dnafrag_end)) {
        throw("Cannot use direct target coordinates with inconsistent set of blocks");

    $tname = $right_to->dnafrag->name if not defined $tname;
    $tstrand = $right_to->dnafrag_strand if not defined $tstrand;

  my $target_slice;
  if ($tstrand < 0) {
    $target_slice = $slices->{$tname}->invert;
  } else {
    $target_slice = $slices->{$tname};

  return $target_slice;

# Get/Sets
sub _check_transcripts {
  my ($trans) = @_;

  if (scalar(@$trans) == 0) {
    throw("Attempt to create GeneScaffod with transcript list");

  foreach my $t (@$trans) {
    if (not $t->translation) {
     # throw("Attempt to create GeneScaffold with non-coding Transcript (".$t->stable_id.")");
warn("Attempt to create GeneScaffold with non-coding Transcript (".$t->stable_id.")"); } if (length($t->translateable_seq) % 3 != 0) { # throw("Attempt to create GeneScaffold with non-mod-3 coding length Transcript (".$t->stable_id.")");
warn("Attempt to create GeneScaffold with non-mod-3 coding length Transcript (".$t->stable_id.")"); } } } #################################################
sub _construct_sequence {
  my ($gen_al_blocks,
      $direct_target_slice) = @_;

  # Basic gene-scaffold structure is taken directly from the given block list
my @block_coord_pairs; foreach my $bl (@{$gen_al_blocks}) { my $qy_al = $bl->reference_genomic_align; my ($tg_al) = @{$bl->get_all_non_reference_genomic_aligns}; my $from_coord = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate->new($qy_al->dnafrag->name, $qy_al->dnafrag_start, $qy_al->dnafrag_end, 1); my $to_coord = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate->new($tg_al->dnafrag->name, $tg_al->dnafrag_start, $tg_al->dnafrag_end, $tg_al->dnafrag_strand); my $pair = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Pair->new($from_coord, $to_coord); push @block_coord_pairs, $pair; } @block_coord_pairs = sort { $a->from->start <=> $b->from->start } @block_coord_pairs; # we now proceed to amend the structure with inserted gaps
# step 1: flatten the exons from the transcripts into a non-overlapping
# list, ommitting terminal exons that map completely to gaps
my $tran_coords = transcripts_to_coords($map, $FROM_CS_NAME, @$transcripts); # step 2: infer list of exon regions that map to gaps. We are only
# interested, at this stage, in regions outside the blocks, because
# these are the ones with potential to be "filled"
my @fillable_gaps; foreach my $tc (sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } @$tran_coords) { my $current_pos = $tc->start; foreach my $c ($map->map_coordinates($tc->id, $tc->start, $tc->end, 1, $FROM_CS_NAME)) { my $from_coord = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate->new($tc->id, $current_pos, $current_pos + $c->length - 1, 1); $current_pos += $c->length; if ($c->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { # only consider gaps that lies outside blocks
my $overlaps_block = 0; foreach my $bl (@block_coord_pairs) { if ($bl->from->start <= $from_coord->end and $bl->from->end >= $from_coord->start) { $overlaps_block = 1; last; } } if (not $overlaps_block) { push @fillable_gaps, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Pair->new($from_coord, $c); } } } } # Non-fillable gaps:
# 1. Gaps before the first or after the last block
# 2. If one of the flanking coords is on the same CDS region
# as the gap, and the end of the aligned region does
# not align to a sequence-level gap
# 3. If the 2 flanking coords are consistent and not
# separated by a sequence-level gap
my @all_coord_pairs = (@block_coord_pairs, @fillable_gaps); @all_coord_pairs = sort { $a->from->start <=> $b->from->start } @all_coord_pairs; my @extend_pairs; if ($extend_into_gaps) { my (%pairs_to_remove, @replacements); for(my $i=0; $i < @all_coord_pairs; $i++) { my $this_pair = $all_coord_pairs[$i]; if ($this_pair->to->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { # if it's gap that can be filled, leave it. Otherwise, remove it
my ($left_non_gap, $right_non_gap); for(my $j=$i-1; $j>=0; $j--) { if ($all_coord_pairs[$j]->to-> isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { $left_non_gap = $all_coord_pairs[$j]; last; } } for(my $j=$i+1; $j < @all_coord_pairs; $j++) { if ($all_coord_pairs[$j]->to-> isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { $right_non_gap = $all_coord_pairs[$j]; last; } } my ($ex_left, $ex_left_up, $ex_left_down) = extend_coord($left_non_gap->to, $to_slices->{$left_non_gap->to->id}); my ($ex_right, $ex_right_up, $ex_right_down) = extend_coord($right_non_gap->to, $to_slices->{$right_non_gap->to->id}); # flanking coords are inconsistent,
# which means that they come from different chains.
# By chain filtering then, they must either come
# from different target sequences, or be separable in the
# same target sequence by a sequence-level gap. Either
# way, we can nominally "fill" the gap.
# However, if the gap coincides with the end of a block,
# and furthermore if the block end conincides with the
# end of a sequence-level piece in the target, it is
# more appropriate to extend the exon into the existing
# gap; in that case, we replace the gap with a fake
# piece of alignment
if (not check_consistent_coords($left_non_gap->to, $right_non_gap->to) or $ex_left->start > $ex_right->end or $ex_left->end < $ex_right->start) { if ($left_non_gap->from->end == $this_pair->from->start - 1 and $right_non_gap->from->start == $this_pair->from->end + 1) { my $remove_coord = 1; my (@replace_coord); if ($left_non_gap->to->strand > 0 and $ex_left->end - $left_non_gap->to->end <= $NEAR_CONTIG_END) { $remove_coord = 0; if (defined $ex_left_down and $this_pair->to->length <= $ex_left_down->start - $ex_left->end - 1) { push @replace_coord, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate ->new($ex_left->id, $ex_left->end + 1, $ex_left->end + $this_pair->to->length, $ex_left->strand); } } elsif ($left_non_gap->to->strand < 0 and $ex_left->start - $left_non_gap->to->start <= $NEAR_CONTIG_END) { $remove_coord = 0; if (defined $ex_left_up and $this_pair->to->length <= $ex_left->start - $ex_left_up->end - 1) { push @replace_coord, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate ->new($ex_left->id, $ex_left->start - $this_pair->to->length, $ex_left->start - 1, $ex_left->strand); } } if ($right_non_gap->to->strand > 0 and $right_non_gap->to->start - $ex_right->start <= $NEAR_CONTIG_END) { $remove_coord = 0; if (defined $ex_right_up and $this_pair->to->length <= $ex_right->start - $ex_right_up->end - 1) { push @replace_coord, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate ->new($ex_right->id, $ex_right->start - $this_pair->to->length, $ex_right->start - 1, $ex_right->strand); } } elsif ($right_non_gap->to->strand < 0 and $ex_right->end - $right_non_gap->to->end <= $NEAR_CONTIG_END) { $remove_coord = 0; if (defined $ex_right_down and $this_pair->to->length <= $ex_right_down->start - $ex_right->end - 1) { push @replace_coord, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate ->new($ex_right->id, $ex_right->end + 1, $ex_right->end + $this_pair->to->length, $ex_right->strand); } } if ($remove_coord) { # gap does not align with the end of a contig; junk it
$pairs_to_remove{$this_pair} = 1; } elsif (@replace_coord) { # arbitrarily chose the first one
push @replacements, [$this_pair, $replace_coord[0]]; } } elsif ($left_non_gap->from->end == $this_pair->from->start - 1) { if ($left_non_gap->to->strand > 0 and $ex_left->end - $left_non_gap->to->end <= $NEAR_CONTIG_END) { if (defined $ex_left_down and $this_pair->to->length <= $ex_left_down->start - $ex_left->end - 1) { push @replacements, [$this_pair, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate ->new($ex_left->id, $ex_left->end + 1, $ex_left->end + $this_pair->to->length, $ex_left->strand)]; } } elsif ($left_non_gap->to->strand < 0 and $ex_left->start - $left_non_gap->to->start <= $NEAR_CONTIG_END) { if (defined $ex_left_up and $this_pair->to->length <= $ex_left->start - $ex_left_up->end - 1) { push @replacements, [$this_pair, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate ->new($ex_left->id, $ex_left->start - $this_pair->to->length, $ex_left->start - 1, $ex_left->strand)]; } } else { # gap does not align with the end of a contig; junk it
$pairs_to_remove{$this_pair} = 1; } } elsif ($right_non_gap->from->start == $this_pair->from->end + 1) { if ($right_non_gap->to->strand > 0 and $right_non_gap->to->start - $ex_right->start <= $NEAR_CONTIG_END) { if (defined $ex_right_up and $this_pair->to->length <= $ex_right->start - $ex_right_up->end - 1) { push @replacements, [$this_pair, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate ->new($ex_right->id, $ex_right->start - $this_pair->to->length, $ex_right->start - 1, $ex_right->strand)]; } } elsif ($right_non_gap->to->strand < 0 and $ex_right->end - $right_non_gap->to->end <= $NEAR_CONTIG_END) { if (defined $ex_right_down and $this_pair->to->length <= $ex_right_down->start - $ex_right->end - 1) { push @replacements, [$this_pair, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate ->new($ex_right->id, $ex_right->end + 1, $ex_right->end + $this_pair->to->length, $ex_right->strand)]; } } else { # gap does not align with the end of a contig; junk it
$pairs_to_remove{$this_pair} = 1; } } # else this gap is an isolate. It can be kept iff the coords are
# on different chains, or on the same chain but on different
# contigs; we've already determined that the components can
# be separated, so fine
} else { $pairs_to_remove{$this_pair} = 1; } } } @all_coord_pairs = grep { not exists $pairs_to_remove{$_} } @all_coord_pairs; @replacements = sort { $a->[1]->id cmp $b->[1]->id or $a->[1]->start <=> $b->[1]->start; } @replacements; while(@replacements) { my $el = shift @replacements; my ($pair, $rep) = @$el; my $fill = 1; if (@replacements) { my $nel = shift @replacements; my ($npair, $nrep) = @$nel; if ($rep->id eq $nrep->id and $rep->start <= $nrep->end and $rep->end >= $nrep->start) { # we have over-filled a gap. Remove these fills
$fill = 0; } else { unshift @replacements, $nel; } } if ($fill) { $pair->to($rep); push @extend_pairs, $pair; } } } if (not $add_gaps) { @all_coord_pairs = grep { not $_->to->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap") } @all_coord_pairs; } # merge adjacent targets
# we want to be able to account for small, frame-preserving
# insertions in the target sequence with respect to the query.
# To give the later, gene-projection code the opportunity to
# "read through" these insertions, we have to merge togther
# adjacent, consistent targets that are within this "maximum
# read-through" distance
my @merged_pairs; for(my $i=0; $i<@all_coord_pairs; $i++) { my $this_pair = $all_coord_pairs[$i]; if ($this_pair->to->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate") and @merged_pairs and $merged_pairs[-1]->to->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate") and check_consistent_coords($merged_pairs[-1]->to, $this_pair->to)) { my $dist = distance_between_coords($merged_pairs[-1]->to, $this_pair->to); if ($dist <= $max_readthrough_dist) { my $last_pair = pop @merged_pairs; my $new_from = merge_coords($last_pair->from, $this_pair->from); my $new_to = merge_coords($last_pair->to, $this_pair->to); # check that the new merged coord will not result in an overlap
my $overlap = 0; foreach my $tg (@merged_pairs) { if ($tg->to->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate") and $tg->to->id eq $new_to->id and $tg->to->start < $new_to->end and $tg->to->end > $new_to->start) { $overlap = 1; last; } } if (not $overlap) { for (my $j=$i+1; $j < @all_coord_pairs; $j++) { my $tg = $all_coord_pairs[$j]; if ($tg->to->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate") and $tg->to->id eq $new_to->id and $tg->to->start < $new_to->end and $tg->to->end > $new_to->start) { $overlap = 1; last; } } } if ($overlap) { push @merged_pairs, $last_pair, $this_pair; } else { push @merged_pairs, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Pair->new($new_from, $new_to); } } else { push @merged_pairs, $this_pair; } } else { push @merged_pairs, $this_pair; } } #########################################################
my $t_map = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper->new($TO_CS_NAME, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME); my $q_map = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper->new($FROM_CS_NAME, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME); my ($seq, $last_end_pos) = ("", 0); for(my $i=0; $i < @merged_pairs; $i++) { my $pair = $merged_pairs[$i]; if ($direct_target_slice) { if ($pair->to->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { my ($gs_start, $gs_end); if ($direct_target_slice->strand < 0) { $gs_start = $direct_target_slice->length - $pair->to->end + 1; $gs_end = $direct_target_slice->length - $pair->to->start + 1; } else { $gs_start = $pair->to->start; $gs_end = $pair->to->end; } $t_map->add_map_coordinates($pair->to->id, $pair->to->start, $pair->to->end, $pair->to->strand, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $gs_start, $gs_end); } } else{ if ($pair->to->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { # the sequence itself
my $slice = $to_slices->{$pair->to->id}; my $this_seq = $slice->subseq($pair->to->start, $pair->to->end); if ($pair->to->strand < 0) { reverse_comp(\$this_seq); } $seq .= $this_seq; $t_map->add_map_coordinates($pair->to->id, $pair->to->start, $pair->to->end, $pair->to->strand, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $last_end_pos + 1, $last_end_pos + $pair->to->length); } else { # the sequence itself
$seq .= ('n' x $pair->from->length); # and the map. This is a target gap we have "filled", so no position
# in target, but a position in query
$q_map->add_map_coordinates($from_slice->seq_region_name, $pair->from->start, $pair->from->end, 1, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $last_end_pos + 1, $last_end_pos + $pair->from->length); } # add padding between the pieces
if ($i < @merged_pairs - 1) { $last_end_pos += $pair->to->length + $INTERPIECE_PADDING; $seq .= ('n' x $INTERPIECE_PADDING); } } } #
# add the gaps we have extended into to the query map
foreach my $pair (@extend_pairs) { my ($coord) = $t_map->map_coordinates($pair->to->id, $pair->to->start, $pair->to->end, $pair->to->strand, $TO_CS_NAME); $q_map->add_map_coordinates($from_slice->seq_region_name, $pair->from->start, $pair->from->end, 1, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $coord->start, $coord->end); } #
# finally add of the original alignment pieces to the query map
my @aln_coords = $map->map_coordinates($from_slice->seq_region_name, $from_slice->start, $from_slice->end, 1, $FROM_CS_NAME); my $current_start = $from_slice->start; foreach my $c (@aln_coords) { my $current_end = $current_start + $c->length - 1; if ($c->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { # get the gene_scaffold position from the target map
my ($coord) = $t_map->map_coordinates($c->id, $c->start, $c->end, $c->strand, $TO_CS_NAME); $q_map->add_map_coordinates($from_slice->seq_region_name, $current_start, $current_end, 1, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $coord->start, $coord->end); } $current_start += $c->length; } return ($seq, $q_map, $t_map); } #################################################
sub _make_alignment_mapper {
  my ($gen_al_blocks) = @_;

  my $mapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper->new($FROM_CS_NAME,

  foreach my $bl (@$gen_al_blocks) {
    foreach my $ugbl (@{$bl->get_all_ungapped_GenomicAlignBlocks}) {      
      my ($from_bl) = $ugbl->reference_genomic_align;
      my ($to_bl)   = @{$ugbl->get_all_non_reference_genomic_aligns};

                                   $from_bl->dnafrag_strand * $to_bl->dnafrag_strand,

  return $mapper;

sub alignment_mapper {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  if (defined $val) {
    $self->{_alignment_mapper} = $val;

  return $self->{_alignment_mapper};
sub direct_target_slice {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  if (defined $val) {
    $self->{_direct_target} = $val;

  return $self->{_direct_target};
sub from_mapper {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  if (defined $val) {
    $self->{_from_mapper} = $val;

  return $self->{_from_mapper};
sub from_slice {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  if (defined $val) {
    $self->{_from_slice} = $val;

  return $self->{_from_slice};
sub max_readthrough_dist {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  if (defined $val) {
    $self->{_max_readthrough} = $val;

  return $self->{_max_readthrough};
sub new {
  my ($caller, %given_args) = @_;

  my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;

  my ($name,
      ) = rearrange([qw(
                        )], %given_args);


  $name = "GeneScaffold" if not defined $name;
  $max_readthrough_dist = 15 if not defined $max_readthrough_dist;  

  if ($direct_target_slice) {
    if ($add_gaps or $extend_into_gaps) {
      warning("GeneScaffold: cannot use -direct_target_coords with either of " . 
              "-add_gaps or -extend_into_gaps; unsetting both");
      $add_gaps = 0;
      $extend_into_gaps = 0;

    # check that the genomic align blocks will allow this
$direct_target_slice = _check_direct_target_coordinates($genomic_align_blocks, $to_slices); } my $aln_map = _make_alignment_mapper($genomic_align_blocks); my ($gs_seq, $from_mapper, $to_mapper) = _construct_sequence($genomic_align_blocks, $aln_map, $transcripts, $from_slice, $to_slices, $max_readthrough_dist, $extend_into_gaps, $add_gaps, $direct_target_slice); return undef if not defined $from_mapper; # print "1: ", $direct_target_slice,"\n2: ",$direct_target_slice->length,"\n3: ",length($gs_seq),"\n";
my $gs_end = $direct_target_slice ? $direct_target_slice->length : length($gs_seq); my $self = $class->SUPER::new(-coord_system => Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem->new(-name => $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, -rank => 1), -seq_region_name => $name, -seq => ( $gs_seq eq "" ? undef : $gs_seq), -start => 1, -end => $gs_end, ); $self->direct_target_slice($direct_target_slice) if defined $direct_target_slice; $self->max_readthrough_dist($max_readthrough_dist) if defined $max_readthrough_dist; $self->from_slice($from_slice); $self->to_slices($to_slices); $self->alignment_mapper($aln_map); $self->from_mapper($from_mapper); $self->to_mapper($to_mapper); return $self; } ###################################################################
# FUNCTION : place_transcript
# Description:
# Takes a transcript, and uses the mapping between
# query coords and gene scaffold coords to produces a transcript
# that is the result of "projecting" the original transcript,
# through alignment, onto the gene scaffold.
sub place_transcript {
  my ($self, 
      $external_db_id) = @_;

  my (@all_coords, @new_exons);
  my @orig_exons = @{$tran->get_all_translateable_Exons};

  @orig_exons = sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } @orig_exons;
  my $orig_exon_coords = transcripts_to_coords($self->alignment_mapper,

  my $restricted_range;
  if (@$orig_exon_coords) {

   # print "ORIGINAL EXON COORDS: First start: ",$orig_exon_coords->[0]->start, " last end: ",$orig_exon_coords->[-1]->end," length: ",$orig_exon_coords->[-1]->end-$orig_exon_coords->[0]->start+1 ,"\n";
$restricted_range = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate->new($orig_exon_coords->[0]->id, $orig_exon_coords->[0]->start, $orig_exon_coords->[-1]->end, $orig_exon_coords->[0]->strand); } else { #print "ORIGINAL EXON COORDS: First start: ",$orig_exons[0]->start, " last end: ",$orig_exons[-1]->end," length ",$orig_exons[-1]->end-$orig_exons[0]->start+1,"\n";
$restricted_range = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate->new($orig_exons[0]->slice->seq_region_name, $orig_exons[0]->start, $orig_exons[-1]->end, $orig_exons[0]->strand); } my %filled_coords; # look for regions that map down to filled gaps. If any of these
# lie outside the restricted range (i.e. extent of the transcript
# within which gaps were potentially filled), then they must
# be gaps that were filled for a different transcript. In that
# case, discard these pieces
foreach my $orig_exon (@orig_exons) { #print "Single exon original coords: START: ", $orig_exon->start," END: ", $orig_exon->end," length ",$orig_exon->end-$orig_exon->start+1,"\n";
my @crds = $self->from_mapper->map_coordinates($orig_exon->slice->seq_region_name, $orig_exon->start, $orig_exon->end, 1, $FROM_CS_NAME); foreach my $c (@crds) { if ($c->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { #print "Exon Mapper from coordinates: START:", $c->start, " END: ",$c->end," length ",$c->end-$c->start+1,"\n";
my ($tc) = $self->to_mapper->map_coordinates($GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $c->start, $c->end, 1, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME); if ($tc->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { # this piece may partially extend into a real sequence gap;
# break it up into its constituent pieces
#print "TC Mapper from coordinates: START:", $tc->start, " END: ",$tc->end," length ",$tc->end-$tc->start+1,"\n";
my @alncrds = $self->alignment_mapper->map_coordinates($tc->id, $tc->start, $tc->end, $tc->strand, $TO_CS_NAME); my $current_start = $c->start; foreach my $ac (@alncrds) { #print "AC coords START: ", $ac->start, " END: ".$ac->end," length ",$ac->end-$ac->start+1,"\n";
my $current_end = $current_start + $ac->length - 1; my $newc = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate->new($c->id, $current_start, $current_end, $c->strand); $current_start += $ac->length; if ($ac->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { #print "\nAC is a GAP\n\n";
$filled_coords{$newc} = 1; } push @all_coords, $newc; } } else { $filled_coords{$c} = 1; push @all_coords, $c; } } else { push @all_coords, $c; } } } my @kept_coords; foreach my $c (@all_coords) { if ($c->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate") and exists $filled_coords{$c}) { # this is a filled coord, so MUST correspond to exactly one piece of the
# original query sequence
#print "KEPT coord START: ",$c->start," END: ",$c->end," length ",$c->end-$c->start+1,"\n";
my ($oc) = $self->from_mapper->map_coordinates($GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $c->start, $c->end, 1, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME); if ($oc->start >= $restricted_range->start and $oc->end <= $restricted_range->end) { push @kept_coords, $c; } else { push @kept_coords, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap->new(1, $c->length); } } else { #print "KEPT coord START: ",$c->start," END: ",$c->end," length ",$c->end-$c->start+1,"\n";
push @kept_coords, $c; } } @all_coords = @kept_coords; #
# now massage the gaps to account for frameshifts
my $need_another_pass; do { $need_another_pass = 0; my (@proc_coords, @gap_indices); # merge gaps
foreach my $c (@all_coords) { if ($c->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { #print "GAP PRESENT START: ",$c->start," END: ",$c->end," length ",$c->end-$c->start+1,"\n";
if (@proc_coords and $proc_coords[-1]->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { $proc_coords[-1]->end( $proc_coords[-1]->end + $c->length ); #print "Extending existing GAP\n";
} else { #print "ADDing new GAP with length ",$c->length ,"\n";
push @proc_coords, Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap->new(1, $c->length); push @gap_indices, scalar(@proc_coords) - 1; } } else { push @proc_coords, $c; } } GAP: foreach my $idx (@gap_indices) { #print "I have to handle a GAP\n";
my $gap = $proc_coords[$idx]; my $frameshift = $gap->length % 3; if ($frameshift) { #print "!!! Have a frameshift at " . $gap->start . "\n";
my $bases_to_remove = 3 - $frameshift; # calculate "surplus" bases on incomplete codons to left and right
my ($left_surplus, $right_surplus) = (0,0); for(my $j=$idx-1; $j >= 0; $j--) { $left_surplus += $proc_coords[$j]->length; } for(my $j=$idx+1; $j < @proc_coords; $j++) { $right_surplus += $proc_coords[$j]->length; } $left_surplus = $left_surplus % 3; $right_surplus = $right_surplus % 3; if ($left_surplus) { # eat left
$bases_to_remove = $left_surplus; my $left_coord = $proc_coords[$idx - 1]; if ($left_coord->length > $bases_to_remove) { $gap->end($gap->end + $bases_to_remove); $left_coord->end( $left_coord->end - $bases_to_remove ); } else { # we need to eat away the whole of this coord
$proc_coords[$idx-1] = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap->new(1,$left_coord->length); } } if ($right_surplus) { $bases_to_remove = $right_surplus; my $right_coord = $proc_coords[$idx + 1]; if ($right_coord->length > $bases_to_remove) { $gap->end($gap->end + $bases_to_remove); $right_coord->start( $right_coord->start + $bases_to_remove); } else { # we need to eat away the whole of this coord
$proc_coords[$idx+1] = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap->new(1,$right_coord->length); } } $need_another_pass = 1; last GAP; } } @all_coords = @proc_coords; } while ($need_another_pass); my $start_not_found = $all_coords[0]->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap") ? 1 : 0; my $end_not_found = $all_coords[-1]->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap") ? 1 : 0; #
# The remaining non-gap pieces are the exons
@all_coords = grep { $_->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate") } @all_coords; return 0 if not @all_coords; my $sl = $self->direct_target_slice ? $self->direct_target_slice : $self; foreach my $coord (@all_coords) { push @new_exons, Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon->new(-start => $coord->start, -end => $coord->end, -strand => $tran->strand, -slice => $sl); } if ($tran->strand < 0) { @new_exons = sort { $b->start <=> $a->start } @new_exons; } else { @new_exons = sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } @new_exons; } #
# calculate phases, and add supporting features
my $source_pep = $tran->translate->seq; my $source_cds_len = 0; map { $source_cds_len += $_->length } @orig_exons; if (length($source_pep) + 1 == ($source_cds_len / 3)) {
# stop was removed
$source_pep .= "*";
} my $transcript_aligned_aas = 0; my $transcript_identical_aas = 0; my $incomplete_codon_bps = 0; my ($previous_exon); foreach my $exon (@new_exons) { # if ($exon->start == 16141929) {
# print "Modifying exon->start\n";
# $exon->start($exon->start+2);
# }
if (defined $previous_exon) { $exon->phase($previous_exon->end_phase); } else { $exon->phase(0); } # $exon->end_phase((($exon->end - $exon->start + 1) + $exon->phase)%3);
#print " Exon length = " . $exon->length . " phase = " . $exon->phase . "\n";
$exon->end_phase((($exon->length) + $exon->phase)%3); #print " Setting Exon end_phase to " . $exon->end_phase . "\n";
my $exon_aligned_aas = 0; my $exon_identical_aas = 0; # need to map back to the genomic coords to get the supporting feature
# for this exon;
my $extent_start = $exon->start; my $extent_end = $exon->end; if ($exon->strand > 0) { $extent_start += 3 - $exon->phase if $exon->phase; $extent_end -= $exon->end_phase if $exon->end_phase; } else { $extent_start += $exon->end_phase if $exon->end_phase; $extent_end -= 3 - $exon->phase if $exon->phase; } #print "Exon phase : ",$exon->phase,"\n";
#print "Exon end phase : ",$exon->end_phase,"\n";
#print "Previous exon end phase : ",$previous_exon->end_phase,"\n" if ($previous_exon);
if ($extent_end > $extent_start) { #print "extent start = " . $extent_start . " extent_end = " . $extent_end ."\n";
# if not, we've eaten away the whole exon, so there is no support
$incomplete_codon_bps += ($extent_start - $exon->start); $incomplete_codon_bps += ($exon->end - $extent_end); my @gen_coords = $self->from_mapper->map_coordinates($GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $extent_start, $extent_end, 1, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME); #print " Have " . scalar(@gen_coords) . " gen_coords\n";
my @fps; my $cur_gs_start = $extent_start; #print "Exon coords = " . $exon->start . " " . $exon->end ."\n";
foreach my $g_coord (@gen_coords) { #print " g_coord = " . $g_coord->start . " " . $g_coord->end ."\n";
#print "EXTEND LENGTH: ",($extent_end - $extent_start+1),"\n";
#print "G LENGTH: ",($g_coord->end- $g_coord->start+1),"\t length: ",$g_coord->length,"\n";
my $cur_gs_end = $cur_gs_start + $g_coord->length - 1; if ($g_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { my ($p_coord) = $tran->genomic2pep($g_coord->start, $g_coord->end, $tran->strand); my $p_substr = uc(substr($source_pep, $p_coord->start - 1, $p_coord->length)); my $gs_reg = $sl->subseq($cur_gs_start, $cur_gs_end, $exon->strand); #print "SEQ: ",length($gs_reg),"\n";
my $gs_p_substr = uc(Bio::PrimarySeq->new(-seq => $gs_reg)->translate->seq); #print $p_substr, "\n AND: ",$gs_p_substr,"\n";
if (length($p_substr) != length ($gs_p_substr)) { #print "Length from source_pep = ", length($p_substr), "\n AND: from genomic translation ",length($gs_p_substr),"\n";
warning("Pep segments differ; cannot calculate percentage identity"); } else { $exon_aligned_aas += length($p_substr); my @p1 = split(//, $p_substr); my @p2 = split(//, $gs_p_substr); for(my $i=0; $i < @p1; $i++) { if ($p1[$i] eq $p2[$i]) { $exon_identical_aas++; } } } my $fp = Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair-> new(-seqname => $self->seq_region_name, -start => $cur_gs_start, -end => $cur_gs_end, -strand => $exon->strand, -score => 100.0, -hseqname => $tran->translation->stable_id, -hstart => $p_coord->start, -external_db_id => $external_db_id, -hend => $p_coord->end, -hstrand => $p_coord->strand, -slice => $sl); push @fps, $fp; } $cur_gs_start += $g_coord->length; } if (@fps) { my $f = Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature->new(-features =>\@ fps); $f->percent_id(100 * ($exon_identical_aas / $exon_aligned_aas));
$exon->add_supporting_features($f); } } else { #print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Short exon of " . $exon->length . " bases\n";
$incomplete_codon_bps += $exon->length; } $transcript_aligned_aas += $exon_aligned_aas; $transcript_identical_aas += $exon_identical_aas; $previous_exon = $exon; } # optimistically, we are going to assume that split codons
# are identical and covered. This of course may not always
# be the case, but it's too fiddly (for now) to do it properly.
$transcript_aligned_aas += int($incomplete_codon_bps / 3);
$transcript_identical_aas += int($incomplete_codon_bps / 3);
# merge abutting exons; deals with exon fusion events, and
# small, frame-preserving insertions in the target
my @merged_exons; foreach my $exon (@new_exons) { if (@merged_exons) { my $prev_exon = pop @merged_exons; my ($new_start, $new_end); if ($tran->strand < 0) { my $intron_len = $prev_exon->start - $exon->end - 1; if ($intron_len % 3 == 0 and $intron_len <= $self->max_readthrough_dist) { $new_start = $exon->start; $new_end = $prev_exon->end; } } else { my $intron_len = $exon->start - $prev_exon->end - 1; if ($intron_len % 3 == 0 and $intron_len <= $self->max_readthrough_dist) { $new_start = $prev_exon->start; $new_end = $exon->end; } } if (defined $new_start and defined $new_end) { my $merged_exon = Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon-> new(-start => $new_start, -end => $new_end, -strand => $tran->strand, -phase => $prev_exon->phase, -end_phase => $exon->end_phase, -slice => $exon->slice); my @ug_feats; my $len_l = 0; my $pid_l = 0; if (@{$prev_exon->get_all_supporting_features}) { my ($sf) = @{$prev_exon->get_all_supporting_features}; $pid_l = $sf->percent_id; foreach my $ug ($sf->ungapped_features) { push @ug_feats, $ug; $len_l += $ug->length; } } my $len_r = 0; my $pid_r = 0; if (@{$exon->get_all_supporting_features}) { my ($sf) = @{$exon->get_all_supporting_features}; $pid_r = $sf->percent_id; foreach my $ug ($sf->ungapped_features) { push @ug_feats, $ug; $len_r += $ug->length; } } if (@ug_feats) { map { $_->percent_id(100) } @ug_feats; my $new_sup_feat = Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature-> new(-features =>\@ ug_feats); $new_sup_feat->percent_id((($len_l * $pid_l) + ($len_r * $pid_r)) / ($len_l + $len_r));
$merged_exon->add_supporting_features($new_sup_feat); } push @merged_exons, $merged_exon; next; } else { push @merged_exons, $prev_exon; push @merged_exons, $exon; } } else { push @merged_exons, $exon; } } my $proj_tran = Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript->new(); map { $proj_tran->add_Exon($_) } @merged_exons; #
# do transcript-level supporting features/attributes
my (@trans_fps); foreach my $exon (@merged_exons) { if (@{$exon->get_all_supporting_features}) { my ($sf) = @{$exon->get_all_supporting_features}; my @e_fps = $sf->ungapped_features; # need to reset the pids here, otherwise the API complains
map { $_->percent_id(100) } @e_fps; push @trans_fps, @e_fps; } } if (@trans_fps) { my $t_sf = Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature-> new(-features =>\@ trans_fps); # use score to hold coverage, so that it is stored somewhere when written to db
$t_sf->score(100 * ($transcript_aligned_aas / length($source_pep)));
$t_sf->hcoverage( 100 * ($transcript_aligned_aas / length($source_pep)));
$t_sf->percent_id(100 * ($transcript_identical_aas / $transcript_aligned_aas));
$proj_tran->add_supporting_features($t_sf); # now copy this hcoverage value to all the exon supporting features
foreach my $exon (@{$proj_tran->get_all_Exons}) { foreach my $exon_sf (@{$exon->get_all_supporting_features}) { $exon_sf->hcoverage($t_sf->hcoverage); } } } else { # there are no complete codons in any exon!
# this is clearly rubbish, so bail out
return 0; } #
# set translation
my $translation = Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation->new(); $translation->start_Exon($merged_exons[0]); $translation->start(1); $translation->end_Exon($merged_exons[-1]); $translation->end($merged_exons[-1]->end - $merged_exons[-1]->start + 1); $proj_tran->translation($translation); my $pep = $proj_tran->translate; if (not defined $pep) { # this can happen if the transcript comprises a single stop codon only
return 0; } my $prop_non_gap = 100 - (100 * (($pep->seq =~ tr/X/X/) / $pep->length));
my $num_stops = $pep->seq =~ tr/\*/\*/; my $num_gaps = $pep->seq =~ tr/X/X/; #
# finally, attributes
my @attributes; my $perc_id_attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'HitSimilarity', -name => 'hit similarity', -description => 'percentage id to parent transcripts', -value => sprintf("%.1f", 100 * ($transcript_identical_aas / $transcript_aligned_aas)));
push @attributes, $perc_id_attr; my $cov_attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'HitCoverage', -name => 'hit coverage', -description => 'coverage of parent transcripts', -value => sprintf("%.1f", 100 * ($transcript_aligned_aas / length($source_pep))));
push @attributes, $cov_attr; my $gap_attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'PropNonGap', -name => 'proportion non gap', -description => 'proportion non gap', -value => sprintf("%.1f", $prop_non_gap)); push @attributes, $gap_attr; my $prop_non_gap_of_coverage_attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'NonGapHCov', -name => 'proportion non gap of hit coverage', -description => 'proportion non gap of hit coverage', -value => sprintf("%.1f", 100 * (($transcript_aligned_aas - $num_gaps) / length($source_pep))));
push @attributes, $prop_non_gap_of_coverage_attr; if ($start_not_found and $tran->strand > 0 or $end_not_found and $tran->strand < 0) { my $attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'StartNotFound', -name => 'start not found', -description => 'start not found', -value => 1); push @attributes, $attr; } if ($end_not_found and $tran->strand > 0 or $start_not_found and $tran->strand < 0) { my $attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'EndNotFound', -name => 'end not found', -description => 'end not found', -value => 1); push @attributes, $attr; } my $stop_attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'NumStops', -name => 'number of stops', -desc => 'Number of stops before editing', -value => $num_stops); push @attributes, $stop_attr; # indentify gap exons
my $gap_exons = 0; foreach my $e (@{$proj_tran->get_all_Exons}) { my ($coord) = $self->to_mapper->map_coordinates($GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME, $e->start, $e->end, 1, $GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME); if ($coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) { $gap_exons++; } } my $gap_exon_attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'GapExons', -name => 'gap exons', -description => 'number of gap exons', -value => $gap_exons); push @attributes, $gap_exon_attr; my $tranid_attr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute-> new(-code => 'SourceTran', -name => 'source transcript', -description => 'source transcript', -value => $tran->stable_id); push @attributes, $tranid_attr; if ($add_attributes) { $proj_tran->add_Attributes(@attributes); } if ($self->direct_target_slice and $self->direct_target_slice->strand < 0) { $proj_tran = $proj_tran->transfer($self->direct_target_slice->invert); } return $proj_tran;
sub project_down {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my @comps = $self->to_mapper->map_coordinates($GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME,
  my @segments;
  my $current_pos = 1;
  foreach my $c (@comps) {
    my $start = $current_pos;
    my $end   = $current_pos + $c->length - 1;
    $current_pos += $c->length;
    if ($c->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) {
      my $tlsl = $self->to_slices->{$c->id};
      my $slice = $tlsl->adaptor->fetch_by_region($tlsl->coord_system->name,
      push @segments, bless([$start, $end, $slice],

  return @segments;

# Internal helper methods
sub project_up {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $tlsl = $self->from_slice;

  my @comps = $self->from_mapper->map_coordinates($GENE_SCAFFOLD_CS_NAME,
  my @segments;
  my $current_pos = 1;
  foreach my $c (@comps) {
    my $start = $current_pos;
    my $end   = $current_pos + $c->length - 1;
    $current_pos += $c->length;
    if ($c->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) {
      my $slice = $tlsl->adaptor->fetch_by_region($tlsl->coord_system->name,
      push @segments, bless([$start, $end, $slice],

  return @segments;
sub stringify_alignment {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my @coords = $self->alignment_mapper->map_coordinates($self->from_slice->seq_region_name,
  my $string = "";
  my $position = $self->from_slice->start;
  foreach my $c (@coords) {
    my $ref_start = $position;
    my $ref_end = $position + $c->length - 1;
    $position += $c->length;
    $string .= sprintf("%s %d %d ", $self->from_slice->seq_region_name, $ref_start, $ref_end);

    if ($c->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap")) {
      $string .= "[GAP]\n";
    } else {
      $string .= "[%s %d %d %s]\n", $c->id, $c->start, $c->end, $c->strand;

  return $string;
sub to_mapper {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  if (defined $val) {
    $self->{_to_mapper} = $val;
  return $self->{_to_mapper};


sub to_slices {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  if (defined $val) {
    $self->{_to_slices} = $val;

  return $self->{_to_slices};
General documentation
No general documentation available.