Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Production::GenomicAlignBlock Ortheus
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
$max_pads = 100
$do_hack = 0
$create_block_frag_array = 1
$pad_char = "N"
$max_pads_percent = 1.0
Included modules
This module acts as a layer between the Hive system and the Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::Ortheus
module since the ensembl-analysis API does not know about ensembl-compara
Ortheus wants the files to be provided in the same order as in the tree string. This module starts
by getting all the DnaFragRegions of the SyntenyRegion and then use them to edit the tree (some
nodes must be removed and other ones must be duplicated in order to cope with deletions and
duplications). The build_tree_string methods numbers the sequences in order and changes the
order of the dnafrag_regions array accordingly. Last, the dumpFasta() method dumps the sequences
according to the tree_string order.
This module can be used to include low coverage 2X genomes in the alignment. To do this, the pairwise BLASTZ_NET alignments between each 2X genome and a reference species (eg human) are retrieved from specified databases.
Ortheus also generates a set of aligned ancestral sequences. This module stores them in a core-like database.
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No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
_build_tree_stringcode    nextTop
  Arg [1]    : -none-
Example : $self->_build_tree_string();
Description: This method sets the tree_string using the orginal
species tree and the set of DnaFragRegions. The
tree is edited by the _update_tree method which
resort the DnaFragRegions (see _update_tree elsewwhere
in this document)
Returntype : -none-
Exception :
Warning :
  Arg [1]    : -none-
Example : $self->_dump_fasta();
Description: Dumps FASTA files in the order given by the tree
string (needed by Pecan). Resulting file names are
stored using the fasta_files getter/setter
Returntype : 1
Exception :
Warning :
  Arg [1]    : int syteny_region_id
Arg [2] : int analysis_data_id
Description: Creates a fake assembly for each 2X genome by stitching
together the BLASTZ_NET alignments found on this synteny_region
between the reference species and each 2X genome. The list of
the pairwise database locations and
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::MethodLinkSpeciesSet ids are obtained
from the analysis_data_id. Creates a listref of genomic_align
Returntype :
Exception :
Warning :
  Arg [1]    : int syteny_region_id
Example : $self->_load_DnaFragRegions();
Description: Gets the list of DnaFragRegions for this
syteny_region_id. Resulting DnaFragRegions are
stored using the dnafrag_regions getter/setter.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DnaFragRegion objects
Exception :
Warning :
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet $tree_root
Example : $self->_update_nodes_names($tree);
Description: This method updates the tree by removing or
duplicating the leaves according to the orginal
tree and the set of DnaFragRegions. The tree nodes
will be renamed seq1, seq2, seq3 and so on and the
DnaFragRegions will be resorted in order to match
the names of the nodes (the first DnaFragRegion will
correspond to seq1, the second to seq2 and so on).
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet (a tree)
Exception :
Warning :
    Title   :   fetch_input
Usage : $self->fetch_input
Function: Fetches input data for repeatmasker from the database
Returns : none
Args : none
Methods code
sub _add_to_cluster {
    my ($cluster, $region1) = @_;

    if (!defined $cluster) {
	 $cluster->[0]->{$region1} = 1;
    return $cluster;
sub _add_to_different_cluster {
     my ($cluster, $region1, $region2) = @_;

     if (!defined $cluster) {
	 $cluster->[0]->{$region1} = 1;
	 $cluster->[1]->{$region2} = 1;
	 return $cluster;
     my $cluster_size = @$cluster;

     my $index1 = _in_cluster($cluster, $region1);
     my $index2 = _in_cluster($cluster, $region2);

     if ($index1 == -1) {
	 $cluster->[@$cluster]->{$region1} = 1;
     if ($index2 == -1) {
	 $cluster->[@$cluster]->{$region2} = 1;

     return $cluster;
sub _add_to_same_cluster {
     my ($cluster, $region1, $region2) = @_;

     #print "add to same cluster $region1 $region2\n";
if (!defined $cluster) { $cluster->[0]->{$region1} = 1; $cluster->[0]->{$region2} = 1; return $cluster; } my $cluster_size = @$cluster; my $index1 = _in_cluster($cluster, $region1); my $index2 = _in_cluster($cluster, $region2); if ($index1 == -1 && $index2 == -1) { #neither found, add both to new cluster
$cluster->[$cluster_size]->{$region1} = 1; $cluster->[$cluster_size]->{$region2} = 1; } elsif ($index1 != -1 && $index2 == -1) { #id1 found, id2 not. add id2 to id1 cluster
$cluster->[$index1]->{$region2} = 1; } elsif ($index1 == -1 && $index2 != -1) { #id2 found, id1 not. add id1 to id2 cluster
$cluster->[$index2]->{$region1} = 1; } else { #both ids set in different clusters. Merge the clusters together
$cluster = _merge_clusters($cluster, $index1, $index2); } return $cluster;
sub _build_2x_composite_seq {
    my ($self, $pairwise_dba, $ref_slice_adaptor, $target_slice_adaptor, $ga_frags) = @_;

    my $slice_array;
    my $composite_seq;

    #need to sort on ref_start
@$ga_frags = sort {$a->{ref_start} <=> $b->{ref_start}} @$ga_frags; my $first_frag = $ga_frags->[0]; my $num_pads; my $prev_end; my $prev_frag; my $dnafrag_adaptor = $pairwise_dba->get_DnaFragAdaptor; #work out how many pads to add to the beginning from the reference seq
$num_pads = $first_frag->{ref_start} - $first_frag->{ref_slice_start}; #print "slice start " . $first_frag->{ref_slice_start} . " end " . $first_frag->{ref_slice_end} . " num pads $num_pads\n";
$num_pads = $max_pads if ($num_pads > $max_pads); $num_pads = int($num_pads * $max_pads_percent); $composite_seq .= $pad_char x $num_pads; #store first set of pads in {first_pads}
$first_frag->{first_pads} = $num_pads; #always add $max_pads to the beginning
#$composite_seq .= $pad_char x $max_pads;
foreach my $ga_frag (@$ga_frags) { my $dnafrag = $dnafrag_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_id); print "species " . $dnafrag->genome_db->name . " name " . $dnafrag->name . " start " . $ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_start . " end " . $ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_end . " len " . ($ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_end-$ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_start+1) . " strand " . $ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_strand . " ref_name " . $ga_frag->{ref_dnafrag}->dnafrag->name . " ref_start " . $ga_frag->{ref_start} . " ref_end " . $ga_frag->{ref_end} . " ref_len " . ($ga_frag->{ref_end}-$ga_frag->{ref_start}+1) . "\n" if $self->debug; if (defined($prev_frag)) { print "prev_end " . $prev_frag->{ref_end} . " start " . $ga_frag->{ref_start} . "\n" if $self->debug; #Find the number of bases between fragments
$num_pads = $ga_frag->{ref_start} - $prev_frag->{ref_end} - 1; print "before max_pads $num_pads\n" if $self->debug; #Add up to $max_pads between fragments
$num_pads = $max_pads if ($num_pads > $max_pads); $num_pads = int($num_pads * $max_pads_percent); print "pads $num_pads\n" if $self->debug; $composite_seq .= $pad_char x $num_pads; #Store number of pads added to the end of previous frag. Use
#{ref_end} to identify where the pads have been added
$prev_frag->{num_pads} = $num_pads; } my $ref_slice = $ref_slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('toplevel', $ga_frag->{ref_dnafrag}->dnafrag->name, $ga_frag->{ref_dnafrag}->dnafrag_start, $ga_frag->{ref_dnafrag}->dnafrag_end, $ga_frag->{ref_dnafrag}->dnafrag_strand); my $slice = $target_slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('toplevel', $dnafrag->name, $ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_start, $ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_end, $ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_strand); my $seq = $slice->get_repeatmasked_seq(undef, 1)->seq; if ($seq =~ /[^ACTGactgNnXx]/) { print STDERR $slice->name, " contains at least one non-ACTGactgNnXx character. These have been replaced by N's\n"; $seq =~ s/[^ACTGactgNnXx]/N/g; } $composite_seq .= $seq; #store end of previous fragment
$prev_frag = $ga_frag; } my $last_frag = $ga_frags->[-1]; #work out how many pads to add to the end
$num_pads = $first_frag->{ref_slice_end} - $last_frag->{ref_end}; $num_pads = $max_pads if ($num_pads > $max_pads); $num_pads = int($num_pads * $max_pads_percent); #print "ref slice end " . $first_frag->{ref_slice_end} . " last ele " . $ga_frags->[-1]->{ref_end} . " num pads $num_pads\n";
$composite_seq .= $pad_char x $num_pads; #store last pads
$last_frag->{num_pads} = $num_pads; #always write $max_pads at the end
#print "last pads $max_pads\n" if $self->debug;
#$composite_seq .= $pad_char x $max_pads;
$composite_seq =~ s/(.{80})/$1\n/g; chomp $composite_seq; #store sequence in first object in ga_frags array
$first_frag->{seq} = $composite_seq; return $composite_seq;
sub _build_tree_string {
  my $self = shift;

  my $tree = $self->get_species_tree->copy;
  return if (!$tree);

  $tree = $self->_update_tree($tree);

  return if (!$tree);

  my $tree_string = $tree->newick_simple_format;
  # Remove quotes around node labels
$tree_string =~ s/"(seq\d+)"/$1/g; # Remove branch length if 0
$tree_string =~ s/\:0\.0+(\D)/$1/g; $tree_string =~ s/\:0([^\.\d])/$1/g; $tree->release_tree; $self->tree_string($tree_string);
sub _cluster_regions {
    my ($self, $found_overlap) = @_;

    my $overlap_cnt = 0;
    my $not_overlap_cnt = 0;

    my $cluster;

    foreach my $region1 (keys %$found_overlap) {
	foreach my $region2 (keys %{$found_overlap->{$region1}}) {
	    print "FOUND OVERLAP $region1 $region2 " . $found_overlap->{$region1}{$region2} . "\n" if $self->debug;
	    if ($found_overlap->{$region1}{$region2}) {

		$cluster = _add_to_same_cluster($cluster, $region1, $region2);
	    } else {
		$cluster = _add_to_different_cluster($cluster, $region1, $region2);
    print "overlap_cnt $overlap_cnt not $not_overlap_cnt\n" if $self->debug;
    return $cluster;

#add single region to cluster. No overlaps found.
sub _create_block_frag_array {
    my ($self, $gab_adaptor, $ref_slice_adaptor, $pairwise_mlss, $ref_dnafrags) = @_;

    my $ga_frag_array;

    my $ga_num_ns = 0;

    #Multiple alignment reference genomic_aligns (maybe more than 1)
foreach my $ref_dnafrag (@$ref_dnafrags) { print " " . $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag->name . " " . $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_start . " " . $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_end . " " . $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_strand . "\n" if $self->debug; #find the slice corresponding to the ref_genome
my $slice = $ref_slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('toplevel', $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag->name, $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_start, $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_end, $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_strand); print "ref_seq " . $slice->start . " " . $slice->end . " " . $slice->strand . " " . substr($slice->seq,0,120) . "\n" if $self->debug; #find the pairwise blocks between ref_genome and the 2x genome
my $pairwise_gabs = $gab_adaptor->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_Slice($pairwise_mlss, $slice, undef,undef,1); #sort by reference_genomic_align start position
@$pairwise_gabs = sort {$a->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_start <=> $b->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_start} @$pairwise_gabs; print " pairwise gabs " . scalar(@$pairwise_gabs) . "\n" if $self->debug; #if there are no pairwise matches found to 2x genome, then escape
#back to loop
next if (scalar(@$pairwise_gabs) == 0); my $ga_frags; #need to save each match separately but still use same structure as
#create_span_frag_array in case we change our minds back again
foreach my $pairwise_gab (@$pairwise_gabs) { #should only have 1!
my $gas = $pairwise_gab->get_all_non_reference_genomic_aligns; my $ga = $gas->[0]; my $ref_start = $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_start; my $ref_end = $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_end; #need to reverse order of fragments if ref is on reverse strand
if ($slice->strand == -1) { my $tmp_start = $ref_start; $ref_start = $slice->end - $ref_end + $slice->start; $ref_end = $slice->end - $tmp_start + $slice->start; #print "REVERSE $ref_start $ref_end\n";
} my $dnafrag_adaptor = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_DnaFragAdaptor; my $dnafrag_region = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DnaFragRegion( -dnafrag_id => $ga->dnafrag->dbID, -dnafrag_start => $ga->dnafrag_start, -dnafrag_end => $ga->dnafrag_end, -dnafrag_strand => $ga->dnafrag_strand, -adaptor => $dnafrag_adaptor ); my $ga_fragment = {dnafrag_region => $dnafrag_region, genome_db => $ga->dnafrag->genome_db, genome_db_id => $ga->dnafrag->genome_db_id, ref_dnafrag => $ref_dnafrag, ref_start => $ref_start, ref_end => $ref_end, ref_slice_start => $slice->start, ref_slice_end => $slice->end}; push @$ga_frags, $ga_fragment; } #add to array of fragments for each reference genomic_align
push @$ga_frag_array, $ga_frags; } return $ga_frag_array; } #
#From each reference genomic_align, find all the pairwise alignments for this
#pairwise_mlss. Summarise the genomic_aligns in the same group_id by storing
#the min start and max end and create a new DnaFragRegion. Return an array
#of ga_fragments for each reference genomic_align
sub _create_span_frag_array {
    my ($self, $gab_adaptor, $ref_slice_adaptor, $pairwise_mlss, $ref_dnafrags) = @_;

    my $ga_frag_array;

    my $ga_num_ns = 0;

    #Multiple alignment reference genomic_aligns (maybe more than 1)
foreach my $ref_dnafrag (@$ref_dnafrags) { print " " . $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag->name . " " . $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_start . " " . $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_end . " " . $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_strand . "\n" if $self->debug; #find the slice corresponding the ref_genome
my $slice = $ref_slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('toplevel', $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag->name, $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_start, $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_end, $ref_dnafrag->dnafrag_strand); print "ref_seq " . $slice->start . " " . $slice->end . " " . $slice->strand . " " . substr($slice->seq,0,120) . "\n" if $self->debug; #find the pairwise blocks between ref_genome and the 2x genome
my $pairwise_gabs = $gab_adaptor->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_Slice($pairwise_mlss, $slice, undef,undef,1); #sort by reference_genomic_align start position
@$pairwise_gabs = sort {$a->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_start <=> $b->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_start} @$pairwise_gabs; print " pairwise gabs " . scalar(@$pairwise_gabs) . "\n" if $self->debug; #if there are no pairwise matches found to 2x genome, then escape
#back to loop
next if (scalar(@$pairwise_gabs) == 0); my $ga_frags; #Group together blocks in the same contiguous group and store the left most
#and right most coords in a slice object
#initialise prev_group_id
my $prev_group_id = $pairwise_gabs->[0]->group_id; my $min_start; my $max_end; my $dnafrag_name; my $genome_db_id; my $genome_db; my $dnafrag_strand; my $prev_ga; my $ref_min_start; my $ref_max_end; my $dnafrag; foreach my $pairwise_gab (@$pairwise_gabs) { #should only have 1!
my $gas = $pairwise_gab->get_all_non_reference_genomic_aligns; my $ga = $gas->[0]; print " " . $ga->genome_db->name . " " . $ga->dnafrag->name . " " . $ga->dnafrag_start . " " . $ga->dnafrag_end . " " . $ga->dnafrag_strand . " " . $pairwise_gab->group_id . " " . $ga->dnafrag->coord_system_name . " " . $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_start . " " . $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_end . " " . $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_strand . "\n" if $self->debug; my $ga_slice = $ga->get_Slice; $ga_num_ns += $ga_slice->seq =~ tr/N/N/; #need to group all genomic_aligns of the same group together
if ($prev_group_id == $pairwise_gab->group_id) { if (!defined $min_start || $ga->dnafrag_start < $min_start) { $min_start = $ga->dnafrag_start; $ref_min_start = $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_start; } if (!defined $max_end || $ga->dnafrag_end > $max_end) { $max_end = $ga->dnafrag_end; $ref_max_end = $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_end; } } else { #need to reverse order of fragments if ref is on reverse strand
if ($slice->strand == -1) { $ref_min_start = $slice->end - $ref_min_start + $slice->start; $ref_max_end = $slice->end - $ref_max_end + $slice->start; } #ensure than ref_start is always smaller than ref_end (can be
#larger if strand is 0)
my $ref_start; if ($ref_min_start > $ref_max_end) { $ref_start = $ref_max_end; $ref_max_end = $ref_min_start; $ref_min_start = $ref_start; } my $dnafrag_adaptor = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_DnaFragAdaptor; my $dnafrag_region = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DnaFragRegion( -dnafrag_id => $dnafrag->dbID, -dnafrag_start => $min_start, -dnafrag_end => $max_end, -dnafrag_strand => $dnafrag_strand, -adaptor => $dnafrag_adaptor ); my $ga_fragment = {dnafrag_region => $dnafrag_region, genome_db => $genome_db, genome_db_id => $genome_db_id, ref_dnafrag => $ref_dnafrag, ref_start => $ref_min_start, ref_end => $ref_max_end, ref_slice_start => $slice->start, ref_slice_end => $slice->end}; print "store frag $min_start $max_end " . ($max_end - $min_start) . "\n" if $self->debug; print "final seq $ref_min_start $ref_max_end " . substr($dnafrag_region->slice->seq,0,10) . "\n" if $self->debug; push @$ga_frags, $ga_fragment; #reinitialise min_start and max_end
$min_start = $ga->dnafrag_start; $ref_min_start = $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_start; $max_end = $ga->dnafrag_end; $ref_max_end = $ga->genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align->dnafrag_end; } $dnafrag_name = $ga->dnafrag->name; $genome_db_id = $ga->dnafrag->genome_db_id; $genome_db = $ga->dnafrag->genome_db; $dnafrag = $ga->dnafrag; #now get ref slice in correct orientation so this is fine now.
$dnafrag_strand = $ga->dnafrag_strand; $prev_group_id = $pairwise_gab->group_id; $prev_ga = $ga; } #store last frag
#need to reverse order of fragments if ref is on reverse strand
if ($slice->strand == -1) { $ref_min_start = $slice->end - $ref_min_start + $slice->start; $ref_max_end = $slice->end - $ref_max_end + $slice->start; } #ensure than ref_start is always smaller than ref_end (can be
#larger if strand is -1)
my $ref_start; if ($ref_min_start > $ref_max_end) { $ref_start = $ref_max_end; $ref_max_end = $ref_min_start; $ref_min_start = $ref_start; } print "store last $min_start $max_end $ref_min_start $ref_max_end\n " if $self->debug; my $dnafrag_region = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DnaFragRegion( -dnafrag_id => $dnafrag->dbID, -dnafrag_start => $min_start, -dnafrag_end => $max_end, -dnafrag_strand => $dnafrag_strand ); my $ga_fragment = {dnafrag_region => $dnafrag_region, genome_db => $genome_db, genome_db_id => $genome_db_id, ref_dnafrag => $ref_dnafrag, ref_start => $ref_min_start, ref_end => $ref_max_end, ref_slice_start => $slice->start, ref_slice_end => $slice->end}; #store last $ga_fragment
push @$ga_frags, $ga_fragment; #add to array of fragments for each reference genomic_align
push @$ga_frag_array, $ga_frags; } return $ga_frag_array; } #foreach cluster, find the longest region.
sub _dump_2x_fasta {
    my ($self, $ga_frags, $file, $seq_id) = @_;

    open F, ">$file" || throw("Couldn't open $file");

    print F ">SeqID" . $seq_id . "\n";

    #stored concatenated mfa sequence on first frag
print F $ga_frags->[0]->{seq},"\n"; close F; push @{$self->fasta_files}, $file; push @{$self->species_order}, $ga_frags->[0]->{genome_db_id}; } 1;
sub _dump_fasta {
  my $self = shift;

  my $all_dnafrag_regions = $self->dnafrag_regions;

  ## Dump FASTA files in the order given by the tree string (needed by Pecan)
my @seqs; if ($self->tree_string) { @seqs = ($self->tree_string =~ /seq(\d+)/g); } else { @seqs = (1..scalar(@$all_dnafrag_regions)); } foreach my $seq_id (@seqs) { my $dfr = $all_dnafrag_regions->[$seq_id-1]; my $file = $self->worker_temp_directory . "/seq" . $seq_id . ".fa"; print "file $file\n" if $self->debug; #Check if I have a DnaFragRegion object or my 2x genome object
if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($dfr, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DnaFragRegion')) { print "FOUND 2X GENOME\n" if $self->debug; print "num of frags " . @$dfr . "\n" if $self->debug; $self->_dump_2x_fasta($dfr, $file, $seq_id); next; } open F, ">$file" || throw("Couldn't open $file"); print F ">SeqID" . $seq_id . "\n"; print ">DnaFrag", $dfr->dnafrag_id, "|", $dfr->dnafrag->name, ".", $dfr->dnafrag_start, "-", $dfr->dnafrag_end, ":", $dfr->dnafrag_strand,"\n" if $self->debug; my $slice = $dfr->slice; throw("Cannot get slice for DnaFragRegion in DnaFrag #".$dfr->dnafrag_id) if (!$slice); my $seq = $slice->get_repeatmasked_seq(undef, 1)->seq; if ($seq =~ /[^ACTGactgNnXx]/) { print STDERR $slice->name, " contains at least one non-ACTGactgNnXx character. These have been replaced by N's\n"; $seq =~ s/[^ACTGactgNnXx]/N/g; } $seq =~ s/(.{80})/$1\n/g; chomp $seq; print F $seq,"\n"; close F; push @{$self->fasta_files}, $file; push @{$self->species_order}, $dfr->dnafrag->genome_db_id; } return 1;
sub _extract_sequence {
    my ($seq, $original_start, $original_end) = @_;
    my $original_count = 0;
    my $aligned_count = 0;
    my $aligned_start;
    my $aligned_end;

    #print "original_start $original_start original_end $original_end\n";
foreach my $subseq (grep {$_} split /(\-+)/, $seq) { my $length = length($subseq); if ($subseq !~ /\-/) { if (!defined($aligned_start) && ($original_count + $length >= $original_start)) { $aligned_start = $aligned_count + ($original_start - $original_count) - 1; } if (!defined($aligned_end) && ($original_count + $length >= $original_end)) { $aligned_end = $aligned_count + $original_end - $original_count - 1; last; } $original_count += $length; } $aligned_count += $length; } my $subseq = substr($seq, $aligned_start, ($aligned_end-$aligned_start+1)); return ($subseq, $aligned_start, $aligned_end); } ##########################################
# getter/setter methods
#sub input_dir {
# my $self = shift;
# $self->{'_input_dir'} = shift if(@_);
# return $self->{'_input_dir'};
sub _find_longest_region_in_cluster {
    my ($self, $cluster, $sum_lengths) = @_;

    my $max_frag = 0;
    my $final_region = -1;
    my @overlap_frag;

    my $overlap_cnt = 0;
    my $not_overlap_cnt = 0;
    my $longest_clusters;

    foreach my $this_cluster (@$cluster) {
	my $longest_frag;
	my $longest_region;

	foreach my $region (keys %{$this_cluster}) {
	    #initialise variables
if (!defined $longest_frag) { $longest_frag = $sum_lengths->[$region]; $longest_region = $region; } if ($sum_lengths->[$region] >= $longest_frag) { $longest_frag = $sum_lengths->[$region]; $longest_region = $region; } } push @$longest_clusters, $longest_region; } print "overlap_cnt $overlap_cnt not $not_overlap_cnt\n" if $self->debug; return $longest_clusters; } #Put overlapping regions in the same cluster. If region 0 overlaps with region
#1 and region 2, but not with region 3, create 2 clusters: (0,1,2), (3)
sub _in_cluster {
     my ($cluster, $region) = @_;

     for (my $i = 0; $i < @$cluster; $i++) {
 	if ($cluster->[$i]->{$region}) {
 	    return $i;
     return -1;
sub _load_2XGenomes {
  my ($self, $synteny_region_id, $analysis_data_id) = @_;

  #get data from analysis_data table
my $analysis_data_adaptor = $self->{hiveDBA}->get_AnalysisDataAdaptor(); my @parameters = split (" ",$analysis_data_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($analysis_data_id)); #if no 2x genomes defined, return
if (scalar(@parameters) == 0) { print "No 2x genomes to load\n" if $self->debug; return; } #Find the slice on the reference genome
my $genome_db_adaptor = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomeDBAdaptor; #DEBUG this opens up connections to all the databases
my $ref_genome_db = $genome_db_adaptor->fetch_by_name_assembly($self->reference_species); my $ref_dba = $ref_genome_db->db_adaptor; my $ref_slice_adaptor = $ref_dba->get_SliceAdaptor(); #Find all the dnafrag_regions for the reference genome in this synteny region
my $ref_dnafrags =[]; foreach my $dnafrag_region (@{$self->dnafrag_regions}) { if ($dnafrag_region->genome_db->dbID == $ref_genome_db->dbID) { push @$ref_dnafrags, $dnafrag_region; } } #Return if there is no reference sequence in this synteny region
if (scalar(@$ref_dnafrags) == 0) { print "No " . $self->reference_species . " sequences found in syntenic block $synteny_region_id\n"; return; } print "Synteny region $synteny_region_id num copies " . scalar(@$ref_dnafrags) . "\n" if $self->debug; #Find the BLASTZ_NET alignments between the reference species and each
#2X genome.
foreach my $params (@parameters) { my $param = eval($params); my $target_species; #open compara database containing 2x genome vs $ref_name blastz results
my $compara_db_url = $param->{'compara_db_url'}; #if the database name is defined in the url, then open that
my $compara_dba; my $locator; if ($compara_db_url =~ /mysql:\/\/.*@.*\/.+/) { #open database defined in url
$locator = "Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL::DBAdaptor/url=>$compara_db_url"; } else { throw "Invalid url $compara_db_url. Should be of the form: mysql://user:pass\@host:port/db_name\n"; } $compara_dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBLoader->new($locator); #need to store this to allow disconnect when call ortheus
$self->{pairwise_compara_dba}->{$compara_dba->dbc->dbname} = $compara_dba; #Get pairwise genomic_align_block adaptor
my $gaba = $compara_dba->get_GenomicAlignBlockAdaptor; #Get pairwise method_link_species_set
my $p_mlss_adaptor = $compara_dba->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSetAdaptor; my $pairwise_mlss = $p_mlss_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($param->{'method_link_species_set_id'}); #find non_reference species name in pairwise alignment
my $species_set = $pairwise_mlss->species_set; foreach my $genome_db (@$species_set) { if ($genome_db->name ne $self->reference_species) { $target_species = $genome_db->name; last; } } my $target_genome_db = $genome_db_adaptor->fetch_by_name_assembly($target_species); my $target_dba = $target_genome_db->db_adaptor; my $target_slice_adaptor = $target_dba->get_SliceAdaptor(); #Foreach copy of the ref_genome in the multiple alignment block,
#find the alignment blocks between the ref_genome and the 2x
#target_genome in the pairwise database
my $ga_frag_array; if ($create_block_frag_array) { $ga_frag_array = $self->_create_block_frag_array($gaba, $ref_slice_adaptor, $pairwise_mlss, $ref_dnafrags); } else { $ga_frag_array = $self->_create_span_frag_array($gaba, $ref_slice_adaptor, $pairwise_mlss, $ref_dnafrags); } #not found 2x genome
next if (!defined $ga_frag_array); #must first sort so I have a reasonable chance of finding duplicates
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$ga_frag_array); $i++) { @{$ga_frag_array->[$i]} = sort {$a->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_start <=> $b->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_start} @{$ga_frag_array->[$i]}; } #find the total length of all the fragments in the ref_region
my $sum_lengths; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$ga_frag_array); $i++) { for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@{$ga_frag_array->[$i]}); $j++) { $sum_lengths->[$i] += ($ga_frag_array->[$i][$j]->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_end - $ga_frag_array->[$i][$j]->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_start + 1); } } #check if there is any overlap between pairwise blocks on the ref_genomes
#if there is an overlap, then choose ref_genome duplication which is the
#longest in 2x genome
#if there is no overlap, save dnafrags on all duplications
my $found_overlap; my $j = 0; #Simple case: only found one reference region containing 2x genome
if (@$ga_frag_array == 1) { my $cluster; $cluster = _add_to_cluster($cluster, 0); _print_cluster($cluster) if $self->debug; my $longest_ref_region = 0; print "SIMPLE CASE: longest_region $longest_ref_region length " . $sum_lengths->[$longest_ref_region] . "\n" if $self->debug; _build_2x_composite_seq($self, $compara_dba, $ref_slice_adaptor, $target_slice_adaptor, $ga_frag_array->[$longest_ref_region]); push @{$self->{ga_frag}}, $ga_frag_array->[$longest_ref_region]; push @{$self->{'2x_dnafrag_region'}}, $ga_frag_array->[$longest_ref_region]->[0]->{dnafrag_region}; next; } #Found more than one reference region in this synteny block
for (my $region1 = 0; $region1 < scalar(@$ga_frag_array)-1; $region1++) { for (my $region2 = $region1+1; $region2 < scalar(@$ga_frag_array); $region2++) { #initialise found_overlap hash
if (!defined $found_overlap->{$region1}{$region2}) { $found_overlap->{$region1}{$region2} = 0; } #loop through the 2x genome fragments on region1
for (my $j = 0; ($j < @{$ga_frag_array->[$region1]}); $j++) { #if I've already found an overlap, then stop
last if ($found_overlap->{$region1}{$region2}); #loop through 2x genome fragments on region2
for (my $k = 0; ($k < @{$ga_frag_array->[$region2]}); $k++) { #if I've already found an overlap, then stop
last if ($found_overlap->{$region1}{$region2}); #check if 2x genome fragments have the same name
if ($ga_frag_array->[$region1][$j]->{seq_region_name} eq $ga_frag_array->[$region2][$k]->{seq_region_name}) { #check these overlap
if (($ga_frag_array->[$region1][$j]->{start} <= $ga_frag_array->[$region2][$k]->{end}) && ($ga_frag_array->[$region1][$j]->{end} >= $ga_frag_array->[$region2][$k]->{start})) { $found_overlap->{$region1}{$region2} = 1; print "found overlap $region1 $region2\n" if $self->debug; #found overlap so can stop.
last; } } } } } } #Cluster all the alignment blocks that are overlapping together
my $cluster = $self->_cluster_regions($found_overlap); _print_cluster($cluster) if $self->debug; my $longest_regions = $self->_find_longest_region_in_cluster($cluster, $sum_lengths); #find the reference with the longest region
my $slice_array; foreach my $longest_ref_region (@$longest_regions) { print "longest_ref_region $longest_ref_region length " . $sum_lengths->[$longest_ref_region] . "\n" if $self->debug; #store composite_seq in ga_frag_array->[$longest_ref_region]
_build_2x_composite_seq($self, $compara_dba, $ref_slice_adaptor, $target_slice_adaptor, $ga_frag_array->[$longest_ref_region]); push @{$self->{ga_frag}}, $ga_frag_array->[$longest_ref_region]; push @{$self->{'2x_dnafrag_region'}}, $ga_frag_array->[$longest_ref_region]->[0]->{dnafrag_region}; } }
sub _load_DnaFragRegions {
  my ($self, $synteny_region_id) = @_;
  my $dnafrag_regions = [];

  # Fail if dbID has not been provided
return $dnafrag_regions if (!$synteny_region_id); my $sra = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_SyntenyRegionAdaptor; my $sr = $sra->fetch_by_dbID($self->synteny_region_id); foreach my $dfr (@{$sr->children}) { $dfr->disavow_parent; push(@{$dnafrag_regions}, $dfr); } $sr->release_tree; $self->dnafrag_regions($dnafrag_regions);
sub _merge_clusters {
    my ($cluster, $index1, $index2) = @_;
    #already in same cluster
if ($index1 != -1 && $index1 == $index2) { return $cluster; } #copy over keys from index2 to index1
foreach my $region (keys %{$cluster->[$index2]}) { #print "region $region\n";
$cluster->[$index1]->{$region} = 1; } #delete index2
splice(@$cluster, $index2, 1); return $cluster;
sub _print_cluster {
    my ($cluster) = @_;

    print "FINAL cluster ";
    foreach my $this_cluster (@$cluster) {
	print "(";
	foreach my $group (keys %{$this_cluster}) {
	    print "$group ";
	print "), ";
    print "\n";

#Build a sequence by concatenating all the fragments together and adding
#num_pads between each fragment. If the distance between one fragment and the
#next is less than max_pads, num_pads = distance else num_pads = max_pads.
#Store the number of pads added in the ga_fragment structure as num_pads
#This is the num_pads added to the end of fragment so should be indexed using
#ga_frag->{ref_end}+1. Note that the number of pads added to the beginning is
#currently *not* stored.
sub _trim_gab_left {
    my ($gab) = @_;
    if (!defined($gab)) {
	return undef;
    my $align_length = $gab->length;
    my $gas = $gab->get_all_GenomicAligns();
    my $d_length;
    my $m_length;
    my $min_d_length = $align_length;
    my $found_min = 0;

    #take first element in cigar string for each genomic_align and if it is a
#match, it must extend to the start of the block. Find the shortest delete.
#If the shortest delete and the match are the same length, there is no
#overlap between them so restrict to the end of the delete and try again.
#If the delete is shorter than the match, there must be an overlap.
foreach my $ga (@$gas) { my ($cigLength, $cigType) = ( $ga->cigar_line =~ /^(\d*)([GMD])/ ); $cigLength = 1 unless ($cigLength =~ /^\d+$/); if ($cigType eq "D" or $cigType eq "G") { $d_length = $cigLength; if ($d_length < $min_d_length) { $min_d_length = $d_length; } } else { $m_length = $cigLength; $found_min++; } } #if more than one alignment filled to the left edge, no need to restrict
if ($found_min > 1) { return $gab; } my $new_gab = ($gab->restrict_between_alignment_positions( $min_d_length+1, $align_length, 1)); #no overlapping genomic_aligns
if ($new_gab->length == 0) { return $new_gab; } #if delete length is less than match length then must have sequence overlap
if ($min_d_length < $m_length) { return $new_gab; } #otherwise try again with restricted gab
return _trim_gab_left($new_gab); } #trim genomic align block from the right hand edge to first position having at
#least 2 genomic aligns which overlap
sub _trim_gab_right {
    my ($gab) = @_;
    if (!defined($gab)) {
	return undef;
    my $align_length = $gab->length;

    my $max_pos = 0;
    my $gas = $gab->get_all_GenomicAligns();
    my $found_max = 0;
    my $d_length;
    my $m_length;
    my $min_d_length = $align_length;

    #take last element in cigar string for each genomic_align and if it is a
#match, it must extend to the end of the block. Find the shortest delete.
#If the shortest delete and the match are the same length, there is no
#overlap between them so restrict to the end of the delete and try again.
#If the delete is shorter than the match, there must be an overlap.
foreach my $ga (@$gas) { my ($cigLength, $cigType) = ( $ga->cigar_line =~ /(\d*)([GMD])$/ ); $cigLength = 1 unless ($cigLength =~ /^\d+$/); if ($cigType eq "D" or $cigType eq "G") { $d_length =$cigLength; if ($d_length < $min_d_length) { $min_d_length = $d_length; } } else { $m_length = $cigLength; $found_max++; } } #if more than one alignment filled the right edge, no need to restrict
if ($found_max > 1) { return $gab; } my $new_gab = $gab->restrict_between_alignment_positions(1, $align_length - $min_d_length, 1); #no overlapping genomic_aligns
if ($new_gab->length == 0) { return $new_gab; } #if delete length is less than match length then must have sequence overlap
if ($min_d_length < $m_length) { return $new_gab; } #otherwise try again with restricted gab
return _trim_gab_right($new_gab);
sub _update_tree {
  my $self = shift;
  my $tree = shift;

  my $all_dnafrag_regions = $self->dnafrag_regions();
  my $ordered_dnafrag_regions = [];
  my $ordered_2x_genomes = [];

  my $idx = 1;
  my $all_leaves = $tree->get_all_leaves;
  foreach my $this_leaf (@$all_leaves) {

    my $these_dnafrag_regions = [];
    my $these_2x_genomes = [];
    ## Look for DnaFragRegions belonging to this genome_db_id
foreach my $this_dnafrag_region (@$all_dnafrag_regions) { if ($this_dnafrag_region->dnafrag->genome_db_id == $this_leaf->name) { push (@$these_dnafrag_regions, $this_dnafrag_region); } } my $index = 0; foreach my $ga_frags (@{$self->{ga_frag}}) { my $first_frag = $ga_frags->[0]; if ($first_frag->{genome_db_id} == $this_leaf->name) { push(@$these_2x_genomes, $index); } $index++; } print "num " . @$these_dnafrag_regions . " " . @$these_2x_genomes . "\n" if $self->debug; if (@$these_dnafrag_regions == 1) { ## If only 1 has been found...
print "seq$idx genome_db_id=" . $these_dnafrag_regions->[0]->dnafrag->genome_db_id . "\n" if $self->debug; $this_leaf->name("seq".$idx++); #.".".$these_dnafrag_regions->[0]->dnafrag_id);
push(@$ordered_dnafrag_regions, $these_dnafrag_regions->[0]); } elsif (@$these_dnafrag_regions > 1) { ## If more than 1 has been found, let Ortheus estimate the Tree
#need to add on 2x genomes to dnafrag_regions array
my $dfa = $self->dnafrag_regions; foreach my $ga_frags (@{$self->{ga_frag}}) { push @$dfa, $ga_frags; } $self->dnafrag_regions($dfa); return undef; } elsif (@$these_2x_genomes == 1) { #See what happens...
#Find 2x genomes
my $ga_frags = $self->{ga_frag}->[$these_2x_genomes->[0]]; print "number of frags " . @$ga_frags . "\n" if $self->debug; print "2x seq$idx " . $ga_frags->[0]->{genome_db_id} . "\n" if $self->debug; $this_leaf->name("seq".$idx++); #push(@$ordered_2x_genomes, $these_2x_genomes->[0]);
push(@$ordered_dnafrag_regions, $ga_frags); } else { ## If none has been found...
$this_leaf->disavow_parent; $tree = $tree->minimize_tree; } } $self->dnafrag_regions($ordered_dnafrag_regions); $self->{ordered_2x_genomes} = $ordered_2x_genomes; #if (scalar(@$all_dnafrag_regions) != scalar(@$ordered_dnafrag_regions) or
# scalar(@$all_dnafrag_regions) != scalar(@{$tree->get_all_leaves})) {
# throw("Tree has a wrong number of leaves after updating the node names");
if ($tree->get_child_count == 1) { my $child = $tree->children->[0]; $child->parent->merge_children($child); $child->disavow_parent; } return $tree; } #
#From each reference genomic_align, find all the pairwise alignments for this
#pairwise_mlss. Store only the pairwise match, NOT the region between blocks
# as the create_span_frag_array does. Return an array
#of ga_fragments for each reference genomic_align
sub _write_gerp_dataflow {
    my ($self, $gab_id, $mlss) = @_;
    my $species_set = "[";
    my $genome_db_set  = $mlss->species_set;
    foreach my $genome_db (@$genome_db_set) {
	$species_set .= $genome_db->dbID . ","; 
    $species_set .= "]";
    my $output_id = "{genomic_align_block_id=>" . $gab_id . ",species_set=>" .  $species_set . "}";

#Taken from Analysis/Runnable/ module
sub dnafrag_regions {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_dnafrag_regions'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'_dnafrag_regions'};
sub fasta_files {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{'_fasta_files'} = [] unless (defined $self->{'_fasta_files'});

  if (@_) {
    my $value = shift;
    push @{$self->{'_fasta_files'}}, $value;

  return $self->{'_fasta_files'};
sub fetch_input {
  my( $self) = @_;

  $self->{'comparaDBA'} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Production::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-DBCONN=>$self->db->dbc);
  $self->{'hiveDBA'} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-DBCONN => $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc);

  if (!$self->method_link_species_set_id) {
    throw("MethodLinkSpeciesSet->dbID is not defined for this Pecan job");

  ## Store DnaFragRegions corresponding to the SyntenyRegion in $self->dnafrag_regions(). At this point the
## DnaFragRegions are in random order
$self->_load_DnaFragRegions($self->synteny_region_id); if ($self->dnafrag_regions) { #load 2X genomes
$self->_load_2XGenomes($self->synteny_region_id, $self->{_pairwise_analysis_data_id}); ## Get the tree string by taking into account duplications and deletions. Resort dnafrag_regions
## in order to match the name of the sequences in the tree string (seq1, seq2...)
if ($self->get_species_tree and $self->dnafrag_regions) { $self->_build_tree_string; print "seq_string ", $self->tree_string , "\n"; } ## Dumps fasta files for the DnaFragRegions. Fasta files order must match the entries in the
## newick tree. The order of the files will match the order of sequences in the tree_string.
$self->_dump_fasta; } else { throw("Cannot start Pecan job because some information is missing"); } return 1;
sub get_params {
  my $self         = shift;
  my $param_string = shift;

  return unless($param_string);
  print("parsing parameter string : ",$param_string,"\n");

  my $params = eval($param_string);
  return unless($params);

  if(defined($params->{'synteny_region_id'})) {
  if(defined($params->{'method_link_species_set_id'})) {
  if(defined($params->{'java_options'})) {
    $self->{_java_options} = $params->{'java_options'};
  if(defined($params->{'options'})) {
    $self->{_options} = $params->{'options'};
  if(defined($params->{'tree_file'})) {
    $self->{_tree_file} = $params->{'tree_file'};
  if(defined($params->{'tree_analysis_data_id'})) {
    $self->{_tree_analysis_data_id} = $params->{'tree_analysis_data_id'};
  if(defined($params->{'pairwise_analysis_data_id'})) {
    $self->{_pairwise_analysis_data_id} = $params->{'pairwise_analysis_data_id'};
  if(defined($params->{'reference_species'})) {
    $self->{_reference_species} = $params->{'reference_species'};
  if(defined($params->{'max_block_size'})) {
    $self->{_max_block_size} = $params->{'max_block_size'};

  return 1;
sub get_species_tree {
  my $self = shift;

  my $newick_species_tree;
  if (defined($self->{_species_tree})) {
    return $self->{_species_tree};
  } elsif ($self->{_tree_analysis_data_id}) {
    my $analysis_data_adaptor = $self->{hiveDBA}->get_AnalysisDataAdaptor();
    $newick_species_tree = $analysis_data_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($self->{_tree_analysis_data_id});
  } elsif ($self->{_tree_file}) {
    open(TREE_FILE, $self->{_tree_file}) or throw("Cannot open file ".$self->{_tree_file});
    $newick_species_tree = join("", <TREE_FILE>);

  if (!defined($newick_species_tree)) {
    return undef;

  $newick_species_tree =~ s/^\s*//;
  $newick_species_tree =~ s/\s*$//;
  $newick_species_tree =~ s/[\r\n]//g;

  $self->{'_species_tree'} =

  return $self->{'_species_tree'};
sub max_block_size {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_max_block_size'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'_max_block_size'};
sub method_link_species_set_id {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_method_link_species_set_id'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'_method_link_species_set_id'};
sub options {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_options'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'_options'};
sub parse_results {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my ($self, $run_number) = @_;

    #print STDERR 
## The output file contains one fasta aligned sequence per original sequence + ancestral sequences.
## The first seq. corresponds to the fist leaf of the tree, the second one will be an internal
## node, the third is the second leaf and so on. The fasta header in the result file correspond
## to the names of the leaves for the leaf nodes and to the concatenation of the names of all the
## underlying leaves for internal nodes. For instance:
## ----------------------------------
## >0
## >0_1
## >1
## >1_2_3
## >2
## ----------------------------------
## The sequence of fasta files and leaves in the tree have the same order. If Ortheus is run
## with a given tree, the sequences in the file follow the tree. If Ortheus estimate the tree,
## the tree output file contains also the right order of files:
## ----------------------------------
## ((1:0.0157,0:0.0697):0.0000,2:0.0081);
## /tmp/file3.fa /tmp/file1.fa /tmp/file2.fa
## ----------------------------------
# $self->workdir("/home/jherrero/ensembl/worker.8139/");
my $tree_file; my $workdir; if ($do_hack) { $workdir = "/lustre/work1/ensembl/kb3/hive/tests/test_ortheus/job_1087"; $tree_file = $workdir . "/output.$$.tree"; #my $tree_file = $self->workdir . "/output.$$.tree";
} else { #correct version
$tree_file = $self->worker_temp_directory . "/output.$$.tree"; } my $ordered_fasta_files = $self->fasta_files; if (-e $tree_file) { ## Ortheus estimated the tree. Overwrite the order of the fasta files and get the tree
open(F, $tree_file) || throw("Could not open tree file <$tree_file>"); my ($newick, $files) = <F>; close(F); $newick =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; $self->tree_string($newick); $files =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; my $all_files = [split(" ", $files)]; #store ordered fasta_files
$ordered_fasta_files = $all_files; $self->fasta_files(@$all_files); print STDERR "**NEWICK: $newick\nFILES: ", join(" -- ", @$all_files), "\n"; } # $self->tree_string("((0:0.06969,1:0.015698):1e-05,2:0.008148):1e-05;");
# $self->fasta_files(["/home/jherrero/ensembl/worker.8139/seq1.fa", "/home/jherrero/ensembl/worker.8139/seq2.fa", "/home/jherrero/ensembl/worker.8139/seq3.fa"]);
my (@ordered_leaves) = $self->tree_string =~ /[(,]([^(:)]+)/g; print "++NEWICK: ", $self->tree_string, "\nLEAVES: ", join(" -- ", @ordered_leaves), "\nFILES: ", join(" -- ", @{$self->fasta_files}), "\n"; #my $alignment_file = $self->workdir . "/output.$$.mfa";
my $alignment_file; if ($do_hack) { $alignment_file = $workdir . "/output.6525.mfa"; #my $alignment_file = $self->workdir . "/output.8139.mfa";
} else { #correct version
$alignment_file = $self->worker_temp_directory . "/output.$$.mfa"; } my $this_genomic_align_block = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignBlock; open(F, $alignment_file) || throw("Could not open $alignment_file"); my $seq = ""; my $this_genomic_align; #Create genomic_align_group object to store genomic_aligns for
#each node. For 2x genomes, there may be several genomic_aligns
#for a node but for other genomes there will only be one
#genomic_align in the genomic_align_group
my $genomic_align_group; my $tree = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::NewickParser::parse_newick_into_tree($self->tree_string); $tree->print_tree(100); print $tree->newick_format("simple"), "\n"; print join(" -- ", map {$_->name} @{$tree->get_all_leaves}), "\n"; print "Reading $alignment_file...\n"; my $ids; #foreach my $this_file (@{$self->fasta_files}) {
foreach my $this_file (@$ordered_fasta_files) { push(@$ids, qx""head -1 $this_file"); push(@$ids, undef); ## There is an internal node after each leaf.. } pop(@$ids); ## ...except for the last leaf which is the end of the tree #print join(" :: ", @$ids), "\n\n"; my $genomic_aligns_2x_array = []; my @num_frag_pads; while (<F>) { next if (/^\s*$/); chomp; ## FASTA headers correspond to the tree and the order of the leaves in the tree corresponds ## to the order of the files if (/^>/) { print "PARSING $_\n" if ($self->debug); print $tree->newick_format(), "\n" if ($self->debug); my ($name) = $_ =~ /^>(.+)/; if (defined($this_genomic_align) and $seq) { if (@$genomic_aligns_2x_array) { print "*****FOUND 2x seq " . length($seq) . "\n" if ($self->debug); #starting offset #my $offset = $max_pads; my $offset = $num_frag_pads[0]; #how many X's to add at the start of the cigar_line my $start_X; #how many X's to add to the end of the cigar_line my $end_X; my $align_offset = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$genomic_aligns_2x_array; $i++) { my $genomic_align = $genomic_aligns_2x_array->[$i]; my $num_pads = $num_frag_pads[$i+1]; my $ga_length = $genomic_align->dnafrag_end-$genomic_align->dnafrag_start+1; print "extract_sequence $offset " .($offset+$ga_length) . " num pads $num_pads\n" if ($self->debug); my ($subseq, $aligned_start, $aligned_end) = _extract_sequence($seq, $offset+1, ($offset+$ga_length)); #Add aligned sequence $genomic_align->aligned_sequence($subseq); #Add X padding characters to ends of seq $start_X = $aligned_start; $end_X = length($seq) - ($start_X+length($subseq)); print "start_X $start_X end_X $end_X subseq_length " . length($subseq) . "\n" if ($self->debug); $genomic_align->cigar_line($start_X . "X" .$genomic_align->cigar_line . $end_X . "X"); #my $aln_seq = "." x $start_X; #$aln_seq .= $genomic_align->aligned_sequence(); #$aln_seq .= "." x $end_X; #$genomic_align->aligned_sequence($aln_seq); #free aligned_sequence now that I've used it to #create the cigar_line undef($genomic_align->{'aligned_sequence'}); #Add genomic align to genomic align block $this_genomic_align_block->add_GenomicAlign($genomic_align); $offset += $num_pads + $ga_length; } $genomic_aligns_2x_array = []; undef @num_frag_pads; } else { print "add aligned_sequence " . $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_id . " " . $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_start . " " . $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_end . "\n" if $self->debug; $this_genomic_align->aligned_sequence($seq); $this_genomic_align_block->add_GenomicAlign($this_genomic_align); } } my $header = shift(@$ids); $this_genomic_align = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlign; if (!defined($header)) { print "INTERNAL NODE $name\n" if ($self->debug); my $this_node; foreach my $this_leaf_name (split("_", $name)) { if ($this_node) { my $other_node = $tree->find_node_by_name($this_leaf_name); if (!$other_node) { throw("Cannot find node <$this_leaf_name>\n"); } $this_node = $this_node->find_first_shared_ancestor($other_node); } else { print $tree->newick_format() if ($self->debug); print "LEAF: $this_leaf_name\n" if ($self->debug); $this_node = $tree->find_node_by_name($this_leaf_name); } } print join("_", map {$_->name} @{$this_node->get_all_leaves}), "\n" if ($self->debug); ## INTERNAL NODE: dnafrag_id and dnafrag_end must be edited somewhere else $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_id(-1); $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_start(1); $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_end(0); $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_strand(1); bless($this_node, "Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignTree"); #$this_node->genomic_align($this_genomic_align); $genomic_align_group = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignGroup( # -genomic_align_array => [$this_genomic_align], -type => "epo"); $genomic_align_group->add_GenomicAlign($this_genomic_align); $this_node->genomic_align_group($genomic_align_group); $this_node->name($name); #} elsif ($header =~ /^>DnaFrag(\d+)\|(.+)\.(\d+)\-(\d+)\:(\-?1)$/) { } elsif ($header =~ /^>SeqID(\d+)/) { #print "old $name\n"; print "leaf_name?? $name\n" if ($self->debug); my $this_leaf = $tree->find_node_by_name($name); if (!$this_leaf) { print $tree->newick_format(), " ****\n" if ($self->debug); die ""; } #print "$this_leaf\n"; # print "****** $name -- $header -- "; # if ($this_leaf) { # $this_leaf->print_node(); # } else { # print "[none]\n"; # } #information extracted from fasta header my $seq_id = ($1); my $all_dnafrag_regions = $self->dnafrag_regions; my $dfr = $all_dnafrag_regions->[$seq_id-1]; if (!UNIVERSAL::isa($dfr, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DnaFragRegion')) { print "FOUND 2X GENOME\n" if $self->debug; print "num of frags " . @$dfr . "\n" if $self->debug; #first pads push @num_frag_pads, $dfr->[0]->{first_pads}; #create new genomic_align for each pairwise fragment foreach my $ga_frag (@$dfr) { my $genomic_align = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlign; print "2x dnafrag_id " . $ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_id . "\n" if $self->debug; $genomic_align->dnafrag_id($ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_id); $genomic_align->dnafrag_start($ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_start); $genomic_align->dnafrag_end($ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_end); $genomic_align->dnafrag_strand($ga_frag->{dnafrag_region}->dnafrag_strand); push @num_frag_pads, $ga_frag->{num_pads}; push @$genomic_aligns_2x_array, $genomic_align; } #Add genomic align to genomic align group $genomic_align_group = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignGroup( #-genomic_align_array => $genomic_aligns_2x_array, -type => "epo"); foreach my $this_genomic_align (@$genomic_aligns_2x_array) { $genomic_align_group->add_GenomicAlign($this_genomic_align); } bless($this_leaf, "Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignTree"); $this_leaf->genomic_align_group($genomic_align_group); print "size of array " . @$genomic_aligns_2x_array . "\n" if $self->debug; print "store gag1 $this_leaf\n" if $self->debug; #$self->{$this_leaf} = $genomic_align_group; } else { print "normal dnafrag_id " . $dfr->dnafrag_id . "\n" if $self->debug; $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_id($dfr->dnafrag_id); $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_start($dfr->dnafrag_start); $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_end($dfr->dnafrag_end); $this_genomic_align->dnafrag_strand($dfr->dnafrag_strand); $genomic_align_group = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignGroup( #-genomic_align_array => [$this_genomic_align], -type => "epo"); $genomic_align_group->add_GenomicAlign($this_genomic_align); bless($this_leaf, "Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignTree"); $this_leaf->genomic_align_group($genomic_align_group); print "store gag2 $this_leaf\n" if $self->debug; } } else { throw("Error while parsing the FASTA header. It must start by\" >DnaFrag#####\" where ##### is the dnafrag_id\n$_");
} $seq = ""; } else { $seq .= $_; } } close F; #last genomic_align
print "Last genomic align\n" if ($self->debug); if (@$genomic_aligns_2x_array) { print "*****FOUND 2x seq " . length($seq) . "\n" if ($self->debug); #starting offset
#my $offset = $max_pads;
my $offset = $num_frag_pads[0]; #how many X's to add at the start and end of the cigar_line
my ($start_X , $end_X); my $align_offset = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$genomic_aligns_2x_array; $i++) { my $genomic_align = $genomic_aligns_2x_array->[$i]; my $num_pads = $num_frag_pads[$i+1]; my $ga_length = $genomic_align->dnafrag_end-$genomic_align->dnafrag_start+1; print "extract_sequence $offset " .($offset+$ga_length) . " num pads $num_pads\n" if ($self->debug); my ($subseq, $aligned_start, $aligned_end) = _extract_sequence($seq, $offset+1, ($offset+$ga_length)); #Add aligned sequence
$genomic_align->aligned_sequence($subseq); #Add X padding characters to ends of seq
$start_X = $aligned_start; $end_X = length($seq) - ($start_X+length($subseq)); print "start_X $start_X end_X $end_X subseq_length " . length($subseq) . "\n" if ($self->debug); $genomic_align->cigar_line($start_X . "X" .$genomic_align->cigar_line . $end_X . "X"); my $aln_seq = "." x $start_X; $aln_seq .= $genomic_align->aligned_sequence(); $aln_seq .= "." x $end_X; $genomic_align->aligned_sequence($aln_seq); #Add genomic align to genomic align block
$this_genomic_align_block->add_GenomicAlign($genomic_align); $offset += $num_pads + $ga_length; } } else { if ($this_genomic_align->dnafrag_id == -1) { } else { $this_genomic_align->aligned_sequence($seq); $this_genomic_align_block->add_GenomicAlign($this_genomic_align); } } $self->remove_empty_cols($tree); print $tree->newick_format("simple"), "\n"; print join(" -- ", map {$_."+".$_->node_id."+".$_->name} (@{$tree->get_all_nodes()})), "\n"; #$self->output([$tree]);
$self->{'_runnable'}->output([$tree]); # foreach my $ga_node (@{$tree->get_all_nodes}) {
# if ($ga_node) {
# my $ga = $ga_node->genomic_align;
# print "name " . $ga_node->name . " $ga \n";
# my $gab = $ga->genomic_align_block;
# if (defined $gab) {
# print "Parse number of genomic_aligns " . $gab . " " . @{$gab->genomic_align_array} . "\n";
# } else {
# print "Parse no genomic_aligns\n";
# }
# } else {
# print "no ga_node\n";
# }
# }
sub reference_species {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_reference_species'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'_reference_species'};

# internal methods
sub remove_empty_cols {
    my ($self, $tree) = @_;

    my $gaa = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomicAlignAdaptor;

    ## $seqs is a hash for storing segments of sequence in the alignment
my $seqs = {}; ## key => start, value => end; both in e! coord.
foreach my $this_leaf (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) { foreach my $this_genomic_align (@{$this_leaf->genomic_align_group->get_all_GenomicAligns}) { my $cigar_line = $this_genomic_align->cigar_line; my $pos = 1; ## $pos in e! coordinates
foreach my $cig_elem (grep {$_} split(/(\d*[DMIGX])/, $cigar_line)) { my ($num, $mode) = $cig_elem =~ /(\d*)([DMIGX])/; $num = 1 if ($num eq ""); if ($mode eq "M" or $mode eq "I") { my $start = $pos; my $end = $pos + $num - 1; unless (exists($seqs->{$start}) and $seqs->{$start} >= $end) { $seqs->{$start} = $end; } } $pos += $num; } } } ## Now goes through all the segments and detect gap-only cols as coordinates with no sequence
my $last_start_pos = 0; my $last_end_pos = 0; my $gaps = {}; foreach my $start_pos (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$seqs) { my $end_pos = $seqs->{$start_pos}; print " $start_pos -> $end_pos\n" if $self->debug; if ($end_pos <= $last_end_pos) { ## Included in the current block. Skip this
print " XXX\n" if $self->debug; next; } elsif ($start_pos <= $last_end_pos + 1) { ## Overlapping or consecutive segments. Change last_end
$last_end_pos = $end_pos; print " ---> $end_pos\n" if $self->debug; } else { ## New segment: there are gap-only cols
$gaps->{$last_end_pos + 1} = $start_pos - 1 if ($last_end_pos); print " ---> GAP (" . ($last_end_pos + 1) . "-" . ($start_pos - 1) . ")\n" if $self->debug; $last_start_pos = $start_pos; $last_end_pos = $end_pos; } } ## Trim the sequences to remove gap-only cols.
foreach my $this_leaf (@{$tree->get_all_nodes}) { foreach my $this_genomic_align (@{$this_leaf->genomic_align_group->get_all_GenomicAligns}) { #set adaptor to get the aligned sequence using the dnafrag_id
if (!defined $this_genomic_align->{'adaptor'}) { $this_genomic_align->adaptor($gaa); } my $aligned_sequence = $this_genomic_align->aligned_sequence; print "before cigar " . $this_genomic_align->cigar_line . "\n" if $self->debug; foreach my $start_pos (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %$gaps) { ## IN REVERSE ORDER!!
my $end_pos = $gaps->{$start_pos}; ## substr works with 0-based coordinates
substr($aligned_sequence, $start_pos - 1, ($end_pos - $start_pos + 1), ""); } ## Uses the new sequence
$this_genomic_align->{cigar_line} = undef; $this_genomic_align->aligned_sequence($aligned_sequence); print "after cigar " . $this_genomic_align->cigar_line . "\n" if $self->debug; } } } #
# Extract the sequence corresponding to the 2X genome fragment
sub run {
  my $self = shift;

  my $runnable = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::Ortheus(
      -workdir => $self->worker_temp_directory,
      -fasta_files => $self->fasta_files,
      -tree_string => $self->tree_string,
      -species_tree => $self->get_species_tree->newick_simple_format,
      -species_order => $self->species_order,
      -analysis => $self->analysis,
      -parameters => $self->{_java_options},
      -options => $self->options,
  $self->{'_runnable'} = $runnable;

  #disconnect pairwise compara database
if ($self->{pairwise_compara_dba}) { foreach my $dba (values %{$self->{pairwise_compara_dba}}) { $dba->dbc->disconnect_if_idle; } } #disconnect ancestral core database
my $ancestor_genome_db = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomeDBAdaptor->fetch_by_name_assembly("Ancestral sequences"); my $ancestor_dba = $ancestor_genome_db->db_adaptor; $ancestor_dba->dbc->disconnect_if_idle; #disconnect compara database
$self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->disconnect_if_idle; if (!$do_hack) { $runnable->run_analysis; } $self->parse_results();
sub species_order {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{'_species_order'} = [] unless (defined $self->{'_species_order'});

  if (@_) {
    my $value = shift;
    push @{$self->{'_species_order'}}, $value;

  return $self->{'_species_order'};
sub synteny_region_id {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_synteny_region_id'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'_synteny_region_id'};
sub tree_string {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_tree_string'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'_tree_string'};
sub write_output {
  my ($self) = @_;

  print "WRITE OUTPUT\n" if $self->debug;

  if ($self->{'_runnable'}->{tree_to_save}) {
    my $meta_container = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_MetaContainer;

  my $mlssa = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSetAdaptor;
  my $mlss = $mlssa->fetch_by_dbID($self->method_link_species_set_id);
  my $dnafrag_adaptor = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_DnaFragAdaptor;
  my $gaba = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomicAlignBlockAdaptor;
#   $gaba->use_autoincrement(0);
my $gaa = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomicAlignAdaptor; # $gaa->use_autoincrement(0);
my $gaga = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomicAlignGroupAdaptor; my $gata = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomicAlignTreeAdaptor; my $ancestor_genome_db = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomeDBAdaptor->fetch_by_name_assembly("Ancestral sequences"); my $ancestor_dba = $ancestor_genome_db->db_adaptor; my $slice_adaptor = $ancestor_dba->get_SliceAdaptor(); my $ancestor_coord_system_adaptor = $ancestor_dba->get_CoordSystemAdaptor(); my $ancestor_coord_system; eval{ $ancestor_coord_system = $ancestor_coord_system_adaptor->fetch_by_name("ancestralsegment"); }; if(!$ancestor_coord_system){ $ancestor_coord_system = new Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem( -name => "ancestralsegment", -VERSION => undef, -DEFAULT => 1, -SEQUENCE_LEVEL => 1, -RANK => 1 ); $ancestor_coord_system_adaptor->store($ancestor_coord_system); } foreach my $genomic_align_tree (@{$self->{'_runnable'}->output}) { foreach my $genomic_align_node (@{$genomic_align_tree->get_all_nodes}) { foreach my $genomic_align (@{$genomic_align_node->genomic_align_group->get_all_GenomicAligns}) { $genomic_align->adaptor($gaa); $genomic_align->method_link_species_set($mlss); $genomic_align->level_id(1); if ($genomic_align->dnafrag_id == -1) { ## INTERNAL NODE, i.e. an ancestral sequence
my $length = length($genomic_align->original_sequence); $slice_adaptor->dbc->db_handle->do("LOCK TABLES seq_region WRITE, dna WRITE"); my $last_id = $slice_adaptor->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array("SELECT max(seq_region_id) FROM seq_region"); $last_id++; my $name = "Ancestor$last_id"; my $slice = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice( -seq_region_name => $name, -start => 1, -end => $length, -seq_region_length => $length, -strand => 1, -coord_system => $ancestor_coord_system, ); $slice_adaptor->store($slice,\$ genomic_align->original_sequence); $slice_adaptor->dbc->db_handle->do("UNLOCK TABLES"); my $dnafrag = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DnaFrag( -name => $name, -genome_db => $ancestor_genome_db, -length => $length, -coord_system_name => "ancestralsegment", ); $dnafrag_adaptor->store($dnafrag); $genomic_align->dnafrag_id($dnafrag->dbID); $genomic_align->dnafrag_end($length); $genomic_align->dnafrag($dnafrag); } } } my $split_trees; #restrict genomic_align_tree if it is too long and store as groups
if ($self->max_block_size() && $genomic_align_tree->length > $self->max_block_size()) { for (my $start = 1; $start <= $genomic_align_tree->length; $start += $self->max_block_size()) { my $end = $start+$self->max_block_size()-1; if ($end > $genomic_align_tree->length) { $end = $genomic_align_tree->length; } my $new_gat = $genomic_align_tree->restrict_between_alignment_positions($start, $end, "skip_empty_GenomicAligns"); push @$split_trees, $new_gat; } $gata->store_group($split_trees); foreach my $tree (@$split_trees) { $self->_write_gerp_dataflow($tree->modern_genomic_align_block_id, $mlss); } } else { $gata->store($genomic_align_tree); $self->_write_gerp_dataflow( $genomic_align_tree->modern_genomic_align_block_id, $mlss); } } chdir("$self->worker_temp_directory"); foreach(glob("*")){ #DO NOT COMMENT THIS OUT!!! (at least not permenantly). Needed
#to clean up after each job otherwise you get files left over from
#the previous job.
unlink($_); } return 1; } #trim genomic align block from the left hand edge to first position having at
#least 2 genomic aligns which overlap
General documentation
The fetch_input method reads the parameters of the analysis (analysis.parameters) first and then
the input_id of the analysis job (analysis_job.input_id). Both are expected to be string
representing hash references like {key1 => "value1", key2 => "value2"}. Values defined in the
analysis_job.input_id column will overwrite values in the analysis.parameters.
     * synteny_region_id (int)
     Ortheus will align the segments defined in the SyntenyRegion with this dbID.
     * method_link_species_set_id (int)
     Ortheus will store alignments with this method_link_species_set_id
     * java_options
     Options used to run java eg: '-server -Xmx1000M'
     * tree_file
     * tree_analysis_data_id (int)
     * pairwise_analysis_data_id (int)
     Optional. A list of database locations and method_link_species_set_id pairs for the 2X geonome BLASTZ_NET alignments. The database locations should be identified using the url mysql://user:pass\@host:port/db_name.
     * reference_species
     Optional. The reference species for the 2X genome BLASTZ_NET alignments
     * options
     Additional pecan options eg "-p 15"
     * max_block_size (int)
     If an alignment is longer than this value, it will be split in several blocks in the database. All resulting blocks will share the same genomic_align_group_id.
Javier Herrero
Post questions to the Ensembl development list:
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _