Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::RunnableDB HealthCheck
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Production::DBSQL::DBAdaptor ;
This module is inteded to run automatic checks at the end of a pipeline (or at any other time)
Methods description
_run_compare_to_previous_db_testcode    nextTop
  Arg[1]      : string representing a hashref of options.
Possible options are:
previous_db_url => url of the previous database. Must be
previous_method_link_species_set_id => method_link_species_set
id for the pairwise alignments in the previous database.
current_method_link_species_set_id => method_link_species_set
id for the pairwise alignments in the current (this) database.
method_link_type => method_link_type for pairwise segment
current_genome_db_ids => array of genome_db_ids for current
(this) database
max_percentage_diff => the percentage difference between the
number of genomic_align_blocks in the query and the target
databases before being flaged as an error. Default 20.
Example : $self->_run_compare_to_previous_db_test("{previous_db_url=>'mysql://', previous_method_link_species_set_id=>123, current_method_link_species_set_id=>123, max_percentage_diff=>20}");
Example : $self->_run_compare_to_previous_db_test("{previous_db_url=>\'mysql://anonymous\\',method_link_type=>\'BLASTZ_NET\',current_genome_db_ids=>\'[25,22,]\'}")
Description : Tests whether there are genomic_align_blocks, genomic_aligns
and method_link_species_sets in the tables and whether the
total number of genomic_align_blocks between 2 databases are
within a certain percentage of each other.

Returntype :
Exceptions : die on failure
Caller : general
  Arg[1]      : string representing a hashref of options.
Possible options are:
logic_name => Logic name for the Conservation Score
analysis. Default: Gerp
method_link_type => corresponds to the multiple
alignments. Default: PECAN
Example : $self->_run_conservation_jobs_test();
Example : $self->_run_conservation_jobs_test("{logic_name=>'GERP',
Description : Tests whether there is one conservation job per multiple
alignment or not. This test only look at the number of jobs.
Returntype :
Exceptions : die on failure
Caller : general
  Arg[1]      : string representing a hashref of options.
Possible options are:
method_link_species_set_id => method_link_species_set_id
for the conservation scores
Example : $self->_run_conservation_scores_test();
Example : $self->_run_conservation_scores_test(
Description : Tests whether there are conservation scores in the table, whether
these correspond to existing genomic_align_blocks, whether the
right gerp_XXX entry exists in the meta table and whether there
are no alignments with more than 3 seqs and no scores.
Returntype :
Exceptions : die on failure
Caller : general
  Arg[1]      : -none-
Example : $self->_run_left_and_right_links_in_gat_test();
Description : Tests whether all the trees in the genomic_align_tree table
are linked to other trees via their left and right node ids.
Returntype :
Exceptions : die on failure
Caller : general
  Arg[1]      : string representing a hashref of options.
Possible options are:
method_link_species_set_id => method_link_species_set id for
the pairwise alignment.
method_link_type => method_link_type for pairwise segment
genome_db_ids => array of genome_db_ids
Example : $self->_run_pairwise_gabs_test();
Example : $self->_run_pairwise_gabs_test("{method_link_species_set_id=>123}");
Example : self->_run_pairwise_gabs_test("{method_link_type=>'BLASTZ_NET', genome_db_ids=>'[1,2]'}");
Description : Tests whether the genomic_align_block and genomic_align tables
are not empty, whether there are twice as many genomic_aligns
as genomic_align_blocks and whether each genomic_align_block
has two genomic_aligns.
Returntype :
Exceptions : die on failure
Caller : general
  Implementation of the Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process interface
  Arg [1]     : (optional) string $parameters
Example : $self->get_params("{blah=>'foo'}");
Description : Reads and parses a string representing a hash
with parameters for this job.
Returntype :
Exceptions : none
Caller : fetch_input
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]     : (optional) string $parameters
Example : $object->parameters($parameters);
Example : $parameters = $object->parameters();
Description : Getter/setter for the parameters attribute
Returntype : string representing a hashref
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Implementation of the Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process interface
  Arg [1]     : (optional) string $test
Example : $object->test($test);
Example : $test = $object->test();
Description : Getter/setter for the test attribute, i.e. the
name of the test to be run
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Implementation of the Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process interface
Methods code
sub _run_compare_to_previous_db_test {
  my ($self, $parameters) = @_;

  print "_run_compare_to_previous_db_test\n";

  my $previous_mlss_id;
  my $current_mlss_id;
  my $max_percent_diff = 20;
  my $previous_db_url;
  my $method_link_type;
  my $previous_genome_db_ids;
  my $current_genome_db_ids;
  my $species_set;
  my $previous_gdbs;

  if ($parameters) {
    if (defined($parameters->{'previous_method_link_species_set_id'})) {
      $previous_mlss_id = $parameters->{'previous_method_link_species_set_id'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'current_method_link_species_set_id'})) {
      $current_mlss_id = $parameters->{'current_method_link_species_set_id'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'previous_mlss_id'})) {
      $previous_mlss_id = $parameters->{'previous_mlss_id'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'current_mlss_id'})) {
      $current_mlss_id = $parameters->{'current_mlss_id'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'previous_db_url'})) {
      $previous_db_url = $parameters->{'previous_db_url'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'method_link_type'})) {
      $method_link_type = $parameters->{'method_link_type'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'current_genome_db_ids'})) {
	$current_genome_db_ids = eval($parameters->{'current_genome_db_ids'});
    if (defined($parameters->{'max_percentage_diff'})) {
      $max_percent_diff = $parameters->{'max_percentage_diff'};

  throw("Must define previous database url") if (!defined($previous_db_url));


  #Load previous url
Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->load_registry_from_url($previous_db_url); my $previous_compara_dba; #if the database name is defined in the url, then open that
if ($previous_db_url =~ /mysql:\/\/.*@.*\/.+/) { $previous_compara_dba = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL::DBAdaptor(-url=>$previous_db_url); } else { #open the most recent compara database
$previous_compara_dba = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_DBAdaptor("Multi", "compara"); } #get the previous method_link_species_set adaptor
my $previous_mlss_adaptor = $previous_compara_dba->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSetAdaptor; throw ("No method_link_species_set") if (!$previous_mlss_adaptor); my $previous_genome_db_adaptor = $previous_compara_dba->get_GenomeDBAdaptor; throw ("No genome_db") if (!$previous_genome_db_adaptor); #get the current method_link_species_set adaptor
my $current_mlss_adaptor = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSetAdaptor; throw ("No method_link_species_set") if (!$current_mlss_adaptor); #get the current genome_db adaptor
my $current_genome_db_adaptor = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomeDBAdaptor; throw ("No genome_db_adaptor") if (!$current_genome_db_adaptor); #get the current method_link_species_set object from method_link_type and
#current genome_db_ids
if (defined $method_link_type && defined $current_genome_db_ids) { my $current_mlss = $current_mlss_adaptor->fetch_by_method_link_type_genome_db_ids($method_link_type, ${current_genome_db_ids}); if (defined $current_mlss) { $current_mlss_id = $current_mlss->dbID; } } elsif (!defined $current_mlss_id) { throw("No current_mlss_id or method_link_type and current_genome_db_ids set\n"); } #get the previous method_link_species_set object from the method_link_type and
#species corresponding to the current genome_db_ids
if (defined $method_link_type && defined $current_genome_db_ids) { #covert genome_db_ids into species names
foreach my $g_db_id (@$current_genome_db_ids) { my $g_db = $current_genome_db_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($g_db_id); my $previous_gdb = $previous_genome_db_adaptor->fetch_by_name_assembly($g_db->name); push @$previous_gdbs, $previous_gdb->dbID; } #find corresponding method_link_species_set in previous database
my $previous_mlss; eval { $previous_mlss = $previous_mlss_adaptor->fetch_by_method_link_type_genome_db_ids($method_link_type, ${previous_gdbs}); }; #Catch throw if these species do not exist in the previous database
#and return success.
if ($@ || !defined $previous_mlss) { print "This pair of species (" .(join ",", @$species_set) . ") with this method_link $method_link_type not do exist in this database $previous_db_url\n "; return; } $previous_mlss_id = $previous_mlss->dbID; } elsif (!defined $previous_mlss_id) { throw("No previous_mlss_id or method_link_type and current_genome_db_ids set\n"); } #get the name for the method_link_species_set_id
my $previous_name = $previous_compara_dba->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT name FROM method_link_species_set WHERE method_link_species_set_id =\" $previous_mlss_id\""); my $current_name = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT name FROM method_link_species_set WHERE method_link_species_set_id =\" $current_mlss_id\""); ## Get the number of genomic_align_blocks of previous db
my $previous_count = $previous_compara_dba->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM genomic_align_block WHERE method_link_species_set_id =\" $previous_mlss_id\""); ## Get number of genomic_align_blocks of current db
my $current_count = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM genomic_align_block WHERE method_link_species_set_id =\" $current_mlss_id\""); ## Find percentage difference between the two
my $current_percent_diff = abs($current_count-$previous_count)/$previous_count*100;
my $c_perc = sprintf "%.2f", $current_percent_diff; ## Report an error if this is higher than max_percent_diff
if ($current_percent_diff > $max_percent_diff) { die("The percentage difference between the number of genomic_align_blocks of the current database of $current_name results ($current_count) and the previous database of $previous_name results ($previous_count) is $c_perc% and is greater than $max_percent_diff%!\n"); } print "The percentage difference between the number of genomic_align_blocks of the current database of $current_name results ($current_count) and the previous database of $previous_name results ($previous_count) is $c_perc% and is less than $max_percent_diff%!\n";
sub _run_conservation_jobs_test {
  my ($self, $parameters) = @_;

  my $logic_name = "Gerp";
  my $method_link_type = "PECAN";

  if ($parameters) {
    if (defined($parameters->{'logic_name'})) {
      $logic_name = $parameters->{'logic_name'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'from_method_link_type'})) {
      $method_link_type = $parameters->{'from_method_link_type'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'method_link_type'})) {
      $method_link_type = $parameters->{'method_link_type'};

  ## Get the number of analysis_jobs for Gerp (or any other specified analysis)
my $count1 = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM analysis LEFT JOIN analysis_job ". " USING (analysis_id) WHERE logic_name =\" $logic_name\""); ## Get the number of Pecan (or any other specified method_link_type) alignments
my $count2 = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM method_link". " LEFT JOIN method_link_species_set USING (method_link_id)". " LEFT JOIN genomic_align_block USING (method_link_species_set_id)". " WHERE method_link.type =\" $method_link_type\""); if ($count1 != $count2) { die("There are $count1 analysis_jobs for $logic_name while there are $count2 $method_link_type alignments!\n"); } elsif ($count1 == 0) { die("There are no analysis_jobs for $logic_name and no $method_link_type alignments!\n"); }
sub _run_conservation_scores_test {
  my ($self, $parameters) = @_;

  my $method_link_species_set_id = 0;
  if ($parameters) {
    if (defined($parameters->{'method_link_species_set_id'})) {
      $method_link_species_set_id = $parameters->{'method_link_species_set_id'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'mlss_id'})) {
      $method_link_species_set_id = $parameters->{'mlss_id'};


  my $count1 = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array(
      "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM conservation_score LEFT JOIN genomic_align_block ".
      " USING (genomic_align_block_id) WHERE genomic_align_block.genomic_align_block_id IS NULL");

  if ($count1 > 0) {
    die("There are $count1 orphan conservation scores!\n");
  } else {
    print "conservation score external references are OK.\n";

  my $meta_container = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_MetaContainer();

  my $method_link_species_set_ids;

  if ($method_link_species_set_id) {
    my ($aln_mlss_id) = @{$meta_container->list_value_by_key("gerp_".$method_link_species_set_id)};
    if (!$aln_mlss_id) {
      die "The meta table does not contain the gerp_$method_link_species_set_id entry!\n";
    $method_link_species_set_ids = [$aln_mlss_id];
  } else {
    $method_link_species_set_ids = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectcol_arrayref(
        "SELECT DISTINCT method_link_species_set_id FROM conservation_score LEFT JOIN genomic_align_block ".
        " USING (genomic_align_block_id)");

  foreach my $this_method_link_species_set_id (@$method_link_species_set_ids) {
    my $gerp_key = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array(
        "SELECT meta_key FROM meta WHERE meta_key LIKE\" gerp_%\" AND meta_value".
        " =\" $this_method_link_species_set_id\"");
    if (!$gerp_key) {
      die "There is no gerp_% entry in the meta table for mlss=".$this_method_link_species_set_id.
    } else {
      print "meta entry for $gerp_key: OK.\n";

    my ($values) = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectcol_arrayref(
        "SELECT genomic_align_block.genomic_align_block_id FROM genomic_align_block LEFT JOIN genomic_align".
        " ON (genomic_align_block.genomic_align_block_id = genomic_align.genomic_align_block_id)".
        " LEFT JOIN conservation_score".
        " ON (genomic_align_block.genomic_align_block_id = conservation_score.genomic_align_block_id)".
        " WHERE genomic_align_block.method_link_species_set_id = $this_method_link_species_set_id".
        " AND conservation_score.genomic_align_block_id IS NULL".
        " GROUP BY genomic_align_block.genomic_align_block_id HAVING count(*) > 3");
    if (@$values) {
      die "There are ".scalar(@$values)." blocks (mlss=".$this_method_link_species_set_id.
          ") with more than 3 seqs and no conservation score!\n";
    } else {
      print "All alignments for mlss=$this_method_link_species_set_id and more than 3 seqs have cons.scores: OK.\n";
sub _run_left_and_right_links_in_gat_test {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $table_name = "genomic_align_tree";

  ## check the table is not empty
my $count = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT count(*) FROM $table_name gat1 LEFT JOIN $table_name gat2 ON (gat1.node_id = gat2.root_id)". " WHERE gat1.parent_id = 0 GROUP BY gat1.node_id". " HAVING GROUP_CONCAT(gat2.left_node_id ORDER BY gat2.left_node_id) LIKE\" 0%,0\"". " AND GROUP_CONCAT(gat2.right_node_id ORDER BY gat2.right_node_id) LIKE\" 0%,0\""); if ($count == 0) { print "All trees in $table_name are linked to their neighbours: OK.\n"; } else { die("Some entries ($count) in the $table_name table are not linked!\n"); } } 1;
sub _run_pairwise_gabs_test {
  my ($self, $parameters) = @_;

  my $method_link_species_set_id;
  my $method_link_id;
  my $method_link_type;
  my $genome_db_ids;
  print "_run_pairwise_gabs_test\n";

  if ($parameters) {
    if (defined($parameters->{'method_link_species_set_id'})) {
      $method_link_species_set_id = $parameters->{'method_link_species_set_id'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'mlss_id'})) {
      $method_link_species_set_id = $parameters->{'mlss_id'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'method_link_type'})) {
      $method_link_type = $parameters->{'method_link_type'};
    if (defined($parameters->{'genome_db_ids'})) {
	$genome_db_ids = eval($parameters->{'genome_db_ids'});


  my $method_link_species_set_ids;
  if ($method_link_species_set_id) {
      $method_link_species_set_ids = [$method_link_species_set_id];
  } elsif ($method_link_type && $genome_db_ids) {
      my $mlss_adaptor = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSetAdaptor;
      throw ("No method_link_species_set") if (!$mlss_adaptor);
      my $mlss = $mlss_adaptor->fetch_by_method_link_type_genome_db_ids($method_link_type, ${genome_db_ids});
      if (defined $mlss) {
	  $method_link_species_set_ids = [$mlss->dbID];
  } else {
      $method_link_species_set_ids = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectcol_arrayref(
	 "SELECT DISTINCT method_link_species_set_id FROM genomic_align_block");

  foreach my $this_method_link_species_set_id (@$method_link_species_set_ids) {

      ## Get the number of genomic_align_blocks
my $count1 = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM genomic_align_block WHERE method_link_species_set_id =\" $this_method_link_species_set_id\""); ## Get the number of genomic_aligns
my $count2 = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM genomic_align_block gab LEFT JOIN genomic_align USING (genomic_align_block_id) WHERE gab.method_link_species_set_id =\" $this_method_link_species_set_id\""); ## Get the number of genomic_align_blocks which don't have 2 genomic_aligns
my $count3 = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM genomic_align WHERE method_link_species_set_id =\" $this_method_link_species_set_id\" GROUP BY genomic_align_block_id HAVING COUNT(*)!=2) cnt"); #get the name for the method_link_species_set_id
my $name = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT name FROM method_link_species_set WHERE method_link_species_set_id =\" $this_method_link_species_set_id\""); #should be twice as many genomic_aligns as genomic_align_blocks for
#pairwise alignments
if (2*$count1 != $count2) { die("There are $count1 genomic_align_blocks for $name while there are $count2 genomic_aligns!\n"); } if ($count3 != 0) { die("There are $count3 genomic_align_blocks which don't have 2 genomic_aligns for $name!\n"); } print "Number of genomic_align_blocks for $name = $count1\n"; print "Number of genomic_aligns for $name = $count2 2*$count1=" . ($count1*2) . "\n"; print "Number of genomic_align_blocks which don't have 2 genomic_aligns for $name = $count3\n"; }
sub fetch_input {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->{'comparaDBA'} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Production::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-DBCONN=>$self->db->dbc);
  $self->{'hiveDBA'} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-DBCONN => $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc);

  return 1;
sub get_params {
  my $self         = shift;
  my $param_string = shift;

  return unless($param_string);
  print("parsing parameter string : ",$param_string,"\n");

  my $params = eval($param_string);
  return unless($params);

  if (defined($params->{'test'})) {

  if (defined($params->{'params'})) {

  if (defined($params->{'hc_output_dir'})) {
      $self->{'hc_output_dir'} = $params->{'hc_output_dir'};

  return 1;
sub parameters {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{_parameters} = shift;
  return $self->{_parameters};
sub run {
  my $self = shift;
  if ($self->{'hc_output_dir'}) {
      open OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT";
      open OLDERR, ">&STDERR";
      open WORKER_STDOUT, ">>".$self->{'hc_output_dir'} ."/healthcheck.$$.out";
      open WORKER_STDERR, ">>".$self->{'hc_output_dir'} ."/healthcheck.$$.err";
      close STDOUT;
      close STDERR;
      open STDOUT, ">&WORKER_STDOUT";
      open STDERR, ">&WORKER_STDERR";

  if ($self->test()) {
    ## Run the method called <_run_[TEST_NAME]_test>
my $method = "_run_".$self->test()."_test"; if ($self->can($method)) { print "Running test ", $self->test(), "\n"; $self->$method($self->parameters); print "OK.\n"; } else { die "There is no test called ".$self->test()."\n"; } } if ($self->{'hc_output_dir'}) { close STDOUT; close STDERR; close WORKER_STDOUT; close WORKER_STDERR; open STDOUT, ">&",\* OLDOUT; open STDERR, ">&",\* OLDERR; } return 1;
sub test {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{_test} = shift;
  return $self->{_test};
sub test_table {
  my ($self, $table_name) = @_;

  die "Cannot test table with no name\n" if (!$table_name);

  ## check the table is not empty
my $count = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_name"); if ($count == 0) { die("There are no entries in the $table_name table!\n"); } else { print "Table $table_name contains data: OK.\n"; }
sub write_output {
  my ($self) = @_;

  return 1;
General documentation
This module has been designed to run one test per analysis_job. All the options are specific to
the test iself and therefore you shouldn't set any parameters in the analysis table. Use the input_id
column of the analysis_job to set these values.
Parameters used by the test
This test checks that there are one conservation analysis per alignment.
    Logic name for the Conservation analysis. Default: Gerp
    method_link_type (or from_method_link_type)
    method_link_type for the multiple alignments. Default: PECAN
This test checks whether there are conservation scores in the table, whether
these correspond to existing genomic_align_blocks, whether the
right gerp_XXX entry exists in the meta table and whether there
are no alignments wiht more than 3 seqs and no scores.
    method_link_species_set_id (or mlss_id)
    Specify the method_link_species_set_id for the conservation scores. Note that this can
be guessed from the database altough specifying the right mlss_id is probably safer.
    For instance, it may happen that you expect 2 or 3 sets of scores. In that case it is
recommended to create one test for each of these set. If one of the sets is missing,
the test will succeed as it will successfully guess the mlss_id for the other sets and
check those values only.
Here are some input_id examples:
    Run the conservation_jobs test. Default parameters
    {test=>'conservation_jobs', params=>{logic_name=>'Gerp', method_link_type=>'PECAN'}}
    Run the conservation_jobs test. Specify logic_name for the Conservation analysis and method_link_type
for the underlying multiple alignments
    Run the conservation_scores test. Default parameters
    {test=>'conservation_scores', params=>{mlss_id=>50002}}
    Run the conservation_scores test. Specify the method_link_species_set_id for the conservation scores
Javier Herrero <>
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _