ensembl Transcript
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Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw info )
Utils qw ( print_exon )
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Methods description
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Methods code
sub check_iexons {
  my $itranscript = shift;
  my $itranscript_array   = shift;

  my $prev_start = undef;
  my $prev_end = undef;
  my $transcript_seq_region = undef;
  my $transcript_strand     = undef;

  info("checking exons for : " . $itranscript->stable_id());

  my $first = 1;

  foreach my $iexon (@{$itranscript->get_all_Exons}) {

    if ($iexon->fail() || $iexon->is_fatal()) {
      info("  failed/fatal exon, splitting transcript");

      # split this transcript in two, and restart the processing
# at the beginning of the second transcript
my $first_transcript = split_itrans($itranscript, $iexon); if ($first_transcript) { $itranscript_array ||= []; push @$itranscript_array, $first_transcript; } return check_iexons($itranscript, $itranscript_array); } #sanity check: expect first exon to have cdna_start = 1
if($first && $iexon->cdna_start != 1) { print_exon($iexon); throw("Unexpected: first exon does not have cdna_start = 1"); } $first = 0; # sanity check: start must be less than or equal to end
if ($iexon->end() < $iexon->start()) { throw("Unexpected: exon start less than end:\n" . $iexon->stable_id().": ".$iexon->start().'-'.$iexon->end()); } # sanity check: cdna length must equal length
if($iexon->length != $iexon->cdna_end - $iexon->cdna_start + 1) { throw("Unexpected: exon cdna length != exon length:\n" . $iexon->stable_id().": ".$iexon->start().'-'.$iexon->end() ."\n" . " " . $iexon->cdna_start.'-'.$iexon->cdna_end()); } if (!defined($transcript_seq_region)) { $transcript_seq_region = $iexon->seq_region(); } elsif ($transcript_seq_region ne $iexon->seq_region()) { info(" scaffold span, splitting transcript"); my $stat_msg = StatMsg->new(StatMsg::TRANSCRIPT|StatMsg::SCAFFOLD_SPAN); $itranscript->add_StatMsg($stat_msg); my $keep_exon = 1; my $first_transcript = split_itrans($itranscript, $iexon, $keep_exon); if ($first_transcript) { $itranscript_array ||= []; push @$itranscript_array, $first_transcript; } return check_iexons($itranscript, $itranscript_array); } # watch out for exons that come in the wrong order
if((defined($prev_end) && $iexon->strand() == 1 && $prev_end > $iexon->start()) || (defined($prev_start) && $iexon->strand() == -1 && $prev_start < $iexon->end())) { info(" inversion, splitting transcript"); my $stat_msg = StatMsg->new(StatMsg::TRANSCRIPT | StatMsg::INVERT); $itranscript->add_StatMsg($stat_msg); my $keep_exon = 1; my $first_transcript = split_itrans($itranscript, $iexon, $keep_exon); if ($first_transcript) { $itranscript_array ||= []; push @$itranscript_array, $first_transcript; } return check_iexons($itranscript, $itranscript_array); } if (!defined($transcript_strand)) { $transcript_strand = $iexon->strand(); } elsif ($transcript_strand != $iexon->strand()) { info(" strand flip, splitting transcript"); my $stat_msg = StatMsg->new(StatMsg::TRANSCRIPT | StatMsg::STRAND_FLIP); $itranscript->add_StatMsg($stat_msg); my $keep_exon = 1; my $first_transcript = split_itrans($itranscript, $iexon, $keep_exon); if ($first_transcript) { $itranscript_array ||= []; push @$itranscript_array, $first_transcript; } return check_iexons($itranscript, $itranscript_array); } # watch out for extremely long introns
my $intron_len = 0; if(defined($prev_start)) { if($iexon->strand() == 1) { $intron_len = $iexon->start - $prev_end + 1; } else { $intron_len = $prev_start - $iexon->end + 1; } } if($intron_len > MAX_INTRON_LEN) { info(" very long intron, splitting transcripts"); my $keep_exon = 1; my $first_transcript = split_itrans($itranscript, $iexon, $keep_exon); if($first_transcript) { push @$itranscript_array, $first_transcript; } return check_iexons($itranscript, $itranscript_array); } $prev_end = $iexon->end(); $prev_start = $iexon->start(); } $itranscript_array ||= []; #
# if there exons left after all the splitting,
# then add this transcript to the array
my $total_exons = scalar(@{$itranscript->get_all_Exons}); if ($total_exons > 0) { push @$itranscript_array, $itranscript; } else { info(" no exons left in transcript"); } return $itranscript_array; } #
# Splits an interim transcript into two parts by discarding
# a 'bad exon' in the middle.
# If the 'bad exon' was the first exon then undef is returned, otherwise
# the first transcript is returned.
# The passed in transcript is adjusted to become the second transcript
# The keep_exon argument is a flag. If true the 'bad exon' is kept as part
# of the second transcript, otherwise it is discarded.
sub make_Transcript {
  my $itrans = shift;
  my $slice_adaptor = shift;

  my $transcript = Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript->new();

  info("making final transcript for ". $itrans->stable_id);

  my $translation;

  # the whole translation may have been deleted
# discard translation if mrna is less than a codon in length
if($itrans->cdna_coding_end - $itrans->cdna_coding_start + 1 < 3) { $translation = undef; } else { $translation = Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation->new(); $transcript->translation($translation); } foreach my $iexon (@{$itrans->get_all_Exons}) { my $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('chromosome', $iexon->seq_region, undef, undef,undef, 'CHIMP1'); my $exon = Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon->new (-START => $iexon->start(), -END => $iexon->end(), -STRAND => $iexon->strand(), -PHASE => $iexon->start_phase(), -END_PHASE => $iexon->end_phase(), -STABLE_ID => $iexon->stable_id(), -SLICE => $slice); $transcript->add_Exon($exon); # see if this exon is the start or end exon of the translation
if ($translation) { if ($iexon->cdna_start() <= $itrans->cdna_coding_start() && $iexon->cdna_end() >= $itrans->cdna_coding_start()) { my $translation_start = $itrans->cdna_coding_start() - $iexon->cdna_start() + 1; $translation->start_Exon($exon); $translation->start($translation_start); } if ($iexon->cdna_start() <= $itrans->cdna_coding_end() && $iexon->cdna_end() >= $itrans->cdna_coding_end()) { my $translation_end = $itrans->cdna_coding_end() - $iexon->cdna_start() + 1; $translation->end_Exon($exon); $translation->end($translation_end); } } } if($translation && !$translation->start_Exon()) { print STDERR "Could not find translation start exon in transcript.\n"; print STDERR "FIRST EXON:\n"; print_exon($itrans->get_all_Exons->[0]); print STDERR "LAST EXON:\n"; print_exon($itrans->get_all_Exons->[-1], $itrans); throw("Unexpected: Could not find translation start exon in transcript\n"); } if($translation && !$translation->end_Exon()) { print STDERR "Could not find translation end exon in transcript.\n"; print STDERR "FIRST EXON:\n"; print_exon($itrans->get_all_Exons->[0]); print STDERR "LAST EXON:\n"; print_exon($itrans->get_all_Exons->[-1], $itrans); throw("Unexpected: Could not find translation end exon in transcript\n"); } return $transcript; } 1;
sub split_itrans {
  my $itrans = shift;
  my $bad_exon = shift; #fulcrum exon to split on
my $keep_exon = shift; my @remaining_exons = @{$itrans->get_all_Exons()}; my @first_exons; my $first_trans = InterimTranscript->new(); $first_trans->stable_id($itrans->stable_id()); $first_trans->version($itrans->version); my $cur_exon = shift(@remaining_exons); # all the exons until the 'bad exon' are loaded into the first transcript
info("==FIRST TRANSCRIPT:\n"); while($cur_exon && $cur_exon != $bad_exon) { print_exon($cur_exon); push @first_exons, $cur_exon; $first_trans->add_Exon($cur_exon); $cur_exon = shift(@remaining_exons); } if(!$cur_exon) { throw("unexpected: could not find bad exon in transcript"); } info("==BAD EXON: ". (($keep_exon) ? 'keeping' : 'discarding')); print_exon($bad_exon); # keep the 'bad exon' if the flag was set
if($keep_exon) { unshift @remaining_exons, $bad_exon; } # the remaining exons are reloaded into the second (original) transcript
$itrans->flush_Exons(); info("==SECOND TRANSCRIPT:\n"); foreach my $exon (@remaining_exons) { print_exon($exon); $itrans->add_Exon($exon); } #
# set the coding end/start of the first transcript
if(@first_exons) { my $first_ex = $first_exons[0]; my $last_ex = $first_exons[$#first_exons]; # set the coding start and coding end to same as original transcript,
# then adjust for ommitted exons
$first_trans->cdna_coding_start($itrans->cdna_coding_start()); $first_trans->cdna_coding_end($itrans->cdna_coding_end()); if($last_ex->cdna_end() < $first_trans->cdna_coding_start() || $first_ex->cdna_start() > $first_trans->cdna_coding_end()) { # entire transcript is UTR and is non-coding
$first_trans->cdna_coding_start(1); $first_trans->cdna_coding_end(0); } elsif($last_ex->cdna_end() >= $first_trans->cdna_coding_start() && $last_ex->cdna_end() < $first_trans->cdna_coding_end()) { # coding sequence is cut by coding end
$first_trans->cdna_coding_end($last_ex->cdna_end()); } } #
# adjust the coding end/start of the second transcript
if(@remaining_exons) { my $first_ex = $remaining_exons[0]; my $last_ex = $remaining_exons[$#remaining_exons]; # all of the cdna coodinates need to be shifted up by the
# amount of bases used by the first transcript & bad exon
my $cdna_shift = 0; foreach my $ex (@first_exons) { $cdna_shift += $ex->length(); info("cdna_shift = $cdna_shift\n"); } # if we threw away the 'bad' exon we want to take into account
# how much sequence it had,
if(!$keep_exon && defined($bad_exon->cdna_start()) && defined($bad_exon->cdna_end())) { $cdna_shift += $bad_exon->length(); } info("Shifting CDNA of second transcript by $cdna_shift\n"); if($cdna_shift) { foreach my $ex (@remaining_exons) { if(!$ex->fail()) { $ex->cdna_start($ex->cdna_start() - $cdna_shift); $ex->cdna_end($ex->cdna_end() - $cdna_shift); } } $itrans->move_cdna_coding_start(-$cdna_shift); $itrans->move_cdna_coding_end(-$cdna_shift); if($itrans->cdna_coding_start() < 1) { # transcript was split in middle of cds
$itrans->cdna_coding_start(1); } if($itrans->cdna_coding_end() < 1) { #there is no coding sequence left in this transcript
$itrans->cdna_coding_end(0); } } } return (@first_exons) ? $first_trans : undef; } #
# creates proper ensembl transcripts and exons from interim transcripts
# and exons.
General documentation
No general documentation available.