Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL DensityFeatureAdaptor
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
  my $dfa = $database_adaptor->get_DensityFeatureAdaptor();
my $interpolate = 1; my $blocks_wanted = 50; @dense_feats = @{ $dfa->fetch_all_by_Slice( $slice, 'SNPDensity', $blocks_wanted, $interpolate ); }
Density Feature Adaptor - An adaptor responsible for the creation of density
features from the database.
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
fetch_Featureset_by_Slice code    nextTop
  Arg [1-5]  : see
for argument documentation
Example : $featureset = $dfa->fetch_FeatureSet_by_Slice($slice,'SNPDensity', 10, 1);
Description: wrapper around
which returns a Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeatureSet and also caches
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeatureSet
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice - The slice representing the region
to retrieve density features from.
Arg [2] : string $logic_name - The logic name of the density features to
Arg [3] : int $num_blocks (optional; default = 50) - The number of
features that are desired. The ratio between the size of these
features and the size of the features in the database will be
used to determine which database features will be used.
Arg [4] : boolean $interpolate (optional; default = 0) - A flag indicating
whether the features in the database should be interpolated to
fit them to the requested number of features. If true the
features will be interpolated to provide $num_blocks features.
This will not guarantee that exactly $num_blocks features are
returned due to rounding etc. but it will be close.
Arg [5] : float $max_ratio - The maximum ratio between the size of the
requested features (as determined by $num_blocks) and the actual
size of the features in the database. If this value is exceeded
then an empty list will be returned. This can be used to
prevent excessive interpolation of the database values.
Example : #interpolate:
$feats = $dfa->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice,'SNPDensity', 10, 1);
#do not interpoloate, get what is in the database:
$feats = $dfa->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice,'SNPDensity', 50);
#interpolate, but not too much
$feats = $dfa->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice,'SNPDensity',50,1,5.0);
Description: Retrieves a set of density features which overlap the region
of this slice. Density features are a discrete representation
of a continuous value along a sequence, such as a density or
percent coverage. Density Features may be stored in chunks of
different sizes in the database, and interpolated to fit the
desired size for the requested region. For example the database
may store a single density value for each 1KB and also for each
1MB. When fetching for an entire chromosome the 1MB density
chunks will be used if the requested number of blocks is not
very high.
Note that features which have been interpolated are not stored
in the database and as such will have no dbID or adaptor set.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature
Exceptions : warning on invalid $num_blocks argument
warning if no features with logic_name $logic_name exist
warning if density_type table has invalid block_size value
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : @feature_ids = @{$density_feature_adaptor->list_dbIDs()};
Description: Gets an array of internal ids for all density features in the
current db
Arg[1] : <optional> int. not set to 0 for the ids to be sorted by the seq_region.
Returntype : list of ints
Exceptions : none
Caller : ?
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : list of args @args
Superclass constructor arguments
Example : none
Description: Constructor which just initializes internal cache structures
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DensityFeatureAdaptor
Exceptions : none
Caller : implementing subclass constructors
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : list of Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeatures @df
the simple features to store in the database
Example : $density_feature_adaptor->store(1234, @density_feats);
Description: Stores a list of density feature objects in the database
Returntype : none
Exceptions : thrown if @df is not defined, if any of the features do not
have an attached slice.
or if any elements of @df are not Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeatures
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Methods code
sub _columns {
  my $self = shift;

  return qw( df.density_feature_id
             df.seq_region_id df.seq_region_start df.seq_region_end
             df.density_value df.density_type_id );
sub _objs_from_sth {
  my ($self, $sth, $mapper, $dest_slice) = @_;

# This code is ugly because an attempt has been made to remove as many
# function calls as possible for speed purposes. Thus many caches,
# and a fair bit of gymnastics have been used.
my $sa = $self->db()->get_SliceAdaptor(); my $dta = $self->db()->get_DensityTypeAdaptor(); my @features; my %dtype_hash; my %slice_hash; my %sr_name_hash; my %sr_cs_hash; my($density_feature_id, $seq_region_id, $seq_region_start, $seq_region_end, $density_value, $density_type_id ); $sth->bind_columns(\$density_feature_id,\$ seq_region_id,\$ seq_region_start,\$ seq_region_end,\$ density_value,\$ density_type_id); my $asm_cs; my $cmp_cs; my $asm_cs_vers; my $asm_cs_name; my $cmp_cs_vers; my $cmp_cs_name; if($mapper) { $asm_cs = $mapper->assembled_CoordSystem(); $cmp_cs = $mapper->component_CoordSystem(); $asm_cs_name = $asm_cs->name(); $asm_cs_vers = $asm_cs->version(); $cmp_cs_name = $cmp_cs->name(); $cmp_cs_vers = $cmp_cs->version(); } my $dest_slice_start; my $dest_slice_end; my $dest_slice_strand; my $dest_slice_length; my $dest_slice_sr_name; my $dest_slice_sr_id; if($dest_slice) { $dest_slice_start = $dest_slice->start(); $dest_slice_end = $dest_slice->end(); $dest_slice_strand = $dest_slice->strand(); $dest_slice_length = $dest_slice->length(); $dest_slice_sr_name = $dest_slice->seq_region_name(); $dest_slice_sr_id = $dest_slice->get_seq_region_id(); } FEATURE: while($sth->fetch()) { #get the density type object
my $density_type = $dtype_hash{$density_type_id} ||= $dta->fetch_by_dbID($density_type_id); #get the slice object
#need to get the internal_seq_region, if present
$seq_region_id = $self->get_seq_region_id_internal($seq_region_id); my $slice = $slice_hash{"ID:".$seq_region_id}; if(!$slice) { $slice = $sa->fetch_by_seq_region_id($seq_region_id); $slice_hash{"ID:".$seq_region_id} = $slice; $sr_name_hash{$seq_region_id} = $slice->seq_region_name(); $sr_cs_hash{$seq_region_id} = $slice->coord_system(); } my $sr_name = $sr_name_hash{$seq_region_id}; my $sr_cs = $sr_cs_hash{$seq_region_id}; #
# remap the feature coordinates to another coord system
# if a mapper was provided
if($mapper) { my $len = $seq_region_end - $seq_region_start + 1; my @coords = $mapper->map($sr_name, $seq_region_start, $seq_region_end,1, $sr_cs); #filter out gaps
@coords = grep {!$_->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap')} @coords; #throw out density features mapped to gaps, or split
next FEATURE if(@coords != 1); $seq_region_start = $coords[0]->{'start'}; $seq_region_end = $coords[0]->{'end'}; $seq_region_id = $coords[0]->{'id'}; if($density_type->value_type() eq 'sum') { #adjust density value so it reflects length of feature actually used
my $newlen = $seq_region_end - $seq_region_start +1; $density_value *= $newlen/$len if($newlen != $len);
} #get a slice in the coord system we just mapped to
# if($asm_cs == $sr_cs || ($cmp_cs != $sr_cs && $asm_cs->equals($sr_cs))) {
$slice = $slice_hash{"ID:".$seq_region_id} ||= $sa->fetch_by_seq_region_id($seq_region_id); # } else {
# $slice = $slice_hash{"NAME:$sr_name:$asm_cs_name:$asm_cs_vers"} ||=
# $sa->fetch_by_region($asm_cs_name, $sr_name, undef, undef, undef,
# $asm_cs_vers);
# }
} #
# If a destination slice was provided convert the coords
# If the dest_slice starts at 1 and is foward strand, nothing needs doing
if($dest_slice) { if($dest_slice_start != 1 || $dest_slice_strand != 1) { if($dest_slice_strand == 1) { $seq_region_start = $seq_region_start - $dest_slice_start + 1; $seq_region_end = $seq_region_end - $dest_slice_start + 1; } else { my $tmp_seq_region_start = $seq_region_start; $seq_region_start = $dest_slice_end - $seq_region_end + 1; $seq_region_end = $dest_slice_end - $tmp_seq_region_start + 1; } } #throw away features entirely off the end of the requested slice
if($seq_region_end < 1 || $seq_region_start > $dest_slice_length || ( $dest_slice_sr_id ne $seq_region_id )) { next FEATURE; } $slice = $dest_slice; } push( @features, $self->_create_feature( 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature', { -dbID => $density_feature_id, -adaptor => $self, -start => $seq_region_start, -end => $seq_region_end, -seq_region => $slice, -density_value => $density_value, -density_type => $density_type } ) ); } return\@ features;
sub _tables {
  my $self = shift;

  return (['density_feature', 'df']);
sub fetch_Featureset_by_Slice {
  my ($self, $slice, $logic_name, $num_blocks, $interpolate, $max_ratio) = @_;

  my $key = join(":", $slice->name,
                      $num_blocks || 50,
                      $interpolate || 0,
  unless ($self->{'_density_feature_cache'}->{$key}) {
    my $dfeats = $self->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice, $logic_name, $num_blocks,
                                           $interpolate, $max_ratio);
    $self->{'_density_feature_cache'}->{$key} =
      new Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeatureSet($dfeats);
  return $self->{'_density_feature_cache'}->{$key};

sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
  my ($self, $slice, $logic_name, $num_blocks, $interpolate, $max_ratio) = @_;

  if(defined($num_blocks) && $num_blocks < 1) {
    warning("Invalid number of density blocks [$num_blocks] requested.\n" .
	   "Returning empty list.");
    return [];

  $num_blocks ||= 50;
  my $length = $slice->length();

  my $wanted_block_size = POSIX::ceil($length/$num_blocks);
# get out all of the density types and choose the one with the
# block size closest to our desired block size
my $dta = $self->db()->get_DensityTypeAdaptor(); my @dtypes = @{$dta->fetch_all_by_logic_name($logic_name)}; if( ! @dtypes ){ my @all_dtypes = @{ $dta->fetch_all() }; @all_dtypes or warning( "No DensityTypes in $dta" ) && return []; my $valid_list = join( ", ", map{$_->analysis->logic_name} @all_dtypes ); warning( "No DensityTypes for logic name $logic_name. ". "Select from $valid_list" ); return []; } my $best_ratio = undef; my $density_type = undef; my $best_ratio_large = undef; my $density_type_large = undef; my %dt_ratio_hash; foreach my $dt (@dtypes) { my $ratio; if( $dt->block_size() > 0 ) { $ratio = $wanted_block_size/$dt->block_size();
} else { # This is only valid if the requested seq_region is the one the
# features are stored on. Please use sensibly. Or find better implementation.
my $block_size = $slice->seq_region_length() / $dt->region_features();
$ratio = $wanted_block_size / $block_size;
} # we prefer to use a block size that's smaller than the required one
# (better results on interpolation).
# give larger bits a disadvantage and make them comparable
if( $ratio < 1 ) { $ratio = 5/$ratio;
} $dt_ratio_hash{ $ratio } = $dt; } $best_ratio = (sort {$a<=>$b} (keys %dt_ratio_hash))[0]; #the ratio was not good enough, or this logic name was not in the
#density type table, return an empty list
if(!defined($best_ratio) || (defined($max_ratio) && $best_ratio > $max_ratio)) { return []; } $density_type = $dt_ratio_hash{$best_ratio}; my $constraint = "df.density_type_id = " . $density_type->dbID(); my @features = @{$self->fetch_all_by_Slice_constraint($slice,$constraint)}; return\@ features if(!$interpolate); #interpolate the features into new features of a different size
my @out; #sort the features on start position
@features = sort({$a->start() <=> $b->end()} @features); #resize the features that were returned
my $start = 1; my $end = $start+$wanted_block_size-1; my $value_type = $density_type->value_type(); # create a new density type object for the interpolated features that
# is not stored in the database
$density_type = Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityType->new (-VALUE_TYPE => $value_type, -ANALYSIS => $density_type->analysis(), -BLOCK_SIZE => $wanted_block_size); while($start < $length) { # $end = $length if($end > $length);
my $density_value = 0.0; my ($f, $fstart, $fend, $portion); my @dvalues; #construct a new feature using all of the old density features that
#we overlapped
while(($f = shift(@features)) && $end > $f->{'start'}) { #what portion of this feature are we using to construct our new block?
$fstart = ($f->{'start'} < $start) ? $start : $f->{'start'}; $fend = ($f->{'end'} > $end ) ? $end : $f->{'end'}; $fend = $length if($fend > $length); if($value_type eq 'sum') { $portion = ($fend-$fstart+1)/$f->length();
#take a percentage of density value, depending on how much of the
#feature we overlapped
$density_value += $portion * $f->{'density_value'}; } elsif($value_type eq 'ratio') { #maintain a running total of the length used from each feature
#and its value
push(@dvalues,[$fend-$fstart+1,$f->{'density_value'}]); } else { throw("Unknown density value type [$value_type]."); } #do not want to look at next feature if we only used part of this one:
last if($fend < $f->{'end'}); } #if we did not completely overlap the last feature, put it back on so
#it can be partially used by the next block
if(defined($f) && (!defined($fend) || $fend < $f->{'end'})) { unshift(@features, $f); } if($value_type eq 'ratio') { #take a weighted average of the all the density values of the features
#used to construct this one
my $total_len = $end - $start + 1; if($total_len > 0) { foreach my $pair (@dvalues) { my ($dlen, $dval) = @$pair; $density_value += $dval * ($dlen/$total_len);
} } } # interpolated features are not stored in the db so do not set the dbID
# or the adaptor
push @out, Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature->new (-seq_region => $slice, -start => $start, -end => $end, -density_type => $density_type, -density_value => $density_value); $start = $end + 1; $end += $wanted_block_size; } return\@ out;
sub list_dbIDs {
   my ($self, $ordered) = @_;

   return $self->_list_dbIDs("density_feature",undef, $ordered);
sub new {
  my $caller = shift;

  my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;

  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

  #initialize an LRU cache
my %cache; tie(%cache, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Cache', $DENSITY_FEATURE_CACHE_SIZE); $self->{'_density_feature_cache'} =\% cache; return $self;
sub store {
  my ($self,@df) = @_;

  if( scalar(@df) == 0 ) {
    throw("Must call store with list of DensityFeatures");
#mysql> desc density_feature;
#| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
#| density_feature_id | int(11) | | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
#| density_type_id | int(11) | | MUL | 0 | |
#| seq_region_id | int(11) | | | 0 | |
#| seq_region_start | int(11) | | | 0 | |
#| seq_region_end | int(11) | | | 0 | |
#| density_value | float | | | 0 | |
my $sth = $self->prepare ("INSERT INTO density_feature (seq_region_id, seq_region_start, " . "seq_region_end, density_type_id, " . "density_value) " . "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"); my $db = $self->db(); my $analysis_adaptor = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor(); FEATURE: foreach my $df ( @df ) { if( !ref $df || !$df->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::DensityFeature") ) { throw("DensityFeature must be an Ensembl DensityFeature, " . "not a [".ref($df)."]"); } # we dont store 0 value density features
next if( $df->density_value == 0 ); if($df->is_stored($db)) { warning("DensityFeature [".$df->dbID."] is already stored" . " in this database."); next FEATURE; } if(!defined($df->density_type)) { throw("A density type must be attached to the features to be stored."); } #store the density_type if it has not been stored yet
if(!$df->density_type->is_stored($db)) { my $dta = $db->get_DensityTypeAdaptor(); $dta->store($df->density_type()); } my $original = $df; my $seq_region_id; ($df, $seq_region_id) = $self->_pre_store($df); $sth->bind_param(1,$seq_region_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$df->start,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(3,$df->end,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(4,$df->density_type->dbID,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(5,$df->density_value,SQL_FLOAT); $sth->execute(); $original->dbID($sth->{'mysql_insertid'}); $original->adaptor($self); }
General documentation
  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
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