Bio::Graphics::Panel - Generate GD images of Bio::Seq objects
Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
Included modules
# This script parses a GenBank or EMBL file named on the command
# line and produces a PNG rendering of it. Call it like this:
# my_file.embl | display -
use strict;
use Bio::Graphics;
use Bio::SeqIO;
my $file = shift or die "provide a sequence file as the argument";
my $io = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>$file) or die "could not create Bio::SeqIO";
my $seq = $io->next_seq or die "could not find a sequence in the file";
my @features = $seq->all_SeqFeatures;
# sort features by their primary tags
my %sorted_features;
for my $f (@features) {
my $tag = $f->primary_tag;
push @{$sorted_features{$tag}},$f;
my $panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new(
-length => $seq->length,
-key_style => 'between',
-width => 800,
-pad_left => 10,
-pad_right => 10,
$panel->add_track( arrow => Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>1,
-bump => 0,
-tick => 2);
$panel->add_track(generic => Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>1,
-glyph => 'generic',
-bgcolor => 'blue',
-label => 1,
# general case
my @colors = qw(cyan orange blue purple green chartreuse magenta yellow aqua);
my $idx = 0;
for my $tag (sort keys %sorted_features) {
my $features = $sorted_features{$tag};
-glyph => 'generic',
-bgcolor => $colors[$idx++ % @colors],
-fgcolor => 'black',
-font2color => 'red',
-key => "${tag}s",
-bump => +1,
-height => 8,
-label => 1,
-description => 1,
print $panel->png;
exit 0;
The Bio::Graphics::Panel class provides drawing and formatting
services for any object that implements the Bio::SeqFeatureI
interface, including Ace::Sequence::Feature and Das::Segment::Feature
objects. It can be used to draw sequence annotations, physical
(contig) maps, or any other type of map in which a set of discrete
ranges need to be laid out on the number line.
The module supports a drawing style in which each type of feature
occupies a discrete "track" that spans the width of the display. Each
track will have its own distinctive "glyph", a configurable graphical
representation of the feature.
The module also supports a more flexible style in which several
different feature types and their associated glyphs can occupy the
same track. The choice of glyph is under run-time control.
Semantic zooming (for instance, changing the type of glyph depending
on the density of features) is supported by a callback system for
configuration variables. The module has built-in support for Bio::Das
stylesheets, and stylesheet-driven configuration can be intermixed
with semantic zooming, if desired.
You can add a key to the generated image using either of two key
styles. One style places the key captions at the top of each track.
The other style generates a graphical key at the bottom of the image.
Note that this modules depends on GD.
_add_track | No description | Code |
_do_add_track | No description | Code |
add_track | No description | Code |
all_callbacks | No description | Code |
bgcolor | No description | Code |
boxes | No description | Code |
colorClosest | No description | Code |
color_name_to_rgb | No description | Code |
color_names | No description | Code |
draw_between_key | No description | Code |
draw_bottom_key | No description | Code |
draw_empty | No description | Code |
draw_grid | No description | Code |
draw_side_key | No description | Code |
empty_track_style | No description | Code |
end | No description | Code |
flip | No description | Code |
format_key | No description | Code |
gd | No description | Code |
height | No description | Code |
insert_track | No description | Code |
key_spacing | No description | Code |
key_style | No description | Code |
left | No description | Code |
length | No description | Code |
location2pixel | No description | Code |
map_no_trunc | No description | Code |
map_pt | No description | Code |
new | No description | Code |
offset | No description | Code |
pad_bottom | No description | Code |
pad_left | No description | Code |
pad_right | No description | Code |
pad_top | No description | Code |
png | No description | Code |
read_colors | No description | Code |
rgb | No description | Code |
right | No description | Code |
scale | No description | Code |
set_pen | No description | Code |
spacing | No description | Code |
ticks | No description | Code |
track_position | No description | Code |
translate_color | No description | Code |
unshift_track | No description | Code |
width | No description | Code |
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub _add_track
{ my $self = shift;
my ($position,$features,@options) = @_;
$features = [$features] unless ref $features eq 'ARRAY';
foreach my $f (grep {ref $_ eq 'ARRAY'} @$features) {
next unless ref $f eq 'ARRAY';
$f = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(
-type => 'group'
my $feature = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(
-start => $self->offset+1,
-stop => $self->offset+$self->length,
-type => 'track'
my $factory = Bio::Graphics::Glyph::Factory->new($self,@options);
my $track = $factory->make_glyph(-1,$feature);
return $track; } |
sub _do_add_track
{ my $self = shift;
my $position = shift;
my ($features,$glyph_name) = ([],undef);
while ( @_ && $_[0] !~ /^-/) {
my $arg = shift;
$features = $arg and next if ref($arg);
$glyph_name = $arg and next unless ref($arg);
my %args = @_;
my ($map,$ss,%options);
foreach (keys %args) {
(my $canonical = lc $_) =~ s/^-//;
if ($canonical eq 'glyph') {
$map = $args{$_};
delete $args{$_};
} elsif ($canonical eq 'stylesheet') {
$ss = $args{$_};
delete $args{$_};
} else {
$options{$canonical} = $args{$_};
$glyph_name = $map if defined $map;
$glyph_name ||= 'generic';
local $^W = 0;
my $panel_map =
ref($map) eq 'CODE' ? sub {
my $feature = shift;
return 'track' if eval { defined $feature->primary_tag && $feature->primary_tag eq 'track' };
return 'group' if eval { defined $feature->primary_tag && $feature->primary_tag eq 'group' };
return $map->($feature);
: ref($map) eq 'HASH' ? sub {
my $feature = shift;
return 'track' if eval { defined $feature->primary_tag && $feature->primary_tag eq 'track' };
return 'group' if eval { defined $feature->primary_tag && $feature->primary_tag eq 'group' };
return eval {$map->{$feature->primary_tag}} || 'generic';
: sub {
my $feature = shift;
return 'track' if eval { defined $feature->primary_tag && $feature->primary_tag eq 'track' };
return 'group' if eval { defined $feature->primary_tag && $feature->primary_tag eq 'group' };
return $glyph_name;
$self->_add_track($position,$features,-map=>$panel_map,-stylesheet=>$ss,-options=>\%options); } |
sub add_track
{ my $self = shift;
$self->_do_add_track(scalar(@{$self->{tracks}}),@_); } |
sub all_callbacks
{ shift->{all_callbacks} } |
sub bgcolor
{ my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{bgcolor};
$self->translate_color($self->{bgcolor}); } |
sub boxes
{ my $self = shift;
my @boxes;
my $offset = 0;
my $pl = $self->pad_left;
my $pt = $self->pad_top;
my $between_key = $self->{key_style} eq 'between';
my $bottom_key = $self->{key_style} eq 'bottom';
my $empty_track_style = $self->empty_track_style;
my $keyheight = $self->{key_font}->height;
my $spacing = $self->spacing;
for my $track (@{$self->{tracks}}) {
my $draw_between = $between_key && $track->option('key');
next if !$track->parts && ($empty_track_style eq 'suppress'
or $empty_track_style eq 'key' && $bottom_key);
$offset += $keyheight if $draw_between;
my $boxes = $track->boxes(0,$offset+$pt);
push @boxes,@$boxes;
$offset += $track->layout_height + $self->spacing;
return wantarray ? @boxes :\@ boxes; } |
sub colorClosest
{ my ($self,$gd,@c) = @_;
return $self->{closestcache}{"@c"} if exists $self->{closestcache}{"@c"};
return $self->{closestcache}{"@c"} = $gd->colorClosest(@c) if $GD::VERSION < 2.04;
my ($value,$index);
for (keys %COLORS) {
my ($r,$g,$b) = @{$COLORS{$_}};
my $dist = ($r-$c[0])**2 + ($g-$c[1])**2 + ($b-$c[2])**2;
($value,$index) = ($dist,$_) if !defined($value) || $dist < $value;
return $self->{closestcache}{"@c"} = $self->{translations}{$index}; } |
sub color_name_to_rgb
{ my $class = shift;
my $color_name = shift;
$class->read_colors() unless %COLORS;
return unless $COLORS{$color_name};
return wantarray ? @{$COLORS{$color_name}}
: $COLORS{$color_name}; } |
sub color_names
{ my $class = shift;
$class->read_colors unless %COLORS;
return wantarray ? keys %COLORS : [keys %COLORS];
white FF FF FF
black 00 00 00
aliceblue F0 F8 FF
antiquewhite FA EB D7
aqua 00 FF FF
aquamarine 7F FF D4
azure F0 FF FF
beige F5 F5 DC
bisque FF E4 C4
blanchedalmond FF EB CD
blue 00 00 FF
blueviolet 8A 2B E2
brown A5 2A 2A
burlywood DE B8 87
cadetblue 5F 9E A0
chartreuse 7F FF 00
chocolate D2 69 1E
coral FF 7F 50
cornflowerblue 64 95 ED
cornsilk FF F8 DC
crimson DC 14 3C
cyan 00 FF FF
darkblue 00 00 8B
darkcyan 00 8B 8B
darkgoldenrod B8 86 0B
darkgray A9 A9 A9
darkgreen 00 64 00
darkkhaki BD B7 6B
darkmagenta 8B 00 8B
darkolivegreen 55 6B 2F
darkorange FF 8C 00
darkorchid 99 32 CC
darkred 8B 00 00
darksalmon E9 96 7A
darkseagreen 8F BC 8F
darkslateblue 48 3D 8B
darkslategray 2F 4F 4F
darkturquoise 00 CE D1
darkviolet 94 00 D3
deeppink FF 14 100
deepskyblue 00 BF FF
dimgray 69 69 69
dodgerblue 1E 90 FF
firebrick B2 22 22
floralwhite FF FA F0
forestgreen 22 8B 22
fuchsia FF 00 FF
gainsboro DC DC DC
ghostwhite F8 F8 FF
gold FF D7 00
goldenrod DA A5 20
gray 80 80 80
green 00 80 00
greenyellow AD FF 2F
honeydew F0 FF F0
hotpink FF 69 B4
indianred CD 5C 5C
indigo 4B 00 82
ivory FF FF F0
khaki F0 E6 8C
lavender E6 E6 FA
lavenderblush FF F0 F5
lawngreen 7C FC 00
lemonchiffon FF FA CD
lightblue AD D8 E6
lightcoral F0 80 80
lightcyan E0 FF FF
lightgoldenrodyellow FA FA D2
lightgreen 90 EE 90
lightgrey D3 D3 D3
lightpink FF B6 C1
lightsalmon FF A0 7A
lightseagreen 20 B2 AA
lightskyblue 87 CE FA
lightslategray 77 88 99
lightsteelblue B0 C4 DE
lightyellow FF FF E0
lime 00 FF 00
limegreen 32 CD 32
linen FA F0 E6
magenta FF 00 FF
maroon 80 00 00
mediumaquamarine 66 CD AA
mediumblue 00 00 CD
mediumorchid BA 55 D3
mediumpurple 100 70 DB
mediumseagreen 3C B3 71
mediumslateblue 7B 68 EE
mediumspringgreen 00 FA 9A
mediumturquoise 48 D1 CC
mediumvioletred C7 15 85
midnightblue 19 19 70
mintcream F5 FF FA
mistyrose FF E4 E1
moccasin FF E4 B5
navajowhite FF DE AD
navy 00 00 80
oldlace FD F5 E6
olive 80 80 00
olivedrab 6B 8E 23
orange FF A5 00
orangered FF 45 00
orchid DA 70 D6
palegoldenrod EE E8 AA
palegreen 98 FB 98
paleturquoise AF EE EE
palevioletred DB 70 100
papayawhip FF EF D5
peachpuff FF DA B9
peru CD 85 3F
pink FF C0 CB
plum DD A0 DD
powderblue B0 E0 E6
purple 80 00 80
red FF 00 00
rosybrown BC 8F 8F
royalblue 41 69 E1
saddlebrown 8B 45 13
salmon FA 80 72
sandybrown F4 A4 60
seagreen 2E 8B 57
seashell FF F5 EE
sienna A0 52 2D
silver C0 C0 C0
skyblue 87 CE EB
slateblue 6A 5A CD
slategray 70 80 90
snow FF FA FA
springgreen 00 FF 7F
steelblue 46 82 B4
tan D2 B4 8C
teal 00 80 80
thistle D8 BF D8
tomato FF 63 47
turquoise 40 E0 D0
violet EE 82 EE
wheat F5 DE B3
whitesmoke F5 F5 F5
yellow FF FF 00
yellowgreen 9A CD 32
gradient1 00 ff 00
gradient2 0a ff 00
gradient3 14 ff 00
gradient4 1e ff 00
gradient5 28 ff 00
gradient6 32 ff 00
gradient7 3d ff 00
gradient8 47 ff 00
gradient9 51 ff 00
gradient10 5b ff 00
gradient11 65 ff 00
gradient12 70 ff 00
gradient13 7a ff 00
gradient14 84 ff 00
gradient15 8e ff 00
gradient16 99 ff 00
gradient17 a3 ff 00
gradient18 ad ff 00
gradient19 b7 ff 00
gradient20 c1 ff 00
gradient21 cc ff 00
gradient22 d6 ff 00
gradient23 e0 ff 00
gradient24 ea ff 00
gradient25 f4 ff 00
gradient26 ff ff 00
gradient27 ff f4 00
gradient28 ff ea 00
gradient29 ff e0 00
gradient30 ff d6 00
gradient31 ff cc 00
gradient32 ff c1 00
gradient33 ff b7 00
gradient34 ff ad 00
gradient35 ff a3 00
gradient36 ff 99 00
gradient37 ff 8e 00
gradient38 ff 84 00
gradient39 ff 7a 00
gradient40 ff 70 00
gradient41 ff 65 00
gradient42 ff 5b 00
gradient43 ff 51 00
gradient44 ff 47 00
gradient45 ff 3d 00
gradient46 ff 32 00
gradient47 ff 28 00
gradient48 ff 1e 00
gradient49 ff 14 00
gradient50 ff 0a 00
__END__ } |
sub draw_between_key
{ my $self = shift;
my ($gd,$track,$offset) = @_;
my $key = $track->option('key') or return 0;
my $x = $self->{key_align} eq 'center' ? $self->width - (CORE::length($key) * $self->{key_font}->width)/2 : $self->{key_align} eq 'right' ? $self->width - CORE::length($key) : $self->pad_left; $gd->string($self->{key_font},$x,$offset,$key,1);
return $self->{key_font}->height;
} |
sub draw_bottom_key
{ my $self = shift;
my ($gd,$left,$top) = @_;
my $key_glyphs = $self->{key_glyphs} or return;
my $color = $self->translate_color($self->{key_color});
$gd->filledRectangle($left,$top,$self->width - $self->pad_right,$self->height-$self->pad_bottom,$color);
$top += $self->{key_font}->height + KEYPADTOP;
$_->draw($gd,$left,$top) foreach @$key_glyphs;
} |
sub draw_empty
{ my $self = shift;
my ($gd,$offset,$style) = @_;
$offset += $self->spacing/2; my $left = $self->pad_left;
my $right = $self->width-$self->pad_right;
my $color = $self->translate_color(MISSING_TRACK_COLOR);
if ($style eq 'dashed') {
} else {
} |
sub draw_grid
{ my $self = shift;
my $gd = shift;
my $gridcolor = $self->translate_color($self->{gridcolor});
my @positions;
if (ref $self->{grid} eq 'ARRAY') {
@positions = @{$self->{grid}};
} else {
my ($major,$minor) = $self->ticks;
my $first_tick = $minor * int(0.5 + $self->start/$minor); for (my $i = $first_tick; $i < $self->end; $i += $minor) {
push @positions,$i;
my $pl = $self->pad_left;
my $pt = $self->pad_top;
my $pb = $self->height - $self->pad_bottom;
local $self->{flip} = 0;
for my $tick (@positions) {
my ($pos) = $self->map_pt($tick);
} |
sub draw_side_key
{ my $self = shift;
my ($gd,$track,$offset,$side) = @_;
my $key = $track->option('key') or return;
my $pos = $side eq 'left' ? $self->pad_left - $self->{key_font}->width * CORE::length($key)-3
: $self->width - $self->pad_right+3;
} |
sub empty_track_style
{ my $self = shift;
my $g = $self->{empty_track_style};
$self->{empty_track_style} = shift if @_;
$g; } |
sub end
{ $_[0]->start + $_[0]->{length}-1 } |
sub flip
{ my $self = shift;
my $g = $self->{flip};
$self->{flip} = shift if @_;
} |
sub format_key
{ my $self = shift;
return 0 unless $self->key_style eq 'bottom';
return $self->{key_height} if defined $self->{key_height};
my $suppress = $self->{empty_track_style} eq 'suppress';
my $between = $self->{key_style} eq 'between';
if ($between) {
my @key_tracks = $suppress
? grep {$_->option('key') && $_->parts} @{$self->{tracks}}
: grep {$_->option('key')} @{$self->{tracks}};
return $self->{key_height} = @key_tracks * $self->{key_font}->height;
elsif ($self->{key_style} eq 'bottom') {
my ($height,$width) = (0,0);
my %tracks;
my @glyphs;
for my $track (@{$self->{tracks}}) {
next unless $track->option('key');
next if $suppress && !$track->parts;
my $glyph;
if (my @parts = $track->parts) {
$glyph = $parts[0]->keyglyph;
} else {
my $t = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(-segments=>
[Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(-start => $self->offset,
-stop => $self->offset+$self->length)]);
my $g = $track->factory->make_glyph(0,$t);
$glyph = $g->keyglyph;
next unless $glyph;
$tracks{$track} = $glyph;
my ($h,$w) = ($glyph->layout_height,
$height = $h if $h > $height;
$width = $w if $w > $width;
push @glyphs,$glyph;
$width += $self->key_spacing;
return $self->{key_height} = 0 unless @glyphs;
my $rows = 0;
my $cols = 0;
my $maxwidth = $self->width - $self->pad_left - $self->pad_right;
while (++$rows) {
$cols = @glyphs / $rows; $cols = int ($cols+1) if $cols =~ /\./; my $total_width = $cols * $width;
my $total_height = $rows * $width;
last if $total_width < $maxwidth;
my $spacing = $self->key_spacing;
my $i = 0;
for (my $c = 0; $c < $cols; $c++) {
for (my $r = 0; $r < $rows; $r++) {
my $x = $c * ($width + $spacing);
my $y = $r * ($height + $spacing);
next unless defined $glyphs[$i];
$self->{key_glyphs} =\@ glyphs; return $self->{key_height} =
($height+$spacing) * $rows + $self->{key_font}->height +KEYPADTOP;
else { return $self->{key_height} = 0;
} } |
sub gd
{ my $self = shift;
my $existing_gd = shift;
local $^W = 0;
return $self->{gd} if $self->{gd};
my $width = $self->width;
my $height = $self->height;
my $gd = $existing_gd || GD::Image->new($width,$height,
($self->{truecolor} && GD::Image->can('isTrueColor') ? 1 : ())
my %translation_table;
for my $name ('white','black',keys %COLORS) {
my $idx = $gd->colorAllocate(@{$COLORS{$name}});
$translation_table{$name} = $idx;
$self->{translations} =\% translation_table;
$self->{gd} = $gd;
if ($self->bgcolor) {
} elsif (eval {$gd->isTrueColor}) {
my $pl = $self->pad_left;
my $pt = $self->pad_top;
my $offset = $pt;
my $keyheight = $self->{key_font}->height;
my $bottom_key = $self->{key_style} eq 'bottom';
my $between_key = $self->{key_style} eq 'between';
my $left_key = $self->{key_style} eq 'left';
my $right_key = $self->{key_style} eq 'right';
my $empty_track_style = $self->empty_track_style;
my $spacing = $self->spacing;
for my $track (@{$self->{tracks}}) {
my $draw_between = $between_key && $track->option('key');
next if !$track->parts && ($empty_track_style eq 'suppress'
or $empty_track_style eq 'key' && $bottom_key);
+ ($between_key ? $self->{key_font}->height : 0),
if defined $track->tkcolor;
$offset += $keyheight if $draw_between;
$offset += $track->layout_height + $spacing;
$self->draw_grid($gd) if $self->{grid};
$offset = $pt;
for my $track (@{$self->{tracks}}) {
my $draw_between = $between_key && $track->option('key');
my $has_parts = $track->parts;
next if !$has_parts && ($empty_track_style eq 'suppress'
or $empty_track_style eq 'key' && $bottom_key);
if ($draw_between) {
$offset += $self->draw_between_key($gd,$track,$offset);
elsif ($self->{key_style} =~ /^(left|right)$/) {
if !$has_parts && $empty_track_style=~/^(line|dashed)$/;
$offset += $track->layout_height + $spacing;
$self->draw_bottom_key($gd,$pl,$offset) if $self->{key_style} eq 'bottom';
return $self->{gd} = $gd; } |
sub height
{ my $self = shift;
my $spacing = $self->spacing;
my $key_height = $self->format_key;
my $empty_track_style = $self->empty_track_style;
my $key_style = $self->key_style;
my $bottom_key = $key_style eq 'bottom';
my $between_key = $key_style eq 'between';
my $draw_empty = $empty_track_style =~ /^(line|dashed)$/;
my $keyheight = $self->{key_font}->height;
my $height = 0;
for my $track (@{$self->{tracks}}) {
my $draw_between = $between_key && $track->option('key');
my $has_parts = $track->parts;
next if !$has_parts && ($empty_track_style eq 'suppress'
or $empty_track_style eq 'key' && $bottom_key);
$height += $keyheight if $draw_between;
$height += $self->spacing;
$height += $track->layout_height;
$height -= $self->spacing unless $bottom_key;
return $height + $key_height + $self->pad_top + $self->pad_bottom; } |
sub insert_track
{ my $self = shift;
my $position = shift;
} |
sub key_spacing
{ my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{key_spacing};
$self->{key_spacing} = shift if @_;
$d; } |
sub key_style
{ my $self = shift;
my $g = $self->{key_style};
$self->{key_style} = shift if @_;
} |
sub left
{ my $self = shift;
$self->pad_left; } |
sub length
{ my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{length};
if (@_) {
my $l = shift;
$l = $l->length if ref($l) && $l->can('length');
$self->{length} = $l;
$d; } |
sub location2pixel
{ my $self = shift;
my $end = $self->end + 1;
my @coords = $self->{flip} ? map { $end-$_ } @_ : @_;
} |
sub map_no_trunc
{ my $self = shift;
my $offset = $self->{offset};
my $scale = $self->scale;
my $pl = $self->{pad_left};
my $pr = $self->{width} - $self->{pad_right};
my $flip = $self->{flip};
my $length = $self->{length};
my $end = $offset+$length;
my @result;
foreach (@_) {
my $val = $flip ? int (0.5 + $pl + ($end - ($_- 1)) * $scale) : int (0.5 + $pl + ($_-$offset-1) * $scale);
push @result,$val;
@result; } |
sub map_pt
{ my $self = shift;
my $offset = $self->{offset};
my $scale = $self->{scale} || $self->scale;
my $pl = $self->{pad_left};
my $pr = $self->{width} - $self->{pad_right};
my $flip = $self->{flip};
my $length = $self->{length};
my @result;
foreach (@_) {
my $val = $flip ? int (0.5 + $pr - ($length - ($_- 1)) * $scale) : int (0.5 + $pl + ($_-$offset-1) * $scale);
$val = $pl-1 if $val < $pl;
$val = $pr+1 if $val > $pr;
push @result,$val;
@result; } |
sub new
{ my $class = shift;
my %options = @_;
$class->read_colors() unless %COLORS;
my $length = $options{-length} || 0;
my $offset = $options{-offset} || 0;
my $spacing = $options{-spacing} || 5;
my $bgcolor = $options{-bgcolor} || 0;
my $keyfont = $options{-key_font} || KEYLABELFONT;
my $keycolor = $options{-key_color} || KEYCOLOR;
my $keyspacing = $options{-key_spacing} || KEYSPACING;
my $keystyle = $options{-key_style} || KEYSTYLE;
my $keyalign = $options{-key_align} || KEYALIGN;
my $allcallbacks = $options{-all_callbacks} || 0;
my $gridcolor = $options{-gridcolor} || GRIDCOLOR;
my $grid = $options{-grid} || 0;
my $flip = $options{-flip} || 0;
my $empty_track_style = $options{-empty_tracks} || 'key';
my $truecolor = $options{-truecolor} || 0;
if (my $seg = $options{-segment}) {
$offset = eval {$seg->start-1} || 0;
$length = $seg->length;
$offset ||= $options{-start}-1 if defined $options{-start};
$length ||= $options{-stop}-$options{-start}+1
if defined $options{-start} && defined $options{-stop};
return bless {
tracks => [],
width => $options{-width} || 600,
pad_top => $options{-pad_top}||0,
pad_bottom => $options{-pad_bottom}||0,
pad_left => $options{-pad_left}||0,
pad_right => $options{-pad_right}||0,
length => $length,
offset => $offset,
gridcolor => $gridcolor,
grid => $grid,
bgcolor => $bgcolor,
height => 0, spacing => $spacing,
key_font => $keyfont,
key_color => $keycolor,
key_spacing => $keyspacing,
key_style => $keystyle,
key_align => $keyalign,
all_callbacks => $allcallbacks,
truecolor => $truecolor,
flip => $flip,
empty_track_style => $empty_track_style,
},$class; } |
sub offset
{ shift->{offset} } |
sub pad_bottom
{ my $self = shift;
my $g = $self->{pad_bottom};
$self->{pad_bottom} = shift if @_;
$g; } |
sub pad_left
{ my $self = shift;
my $g = $self->{pad_left};
$self->{pad_left} = shift if @_;
$g; } |
sub pad_right
{ my $self = shift;
my $g = $self->{pad_right};
$self->{pad_right} = shift if @_;
$g; } |
sub pad_top
{ my $self = shift;
my $g = $self->{pad_top};
$self->{pad_top} = shift if @_;
$g; } |
sub png
{ my $gd = shift->gd;
$gd->png; } |
sub read_colors
{ my $class = shift;
while (<DATA>) {
last if /^__END__/;
my ($name,$r,$g,$b) = split /\s+/;
$COLORS{$name} = [hex $r,hex $g,hex $b];
} } |
sub rgb
{ my $self = shift;
my $idx = shift;
my $gd = $self->{gd} or return;
return $gd->rgb($idx); } |
sub right
{ my $self = shift;
$self->width - $self->pad_right; } |
sub scale
{ my $self = shift;
$self->{scale} ||= ($self->{width}-$self->pad_left-$self->pad_right)/($self->length);
} |
sub set_pen
{ my $self = shift;
my ($linewidth,$color) = @_;
return $self->{pens}{$linewidth,$color} if $self->{pens}{$linewidth,$color};
my $pen = $self->{pens}{$linewidth} = GD::Image->new($linewidth,$linewidth);
my @rgb = $self->rgb($color);
my $bg = $pen->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $fg = $pen->colorAllocate(@rgb);
return gdBrushed; } |
sub spacing
{ my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{spacing};
$self->{spacing} = shift if @_;
$d; } |
sub ticks
{ my $self = shift;
my ($length,$minwidth) = @_;
$length = $self->{length} unless defined $length;
$minwidth = gdSmallFont->width*7 unless defined $minwidth;
my ($major,$minor);
my $scale = $self->scale;
my $interval = 1;
while (1) {
my $pixels = $interval * $scale;
last if $pixels >= $minwidth;
$interval *= 10;
$interval *= .5 if ($interval > 0.5*$length);
return ($interval,$interval/10); }
} |
sub track_position
{ my $self = shift;
my $track = shift;
my $d = $self->{_track_position}{$track};
$self->{_track_position}{$track} = shift if @_;
} |
sub translate_color
{ my $self = shift;
my @colors = @_;
if (@colors == 3) {
my $gd = $self->gd or return 1;
return $self->colorClosest($gd,@colors);
elsif ($colors[0] =~ /^\#([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i) {
my $gd = $self->gd or return 1;
my ($r,$g,$b) = (hex($1),hex($2),hex($3));
return $self->colorClosest($gd,$r,$g,$b);
else {
my $color = $colors[0];
my $table = $self->{translations} or return 1;
return defined $table->{$color} ? $table->{$color} : 1;
} |
sub unshift_track
{ my $self = shift;
$self->_do_add_track(0,@_); } |
sub width
{ my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{width};
$self->{width} = shift if @_;
} |
General documentation
new() is the constructor for Bio::Graphics::Panel:
$panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new(@options)
The new() method creates a new panel object. The options are
a set of tag/value pairs as follows:
Option Value Default
------ ----- -------
-offset Base pair to place at extreme left none
of image, in zero-based coordinates
-length Length of sequence segment, in bp none
-start Start of range, in 1-based none
-stop Stop of range, in 1-based none
-segment A Bio::SeqI or Das::Segment none
object, used to derive sequence
range if not otherwise specified.
-width Desired width of image, in pixels 600
-spacing Spacing between tracks, in pixels 5
-pad_top Additional whitespace between top 0
of image and contents, in pixels
-pad_bottom Additional whitespace between top 0
of image and bottom, in pixels
-pad_left Additional whitespace between left 0
of image and contents, in pixels
-pad_right Additional whitespace between right 0
of image and bottom, in pixels
-bgcolor Background color for the panel as a white
-key_color Background color for the key printed wheat
at bottom of panel (if any)
-key_spacing Spacing between key glyphs in the 10
key printed at bottom of panel
(if any)
-key_font Font to use in printed key gdMediumBoldFont
-key_style Whether to print key at bottom of none
panel ("bottom"), between each
track ("between"), to the left of
each track ("left"), to the right
of each track ("right") or
not at all ("none").
-empty_tracks What to do when a track is empty. suppress
Options are to suppress the track
completely ("suppress"), to show just
the key in "between" mode ("key"),
to draw a thin grey line ("line"),
or to draw a dashed line ("dashed").
-flip flip the drawing coordinates left false
to right, so that lower coordinates
are to the right. This can be
useful for drawing (-) strand
-all_callbacks Whether to invoke callbacks on false
the automatic "track" and "group"
-grid Whether to draw a vertical grid in false
the background. Pass a scalar true
value to have a grid drawn at
regular intervals (corresponding
to the minor ticks of the arrow
glyph). Pass an array reference
to draw the grid at the specified
-gridcolor Color of the grid lightcyan
Typically you will pass new() an object that implements the
Bio::RangeI interface, providing a length() method, from which the
panel will derive its scale.
$panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new(-segment => $sequence,
-width => 800);
new() will return undef in case of an error.
Note that if you use the "left" or "right" key styles, you are
responsible for allocating sufficient -pad_left or -pad_right room for
the labels to appear. The necessary width is the number of characters
in the longest key times the font width (gdMediumBoldFont by default)
plus 3 pixels of internal padding. The simplest way to calculate this
is to iterate over the possible track labels, find the largest one,
and then to compute its width using the formula:
$width = gdMediumBoldFont->width * length($longest_key) +3;
$track = $panel->add_track($glyph,$features,@options)
The add_track() method adds a new track to the image.
Tracks are horizontal bands which span the entire width of the panel.
Each track contains a number of graphical elements called "glyphs",
corresponding to a sequence feature.
There are a large number of glyph types. By default, each track will
be homogeneous on a single glyph type, but you can mix several glyph
types on the same track by providing a code reference to the -glyph
argument. Other options passed to add_track() control the color and
size of the glyphs, whether they are allowed to overlap, and other
formatting attributes. The height of a track is determined from its
contents and cannot be directly influenced.
The first two arguments are the glyph name and an array reference
containing the list of features to display. The order of the
arguments is irrelevant, allowing either of these idioms:
$panel->add_track(arrow => \@features);
$panel->add_track(\@features => 'arrow');
The glyph name indicates how each feature is to be rendered. A
variety of glyphs are available, and the number is growing. You may
omit the glyph name entirely by providing a
-glyph argument
@options, as described below.
Currently, the following glyphs are available:
Name Description
---- -----------
a span with vertical bases |---------|. If one or
the other end of the feature is off-screen, the base
will be replaced by an arrow.
arrow An arrow; can be unidirectional or bidirectional.
It is also capable of displaying a scale with
major and minor tickmarks, and can be oriented
horizontally or vertically.
cds Draws CDS features, using the phase information to
show the reading frame usage. At high magnifications
draws the protein translation.
crossbox A box with a big "X" inside it.
diamond A diamond, useful for point features like SNPs.
dna At high magnification draws the DNA sequence. At
low magnifications draws the GC content.
dot A circle, useful for point features like SNPs, stop
codons, or promoter elements.
ellipse An oval.
Similar to arrow, but a dotted line indicates when the
feature extends beyond the end of the canvas.
generic A filled rectangle, nondirectional.
Similar to segments, but the intensity of the color
is proportional to the score of the feature. This
is used for showing the intensity of blast hits or
other alignment features.
group A group of related features connected by a dashed line.
This is used internally by Panel.
Like segments, but you can use the source field of the feature
to change the color of each segment.
line A simple line.
pinsertion A triangle designed to look like an insertion location
(e.g. a transposon insertion).
processed_transcript multi-purpose representation of a spliced mRNA, including
positions of UTRs
primers Two inward pointing arrows connected by a line.
Used for STSs.
redgreen_box A box that changes from green->yellow->red as the score
of the feature increases from 0.0 to 1.0. Useful for
representing microarray results.
rndrect A round-cornered rectangle.
segments A set of filled rectangles connected by solid lines.
Used for interrupted features, such as gapped
ruler_arrow An arrow with major and minor tick marks and interval
toomany Tries to show many features as a cloud. Not very successful.
track A group of related features not connected by a line.
This is used internally by Panel.
transcript Similar to segments, but the connecting line is
a "hat" shape, and the direction of transcription
is indicated by a small arrow.
transcript2 Similar to transcript, but the direction of
transcription is indicated by a terminal exon
in the shape of an arrow.
translation 1, 2 and 3-frame translations. At low magnifications,
can be configured to show start and stop codon locations.
At high magnifications, shows the multi-frame protein
triangle A triangle whose width and orientation can be altered.
xyplot Histograms and other graphs plotted against the genome.
If the glyph name is omitted from add_track(), the "generic" glyph
will be used by default. To get more information about a glyph, run
perldoc on "Bio::Graphics::Glyph::glyphname", replacing "glyphname"
with the name of the glyph you are interested in.
The @options array is a list of name/value pairs that control the
attributes of the track. Some options are interpretered directly by
the track. Others are passed down to the individual glyphs (see
"GLYPH OPTIONS"). The following options are track-specific:
Option Description Default
------ ----------- -------
-tkcolor Track color white
-glyph Glyph class to use. "generic"
-stylesheet Bio::Das::Stylesheet to none
use to generate glyph
classes and options.
-tkcolor controls the background color of the track as a whole.
-glyph controls the glyph type. If present, it supersedes the
glyph name given in the first or second argument to add_track(). The
value of
-glyph may be a constant string, a hash reference, or a
code reference. In the case of a constant string, that string will be
used as the class name for all generated glyphs. If a hash reference
is passed, then the feature's primary_tag() will be used as the key to
the hash, and the value, if any, used to generate the glyph type. If
a code reference is passed, then this callback will be passed each
feature in turn as its single argument. The callback is expected to
examine the feature and return a glyph name as its single result.
-glyph => sub { my $feature = shift;
$feature->source_tag eq 'curated'
? 'ellipse' : 'generic'; }
-stylesheet argument is used to pass a Bio::Das stylesheet
object to the panel. This stylesheet will be called to determine both
the glyph and the glyph options. If both a stylesheet and direct
options are provided, the latter take precedence.
If successful, add_track() returns an Bio::Graphics::Glyph object.
You can use this object to add additional features or to control the
appearance of the track with greater detail, or just ignore it.
Tracks are added in order from the top of the image to the bottom. To
add tracks to the top of the image, use unshift_track().
Adding groups of features: It is not uncommon to add a group of
features which are logically connected, such as the 5' and 3' ends of
EST reads. To group features into sets that remain on the same
horizontal position and bump together, pass the sets as an anonymous
array. For example:
$panel->add_track(segments => [[$abc_5,$abc_3],
Typical usage is:
$panel->add_track( transcript => \@genes,
-fillcolor => 'green',
-fgcolor => 'black',
-bump => +1,
-height => 10,
-label => 1);
$track = unshift_track($glyph,$features,@options)
unshift_track() works like add_track(), except that the new track is
added to the top of the image rather than the bottom.
$gd = $panel->gd([$gd])
The gd() method lays out the image and returns a GD::Image object
containing it. You may then call the GD::Image object's png() or
jpeg() methods to get the image data.
Optionally, you may pass gd() a preexisting GD::Image object that you
wish to draw on top of. If you do so, you should call the width() and
height() methods first to ensure that the image has sufficient
$png = $panel->png
The png() method returns the image as a PNG-format drawing, without
the intermediate step of returning a GD::Image object.
$boxes = $panel->boxes
@boxes = $panel->boxes
The boxes() method returns the coordinates of each glyph, useful for
constructing an image map. In a scalar context, boxes() returns an
array ref. In an list context, the method returns the array directly.
Each member of the list is an anonymous array of the following format:
[ $feature, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ]
The first element is the feature object; either an
Ace::Sequence::Feature, a Das::Segment::Feature, or another Bioperl
Bio::SeqFeatureI object. The coordinates are the topleft and
bottomright corners of the glyph, including any space allocated for
$position = $panel->track_position($track)
After calling gd() or boxes(), you can learn the resulting Y
coordinate of a track by calling track_position() with the value
returned by add_track() or unshift_track(). This will return undef if
called before gd() or boxes() or with an invalid track.
@pixel_coords = $panel->location2pixel(@feature_coords)
Public routine to map feature coordinates (in base pairs) into pixel
coordinates relative to the left-hand edge of the picture.
Each glyph has its own specialized subset of options, but
some are shared by all glyphs:
Option Description Default
------ ----------- -------
-fgcolor Foreground color black
-bgcolor Background color turquoise
-linewidth Width of lines drawn by 1
-height Height of glyph 10
-font Glyph font gdSmallFont
-fontcolor Primary font color black
-font2color Secondary font color turquoise
-label Whether to draw a label false
-description Whether to draw a false
-bump Bump direction 0
-sort_order Specify layout sort order "default"
-bump_limit Maximum number of levels undef (unlimited)
to bump
-strand_arrow Whether to indicate undef (false)
-stranded Synonym for -strand_arrow undef (false)
-connector Type of connector to none
use to connect related
features. Options are
"solid," "hat", "dashed",
"quill" and "none".
-key Description of track for undef
use in key.
-all_callbacks Whether to invoke undef
callbacks for autogenerated
"track" and "group" glyphs
-box_subparts Return boxes around feature false
subparts rather than around the
feature itself.
Specifying colors: Colors can be expressed in either of two ways:
as symbolic names such as "cyan" and as HTML-style #RRGGBB triples.
The symbolic names are the 140 colors defined in the Netscape/Internet
Explorer color cube, and can be retrieved using the
Bio::Graphics::Panel->color_names() method.
Foreground color: The -fgcolor option controls the foreground
color, including the edges of boxes and the like.
Background color: The -bgcolor option controls the background used
for filled boxes and other "solid" glyphs. The foreground color
controls the color of lines and strings. The -tkcolor argument
controls the background color of the entire track.
Track color: The -tkcolor option used to specify the background of
the entire track.
Font color: The -fontcolor option controls the color of primary
text, such as labels
Secondary Font color: The -font2color option controls the color of
secondary text, such as descriptions.
Labels: The -label argument controls whether or not the ID of the
feature should be printed next to the feature. It is accepted by all
glyphs. By default, the label is printed just above the glyph and
left aligned with it.
-label can be a constant string or a code reference. Values can be
any of:
-label value Description
------------ -----------
0 Don't draw a label
1 Calculate a label based on primary tag of sequence
"a string" Use "a string" as the label
code ref Invoke the code reference to compute the label
A known bug with this naming scheme is that you can't label a feature
with the string "1". To work around this, use "1 " (note the terminal
Descriptions: The -description argument controls whether or not a
brief description of the feature should be printed next to it. By
default, the description is printed just below the glyph and
left-aligned with it. A value of 0 will suppress the description. A
value of 1 will call the source_tag() method of the feature. A code
reference will be invoked to calculate the description on the fly.
Anything else will be treated as a string and used verbatim.
Connectors: A glyph can contain subglyphs, recursively. The top
level glyph is the track, which contains one or more groups, which
contain features, which contain subfeatures, and so forth. By
default, the "group" glyph draws dotted lines between each of its
subglyphs, the "segment" glyph draws a solid line between each of its
subglyphs, and the "transcript" and "transcript2" glyphs draw
hat-shaped lines between their subglyphs. All other glyphs do not
connect their components. You can override this behavior by providing
a -connector option, to explicitly set the type of connector. Valid
options are:
"hat" an upward-angling conector
"solid" a straight horizontal connector
"quill" a decorated line with small arrows indicating strandedness
(like the UCSC Genome Browser uses)
"dashed" a horizontal dashed line.
-connector_color option controls the color of the connector, if
Collision control: The -bump argument controls what happens when
glyphs collide. By default, they will simply overlap (value 0). A
-bump value of +1 will cause overlapping glyphs to bump downwards
until there is room for them. A -bump value of -1 will cause
overlapping glyphs to bump upwards. The bump argument can also be a
code reference; see below.
Keys: The -key argument declares that the track is to be shown in a
key appended to the bottom of the image. The key contains a picture
of a glyph and a label describing what the glyph means. The label is
specified in the argument to -key.
box_subparts: Ordinarily, when you invoke the boxes() methods to
retrieve the rectangles surrounding the glyphs (which you need to do
to create clickable imagemaps, for example), the rectangles will
surround the top level features. If you wish for the rectangles to
surround subpieces of the glyph, such as the exons in a transcript,
set box_subparts to a true value.
strand_arrow: If set to true, some glyphs will indicate their
strandedness, usually by drawing an arrow. For this to work, the
Bio::SeqFeature must have a strand of +1 or -1. The glyph will ignore
this directive if the underlying feature has a strand of zero or
sort_order: By default, features are drawn with a layout based only on the
position of the feature, assuring a maximal "packing" of the glyphs
when bumped. In some cases, however, it makes sense to display the
glyphs sorted by score or some other comparison, e.g. such that more
"important" features are nearer the top of the display, stacked above
less important features. The -sort_order option allows a few
different built-in values for changing the default sort order (which
is by "left" position): "low_score" (or "high_score") will cause
features to be sorted from lowest to highest score (or vice versa).
"left" (or "default") and "right" values will cause features to be
sorted by their position in the sequence. "longer" (or "shorter")
will cause the longest (or shortest) features to be sorted first, and
"strand" will cause the features to be sorted by strand: "+1"
(forward) then "0" (unknown, or NA) then "-1" (reverse).
In all cases, the "left" position will be used to break any ties. To
break ties using another field, options may be strung together using a
"|" character; e.g. "strand|low_score|right" would cause the features
to be sorted first by strand, then score (lowest to highest), then by
"right" position in the sequence. Finally, a subroutine coderef can
be provided, which should expect to receive two feature objects (via
the special sort variables $a and $b), and should return -1, 0 or 1
(see Perl's sort() function for more information); this subroutine
will be used without further modification for sorting. For example,
to sort a set of database search hits by bits (stored in the features'
"score" fields), scaled by the log of the alignment length (with
"left" position breaking any ties):
sort_order = sub { ( $b->score/log($b->length)
$a->score/log($a->length) )
( $a->start <=> $b->start )
bump_limit: When bumping is chosen, colliding features will
ordinarily move upward or downward without limit. When many features
collide, this can lead to excessively high images. You can limit the
number of levels that features will bump by providing a numeric
bump_limit option.
Instead of providing a constant value to an option, you may subsitute
a code reference. This code reference will be called every time the
panel needs to configure a glyph. The callback will be called with
three arguments like this:
sub callback {
my ($feature,$option_name,$part_no,$total_parts,$glyph) = @_;
# do something which results in $option_value being set
return $option_value;
The five arguments are $feature, a reference to the IO::SeqFeatureI
object, $option_name, the name of the option to configure,
$part_no, an integer index indicating which subpart of the feature
is being drawn, $total_parts, an integer indicating the total
number of subfeatures in the feature, and finally $glyph, the Glyph
object itself. The latter fields are useful in the case of treating
the first or last subfeature differently, such as using a different
color for the terminal exon of a gene. Usually you will only need to
examine the first argument. This example shows a callback examining
the score() attribute of a feature (possibly a BLAST hit) and return
the color "red" for high-scoring features, and "green" for low-scoring
sub callback {
my $feature = shift;
if ($feature->score > 90) {
return 'red';
else {
return 'green';
The callback should return a string indicating the desired value of
the option. To tell the panel to use the default value for this
option, return the string "*default*".
When you install a callback for a feature that contains subparts, the
callback will be invoked first for the top-level feature, and then for
each of its subparts (recursively). You should make sure to examine
the feature's type to determine whether the option is appropriate.
Some glyphs deliberately disable this recursive feature. The "track",
"group", "transcript", "transcript2" and "segments" glyphs selectively
disable the -bump, -label and -description options. This is to avoid,
for example, a label being attached to each exon in a transcript, or
the various segments of a gapped alignment bumping each other. You
can override this behavior and force your callback to be invoked by
providing add_track() with a true
-all_callbacks argument. In this
case, you must be prepared to handle configuring options for the
"group" and "track" glyphs.
In particular, this means that in order to control the -bump option
with a callback, you should specify -all_callbacks=>1, and turn on
bumping when the callback is in the track or group glyphs.
The following accessor methods provide access to various attributes of
the panel object. Called with no arguments, they each return the
current value of the attribute. Called with a single argument, they
set the attribute and return its previous value.
Note that in most cases you must change attributes prior to invoking
gd(), png() or boxes(). These three methods all invoke an internal
layout() method which places the tracks and the glyphs within them,
and then caches the result.
Accessor Name Description
------------- -----------
width() Get/set width of panel
spacing() Get/set spacing between tracks
key_spacing() Get/set spacing between keys
length() Get/set length of segment (bp)
flip() Get/set coordinate flipping
pad_top() Get/set top padding
pad_left() Get/set left padding
pad_bottom() Get/set bottom padding
pad_right() Get/set right padding
start() Get the start of the sequence (bp; read only)
end() Get the end of the sequence (bp; read only)
left() Get the left side of the drawing area (pixels; read only)
right() Get the right side of the drawing area (pixels; read only)
The following methods are used internally, but may be useful for those
implementing new glyph types.
@names = Bio::Graphics::Panel->color_names
Return the symbolic names of the colors recognized by the panel
object. In a scalar context, returns an array reference.
($red,$green,$blue) = Bio::Graphics::Panel->color_name_to_rgb($color)
Given a symbolic color name, returns the red, green, blue components
of the color. In a scalar context, returns an array reference to the
rgb triplet. Returns undef for an invalid color name.
@rgb = $panel->rgb($index)
Given a GD color index (between 0 and 140), returns the RGB triplet
corresponding to this index. This method is only useful within a
glyph's draw() routine, after the panel has allocated a GD::Image and
is populating it.
$index = $panel->translate_color($color)
Given a color, returns the GD::Image index. The color may be
symbolic, such as "turquoise", or a #RRGGBB triple, as in #F0E0A8.
This method is only useful within a glyph's draw() routine, after the
panel has allocated a GD::Image and is populating it.
Changes the width and color of the GD drawing pen to the values
indicated. This is called automatically by the GlyphFactory fgcolor()
method. It returns the GD value gdBrushed, which should be used for
Please report them.
Lincoln Stein <>
Copyright (c) 2001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for
disclaimers of warranty.