Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable ExonerateTranscript
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptUtils qw ( calculate_exon_phases )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
  my $runnable = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ExonerateTranscript->new(
-query_seqs => \@q_seqs,
[or -query_file => $q_file]
-query_type => 'dna',
-target_seqs => \@t_seqs,
[or -target_file => $t_file]
-program => $exonerate,
-options => $options,
$runnable->run; #create and fill Bio::Seq object my @transcripts = @{$runnable->output};
This module handles a specific use of the Exonerate (G. Slater) program, namely
the prediction of the transcript structure in a piece of genomic DNA by the alignment
of a 'transcribed' sequence (EST, cDNA or protein). The results is a set of
Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript objects
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub _parse_vulgar_block {
  my ($self, 
      $target_start, $target_end, $target_strand, $target_length,
      $query_start, $query_end,  $query_strand, $query_length,
      $vulgar_components) = @_;

  # This method works along the length of a vulgar line 
# exon-by-exon. Matches that comprise an exon are
# grouped and an array of 'proto-exons' is returned.
# Coordinates from the vulgar line are extrapolated
# to actual genomic/query coordinates.
my @exons; my $exon_number = 0; # We sometimes need to increment all our start coordinates. Exonerate
# has a coordinate scheme that counts _between_ nucleotides at the start.
# However, for reverse strand matches
my ($query_in_forward_coords, $target_in_forward_coords); my ($cumulative_query_coord, $cumulative_target_coord); if ($target_start > $target_end) { warn("For target, start and end are in thew wrong order for a reverse strand match") if $target_strand != -1; $cumulative_target_coord = $target_start; $target_in_forward_coords = 1; } else { $cumulative_target_coord = $target_start + 1; $target_in_forward_coords = 0; } if ($query_start > $query_end) { warn("For query, start and end are in thew wrong order for a reverse strand match") if $query_strand != -1; $cumulative_query_coord = $query_start; $query_in_forward_coords = 1; } else { $cumulative_query_coord = $query_start + 1; $query_in_forward_coords = 0; } while (@$vulgar_components){ throw("Something funny has happened to the input vulgar string." . " Expecting components in multiples of three, but only have [" . scalar @$vulgar_components . "] items left to process.") unless scalar @$vulgar_components >= 3; my $type = shift @$vulgar_components; my $query_match_length = shift @$vulgar_components; my $target_match_length = shift @$vulgar_components; throw("Vulgar string does not start with a match. Was not " . "expecting this. (Have type $type)") if (scalar @exons == 0) && $type ne 'M' && $type ne 'S' && $type ne 'C'; if ($type eq 'M' or $type eq 'S' or $type eq 'C'){ my %hash = (type => $type); if ($target_strand == -1) { if ($target_in_forward_coords) { $hash{target_start} = $cumulative_target_coord - ($target_match_length - 1); $hash{target_end} = $cumulative_target_coord; } else { $hash{target_end} = $target_length - ($cumulative_target_coord - 1); $hash{target_start} = $hash{target_end} - ($target_match_length - 1); } } else { $hash{target_start} = $cumulative_target_coord; $hash{target_end} = $cumulative_target_coord + ($target_match_length - 1); } if ($query_strand == -1) { if ($query_in_forward_coords) { $hash{query_start} = $cumulative_query_coord - ($query_match_length - 1); $hash{query_end} = $cumulative_query_coord; } else { $hash{query_end} = $query_length - ($cumulative_query_coord - 1); $hash{query_start} = $hash{query_end} - ($query_match_length - 1); } } else { $hash{query_start} = $cumulative_query_coord; $hash{query_end} = $cumulative_query_coord + ($query_match_length - 1); } # there is nothing to add if this is the last state of the exon
$exons[$exon_number]->{gap_end} = 0; push @{$exons[$exon_number]->{sf}},\% hash; } elsif ($type eq "G") { if (exists($exons[$exon_number]->{sf})) { # this is the gap in the middle of an exon, or at the end. Assume it is
# at the end, and then reset if we see another match state in this exon
$exons[$exon_number]->{gap_end} = $target_match_length; } else { # this is a gap at the start of an exon;
$exons[$exon_number]->{gap_start} = $target_match_length; } } elsif ($type eq "I" or $type eq "F") { # in protein mode, any insertion on the genomic side should be treated as
# an intron to ensure that the result translates. However, we allow for
# codon insertions in the genomic sequence with respect to the protein.
# This introduces the possibility of in-frame stops, but I don't
# think "introning over" these insertions is appropriate here.
# if we see a gap/intron immediately after an intron, the current exon is "empty"
if ($exons[$exon_number]) { $exon_number++; } } if ($target_in_forward_coords and $target_strand == -1) { $cumulative_target_coord -= $target_match_length; } else { $cumulative_target_coord += $target_match_length; } if ($query_in_forward_coords and $query_strand == -1) { $cumulative_query_coord -= $query_match_length; } else { $cumulative_query_coord += $query_match_length; } } for(my $i = 0; $i < @exons; $i++) { my $ex = $exons[$i]; my @ex_sf = @{$ex->{sf}}; if ($target_strand == -1) { $ex->{exon_start} = $ex_sf[-1]->{target_start}; $ex->{exon_end} = $ex_sf[0]->{target_end}; if (exists $ex->{gap_start}) { $ex->{exon_end} += $ex->{gap_start}; } if (exists $ex->{gap_end}) { $ex->{exon_start} -= $ex->{gap_end}; } } else { $ex->{exon_start} = $ex_sf[0]->{target_start}; $ex->{exon_end} = $ex_sf[-1]->{target_end}; if (exists $ex->{gap_start}) { $ex->{exon_start} -= $ex->{gap_start}; } if (exists $ex->{gap_end}) { $ex->{exon_end} += $ex->{gap_end}; } } # split codons are a pain. If the query is dna, we must be in the
# cdna2genome model so they must be part of the supporting feature.
# If query is protein, they need to be removed from the supporting feature
if ($self->query_type eq 'dna') { map { $_->{type} = 'C' if $_->{type} eq 'S' } @ex_sf; if (my @cod = grep { $_->{type} eq 'C' } @ex_sf) { # at least part of this exon is coding
@cod = sort { $a->{target_start} <=> $b->{target_start} } @cod; my $cod_start = $cod[0]->{target_start}; my $cod_end = $cod[-1]->{target_end}; my $cod_len = $cod_end - $cod_start + 1; if ($target_strand == -1) { $ex->{coding_start} = $ex->{exon_end} - $cod_end + 1; } else { $ex->{coding_start} = $cod_start - $ex->{exon_start} + 1; } $ex->{coding_end} = $ex->{coding_start} + $cod_len - 1; } # merge together abutting ungapped features
my @nr_sf; foreach my $sf (@ex_sf) { my $merged = 0; if (@nr_sf and $sf->{type} eq 'C' and $nr_sf[-1]->{type} eq 'C' and $sf->{query_start} == $nr_sf[-1]->{query_end} + 1) { if ($target_strand == -1) { if ($sf->{target_end} == $nr_sf[-1]->{target_start} - 1) { $nr_sf[-1]->{target_start} = $sf->{target_start}; $nr_sf[-1]->{query_end} = $sf->{query_end}; $merged = 1; } } else { if ($sf->{target_start} == $nr_sf[-1]->{target_end} + 1) { $nr_sf[-1]->{target_end} = $sf->{target_end}; $nr_sf[-1]->{query_end} = $sf->{query_end}; $merged = 1; } } } if (not $merged) { push @nr_sf, $sf; } } @ex_sf = @nr_sf; } else { # query type is protein
@ex_sf = grep { $_->{type} ne 'S' } @ex_sf; $ex->{coding_start} = 1; $ex->{coding_end} = $ex->{exon_end} - $ex->{exon_start} + 1; } $ex->{sf} =\@ ex_sf; } return\@ exons; } ############################################################
# get/set methods
sub coverage_as_proportion_of_aligned_residues {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;

  if (defined $val) {
    $self->{_coverage_aligned} = $val;
  return $self->{_coverage_aligned};

sub new {
  my ($class,@args) = @_;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
  my ( $coverage_aligned ) = 
                 ], @args);

  if (defined($coverage_aligned)) {
  } else {

  return $self;

# Analysis methods
sub parse_results {
  my ($self, $fh) = @_;

  my %strand_lookup = ('+' => 1, '-' => -1, '.' => 1);

  # Each alignment will be stored as a transcript with 
# exons and supporting features. Initialise our
# transcript.
my @transcripts; # Parse output looking for lines beginning with 'RESULT:'.
# Each line represents a distinct match to one sequence
# containing multiple 'exons'.
TRANSCRIPT: while (<$fh>){ print STDERR $_ if $self->_verbose; next unless /^RESULT:/; chomp; my ($tag, $q_id, $q_start, $q_end, $q_strand, $t_id, $t_start, $t_end, $t_strand, $score, $perc_id, $q_length, $t_length, $gene_orientation, @align_components) = split; $t_strand = $strand_lookup{$t_strand}; $q_strand = $strand_lookup{$q_strand}; $gene_orientation = $strand_lookup{$gene_orientation}; # Read vulgar information and extract exon regions.
my $exons = $self->_parse_vulgar_block($t_start, $t_end, $t_strand, $t_length, $q_start, $q_end, $q_strand, $q_length,\@ align_components); # now we have extracted the exons and the coordinates are with
# reference to the forward strand of the query and target, we can
# use the gene_orienation to flip the strands if necessary
if ($gene_orientation == -1 and $t_strand == 1) { $t_strand *= -1; $q_strand *= -1; } my $covered_count = 0; if ($self->coverage_as_proportion_of_aligned_residues) { foreach my $exon (@$exons) { foreach my $sf (@{$exon->{sf}}) { $covered_count += $sf->{query_end} - $sf->{query_start} + 1; } } } else { $covered_count = abs($q_end - $q_start); } my $coverage = sprintf("%.2f", 100 * $covered_count / $q_length);
# Build FeaturePairs for each region of query aligned to a single
# Exon. Create a DnaDnaAlignFeature from these FeaturePairs and then
# attach this to our Exon.
my $transcript = Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript->new(); my (@tran_feature_pairs, $cds_start_exon, $cds_start, $cds_end_exon, $cds_end); foreach my $proto_exon (@$exons){ # Build our exon and set its key values.
my $exon = Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon->new(); $exon->seqname($t_id); $exon->start($proto_exon->{exon_start}); $exon->end($proto_exon->{exon_end}); $exon->phase($proto_exon->{phase}); $exon->end_phase($proto_exon->{end_phase}); $exon->strand($t_strand); my @exon_feature_pairs; foreach my $sf (@{$proto_exon->{sf}}){ my $feature_pair = Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair->new(-seqname => $t_id, -start => $sf->{target_start}, -end => $sf->{target_end}, -strand => $t_strand, -hseqname => $q_id, -hstart => $sf->{query_start}, -hend => $sf->{query_end}, -hstrand => $q_strand, -hcoverage => $coverage, -score => $coverage, -percent_id => $perc_id); push @exon_feature_pairs, $feature_pair; push @tran_feature_pairs, $feature_pair; } if (@exon_feature_pairs) { # Use our feature pairs for this exon to create a single
# supporting feature (with cigar line).
my $supp_feature; eval{ if ($self->query_type eq 'protein') { $supp_feature = Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature->new(-features =>\@ exon_feature_pairs); } else { $supp_feature = Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature->new(-features =>\@ exon_feature_pairs); } }; if ($@){ warning($@); next TRANSCRIPT; } $exon->add_supporting_features($supp_feature); } if (exists $proto_exon->{coding_start}) { if (not defined $cds_start_exon) { $cds_start_exon = $exon; $cds_start = $proto_exon->{coding_start}; } $cds_end_exon = $exon; $cds_end = $proto_exon->{coding_end}; } $transcript->add_Exon($exon); } # Create a single supporting feature for the whole transcript
my $t_supp_feat; eval{ if ($self->query_type eq 'protein') { $t_supp_feat = Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature->new(-features =>\@ tran_feature_pairs); } else { $t_supp_feat = Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature->new(-features =>\@ tran_feature_pairs); } }; if ($@) { warning("Could not create Transcript supporting feature"); } else { $transcript->add_supporting_features($t_supp_feat); } my @exons = @{$transcript->get_all_Exons}; if (scalar(@exons)) { if (defined $cds_start_exon) { my $translation = Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation->new(); $translation->start_Exon($cds_start_exon); $translation->start($cds_start); $translation->end_Exon($cds_end_exon); $translation->end($cds_end); $transcript->translation($translation); } calculate_exon_phases($transcript, 0); push @transcripts, [$score, $transcript]; } } @transcripts = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @transcripts; @transcripts = map { $_->[1] } @transcripts; return\@ transcripts;
General documentation
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _