Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB RecoverFalseIntrons
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::EvidenceUtils qw ( create_feature_from_gapped_pieces create_feature )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::GeneUtils(2) qw ( get_transcript_with_longest_CDS get_one2one_orth_for_gene_in_other_species )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::HomologyUtils qw ( get_gene_obj_out_of_compara_homology_object )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptUtils qw ( list_evidence convert_translateable_exons_to_exon_extended_objects )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Utilities qw ( create_file_name write_seqfile )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning info stack_trace_dump )
List::Util qw ( max )
  my $fs = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB::RecoverFalseIntrons->new(
-analysis => $analysis_obj,
$fs->fetch_input(); $fs->run(); $fs->output(); fs->write_output();
 This object wraps Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::OrthologueEvaluator and is 
used to fetch the input from different databases as well as writing results
the results to the database.a
The input_id_format for this analysis requires that you ran the module FindFalseIntrons beforehand. This is because false introns ( coding introns in a different species ) are stored as simple features in the core /reference database and their db id is used in this analysis, to check if the false intron has been fully recovered or not. The input_ids are quite long for this analysis so you have to patch the input_id_analysis table : alter table input_id_analysis change input_id input_id varchar(950) ; The input_ids will look like this : chromosome:BROADD2:31:26912747:27017854:1:ENSCAFT00000013647:ENSMUST00000039449,ENST00000361371,ENST00000389194:0_0_0:2190659 chromosome:BROADD2:31:26912747:27017854:1 ENSCAFT00000013647 ENSMUST00000039449,ENST00000361371,ENST00000389194 : 0,1_0_0 : 2190659,21906560 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ slice to re-run analysis on Trans. - StableId Id's of homologues which hace the correct struct. indexes of simple_feature dbID's of 'faulty' transcript the protein supporting features of these trans simple_features will be used to recompute the prediction ( see below) ( see below ) the indexes of simple features provide a 'link' between the homolog transcripts which are used for the re-computation and the false introns ( simple features ) which they should 'repair'. i.e. ENSMUST00000039449,ENST00000361371,ENST00000389194 : 0,1_0_0 : 2190659,2190656 exactly means : ENSMUST00000039449 has two exons which has a non-coding counterpart in the questionable transcript ENSCAFT00000013647. These have index 0 and 1 in the simple-feature array string. Simple-features 2190659 and 2190656 ( intron coords ) should be overlapped by the new computed gene structure. ENST00000361371 _0_ 2190659 - only simple feature 2190659 should be overlapped
No description
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No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
 my ($self,$val) = @_;
 (my $routine_name=$AUTOLOAD)=~s/.*:://; #trim package name 
$self->{$routine_name}=$val if defined $val ;
return $self->{$routine_name} ;
sub add_utr {
    my ( $self, $very_best_gene , $cdna_acc_ref ) = @_ ;        

  my @hseq_names = @$cdna_acc_ref ;  

#   print "now trying to add utr\n" ; 
# my $ta = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($$MAIN_CONFIG{QUERY_SPECIES},"core","gene");
# Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->set_disconnect_when_inactive();
# my $transcript_sid = $transcript_sid->stable_id;
# my $source_gene = $ta->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id($transcript_sid) ;
# my @source_transcripts = @{ $source_gene->get_all_Transcripts } ;
# for my $st ( @source_transcripts ) {
# if ($st->three_prime_utr) {
# print "transcript_has_3_prim_utr\t" . $source_gene->stable_id . "\n" ;
# }
# if ($st->five_prime_utr) {
# print "transcript_has_5_prim_utr\t" . $source_gene->stable_id . "\n" ;
# }
# }
# my %cdna_acc ;
# for my $e ( @{$source_gene->get_all_Exons} ) {
# my @sf = @{ $e->get_all_supporting_features};
# for my $s ( @sf ) {
# if ( ref($s)=~m/Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature/) {
# $cdna_acc{$s->hseqname}=1;
# }
# }
# }
# print scalar(keys %cdna_acc) . " cdna's found which could be added as UTR\n" ;
# if (scalar ( keys %cdna_acc ) == 0 ) {
# print " no cDNAs found which could be added - now trying to fetch / use cDNA from compare-species\n" ;
# }
# get cdna seq from pfetch
my @cdna_seqs ; my $seq_fetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Pfetch->new() ; for my $acc ( @hseq_names ) { my $seq = $seq_fetcher->get_Seq_by_acc($acc) ; unless ( $seq ) { $seq_fetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Pfetch->new( -options => '-a' ) ; $seq = $seq_fetcher->get_Seq_by_acc($acc) ; } unless ( $seq ) { print "sequence $acc could not be fetched\n" ; }else { push @cdna_seqs, $seq ; } } # now we need to align the cDNA to the genome to get a proper gene structure........
# align seqs with Exonerate2Genes
my @cdna_genes ; my @cdna_file_names ; for my $cdna ( @cdna_seqs ) { print " running ExonerateTranscript on cdna\n " ; my $cdna_file = create_file_name("cdna_" ,"fa" , "/tmp" ); write_seqfile($cdna, $cdna_file, 'fasta') ; push @cdna_file_names, $cdna_file ; print STDERR "running ExonerateTranscript on cDNA and slice ".$self->slice->name." length ".$self->slice->length."\n"; print "\nUsing hardcoded program vwerion exonerate 1.4.0 !\n" ; # CDNA !!!!
my $options = "--model est2genome --forwardcoordinates FALSE --softmasktarget TRUE --exhaustive FALSE --score 500 ". "--saturatethreshold 100 --dnahspthreshold 60 --dnawordlen 14"; my $r = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ExonerateTranscript->new( -analysis => $self->analysis, -query => $self->slice, -target_file => $self->genomic_file, -query_type => 'dna', -query_file => $cdna_file, -program => "/usr/local/ensembl/bin/exonerate-0.8.3", #-program => "/software/ensembl/bin/exonerate-1.4.0" ,
-options => $options , ); $r->run() ; my @output = @{$r->output()} ; my $percent_ident_filter = 97 ; my @o2 = @output ; print "have " .scalar(@output) . " featrues before filtering $percent_ident_filter\n" ; # filter results
my $et_filter= new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::ExonerateTranscriptFilter->new( -percent_id => $percent_ident_filter, -best_in_genome => 1, -coverage => 90, ); my @filtered_cdnas = @{$et_filter->filter_results(\@output)}; print "have " .scalar(@filtered_cdnas) . " features after filtering by percentage_ident >= $percent_ident_filter\n" ; @output = @filtered_cdnas ; # these are actually all transcripts not genes ....
for ( @output ) { map { $_->slice($self->slice()) } @{$_->get_all_Exons} ; my $g= Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new(); $g->biotype("cdna_recomp") ; $_->biotype("cdna_recomp") ; $g->add_Transcript($_); push @cdna_genes, $g; } } # next cnda
my $rm_string = "rm ".join (" ", @cdna_file_names ) ; if ( scalar(@cdna_file_names) > 0 ) { system($rm_string); } print scalar(@cdna_genes) . " cdna_genes from cdna made in total.\n" ; my @result ; #
########## utr builder
if ( @cdna_genes ) { my $utr_builder = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB::UTR_Builder->new( -db => $self->db, -input_id => 'fake', -analysis => $self->analysis, -dont_use_config => 1, ); $utr_builder->gw_genes([$very_best_gene]) ; $utr_builder->INPUT_GENETYPES([$very_best_gene->biotype]); $utr_builder->cDNA_GENETYPE([$cdna_genes[0]->biotype]); $utr_builder->MAX_EXON_LENGTH(20000); $utr_builder->MAX_INTRON_LENGTH(200000); $utr_builder->query($self->slice); $utr_builder->VERBOSE(1); $utr_builder->UTR_GENETYPE($very_best_gene->biotype); $utr_builder->BLESSED_UTR_GENETYPE("blessed") ; #$utr_builder->UTR_GENETYPE('utr_added');
# set cDNA's
$utr_builder->cdna_genes(\@cdna_genes); $utr_builder->{evidence_sets} = { 'est' => [] , #\@est_biotypes,
'simgw' => $utr_builder->INPUT_GENETYPES, 'cdna' => $utr_builder->cDNA_GENETYPE, }; # fetch_input does nearly all the stuff we've just done by hand ....
#$utr_builder->fetch_input() ;
$utr_builder->run() ; @result= @{ $utr_builder->output()} ; #for ( @result) {
# print "UTR gene ? $_\n" ;
# print_whole_gene($_);
}else { # no cDNA-gene made ....
push @result, $very_best_gene; } return\@ result;
sub attach_slice {
    my ($self, $new_gene, $slice )  = @_ ;  

   my @nt = @{$new_gene->get_all_Transcripts} ;  
   throw("more than one transcript in gene structure!\n") if scalar(@nt)>1 ;     

    unless ( $slice ) { 
      $slice = $self->slice  ; 

   for my $t ( @nt ) {
     $t->slice($slice) unless $t->slice() ;  
     $t->analysis($self->analysis) ;  
     if ( $t->translation() ) { 
       $t->translation->stable_id(undef) ;  
     for my $tsf ( @{ $t->get_all_supporting_features } ) {   
        $tsf->slice($slice) unless $tsf->slice;      
        $tsf->analysis($self->analysis) unless $tsf->analysis ; 
     for my $e ( @{ $t->get_all_Exons } ) {   
       $e->slice($slice) unless $e->slice;
       for my $sf ( @{$e->get_all_supporting_features} ) { 
          $sf->analysis($self->analysis) unless $sf->analysis ; 
         $sf->slice($slice) unless $sf->slice() ; 
     if ( $t->translation() ) { 
        $t->translation->stable_id(undef) ; 
  return $new_gene ;
sub attach_stuff_to_new_gene {
   my ( $self, $very_best_gene ) = @_ ;    

   my $transcript_sid = $self->transcript_sid() ; 
   my $ta = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($$MAIN_CONFIG{QUERY_SPECIES},"core","gene");    
   my $tla  = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($$MAIN_CONFIG{QUERY_SPECIES},"core","translation");    

   unless ( $ta ) {  
          "could not get gene-adaptor for $$MAIN_CONFIG{QUERY_SPECIES} - check your " . 
          "registry file / your OrthologueEvaluator-config\n"
   my $source_gene = $ta->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id($transcript_sid) ;    

   my @src_dbentries =  @{$source_gene->get_all_DBEntries}  ;  

    throw("could not get transcript with stable_id $transcript_sid out of database :"  .$ta->db->dbname . "\@" . $ta->db->host. "\n")  ;  

  my @source_transcripts = @{ $source_gene->get_all_Transcripts } ; 

  my $very_best_transcript = ${$very_best_gene->get_all_Transcripts}[0]; 

  my $new_gene = Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new(); 
  $new_gene->biotype($very_best_gene->biotype) ; 
  my $src_status = $source_gene->status ; 
  $new_gene->status($src_status) ;  
  $new_gene->confidence($src_status) ;  


   for my $dbe ( @src_dbentries ) {   
     $new_gene->add_DBEntry($dbe) ; 
  my @new_exons = @{ $very_best_transcript->get_all_Exons } ;   

  my @nsf ;   

  my $original_slice = $very_best_transcript->slice ;  
  $self->reference_slice($original_slice) ;  
  #my $reference_slice ; 
for my $st ( @source_transcripts ) { print " try to attach : " . $st->stable_id . "\n" ; if ( $st->stable_id=~m/$transcript_sid/ ) { my @old_exons = @{ $st->get_all_Exons } ; for my $oe ( @old_exons ) { for my $ne ( @new_exons ) { if ( $oe->seq_region_end >= $ne->seq_region_start and $oe->seq_region_start <= $ne->seq_region_end ) { $ne->stable_id($oe->stable_id) ; my $v = $oe->version; $v++; $ne->version($v) ; $ne->created_date($oe->created_date) ; $ne->modified_date(time) ; } } } my @tdb = @{$st->get_all_DBEntries} ; # now we need to edit the transcript and remove one exon ....
# now wee need to attach all stuff to the transcript
# how do we deal with UTR ?
# how do we deal with the exon-stable-ids etc ?
my $new_version = $st->version ; $new_version++ ; my $new_transcript = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript( -exons =>\@ new_exons , -stable_id => $st->stable_id , -version => $new_version , -external_name =>$st->external_name , -external_db => $st->external_db , -external_status => $st->external_status , -display_xref => $st->display_xref , -created_date => $st->{'created_date'} , -modified_date=> time, -description => $st->description , -biotype=> $st->biotype, -status =>$st->status, -analysis =>$st->analysis, ) ; for my $db ( @tdb ) { $new_transcript->add_DBEntry($db) ; } $new_transcript->translation($very_best_transcript->translation) ; $new_transcript->translation->stable_id($st->translation->stable_id) ; my $tl_version = $st->translation->version ; $tl_version++ ; $new_transcript->translation->version($tl_version) ; $new_transcript->translation->created_date($st->translation->created_date) ; $new_transcript->translation->modified_date(time); my @tl_db = @{$st->translation->get_all_DBEntries} ; for ( @tl_db ) { $new_transcript->translation->add_DBEntry($_) ; } my @all_supporting_features ; for my $f ( @{ $very_best_transcript->get_all_supporting_features} ) { my $nf = $f->transfer($original_slice); push @all_supporting_features, $nf ; } $new_transcript->add_supporting_features(@all_supporting_features); my $nt = $new_transcript->transfer($original_slice); $new_transcript = $nt ; # if ( $reference_slice) {
# my $nt = $new_transcript->transfer($reference_slice);
# $new_transcript = $nt ;
# }
$new_gene->add_Transcript($new_transcript) ; } else { my $nt = $st->transfer($original_slice); $st = $nt ; print $new_gene . "\n" ; if ( $new_gene->get_all_Transcripts ) { if ( $self->check_if_transcripts_are_different([@{$new_gene->get_all_Transcripts}, $st])) { # otherwise there's confusion where to get the start / end exon from ... not sure why ...
print "adding : " . $st->stable_id . " to transcript\n\n " ; $st->translation->adaptor($tla); $new_gene->add_Transcript($st) ; } }else { print "adding : " . $st->stable_id . " to transcript\n\n " ; $st->translation->adaptor($tla); $new_gene->add_Transcript($st) ; } # transfer old ( unchagned ) source-transcript to the same slice
#if ( $reference_slice) {
# my $nt = $st->transfer($reference_slice);
# $st = $nt ;
} # first trans was added so now get reference slice
#my @tmp = @{ $new_gene->get_all_Transcripts} ;
#$reference_slice = $tmp[0]->slice();
} return $new_gene ; } #
# compare the exon length of the new genes against the exon length of the homolog transcripts .....
sub build_hash_of_recoverd_introns_per_transcript {
    my ($self ) = @_ ;  

  my @simple_feature_index ; 
  if ($self->simple_feature_index=~m/\_/ ) { 
    @simple_feature_index = split /\_/, $self->simple_feature_index ;   
  } else { 
   push  @simple_feature_index , $self->simple_feature_index ;  

  # to save some compute time we only want 2 transcripts used which revoer the same intron  
my %recov_simple_feat_to_transcript ; my @simple_feature_ids = @{$self->simple_feature_db_id}; my @stable_ids_of_homolog_transcripts = @{$self->homolog_transcript_sid()} ; my %enst_to_simple_features; my $sfa = $self->db->get_SimpleFeatureAdaptor() ; for ( my $i =0 ; $i <@simple_feature_index ; $i++ ) { # print "\n\nSTABLE_ID : " . $stable_ids_of_homolog_transcripts[$i] . ":" ;
my $str = $simple_feature_index[$i] ; my @indexes = split /\,/, $str ; for my $s_index ( @indexes ) { #print "s_index : $s_index " ;
#print " $s_index " ;
#print "simple_feature_id : " . $simple_feature_ids[$s_index] . "\n"
push @{$recov_simple_feat_to_transcript{$str}}, $stable_ids_of_homolog_transcripts[$i]; my $sf = $sfa->fetch_by_dbID($simple_feature_ids[$s_index]) ; push @{$enst_to_simple_features{ $stable_ids_of_homolog_transcripts[$i]}} , $sf ; unless ( $simple_feature_ids[$s_index] ) { throw("something is wrong with your simple_feature-indexes - the simple feature with index $s_index does not exist\n") ; } unless ( $sf ) { throw("Simple feature with dbID : $simple_feature_ids[$s_index] not found in simple_feature table of database : " . $sfa->db->dbname . "\@" . $sfa->db->host . "\n" ) ; } } } for ( keys %recov_simple_feat_to_transcript ) { my %species_processed ; my %tmp ; my @selected_id_for_species ; @tmp{@{$recov_simple_feat_to_transcript{$_}}} = 1 ; for my $stable_id ( keys %tmp ) { my $species = substr($stable_id,0,4); unless (exists $species_processed{$species} ) { push @selected_id_for_species, $stable_id ; } $species_processed{$species} =1 ; } #$recov_simple_feat_to_transcript{$_}=[keys %tmp] ;
$recov_simple_feat_to_transcript{$_}=\@selected_id_for_species ; print "pushing $_ " . join ( "\t", @selected_id_for_species ) . "\n"; } my @stable_ids_to_process ; for my $id ( keys %recov_simple_feat_to_transcript ) { my @tmp = @{$recov_simple_feat_to_transcript{$id}}; for ( @tmp ) { push @stable_ids_to_process, $_ ; } } if ( $self->lightweight_analysis ) { print "\n\nWarning : Using lightweight analysis and only 1 protein per species per recovery-case\n\n" ; $self->homolog_transcript_sid(\@stable_ids_to_process); } if ( $self->debug ) { print "\n\nProcessing these ids :\n\n" ; for ( keys %recov_simple_feat_to_transcript ) { print "$_ " ; for ( @{$recov_simple_feat_to_transcript{$_}} ) { print "$_ " ; } print "\n" ; } } return\% enst_to_simple_features ;
sub check_exon_overlap_between_new_gene_and_src_gene {
   my ($self, $non_red_genes) = @_ ;

  my %scoring ; 
  print "check_exon_overlap_between_new_gene_and_src_gene " . scalar(@$non_red_genes) . "\n"  ;  

  # now compare the different, non-redundant  structures against the original gene .   
my @src_genes = @{$self->src_genes} ; my $src_gene = $src_genes[0]; my @src_trans = @{$src_gene->get_all_Transcripts} ; my @src_exons = @{ $src_trans[0]->get_all_translateable_Exons }; for my $ng ( @$non_red_genes ) { my @tr = @{$ng->get_all_Transcripts}; my @test_exons = @{ $tr[0]->get_all_translateable_Exons } ; $scoring{$ng}{gene_object} = $ng ; $scoring{$ng}{trans_object} = $tr[0] ; $scoring{$ng}{src_exons_which_are_not_overlapped} = 0 ; $scoring{$ng}{new_exons_without_overlap} = []; $scoring{$ng}{overlapped_exon} = []; $scoring{$ng}{nr_non_overlapping_exons} = 0 ; for my $te ( @test_exons ) { # looping over all new exons first ....
for my $se ( @src_exons ) { if ( $te->seq_region_end >= $se->seq_region_start and $te->seq_region_start <= $se->seq_region_end ) { #print "overlapping exons :-)\n" ;
#print "\nSRC_EXON : " . $se->seq_region_start . " - " . $se->seq_region_end . "\n";
#print "TEST_EXON : " . $te->seq_region_start . " _ " . $te->seq_region_end . "\n" ;
# overlap - NOW there could be some szenarios
# - it could be that the new exon is overlapping some shorter exons of the old prediction
# - it could be that one of the exons of the old gene is skipped
# - it could be that
push @{$scoring{$ng}{overlapped_exon}}, $se ; } #print "\n\n" ;
} } # this bit calculates how many original exons are not overlapped by the new exons.
my %se_exons ; for my $se ( @src_exons, @test_exons ) { if (exists $se_exons{$se} ) { die("this is weird - the exon keys are the same, this suggest something has gone wrong\n") ; } $se_exons{$se}=$se; } my %overlapped_original_exon ; print_whole_gene($ng) if $self->debug; for my $se ( @src_exons ) { $overlapped_original_exon{$se}{overlapping_new_exons}=[]; for my $te ( @test_exons ) { if ( $se->seq_region_end >= $te->seq_region_start and $se->seq_region_start <= $te->seq_region_end ) { #print "\nmarking src_exon as OVERLAPPED :: " . $se_exons{$se}->seq_region_start . "\t" . $se_exons{$se}->seq_region_end."\n";
#print " new_exon :: " . $se_exons{$te}->seq_region_start . "\t" . $se_exons{$te}->seq_region_end."\n\n";
$overlapped_original_exon{$se}{is_overlapped}=1; push @{$overlapped_original_exon{$se}{overlapping_new_exons}}, $te ; }else{ # if the exon has already been overlapped we don't change it's value
unless ( exists $overlapped_original_exon{$se}{is_overlapped} ) { #print "marking org_exon as non-overlapped : " . $se_exons{$se}->seq_region_start . "\t" . $se_exons{$se}->seq_region_end."\n";
$overlapped_original_exon{$se}{is_overlapped}=0; } if ($overlapped_original_exon{$se}{is_overlapped} == 1 ) { # do nothing
}else{ $overlapped_original_exon{$se}{is_overlapped}=0; } } } } my $non_overlapped_exons = 0 ; for my $se ( @src_exons ) { if ( $overlapped_original_exon{$se}{is_overlapped} == 0 ) { # exon is not overlapped
$non_overlapped_exons++; } if ( scalar ( @{$overlapped_original_exon{$se}{overlapping_new_exons}}) > 1 ) { print "WARN! Oh,, we might have a look at this - one old exon is overlapped by more than one new exon\n" ; print "orig. exon : " . $se_exons{$se}->seq_region_start . "\t" . $se_exons{$se}->seq_region_end . "\n" ; for my $te ( @{$overlapped_original_exon{$se}{overlapping_new_exons}} ) { print " new. exon : " . $se_exons{$te}->seq_region_start . "\t" . $se_exons{$te}->seq_region_end . "\n" ; } } } # we should calculate as well how many original exons are overlapped by more than one new exon as this is bad, too
# as suggests frameshifts .....
# <----------old_exon------------>
# <new> <new_ex> <new_ex> <new_ex>
my $new_exons_without_overlap = 0 ; my %ymp ; @ymp{@{$scoring{$ng}{overlapped_exon}}}=1 ; for ( keys %ymp ) { $new_exons_without_overlap++; } $scoring{$ng}{new_exons_without_overlap} = $new_exons_without_overlap ; $scoring{$ng}{src_exons_which_are_not_overlapped} = $non_overlapped_exons ; } # now find best-scored gene(s)
for my $ng ( keys %scoring ) { #print "Gene : \n====================\n" ;
#print_whole_gene($scoring{$ng}{gene_object}) ;
#print "nr_overlapped_exons : " . scalar(@{$scoring{$ng}{overlapped_exon}}) . "\n" ;
#print "overlap_ratio : " . scalar(@{$scoring{$ng}{overlapped_exon}}) / scalar(@{$src_trans[0]->get_all_translateable_Exons} ) . "\n" ;
$scoring{$ng}{overlap_ratio} = scalar(@{$scoring{$ng}{overlapped_exon}}) / scalar(@{$src_trans[0]->get_all_translateable_Exons} );
#print "overlap_ratio numbers : " . scalar(@{$scoring{$ng}{overlapped_exon}}) . " / " . scalar(@{$src_trans[0]->get_all_translateable_Exons} ) . "\n" ;
#print "translation_ratio : " . length($scoring{$ng}{trans_object}->translateable_seq) / length($src_trans[0]->translateable_seq ) . "\n" ;
#print "new_exons_without_overlap : " . $scoring{$ng}{new_exons_without_overlap} . "\n" ;
# best gene seems to be the one with :
# - highest nr of overlapped exons
# - highest overlapped_ratio
# ??? nr of fixed exons ?
} my $most_number_of_exons_fixed = -1000000; my $highest_overlapping_ratio = -100000; # find the gene with the maximum number of exons fixed
for my $ng ( keys %scoring ) { if ( $scoring{$ng}{new_exons_without_overlap} >= $most_number_of_exons_fixed ) { $most_number_of_exons_fixed = $scoring{$ng}{new_exons_without_overlap} ; } if ( $scoring{$ng}{overlap_ratio} >= $highest_overlapping_ratio ) { $highest_overlapping_ratio = $scoring{$ng}{overlap_ratio} ; } } my %best_genes ; my $gene_misses_src_exon ; my $nr_exons_not_overlapped = 100000 ; for my $ng ( keys %scoring ) { if ( $scoring{$ng}{src_exons_which_are_not_overlapped} == 0 ) { if ( $scoring{$ng}{overlap_ratio} == 1 ) { $best_genes{$ng} = $scoring{$ng}{gene_object} ; print_whole_gene($scoring{$ng}{gene_object}) ; my $biotype = "b_ratio_" . $scoring{$ng}{overlap_ratio} ; $best_genes{$ng}->biotype("$biotype"); } else { print "skipping gene as it's overlap_ratio is not == 1. It's : $scoring{$ng}{overlap_ratio}\n " ; } } else { if ( $nr_exons_not_overlapped > $scoring{$ng}{src_exons_which_are_not_overlapped} ) { $nr_exons_not_overlapped = $scoring{$ng}{src_exons_which_are_not_overlapped} ; $gene_misses_src_exon = $scoring{$ng}{gene_object} ; } print "skipping gene - not all source exons are overlapped\n" ; } } my @best_genes = values %best_genes ; my $very_best_gene ; if ( scalar(@best_genes) > 0 ) { #
# find gene with longest translation ......
# up to here it all worked fine but the longest translation is not always the best ..........
print "\nNow selecting gene with longest translation out of " . scalar(@best_genes) . " ...\n" ; my $max_translation_length = 0 ; for my $bg ( @best_genes ) { my $bt = ${$bg->get_all_Transcripts}[0]; print "comparing translation length ... " . length($bt->translateable_seq) . " vs max. length : " . $max_translation_length . "\n" ; if ( length($bt->translateable_seq) > $max_translation_length ) { print "translation is longer - new very best gene is :\n " ; $very_best_gene = $bg ; $max_translation_length = length($bt->translateable_seq); print_whole_gene($very_best_gene) ; } } if ( $very_best_gene ) { print "the FINAL VERY best gene is :\n " ; print_whole_gene($very_best_gene) ; } else { print "no very best final gene found\n" ; } #this is just to not loose any genes and store them for debugging
my @other_genes ; for my $g ( @best_genes) { unless ($g eq $very_best_gene ) { $g->biotype("not_selected") ; push @other_genes , $g ; } } $self->other_genes(\@other_genes) ; $very_best_gene->biotype("very_best_gene_old_method"); } unless ( $very_best_gene ) { print " no very best gene could be selected with method 1 as not all src_exons are overlapped\n" ; } return $very_best_gene ;
sub check_if_false_intron_has_been_removed_in_new_trans {
     my ($self, $homolog_trans, $new_gene) = @_ ;   

   my $src_gene = $self->src_gene ;  

   my @checked_genes; 

   my @transcripts_to_check = @{$new_gene->get_all_Transcripts } ;  
   throw(" Gene has more than one transcript - this is wrong\n") if scalar(@transcripts_to_check) > 1 ;  

   my $trans_to_check = $transcripts_to_check[0]; 

   my %tmp = %{$self->recovered_introns_of_transcript};  

   my @simple_features_to_be_overlapped_by_transcript = @{ $tmp{$homolog_trans->stable_id }} ; 

   my $overlapped_simple_features_in_new_gene = 0 ; 
   my $fully_removed_simple_features_in_new_gene = 0 ; 

   my $gaps_removed = 0 ;  
   my $full_gaps_removed = 0 ;  

     SIMPLE_FEATURE: for my $sf ( @simple_features_to_be_overlapped_by_transcript ) {  
       if ( $self->debug) { 
         print "\n\nChecking introns of transcript ...\n" ;    
       my $intron_removed;   
       for my $e ( @{$trans_to_check->get_all_Exons} ) {  
               if ( $self->debug) { 
                 print "checking .......\n" ;  
                 print "EXON   : " . $e->seq_region_start . "\t" .  $e->seq_region_end . "\t" . $e->seq_region_name."\t". ( $e->seq_region_end - $e->seq_region_start)."\n" ; 
                 print "GAP    : " . $sf->seq_region_start . "\t" . $sf->seq_region_end . "\t". $sf->seq_region_name."\t".( $sf->seq_region_end - $sf->seq_region_start)."\n" ;  
                 print $e->seq_region_end." >= " .$sf->seq_region_start ." && ".$e->seq_region_start . " <= ".$sf->seq_region_end . " ???\n" ; 
                 if ( $e->seq_region_end  >=   $sf->seq_region_start  &&  $e->seq_region_start  <= $sf->seq_region_end) {   
                    # we found an exon which overlaps the buyggy intron
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# sf_start 10 sf_end 20
# e_start================================ e_end
$overlapped_simple_features_in_new_gene++; if ( $self->debug) { print "Intron is overlapped by exon ...\n" ; print "exon: " . $e->seq_region_start . "\t" . $e->seq_region_end . "\t" . $e->seq_region_name."\t". ( $e->seq_region_end - $e->seq_region_start)."\n" ; print "GAP : " . $sf->seq_region_start . "\t" . $sf->seq_region_end . "\t". $sf->seq_region_name."\t".( $sf->seq_region_end - $sf->seq_region_start)."\n" ; } $gaps_removed++ ; $intron_removed = 1 ; #
# full overlap if :
# another check if the intron ( simple_feature ) is fully overlapped by the exon or not
if ( $e->seq_region_start <= $sf->seq_region_start && $e->seq_region_end >=$sf->seq_region_end ) { $fully_removed_simple_features_in_new_gene ++ ; $full_gaps_removed++ ; $trans_to_check->biotype("intron_removed_".$gaps_removed."_full_".$full_gaps_removed); $new_gene->biotype("intron_removed_".$gaps_removed."_full_".$full_gaps_removed); if ( $self->debug ) { print "intron is fully overlapped by exon !!!\n " ; print "Exon : " . $e->seq_region_start . "--eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee--" . $e->seq_region_end . " (end)\n" ; print " GAP : " .$sf->seq_region_start . "--IIIIIIIIIII--" . $sf->seq_region_end . " (end)\n" ; } } else { if ( $self->debug ) { print "intron is partially overlapped by exon !!!\n " ; print "Exon : " . $e->seq_region_start . "--eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee--" . $e->seq_region_end . " (end)\n" ; print " GAP : " .$sf->seq_region_start . "--IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII--" . $sf->seq_region_end . " (end)\n" ; } } } else{ print "Intron was NOT removed in gene !\n " if $self->debug ; $trans_to_check->biotype("intron_removed_$gaps_removed"); $new_gene->biotype("intron_removed_$gaps_removed"); } } if ( $intron_removed ) { if ( $self->debug ) { print "intron removed in transcript :\n" ; print_whole_trans($trans_to_check); } $trans_to_check->biotype("intron_removed_".$gaps_removed."_full_".$full_gaps_removed); $new_gene->biotype("intron_removed_".$gaps_removed."_full_".$full_gaps_removed); next SIMPLE_FEATURE ; } } # check if all introns are overlapped by new transcript
if ( scalar(@simple_features_to_be_overlapped_by_transcript) == $overlapped_simple_features_in_new_gene ) { print "All introns are overlapped by gene\n" if ( $self->debug) ; $trans_to_check->biotype("intron_removed_all") ; $new_gene->biotype("intron_removed_all") ; } if ( scalar(@simple_features_to_be_overlapped_by_transcript) == $fully_removed_simple_features_in_new_gene ) { print "All introns are overlapped by gene : $fully_removed_simple_features_in_new_gene\n" if ( $self->debug ) ; $trans_to_check->biotype("intron_removed_all_full") ; $new_gene->biotype("intron_removed_all_full") ; } if ( $self->debug ) { print "full gaps removed in this gene : $full_gaps_removed\n" ; print "overlap gaps removed in this gene : $gaps_removed\n" ; } if ( $full_gaps_removed == 0 && $gaps_removed == 0 ) { print "intron has not been removed\n" if $self->debug ; $new_gene->biotype("intron_NOT_removed"); } return $new_gene ;
sub check_if_genes_are_redundant {
     my ($aref) = @_ ;  

    my @max_genes=@$aref; 
    my @non_red_genes ;
    my %tmp ;
    # little check 
for my $g ( @max_genes) { if ( scalar(@{$g->get_all_Transcripts}) > 1 ){ throw("gene has more than one transcript - this is wrong .... : " . $g->biotype); } } for my $g ( @max_genes ) { for my $t (@{ $g->get_all_Transcripts } ) { my @ex= @{ $t->get_all_Exons } ; my $string ; for my $e (@ex) { my $exon_hk = $e->hashkey ; $string.=$exon_hk ; } $tmp{$string} = $g ; } } if ( scalar(keys %tmp)==1) { print "genes are redudant\n " ; }else { print "genes_have_same_max_score_but_are_different\n" ; for ( values %tmp ) { print_whole_gene($_); } } return [values %tmp] ;
sub check_if_transcripts_are_different {
  my ($self, $aref) = @_ ;    

  # to check by hash-key you have to make sure all transcripts are on the same slice :  
my @transcripts_diff_slice = @$aref ; my @normallised_tr; for ( @$aref ) { my $tmp_t = $_->transfer($self->reference_slice); push @normallised_tr, $tmp_t ; } my %tmp ; for my $t (@normallised_tr ) { my @ex= @{ $t->get_all_Exons } ; my $string ; for my $e (@ex) { my $exon_hk = $e->hashkey ; $string.=$exon_hk ; } print $string . "\n" ; $tmp{$string} = 1 ; } if ( scalar(@$aref) == scalar(keys %tmp)) { print "Transcripts are different\n"; return 1 ; } print "Transcripts are duplicated.\n" ; return 0;
sub check_test_transcript_against_homolog {
    my ($self,$test_gene, $test_transcript, $homolog_trans ) = @_ ;  

   if ( $self->debug ) { 
     print "\n\n################ test_gene vs HOM TRANSCRIPT " . $homolog_trans->stable_id . " ######################\n";  
     print "\n\t\tTEST_TRANSCRIPT :\n" ; 
     print_whole_trans($test_transcript) ; 
     print "\n\t\tHOMOLOG_TRANS :\n" ; 
     print_whole_trans($homolog_trans) ; 
    my $max_score_f_matrix ; 

   # prepare matrix 
my @test_exons = @{ $test_transcript->get_all_translateable_Exons() }; for (my $i=0 ; $i < scalar(@test_exons) ; $i++ ) { $test_exons[$i]->{_jhv_rank}=$i ; $self->test_exon($test_exons[$i]); } my @homolog_exons = @{ $homolog_trans->get_all_translateable_Exons() }; for (my $i=0 ; $i < scalar(@homolog_exons) ; $i++ ) { $homolog_exons[$i]->{_jhv_rank}=$i ; } my $max_t_rank = scalar(@test_exons) ; my $max_h_rank = scalar(@homolog_exons) ; for ( my $i=0; $i<$max_h_rank; $i++) { for ( my $j=0; $j<$max_t_rank; $j++ ) { $self->hit_matrix($i,$j,0); } } my %exon_counterparts ; my $var ; # write all test exons into one big file to speed exonerate up ...
my $test_exons_filename = "/tmp/jhv_". $$ . ".test.exon_seqs"; open (FH,">$test_exons_filename") || die "Cant write file $test_exons_filename\n" ; for my $te ( @test_exons ) { (my $seq=$te->seq->seq )=~ s/(.{1,60})/$1\n/g; print FH ">". "test_exon_rank " . $te->{_jhv_rank} . "\t" . $te ."\t".$te->hashkey . " " . $te->length . "\n$seq"; } close(FH) ; for my $he ( @homolog_exons) { $self->exonerate_he_exon_against_test_exons($he, $test_exons_filename ) ; } system("rm $test_exons_filename"); my @hit_exons = @{$self->hit_matrix}; #my $length_A = $#hit_exons ;
#my $length_B = $#{$hit_exons[0]} ;
my $length_A = scalar(@homolog_exons) ; my $length_B = scalar(@test_exons) ; #print "length_A : $length_A " . scalar(@homolog_exons) . "\n" ;
if ( $self->debug ) { print "\n\n" ; for ( my $i=0;$i < $length_A; $i++) { printf "HIT_MATRIX :\t"; for (my $j = 0; $j < $length_B; $j++ ) { printf "%6s", $hit_exons[$i][$j] ; } print "\t" . $homolog_exons[$i]->stable_id . " $i\n" ; } print "\n\n\n"; } # compute F-Matrix
my @f_matrix ; for ( my $i=0;$i < $length_A; $i++) { $f_matrix[$i][0] = $hit_exons[$i][0]; } for (my $j = 0; $j < $length_B; $j++ ) { $f_matrix[0][$j] = $hit_exons[0][$j]; } for ( my $i=1; $i < $length_A; $i++) { #print "i = $i\t" ;
for ( my $j= 1; $j <$length_B; $j++ ) { #print "j : $j\n" ;
my $choice_1 = $f_matrix[$i-1][$j-1] + $hit_exons[$i][$j]; my $choice_2 = $f_matrix[$i-1][$j] + $hit_exons[$i][$j]; my $choice_3 = $f_matrix[$i][$j-1] + $hit_exons[$i][$j]; my $max = max($choice_1,$choice_2,$choice_3); #print "i = $i j=$j $choice_1,$choice_2,$choice_3 -- > max $max\n" ;
$f_matrix[$i][$j]=max($choice_1,$choice_2,$choice_3) ; } } if ( $self->debug ) { for ( my $i=0; $i < $length_A; $i++) { for ( my $j=0; $j < $length_B; $j++ ) { printf "%5s", $f_matrix[$i][$j] ; } print "\t" .$homolog_exons[$i]->stable_id . "\n" ; } } # now trace-back and see which test_gene has the most exons which align with the highest score .....
$max_score_f_matrix = $f_matrix[$length_A-1][$length_B-1] ; if ( $self->debug ) { print "\n\nmax_score for aligning test_transcript to homolog is : ".$homolog_trans->stable_id." : $f_matrix[$length_A-1][$length_B-1]\n\n\n"; print "\n\n----- " . $homolog_trans->stable_id . " VS $test_transcript ---------\n\n" ; } # little routine to check the pairing of the exons OLD
my $exon_hits = 0 ; my %exon_pairs = %{$self->{_exon_pairing}}; HOMO_EXON: for my $he ( @homolog_exons ) { unless ( $exon_pairs{$he} ) { print $he->stable_id . " DOES NOT HAVE A MATCH\n " if $self->debug ; next HOMO_EXON; } print "\n" if ( scalar( @{$exon_pairs{$he}}) > 1 ) ; #print "\nnr_of_te_exons aligning M1: " . scalar(@{$exon_pairs{$he}}) . "\n" ;
#print "nr_of_te_exons aligning M2: " . $self->homolog_exon_alignments($he) . "\n\n" ;
if ( scalar( @{$exon_pairs{$he}}) == 1 ) { $exon_hits++ ; }elsif ( scalar( @{$exon_pairs{$he}}) > 1 ) { print "EXON HAS MORE THAN ONE HIT : " . $self->homolog_exon_alignments($he) . "\n" if $self->debug ; } for my $dog_exon ( @{$exon_pairs{$he}}) { print $he->stable_id . " ALIGNS : " if ( $self->debug ); my $diff = $he->length - $dog_exon->length ; if ( $self->debug ) { print " " . $dog_exon->seq_region_start . " " . $dog_exon->seq_region_end . " " .$dog_exon->length . " ". $he->length . " diff: " ; print $diff . "\n" ; } } print "\n" if ( scalar( @{$exon_pairs{$he}}) > 1 ) ; } print "\n\nComparison : " . $homolog_trans->stable_id . "\t$test_gene\n" if $self->debug ; #print "dog-transcripts has " . $exon_hits . " exons out of " . scalar(@test_exons) . " exons aligned : " . ( $exon_hits / scalar(@test_exons)) . "\n" ;
#print "nr hom exons : " . scalar(@homolog_exons) . "\n" ;
#print "nr dog exons : " . scalar(@test_exons) . "\n" ;
#print "aligned exons : " . $exon_hits . "\n" ;
#print "hits vs homologs-coverage ratio : " . ( $exon_hits / scalar(@homolog_exons)) . " (nr_aligned_dog_exons / nr_of_exons_in_homolog) \n";
#print "hits vs all-exons-in-dog-ratio : " . ( $exon_hits / scalar(@test_exons)) . " (nr_aligned_dog_exons / nr_of_all_dog_exons ) \n";
#print "exon_hits : $exon_hits \n\n\n" ;
print "f_matrix max_score for aligning test_transcript to homolog is : ".$homolog_trans->stable_id." : $f_matrix[$length_A-1][$length_B-1]\n" if $self->debug ; $self->register_testex_vs_homex_coverage($test_gene, ( $exon_hits / scalar(@homolog_exons)),$homolog_trans) ;
# nr of aligned dog exons vs all exons in dog - somehow a measurement how similar the structures are ....
$self->register_nr_aligned_exons_vs_all_exons_in_gene($test_gene, ( $exon_hits / scalar(@test_exons)),$homolog_trans) ;
$self->register_f_matrix_score($test_gene, $max_score_f_matrix, $homolog_trans) ; $self->{_exon_pairing} = {}; return $max_score_f_matrix ; } #
# nr_aligned_dog_exons / nr_of_exons_in_homolog -measurement how much of the homolog is covered
sub ex_genes {
    my ( $self,$aref ) = @_ ;  
   if ( $aref ) {   
     push @{$self->{_ex_genes}}, $aref ; 
   return $self->{_ex_genes} ;
sub exon_pairs {
      my ($self,$homolog_exon,$test_exon) = @_ ; 

   if ( $homolog_exon && $test_exon ) {  
     if ( exists (  ${$self->{_exon_pairing}}{$homolog_exon} )) {  
       my %uniq;
       @uniq{ @{${$self->{_exon_pairing}}{$homolog_exon}} }=1;
       unless ( $uniq{$test_exon} ) { 
         push  @{${$self->{_exon_pairing}}{$homolog_exon}}, $test_exon;
     } else {  
       push  @{${$self->{_exon_pairing}}{$homolog_exon}}, $test_exon;
   return ${$self->{_exon_pairing}}{$homolog_exon} ;
sub exonerate_he_exon_against_test_exons {
   my ($self,$he, $test_exon_filename ) = @_ ;   

  my @all_hits_for_he;  
  # write sequence of homolog exon to file seq to file 
my $homolog_exon_seq_file = write_exon_to_file($he) ; #print "Trying to align all test_exons against " . $he->stable_id . "\t" . $he->seq_region_start . "\t" . $he->seq_region_end . "\n" ;
my $result_file = "/tmp/jhv_". $he->stable_id . "_" . $$ . ".exonerate.alignment"; # use option to find all exons ..... ie. match ENSMUSE00000185591 vs
my $cmd = "/software/ensembl/bin/exonerate-1.4.0 -q $homolog_exon_seq_file -t $test_exon_filename -m affine:local --bestn 1 > $result_file"; system("$cmd") ; # routine to parse the results out of the exonerate alignment file and write it to hit-matrix
my $at_least_one_hit = $self->parse_exonerate_results($result_file,$he) ; system("rm $result_file"); if ( $at_least_one_hit ) { #print STDERR "run produced hit : " . $he->stable_id . "\n" ;
} else { #print STDERR "NO hit found for " . $he->stable_id . " running with --exhaustive \n" ;
} unless ( defined $at_least_one_hit ) { my $cmd = "/software/ensembl/bin/exonerate-1.4.0 -q $homolog_exon_seq_file -t $test_exon_filename -m affine:local --bestn 1 --exhaustive > $result_file"; system("$cmd") ; my $exhaustive_hit = $self->parse_exonerate_results($result_file,$he) ; system("rm $result_file"); unless ( $exhaustive_hit ) { print STDERR " NO HIT even with EXHAUSTIVE option for : " . $he->stable_id . "\n" if $self->debug; } } system("rm $homolog_exon_seq_file");
sub fetch_input {
     my ( $self) = @_ ;   
# fetch questionable transcript with possible false introns from QUERY_SPECIES database
# query_species is the species which has the gene model which we want to check // which
# might contain repeetive introns which should be exons
my $new_gene = $self->make_new_gene_from_source_transcript($self->transcript_sid); $self->src_genes($new_gene) ; my $enst_to_simple_features = $self->build_hash_of_recoverd_introns_per_transcript() ; $self->recovered_introns_of_transcript($enst_to_simple_features) ; #
# get protein supporting features for Exons of all homologes genes which have coding exon where there is
# an intron in the query species
my %protein_align_feature_acc ; my %dna_align_feature_acc ; for my $stable_id_of_homolog_transcript ( @{$self->homolog_transcript_sid} ) { my ($sp,$type) = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_species_and_object_type( $stable_id_of_homolog_transcript ) ; my $ta = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($sp,"core","transcript"); Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->set_disconnect_when_inactive(); print " fetching homologues transcript by stable_id : $stable_id_of_homolog_transcript\n" ; my $one2one_orth_trans = $ta->fetch_by_stable_id( $stable_id_of_homolog_transcript ) ; unless ( $one2one_orth_trans ) { throw("no transcript with stable_id $stable_id_of_homolog_transcript found\n") ; } $self->set_homolog_transcript($one2one_orth_trans) ; # also recompute with the translation of the one2one homologue
my $one2one_translation = $one2one_orth_trans->translation ; $protein_align_feature_acc{$one2one_translation->stable_id} = 1 ; # get all supporting features for all Exons - filter out dna_align features
my @e_sf = map { $_->get_all_supporting_features } @{$one2one_orth_trans->get_all_Exons} ; for my $sf_array ( @e_sf) { my @reduced_sf_array ; if ( $self->lightweight_analysis){ @reduced_sf_array = splice @$sf_array,0,3; }else { @reduced_sf_array = @$sf_array; } for ( @reduced_sf_array) { #print "using " . $_->hseqname . "\n" ;
if (ref($_)=~m/Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature/){ $protein_align_feature_acc{$_->hseqname} = 1 ; $self->sf_to_gene($_->hseqname, $one2one_orth_trans) ; if ( $_->hseqname =~m/\.+/ ) { (my $tmp=$_->hseqname)=~s/\..+//g;
$self->sf_to_gene($tmp, $one2one_orth_trans) ; } }elsif (ref($_)=~m/Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature/){ $dna_align_feature_acc{$_->hseqname} = 1 ; } } } # also register the ENSMUSP whatever protein as sf to compute f_matrix later
if ( $one2one_orth_trans->translation ) { $self->sf_to_gene($one2one_orth_trans->translation->stable_id, $one2one_orth_trans) ; } } # next homolog transcript id
$self->dna_align_features_of_homologs([keys %dna_align_feature_acc]) ; print "\n\n" ; my %sf = %{$self->{sf_to_hom_trans_cache} } ; for ( keys %sf ) { print "sf : " . $_ . "\n" ; } # re-run trial with old supporting features as well ...
# not sure if this was a good idea - if you re-run with old supporting features you can't really
# compare/ align against the old exons of the buggy gene .....
# my $q_trans = $self->db->get_TranscriptAdaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($self->transcript_sid) ;
# my @q_sf = map { $_->get_all_supporting_features } @{$q_trans->get_all_Exons} ;
# for my $sf_array ( @q_sf ) {
# for ( @$sf_array) {
# if (ref($_)=~m/Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature/){
# $protein_align_feature_acc{$_->hseqname} = 1 ;
# $self->sf_to_gene($_->hseqname, $q_trans) ;
# }
# }
# }
my @target_input_ids ; my @my_input_ids = qw ( Q9GM99.1 P42859.2 P42858.1 P42859-2) ; if ( $self->use_artifical_input_ids ) { print "\n"x30 ; print "\nWarning - using artificial input_ids"x30 ; print "\n"x30 ; my %tmp ; @tmp{@my_input_ids}=1; %protein_align_feature_acc= %tmp ; } for ( keys %protein_align_feature_acc ) { push @target_input_ids, $self->simgw_input_id.",".$_ ; } if ( $self->limit_input_ids ) { print "\n"x30 ; print "\nWarning - input-id range limited "x30 ; print "\n"x30 ; print "I will run on these input_ids / proteins :\n" ; print "\n\n\n\n\nWARNING - INPU_IDS LIMITED ----\n\n\n\n\n" ; @target_input_ids = splice(@target_input_ids,0,5) ; } for ( @target_input_ids ){ print "input_id : " . $_."\n" ; } #
# get protein seq from homologues transcript stable id ....
print "\nRunning ExonerateTranscript-runs\n====================================\n\n" ; my @protein_files ; my @eg ; my %genomic_seq_written; #
# we will run the exonerate comptues first and we don't delete the protein files.
# than we will run the genewise on the protein files, than we delete protein files.
# that saves us time to write the files twicce ....
PROTEIN_ID: for my $targ_xrate_input ( @target_input_ids ) { print "\n\ninput_id : $targ_xrate_input\n\n" ; # prepare input for ExonerateTranscript run
my ($slice_name, $protein_id) = split /\,/, $targ_xrate_input; unless ( $genomic_seq_written{$slice_name}) { $self->write_genomic_sequence_to_file($slice_name) ; $genomic_seq_written{$slice_name} = 1 ; } ################
my $seqfetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::OBDAIndexSeqFetcher->new( -db => [("/lustre/blastdb/Ensembl/uniprot_index/")], -format => 'fasta', ); my $seqx ; eval { $seqx = $seqfetcher->get_Seq_by_acc($protein_id); }; if($@) { warning("Problem fetching sequence for id [$protein_id] with $seqfetcher $@\n"); } if(!defined($seqx)){ warning("Could not find sequence for [$protein_id] with $seqfetcher "); } my $protein_seq ; unless ( defined $seqx ) { print "Could not find sequence for [$protein_id] with $seqfetcher - now trying with pfetch....\n " ; my $seq_fetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Pfetch->new() ; $protein_seq = $seq_fetcher->get_Seq_by_acc($protein_id ) ; unless ( $protein_seq ) { $seq_fetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Pfetch->new( -options => '-a' ) ; $protein_seq = $seq_fetcher->get_Seq_by_acc($protein_id ) ; } unless ( $protein_seq ) { (my $p=$protein_id)=~s/\..+//g;
$seq_fetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Pfetch->new(); $protein_seq = $seq_fetcher->get_Seq_by_acc($p) ; unless ( $protein_seq ) { $seq_fetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Pfetch->new( -options => '-a' ) ; $protein_seq = $seq_fetcher->get_Seq_by_acc($p) ; } } unless ( $protein_seq ) { print "Failed to fetch sequence $protein_id via pfetch -a / OBDA\n"; next PROTEIN_ID ; } } else { $protein_seq = $seqx ; } my $pepfile = create_file_name("protein_" ,"fa" , "/tmp" ); write_seqfile($protein_seq, $pepfile, 'fasta') ; push @protein_files, $pepfile ; print STDERR "running ExonerateTranscript on Protein : ".$protein_id. " and ".$self->slice->name." length ".$self->slice->length."\n"; print "\nUsing hardcoded program vwerion exonerate 1.4.0 !\n" ; my $r = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ExonerateTranscript->new( -analysis => $self->analysis, -query => $self->slice, -target_file => $self->genomic_file, -query_type => 'protein', -query_file => $pepfile, -program => "/software/ensembl/bin/exonerate-1.4.0" , -options => "--model protein2genome --bestn 1 ". "--maxintron 700000 " , ); $r->run() ; my @output = @{$r->output()} ; # these are actually all transcripts not genes ....
for ( @output ) { map { $_->slice($self->slice()) } @{$_->get_all_Exons} ; my $g= Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new(); $g->biotype("exonerate_recomp") ; $_->biotype("exonerate_recomp") ; $g->add_Transcript($_); $self->ex_genes($g); push @eg, $g ; } } print scalar(@eg) . " exonerate genes made\n" ; for ( @eg ) { print_whole_gene($_) if $self->debug ; } print "\n\nRecoverFalseIntrons: Now running BlastMiniGenewise:\n" ; print "================================================\n\n" ; # either the analysis is stored or we need to create a new one :
# needs to be re-written
my @gw_options ; if ( $self->limit_genewise_options ) { print "WARNING !!!!!!!!! Genewise options limited !!!\n "x10 ; push @gw_options, { '-options' => '-init endbias -splice_gtag -quiet ' } ; push @gw_options, { '-options' => '-splice_gtag -quiet ' } ; } else { push @gw_options, { '-options' => '-quiet' } ; push @gw_options, { '-options' => '-quiet -splice_gtag ' } ; push @gw_options, { '-options' => '-quiet -splice_gtag -init endbias ' } ; push @gw_options, { '-options' => '-quiet -nosplice_gtag ' } ; } my @gw_genes ; if ( $self->only_run_exonerate ) { print "WARNING - only running exonerate, not genwises .\n" ; for my $g ( @eg) { $self->gw_genes($g); } } else { my $gs = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => "<".$self->genomic_file , -format => "FASTA" ); my $genomic_seq = $gs->next_seq(); # hmm i need to know which strand we're on .... need have the correct strand information in the input_id ....
# or does this disturb iexonerate ?
my $sf_strand = ${$self->get_aligned_intron_coord()}[0]->strand(); for my $gw_run_options ( @gw_options ) { for my $protein_file ( @protein_files ) { my $ps = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => "<$protein_file", -format => "FASTA" ); my $prot_seq = $ps->next_seq() ; my ($sr,$asm,,$chr,$start,$end,$strand,$fintron_trans,$hom_trans,$simple_feat_id) = split/:/, $self->input_id ; my $rangefeat = new Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair ( -start => 1, -end => ( ($self->slice->end+1) - $self->slice->start ) , -strand=> $sf_strand, -slice => $self->slice ); $rangefeat->strand(-1) if($strand == -1); my $features = [$rangefeat]; my $gw = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::MiniGenewise->new( -query=> $self->slice, -protein => $prot_seq, -analysis=> $self->analysis, -features => $features, -genewise_options => $gw_run_options, ); if ( $sf_strand == 1 ) { $gw->reversed_sequence(0); } else { $gw->reversed_sequence(1); } $gw->run() ; my @transcripts = @{ $gw->output } ; # Due to miniseq/fullseq possibility in Genewise, the transcripts produced
# only hold FeaturePairs rather than DnaPep align features - we need to
# convert them .... this is normally done by BlastMiniGenewise.
# genewise only makes transcripts !
for my $t ( @transcripts ) { my $g = Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new( -start => $t->start , -end => $t->end , -strand => $t->strand , -slice => $self->slice, ) ; $g->add_Transcript($t) ; $t->analysis($self->analysis) ; $self->gw_genes($g); } } } } #
# remove protein - and genomic files ......
for my $pf ( @protein_files ) { my $cmd = "rm $pf" ; system("$cmd"); } # my $cmd = "rm " . $self->genomic_file();
# system("$cmd");
sub find_gene_which_has_exon_length_distr_most_similar_to_homolog {
   my ( $self, $genes_to_test ) = @_ ;   

  my @most_sim_to_hom_genes ; 
  my %scores ; 
  my @test_genes = @$genes_to_test ;  

  for my $g ( @test_genes ) {  
    my $test_trans = ${$g->get_all_Transcripts}[0];  

    print "\n\t\t---------------\n\nNow computing all those funny values for $g\n"  if $self->debug;

# Only compare the test_trainscript against homolog gene structures which share the same supporting features
# i.e. : homolog ENSG1 was build from seq1, seq2, seq3
# i.e. : homolog ENSG2 was build from seq1, seq2
# test_transcript was build from seq3. compare test_transcript against ENSG1
my $mm_score = 0; for my $sf ( @{ $test_trans->get_all_supporting_features } ) { print "have supporting feature : " . $sf->hseqname . "\n" if $self->debug; my @homologues_transcripts_which_are_supported_by_sf = @{$self->sf_to_gene($sf->hseqname)} ; if ( scalar (@homologues_transcripts_which_are_supported_by_sf) == 0 ) { (my $sfn = $sf->hseqname)=~s/\..+//;
@homologues_transcripts_which_are_supported_by_sf = @{$self->sf_to_gene($sfn)} ; if ( scalar (@homologues_transcripts_which_are_supported_by_sf) == 0 ) { throw("No homologues transcript found for supporting_feature : " . $sf->hseqname ); } } print "Supporting_feature : ".$sf->hseqname . " supports these transcripts : " ; for ( @homologues_transcripts_which_are_supported_by_sf ) { print " " . $_->stable_id ; } print "\n" ; for my $homolog_trans ( @homologues_transcripts_which_are_supported_by_sf) { print "\nCalculating homolog_score for " . $g . " [ " . $sf->hseqname . " ] against_homolog: " . $homolog_trans->stable_id . "\n" ; my $max_score_f_matrix = $self->check_test_transcript_against_homolog($g, $test_trans, $homolog_trans ) ; if ( $max_score_f_matrix > $mm_score ) { $mm_score = $max_score_f_matrix ; } $scores{$g}{score} = $mm_score; $scores{$g}{gene} = $g ; } } $g->biotype("lower_homolog_score"); } # thsi whole part needs to be re-written as it's oold ...........
my $max_score = 0 ; for my $k ( keys %scores ) { my $sg = $scores{$k}{gene} ; print "transcript " . $sg->seq_region_start . "\t" . $sg->seq_region_end . " scores : " . $scores{$k}{score} ."\n" ; if ( $max_score < $scores{$k}{score}) { $max_score = $scores{$k}{score}; } } for my $g ( @test_genes ) { if ( exists $scores{$g}{score}){ if ($scores{$g}{score} == $max_score) { my $sg = $scores{$g}{gene} ; print "\nmax_scoring transcript : " . $sg->seq_region_start . "\t" . $sg->seq_region_end . " score : " . $scores{$g}{score} ."\n" ; $g->biotype("MAX"); } } } return\@ test_genes ; } # this routine is used to get the test_exon object from a reference string while parsing exonerate results
sub get_adaptor {
    my ($self)=@_;  
  print "USING HARDCODED VALUE TEST_DB as output db\n" ; 
  return $self->get_dbadaptor('TEST_DB')->get_adaptor("Gene");
sub get_aligned_intron_coord {
    my ( $self) = @_ ;  

  my $sfa = $self->db->get_SimpleFeatureAdaptor() ;    

  my @simple_features; 
  for my $db_id ( @{ $self->simple_feature_db_id } ) { 
    my $sf = $sfa->fetch_by_dbID($db_id) ; 
    if ( $self->debug ) { 
      print "aligned -intron coordinates are : " . $sf->seq_region_start . "\t" . $sf->seq_region_end . "\n"  ; 
      print "aligned -intron coordinates - chromosome are : " . $sf->slice->seq_region_name . "\n";  
      print "aligned -intron -id : " .  $sf->display_id . "\n" ; 
    push @simple_features, $sf ; 
  return\@ simple_features ;
sub get_homolog_transcript_by_stable_id {
     my ( $self,  $trans_stable_id ) = @_ ;  
   return ${$self->{hom_trans_cache}}{$trans_stable_id};
sub gw_genes {
    my ( $self,$aref ) = @_ ; 
   if ( $aref ) {   
     push @{$self->{_gw_genes}}, $aref ; 
   return $self->{_gw_genes} ;
sub hit_matrix {
   my ($self, $he_exon_rank,$test_exon_rank,$score) = @_ ;  

  if ( defined $he_exon_rank && defined $test_exon_rank ) { 
     $self->{_hit_matrix}[ $he_exon_rank ][ $test_exon_rank ]= $score; 
  return $self->{_hit_matrix};
sub homolog_exon_alignments {
   my ($self,$homolog_exon, $val) = @_ ; 

   if ( $val ) {  
   return  ${$self->{_homolog_exon_alignments}}{$homolog_exon};
sub make_new_gene_from_source_transcript {
  my ( $self,$transcript_sid ) = @_ ;   

   print "Reading compara-config file : $$MAIN_CONFIG{LOCATION_OF_COMPARA_REGISTRY_FILE}\n";
   print "defined in : ./Config/GeneBuild/\n" ; 

   # get gene-adaptor for other species as well 
my $ta = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($$MAIN_CONFIG{QUERY_SPECIES},"core","transcript"); Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->set_disconnect_when_inactive(); my $ga = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($$MAIN_CONFIG{QUERY_SPECIES},"core","gene"); Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->set_disconnect_when_inactive(); unless ( $ta && $ga ) { throw( "could not get gene-adaptor for $$MAIN_CONFIG{QUERY_SPECIES} - check your " . "registry file / your OrthologueEvaluator-config\n" ); } # collect dna-align features for source_gene for utr-addition later
my $source_gene = $ga->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id($transcript_sid) ; $self->very_original_query_gene($source_gene) ; my %cdna_acc ; for my $e ( @{$source_gene->get_all_Exons} ) { my @sf = @{ $e->get_all_supporting_features}; for my $s ( @sf ) { if ( ref($s)=~m/Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature/) { $cdna_acc{$s->hseqname}=1; } } } print scalar(keys %cdna_acc) . " dna_align_features found for src_gene which could be added as UTR\n" ; $self->src_gene_dna_align_features([keys %cdna_acc]) ; my $source_transcript= $ta->fetch_by_stable_id($transcript_sid) ; unless($source_transcript){ throw("could not get transcript with stable_id $transcript_sid out of database :" .$ta->db->dbname . "\@" . $ta->db->host. "\n") ; } else { $self->src_transcript($source_transcript); } my $new_gene = Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new(); $new_gene->add_Transcript($source_transcript) ; $new_gene->biotype("buggy_gene") ; return $new_gene ;
sub make_seqfetcher {
  my ( $self, $index, $seqfetcher_class ) = @_;
  my $seqfetcher;

  (my $class = $seqfetcher_class) =~ s/::/\//g;
  require "$";

  if(defined $index && $index ne ''){
    my @db = ( $index );

    # make sure that your class is compatible with the index type
$seqfetcher = "$seqfetcher_class"->new('-db' =>\@ db, ); } else{ &throw("Can't make seqfetcher\n"); } return $seqfetcher;
sub new {
  my ($class,@args) = @_;  
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);   


  # old input_id_format : 
# chromosome:BROADD2:3:30384105:30579389:1:ENSCAFT00000014395:ENST00000282259:2187827
# chromosome:BROADD2:3:30384105:30579389:1:ENSCAFT00000014395:ENST00000396135:2187827
# chromosome:BROADD2:3:30384105:30579389:1:ENSCAFT00000014395:ENST00000396137:2187809
# chromosome:BROADD2:3:30384105:30579389:1:ENSCAFT00000014395:ENST00000396137:2187826
# chromosome:BROADD2:3:30384105:30579389:1:ENSCAFT00000014395:ENST00000396137:2187827
# can be changed to :
# chromosome:BROADD2:3:30384105:30579389:1:ENSCAFT00000014395:ENST00000282259[1],ENST00000396135[1],ENST00000396137[1,2,3]:2187827,2187809,2187826
# would help - so this means :
# ENSCAFT00000014395 contains a lot of introns to recover.
# homolog ENST00000282259 has coding intron of simple feature [1] which is 2187827
# homolog ENST00000396135 has coding intron of simple feature [1] which is 2187827
# homolog ENST00000396137 has coding intron of simple features [1,2,3]= 2187827,2187809,2187826
# the good thing about this : all possible genes are computed in one run so we don't need another run to compare the genes, or to cluster them.
my @input = split/\:/,$self->input_id ; my ($csys,$asm,$name,$start,$end,$strand,$transcript_sid,$homolog_transcript_sid, $simple_feature_index, $simple_feature_string) = split/\:/,$self->input_id ; # print "csys $csys\n" ;
# print "asm $asm \nname $name\nstart $start\nend $end\nstrand $strand\nquery$transcript_sid\nhom_string$homolog_transcript_sid\nsimple_feature_index $simple_feature_index \nsimple_feature_string $simple_feature_string\n" ;
if ( scalar(@input) != 10) { # throw ("wrongly-formatted input_id ; should be : ".
# "CcoordSystemName:Assembly:SeqRegionName:START:END:STRAND:PROTEIN_DB:PROTEIN_id:transcript_sid:SupportingFeatureDBId".
# "\nexample: chromosome:Btau_3.1:10:16466933:16595540:1:ENSBTAT00000018735:ENST00000379915:347368" ) ;
} # process input_id .....
# simple features are a string of format 2344,23425,3245
my @simple_feature_ids = split /\,/, $simple_feature_string ; $self->simple_feature_db_id(\@simple_feature_ids) ; # simple features are a string of format ENST00000282259,ENST00000396135,ENST00000396137
# this string can include different species !!!!!!
my @stable_ids_of_homolog_transcripts = split /\,/, $homolog_transcript_sid ; $self->homolog_transcript_sid(\@stable_ids_of_homolog_transcripts) ; # simple feature index stored in a string like : 0_0,1,2_0
# gives information which of the homolog transcripts has recovered which false intron ( which is stored in simple feature table )
$self->simple_feature_index($simple_feature_index) ; $self->transcript_sid ( $transcript_sid ) ; my $simgw_input_id = "$csys:$asm:$name:$start:$end:$strand" ; $self->simgw_input_id ( $simgw_input_id) ; print "simple_feature_ids: " . join (" ", @simple_feature_ids) . "\n" ; print "homolog_trans_sid : " . join (" ", @stable_ids_of_homolog_transcripts) . "\n" ; print "transcript_sid : $transcript_sid\n" ; print "simgw-id : $simgw_input_id\n" ; $self->{_ex_genes} = [] ; $self->{_gw_genes} = [] ; $self->{_src_genes} = [] ; $self->{hom_trans_cache} = {} ; $self->{sf_to_hom_trans_cache} = {} ; $self->{_test_exon} = {} ; $self->{_homolog_exon_alignments}= {} ; $self->{_exon_pairing} = {} ; $self->{_register_testex_vs_homex_coverage}= {} ; $self->{_register_nr_aligned_exons_vs_all_exons_in_trans} = {} ; $self->{_register_f_matrix_score} = {}; $self->{_hit_matrix}=[]; $self->limit_input_ids(0); $self->limit_genewise_options(1); $self->use_artifical_input_ids(0); $self->only_run_exonerate(0); $self->lightweight_analysis(0); if ( $self->lightweight_analysis) { $self->limit_genewise_options(1); print "\n\n\t\t********* WARNINNG - Running lightweight analysis and only 1 protein per species per recovery-case - this is quicker *******\n\n" ; } if ( $self->limit_genewise_options) { print "\n\n\t\t********* WARNING - ONLY GENEWISE OPTIONS LIMITED ! ********\n\n\n\n " ; } if ( $self->only_run_exonerate ) { print "\n\n\t\t******** WARNING - ONLY RUNNING EXONERATE !!!!******\n\n\n " ; sleep(1); } $self->debug(0); $self->use_dna_align_features_from_homologs_to_add_utr(0); if ( $self->use_dna_align_features_from_homologs_to_add_utr ) { print "\n\n\t\t******** WARNING - USING SPECIES cDNA / EST to predict UTR !!!!******\n\n\n " ; sleep(1); } return $self;
sub parse_exonerate_results {
   my ($self,$results_file,$he) = @_ ; 

  my $hit = 0 ;
  my $query_length =0  ;
  my $raw_score ;
  my @alignment ;  
  my $vulgar= ""; 
  my %results_hash; 

  my @result_matrix; 

  # we exonerate the sequence of the homolog exon against all coding exons of the test gene.
# we can have multiple hits, i.e. a homolog exon can align to ONE single test-exons in different
# ways with different score. we only count one hit ( the best hit ) per test exon ...
my ($he_exon_rank, $he_stable_id, $test_exon_rank, $score,$test_exon_ref); my $main_hit ; open (F,"$results_file") || die " can't read $results_file\n" ; foreach my $l (<F>){ if ($l=~/C4 Alignment:/) { $hit = 1; $main_hit = 1 ; $he_exon_rank = undef ; $he_stable_id = undef ; $test_exon_rank = undef ; $test_exon_ref = undef ; $score =undef ; } push @alignment , $l if $hit ; my @col = split/\s+/,$l; if ( $l=~m/Query:/ && ! defined($he_exon_rank)){ $he_exon_rank = $col[3]; $he_stable_id = $col[4]; #print "\n\nline :$l\n";
#print "QUERY : $he_exon_rank $he_stable_id \n" ;
}elsif ( $l=~m/Target:/ && !defined ($test_exon_rank)){ $test_exon_rank = $col[3]; $test_exon_ref = $col[4]; #print "\n\nline :$l\n";
#print "TARGET : $test_exon_rank\n" ;
}elsif ( $l=~m/Raw score:/){ $score = $col[3]; #print "\n\nline :$l\n";
#print "RAW SCORE : $score\n" ;
} if ( defined $he_exon_rank && defined $test_exon_rank && defined $score ) { #print "\ngot_a_hit : $he_exon_rank $test_exon_rank $score for: $he_stable_id \n" ;
$self->hit_matrix($he_exon_rank,$test_exon_rank,$score); # now store the pair which aligns ( he : $te )
my $test_exon_object = $self->test_exon($test_exon_ref); $self->exon_pairs($he, $test_exon_object ) ; $self->homolog_exon_alignments($he,1); $he_exon_rank = undef ; $he_stable_id = undef ; $test_exon_rank = undef ; $score = undef ; } } close(F); #print @alignment ;
unless ( $hit ) { print "homolog exon : " . $he->{_jhv_rank} . " " .$he->stable_id . " did not align at all against any test exon\n" if $self->debug; } return $main_hit ;
sub print_best_targetted_genes {
  my ($aref ) = @_ ; 
  my @best_targetted_genes = @{$aref} ;  

  print "HERE's the output of BestTargetted :\n" ;  
  print "====================================\n\n"; 
  for my $g ( @best_targetted_genes ) {
   print_pos($g,"gene " ) ;  
       for my $t ( @{$g->get_all_Transcripts} ){ 
         my @tsf = @{$t->get_all_supporting_features} ; 
         print_pos($t,"  trans ",\@ tsf ) ;    
         for my $e ( @{$t->get_all_Exons } ) {  
           print_pos($e,"     exon " ) ;  
         for  ( my $nr=0; $nr< scalar(@{$t->get_all_Exons }); $nr++  ) {   
           my @exons = @{ $t->get_all_Exons} ; 
           print_pos($exons[$nr],"     exon " ) ;  
           if ( $nr+1 < scalar(@exons) ) {  
             print_pos(new Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron ( $exons[$nr], $exons[$nr+1])," INTRON ") ;  
         for my $i ( @{$t->get_all_Introns} ) {   
           print_pos($i, "         INTRON ");  

# make an array of non-redundant genes with the exon-hash-keys.
# also check that all genes which will be removed from the set
# have sf which support the same homolog transcripts
sub print_pos {
    my ($obj,$string , $tsf)  = @_ ;    
  #print stack_trace_dump(). "\n"; 
print "$string " . $obj->seq_region_start . "\t" ; print "" . $obj->seq_region_end . "\t" ; print "" . ( $obj->seq_region_end - $obj->seq_region_start + 1 ) . "\t" ; print "" . $obj->seq_region_strand ; if ( ref($obj)=~m/Gene/) { print " ".$obj->biotype." " ; } if ( ref($obj)=~m/Transcript/) { print " ".$obj->biotype." " ; } if ( $tsf ) { print " " . map { $_->display_id } @$tsf ; } print "\n" ;
sub print_whole_gene {
   my ($g) = @_ ;   
  print $g . "\n" ; 
  print_pos($g,"gene :" ) ;  
  for my $t ( @{$g->get_all_Transcripts} ){ 
    print_pos($t,"  trans :" ) ;   
    my @tsf = @{$t->get_all_supporting_features} ; 
    for ( @tsf ) {  
      print "   DISPLAY : " . $_->display_id . "\n" ; 
    for my $e ( @{$t->get_all_Exons } ) { 
      print_pos($e,"     exon : " ) ;  
  print "\n\n";
sub print_whole_trans {
   my ($t) = @_ ;    
   print_pos($t,"  trans :" ) ;    
    my @tsf = @{$t->get_all_supporting_features} ; 
    for ( @tsf ) {  
      print "DISPLAY : " . $_->display_id . "\n" ; 
    for my $e ( @{$t->get_all_Exons } ) { 
      print_pos($e,"     exon : " ) ;  
  print "\n\n";
sub register_f_matrix_score {
   my ($self, $test_gene, $max_score_f_matrix , $homolog_trans) = @_; 
  if ( defined $max_score_f_matrix) {  
    ${$self->{_register_f_matrix_score}}{$test_gene}{$homolog_trans}{val} = $max_score_f_matrix;  
    ${$self->{_register_f_matrix_score}}{$test_gene}{$homolog_trans}{htrans} = $homolog_trans ; 
  return  ${$self->{_register_f_matrix_score}}{$test_gene} ;
sub register_nr_aligned_exons_vs_all_exons_in_gene {
  my ( $self, $test_gene, $val ,$homolog_trans) = @_ ;  
  if ( defined $val ) {  
    ${$self->{_register_nr_aligned_exons_vs_all_exons_in_trans}}{$test_gene}{$homolog_trans}{val} = $val ;  
    ${$self->{_register_nr_aligned_exons_vs_all_exons_in_trans}}{$test_gene}{$homolog_trans}{htrans} = $homolog_trans ; 
  return  ${$self->{_register_nr_aligned_exons_vs_all_exons_in_trans}}{$test_gene} ;
sub register_testex_vs_homex_coverage {
  my ( $self, $test_gene, $val, $homolog_trans ) = @_ ;  
  if ( defined $val ) {   
   print "adding values for : $test_gene\n" if $self->debug ; 
   ${$self->{_register_testex_vs_homex_coverage}}{$test_gene}{$homolog_trans}{val} = $val ;  
   ${$self->{_register_testex_vs_homex_coverage}}{$test_gene}{$homolog_trans}{htrans} = $homolog_trans ; 
  return  ${$self->{_register_testex_vs_homex_coverage}}{$test_gene} ; 

# nr of aligned dog exons vs all exons in dog - somehow a measurement how similar the structures are ....
sub remove_redundant_genes {
     my ($self, $genes) = @_ ; 

  print "removing non-redundant genes\n" if $self->debug;  

  my @non_red_genes ;
  my %tmp ;

  for my $g ( @$genes) { 
    if ( scalar(@{$g->get_all_Transcripts}) > 1 ){  
      throw("gene has more than one transcript - this is wrong .... : " . $g->biotype); 

  # make an array of non-redundant genes with the exon-hash-keys
for my $g ( @$genes ) { #print_whole_gene($g);
for my $t (@{ $g->get_all_Transcripts } ) { my @ex= @{ $t->get_all_Exons } ; my $string ; for my $e (@ex) { my $exon_hk = $e->hashkey ; $string.=$exon_hk ; } # same exon_hash-keys = same gene
push @{$tmp{$string}}, $g ; } } for my $k (keys %tmp){ my @g = @{$tmp{$k}} ; # now check if the supporting-feature of the gene supports the same homolog transcripts
my %protein_align_feature_acc; my %stable_ids_of_supported_transcripts; my %gene_to_supported_transcripts ; for my $g ( @g ) { # get a list of uniq supporting features for the transcript
# do we really want this ? NO !!!
my $t = ${$g->get_all_Transcripts}[0]; my @e_sf = map { $_->get_all_supporting_features } @{$t->get_all_Exons} ; for my $sf_array ( @e_sf) { for ( @$sf_array) { if (ref($_)=~m/Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature/){ $protein_align_feature_acc{$_->hseqname} = 1 ; } } } for my $hseqname ( keys %protein_align_feature_acc ) { my @supported_transcripts = sort @{$self->sf_to_gene($hseqname)} ; for my $trans ( @supported_transcripts ) { $stable_ids_of_supported_transcripts{$trans->stable_id} = 1 ; } } my @supported_hom_stable_ids = sort keys %stable_ids_of_supported_transcripts ; $gene_to_supported_transcripts{join("_",@supported_hom_stable_ids)} = $g; } for my $sid ( keys %gene_to_supported_transcripts ) { print "sid : $sid ----> $gene_to_supported_transcripts{$sid}\n " if $self->debug ; push @non_red_genes, $gene_to_supported_transcripts{$sid}; } #push @non_red_genes, $g[0];
} #print "\nNON-redundant genes : " . scalar(@non_red_genes) . " left after removal of redundant strucutres ....(ALL: ".scalar(@$genes) ." )\n\n" ;
#for ( @non_red_genes){
# print_whole_gene($_);
print "\nNON-redundant genes : " . scalar(@non_red_genes) . " left after removal of redundant strucutres ....(ALL: ".scalar(@$genes) ." )\n\n" if $self->debug ; return\@ non_red_genes ;
sub run {
   my ($self) = @_ ;  

  my @gw_genes = @{$self->gw_genes} ; 
  my @ex_genes = @{$self->ex_genes} ; 
  my @src_genes = @{$self->src_genes} ;  

  # setting standard biotypes for both sets  
if ( $self->debug) { print "exonerate-genes:\n=================\n"; for my $g ( @ex_genes ) { print_whole_gene($g); print_pos($g, "EX_GENE") ; } print "genewise-genes:\n=================\n"; for my $g ( @gw_genes ) { print_whole_gene($g); print_pos($g, "GW_GENE") ; } print "src-genes:\n=================\n"; for my $g ( @src_genes ) { print_whole_gene($g); print_pos($g, "SRC_GENE") ; } } my %exons ; for my $gw ( @gw_genes ) { for my $tw ( @{$gw->get_all_Transcripts} ) { my $tw_exon = scalar(@{$tw->get_all_Exons}); $exons{$tw}= scalar(@{$tw->get_all_Exons}); } } for my $gw ( @ex_genes ) { for my $tw ( @{$gw->get_all_Transcripts} ) { my $tw_exon = scalar(@{$tw->get_all_Exons}); $exons{$tw}= scalar(@{$tw->get_all_Exons}); } } my @all_genes= (@gw_genes, @ex_genes,@src_genes ) ; # use BestTargetted to check which gene strucutre is best
my %unique_biotypes = map {$_->biotype => 1} @all_genes; # genes will be clustered by biotypes so we have to handover all biotypes we got
my $seq_fetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Pfetch->new() ; my $runnable = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::BestTargetted->new ( -biotypes => [keys %unique_biotypes], -seqfetcher => $seq_fetcher , -verbose => 1 , -genes =>\@ all_genes, -analysis => $self->analysis, ); $runnable->run; my @best_targetted_genes = @{$runnable->output}; my @filter_out_buggy_gene ; for ( @best_targetted_genes ) { if ($_->biotype=~m/buggy_gene/){ print "BestTargetted returned our buggy_gene which we used as input. we're skipping it. skipping buggy gene\n"; next ; }else { push @filter_out_buggy_gene, $_ ; } } @best_targetted_genes = @filter_out_buggy_gene; if ( $self->debug ) { print_best_targetted_genes(\@best_targetted_genes) ; } #
# i should do a kind of get aligned intron coords by stable id of homolog thingy ......
my $ma = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor("compara","compara","member"); Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->set_disconnect_when_inactive(); # dynamicly choose gene-adaptor for core db
# ATTENTION ! Name of the species is fetched out of the compara db than the gene-adaptor is
# constructed out of the config file !!!
# this checks if an intron has been removed and checks how many have been removed, too - comparing
# to how many coding introns there are in the homolg trnscript
my @checked_genes ; my %hom_trans_to_gene ; my %hom_trans_is_ccds ; for my $homolog_transcript_id ( @{$self->homolog_transcript_sid} ) { my ($species, $object ) = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_species_and_object_type($homolog_transcript_id ); my $ta = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($species,"core","transcript"); my $ga = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($species,"core","gene"); Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->set_disconnect_when_inactive(); my $homolog_trans = $ta->fetch_by_stable_id($homolog_transcript_id) ; my $homolog_gene = $ga->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id($homolog_transcript_id) ; $hom_trans_to_gene{$homolog_transcript_id} = $homolog_gene; # find out if the gene / transcript is a member of the CCDS set ...
# this needs to be changed once we start defining CCDS membership for transcripts
my @dbe = @{ $homolog_gene->get_all_DBEntries } ; $hom_trans_is_ccds{$homolog_trans->stable_id}="NO" ; for my $dbe ( @dbe ) { if ( $dbe->dbname =~m/CCDS/ ) { $hom_trans_is_ccds{$homolog_trans->stable_id}="YES" ; } else { $hom_trans_is_ccds{$homolog_trans->stable_id}="no" ; } } # compare gene-structure with structure of homologue
for my $new_gene (@best_targetted_genes) { $self->attach_slice($new_gene) ; # this sub changes the biotype if an intron was removed
my $ch_gene = $self->check_if_false_intron_has_been_removed_in_new_trans($homolog_trans, $new_gene ) ; if ( $ch_gene->biotype =~m/intron_removed/) { print "match " . $ch_gene->biotype . " matches biotype intron_removed\n" if $self->debug; push @checked_genes, $ch_gene ; } } } print "\n" . scalar(@checked_genes ) . " transcripts found which have the intron removed\n\n" ; my @intron_removed_genes = @checked_genes ; # now remove redudant transcripts of all genes which have the intron removed
my @non_redundant_genes = @{$self->remove_redundant_genes (\@ checked_genes )} ; # 2 methods of scoring are currently implemente ..... :
# - calcualting the overlap between old and new gene-exons
# - building ratio
# - sselecting gene with highest ratio and longest translation .....
# my $very_best_gene = $self->check_exon_overlap_between_new_gene_and_src_gene(\@non_redundant_genes) ;
my @very_final_genes ; #
# if ( $self->other_genes ) {
# push @very_final_genes, @{$self->other_genes} ;
# }
# - calculate exon-alignment score for aligning trans against homologe exons and use the one with highest score,
# than compare against score of buggy transcript and select one with highest score
# calculate f-score for old (buggy) transcript and store them
my %old_f_matrix_scores; my $src_gene ; for my $stable_id_of_homolog_transcript ( @{$self->homolog_transcript_sid} ) { $src_gene = ${$self->src_genes}[0]; my $src_trans = ${$src_gene->get_all_Transcripts}[0]; my $homolog_trans = $self->get_homolog_transcript_by_stable_id($stable_id_of_homolog_transcript) ; print "\n\n Calculating_values for old gene vs $stable_id_of_homolog_transcript\n\n" if $self->debug ; my $f_matrix_score_old_gene = $self->check_test_transcript_against_homolog($src_gene, $src_trans, $homolog_trans ) ; $old_f_matrix_scores{$stable_id_of_homolog_transcript} = $f_matrix_score_old_gene ; print " Transcript : " . $homolog_trans->stable_id . " scores ...... $f_matrix_score_old_gene\n" ; } print "\nCalculating_scores of all genes against the homologs and set biotype of best gene to 'MAX' ....\n" ; my @most_similar_to_homolog_genes = @{ $self->find_gene_which_has_exon_length_distr_most_similar_to_homolog(\@non_redundant_genes) } ; my @lower_genes ; my @max_genes ; for my $g ( @most_similar_to_homolog_genes ) { if ( $g->biotype=~m/MAX/) { push @max_genes, $g; } else { # this is where all other genes get filtered out.
print "skipping $g\n" ; push @lower_genes, $g ; } } my @most_sim_non_redundant ; if ( scalar(@max_genes) > 1 ) { print "have " . scalar(@max_genes) . " genes with the same max score.. let's see if they're redundant.\n" ; @most_sim_non_redundant = @{check_if_genes_are_redundant(\@max_genes)}; my $gene ; if ( @most_sim_non_redundant > 1 ) { print "WARNING : genes have the same score but are different - i will use the gene with less exons\n" ; my $less_exon = 100000000; for my $g ( @most_sim_non_redundant) { print_whole_gene($g); if ( $less_exon > scalar(@{$g->get_all_Exons}) ) { $less_exon = @{$g->get_all_Exons } ; $gene = $g; } } @most_sim_non_redundant=(); push @most_sim_non_redundant, $gene ; } } else { print "setting most_sim_non_redundant to max_genes\n" ; print "max_genes : " . scalar(@max_genes) . "\n" ; print join("\n", @max_genes ) . "\n" ; @most_sim_non_redundant = @max_genes ; } print "\n\n\n" ; print "Comparison of all test_genes against the homologs :\n---------------------------------------------------------\n" ; my @all_scores ; for my $g ( @most_sim_non_redundant ) { print_whole_gene($g) ; print " coverage against homolog transcript for gene $g :\n\n" ; my %tmp1 = %{ $self->register_testex_vs_homex_coverage($g)}; my %aligned_coverage = %{ $self->register_nr_aligned_exons_vs_all_exons_in_gene($g)}; my %f_matrix = %{ $self->register_f_matrix_score($g)}; my $score ; for my $k ( keys %tmp1 ) { my $score_src_trans_vs_homolog = 0 ; if ( $old_f_matrix_scores{$tmp1{$k}{htrans}->stable_id} ) { $score_src_trans_vs_homolog = $old_f_matrix_scores{$tmp1{$k}{htrans}->stable_id}; } print " homolog transcript : " . $tmp1{$k}{htrans}->stable_id . "\n" ; print " coverage against homolog : " . $tmp1{$k}{val} . " (nr_aligned_dog_exons / nr_of_exons_in_homolog)\n" ; print " exons aligned vs all exons in gene : " . $aligned_coverage{$k}{val} . " (nr_aligned_dog_exons / nr_of_all_dog_exons)\n" ; print " f_matrix_score of new transcript : " . $f_matrix{$k}{val} . " (f-matrix-value)\n" ; print " f_matrix_score of old trans vs hom : " . $score_src_trans_vs_homolog . "\n\n" ; # fix
$score = $f_matrix{$k}{val} ; if ( $score_src_trans_vs_homolog > $f_matrix{$k}{val} ) { print " the f_matrix_score of the old transcript is higher than the one of the newly built one...\n"; print "NO_FIX_old_score_higher_".$score_src_trans_vs_homolog. "_" . $f_matrix{$k}{val} . "\n"; $g->biotype("NO_FIX") ; } } if ($score ){ $g->biotype($score) ; push @all_scores, $score ; } push @very_final_genes, $g; } @all_scores = sort {$b <=> $a} @all_scores ; my $cnt = 1 ; for my $s ( @all_scores ) { for my $g ( @very_final_genes ) { if ($g->biotype=~m/$s/) { print "score : $s --- " . $g->biotype . "\n" ; $g->biotype($cnt); } } $cnt++; } my @genes_with_utr ; print "try to add utr to " . scalar(@very_final_genes) . " genes\n" ; # first try to add utr from org. species....
my @dna_align_features_of_src_gene = @{$self->src_gene_dna_align_features}; my @dna_align_features_of_homologs = @{$self->dna_align_features_of_homologs}; if ( scalar(@dna_align_features_of_src_gene)){ print "adding utr from org species\n"; for my $vg ( @very_final_genes ) { push @genes_with_utr, @{$self->add_utr($vg,\@dna_align_features_of_src_gene)} ; } } elsif( scalar(@dna_align_features_of_homologs) && $self->use_dna_align_features_from_homologs_to_add_utr ) { print "try to use cDNA's from homologs to add utr to genes\n" ; print "have " .scalar( @dna_align_features_of_homologs ) . " cdnas from homologs which i could use for utr_addition\n " ; if ( $self->use_dna_align_features_from_homologs_to_add_utr ) { print "try to use cDNA's from homologs to add utr to genes\n" ; for my $vg ( @very_final_genes ) { push @genes_with_utr, @{$self->add_utr($vg,\@dna_align_features_of_homologs)} ; } } } else { @genes_with_utr = @very_final_genes ; } print "now have " . scalar(@genes_with_utr) . " genes\n" ; #
# now we can identify the most similar transcript ( transcript with high similarity-treshold vs homolog ...
# if there is more than one wtih the same score we might pick the one which has the highest coverage against homolog
my $cmd = "rm " . $self->genomic_file(); system("$cmd"); my @complete_genes ; for my $g ( @genes_with_utr ) { my @new_transcripts = @{$g->get_all_Transcripts}; if ( scalar(@new_transcripts) > 1 ) { throw("gene has more than one transcript after processing - this should not the case. check where the other transcript is added\n"); } $self->attach_slice($g); $g = $self->attach_stuff_to_new_gene($g); # attach existing, non-fixed transcripts back
my $orgi_gene = $self->very_original_query_gene(); my @orgi_trans_diff_slice = @{$orgi_gene->get_all_Transcripts}; my @orgi_trans ; for ( @orgi_trans_diff_slice ) { my $t = $_->transfer($self->reference_slice) ; push @orgi_trans, $t ; } # if ( scalar(@orgi_trans) > 1 ) {
# print "boof ! have more than one transcript ...... need to add other transcripts .... \n" ;
# for my $otr ( @orgi_trans ) {
# print "processing transcript : " . $otr->stable_id . "\n";
# if ( $otr->stable_id eq $self->src_transcript->stable_id ) {
# print " it's the SAME trans : ".$otr->stable_id." and " . $self->src_transcript->stable_id . " - no need to add this - skipping\n" ;
# } else {
# if ( $self->check_if_transcripts_are_different([@{$g->get_all_Transcripts}, $otr])) {
# # transcripts are all different
# print "Adding old transcript: " . $otr->stable_id . " to gene \n" ;
# $g = $g->transfer($otr->slice);
# $otr->dbID(undef);
# $otr->adaptor(undef);
# $g->add_Transcript($otr) ;
# } else {
# print "transcripts are redundant - not addin transcript\n" ;
# }
# }
# }
# }
push @complete_genes, $g; } for my $c ( @complete_genes ) { print "GENE : " . $c->biotype . "\t" . $c->stable_id . "\n" ; for ( @{ $c->get_all_Transcripts } ) { print "\tTranscript : " . "\t" . $_."\t" ; if ( $_->stable_id ) { print "\t" . $_->stable_id . "\t" ; }else{ print " transcript_no_stable_id\t" ; } if ( $_->translation ) { print $_->translation. "\t".$_->translation->stable_id ; } else { print " transcript_hs_no_translation" ; } print "\n" ; } } #print "adding crappy stuff for verbosity\n" ;
#push @complete_genes, @lower_genes ;
$self->output(\@complete_genes) ;
sub set_homolog_transcript {
     my ( $self,  $trans ) = @_ ; 
   if ( $trans) {  
      ${$self->{hom_trans_cache}}{$trans->stable_id}= $trans ; 
   return $self->{hom_trans_cache};
sub sf_to_gene {
     my ( $self,  $hseq_name, $orth_trans ) = @_ ;  

   if ( $hseq_name && $orth_trans ) {     
       # avoid to store transcripts twice 
if ( exists ${$self->{sf_to_hom_trans_cache}}{$hseq_name} ) { # hash-slice check if we've already stored the hseq-to-transcript relation
# $xx{$hseq} = [ tr1 tr2 tr3 ]
my %tmp ; my @transcripts_stored = @{${$self->{sf_to_hom_trans_cache}{$hseq_name}}} ; @tmp{@transcripts_stored} = 1; # now we got all transcript refs as keys
if ( exists $tmp{$orth_trans} ) { # transcript already stored for this supporting feature
} else { push @{ ${ $self->{sf_to_hom_trans_cache}{$hseq_name}}}, $orth_trans ; } } else { # we got no entry for this hseq_name so let's create one
push @{ ${ $self->{sf_to_hom_trans_cache}{$hseq_name}}}, $orth_trans ; } } elsif ( $hseq_name ) { # only $hseq_name is given so we return the transcripts associated to this supporting feature
return\@ {${$self->{sf_to_hom_trans_cache}{$hseq_name}}} ; } } use vars '$AUTOLOAD';
sub simple_feature_db_id {
    my ( $self,$aref ) = @_ ; 
   $self->{_sf_dbid} = $aref if $aref ; 
   return $self->{_sf_dbid} ;
sub src_genes {
    my ( $self,$aref ) = @_ ; 
   if ( $aref ) {   
     push @{$self->{_src_genes}}, $aref ; 
   return $self->{_src_genes} ;
sub test_exon {
     my ($self,$test_exon) = @_ ; 
   unless ( exists ${$self->{_test_exon}}{$test_exon} ) { 
   return ${$self->{_test_exon}}{$test_exon}; 

# this routine stores the homolog exon - test exon pairings which align to each other
sub write_exon_to_file {
     my ($exon) = @_ ;   

   my $f1= "/tmp/query_".$exon->stable_id . "_" .$$."_exon.query" ;  
   open (FH,">$f1") || die "Cant write file $f1\n" ;
   my $seq = $exon->seq->seq;
   $seq=~ s/(.{1,60})/$1\n/g;
   print FH ">homolog_exon_rank\t". $exon->{_jhv_rank} . "\t" . $exon->stable_id . "\n" . $seq;
   close(FH) ;
   return $f1 ;
sub write_genomic_sequence_to_file {
    my ( $self, $slice_name  ) = @_ ; 

     my @array = split(/:/,$slice_name);

     if(@array != 6) {
       throw("Malformed slice name [$slice_name].  Format is " .
     my ($cs_name, $cs_version, $seq_region, $start, $end, $strand) = @array;
     # we want to give exonerate a bit more genomic seq 
if($start > $end){ my $tmp_start = $end; $end = $start; $start = $tmp_start; } print STDERR "Have coordiantes : ".$start." ".$end."\n "; # sequence_padding
my $new_start = $start - 5000 ; my $new_end = $end + 5000 ; if($new_start < 1){ $new_start = 1; } my $sliceadp = $self->db->get_SliceAdaptor(); my $slice = $sliceadp->fetch_by_region($cs_name,$seq_region, $new_start,$new_end, $strand, $cs_version); $self->slice($slice) ; if($slice->end() > $slice->seq_region_length) { #refetch slice, since we went past end, second call is fast
$new_end = $slice->seq_region_length(); $slice = $sliceadp->fetch_by_region($cs_name, $seq_region, $new_start, $new_end, $strand, $cs_version); } print STDERR "Have ".$slice->name." sequence to run\n"; $self->genomic($slice); # my $seq = $slice->get_repeatmasked_seq(undef,1) ;
# make target(genomic) and query(protein) tmp sequencefiles
my $genfile = create_file_name("genomic" ,"fa" , "/tmp" ); #write_seqfile($seq, $genfile, 'fasta') ;
my $seq = $slice->seq(); (my $str= $seq) =~ s/(.{1,60})/$1\n/g; $str = ">genomic_seq_header\n$str" ; open(FH, ">$genfile") ; print FH $str; close(FH) ; #write_seqfile($seqio, $genfile, 'fasta') ;
$self->genomic_file ( $genfile ) ; } # building
General documentation
 Post general queries to
 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a '_'