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Browse a Genome
The Ensembl project produces genome databases for vertebrates and other eukaryotic species, and makes this information freely available online.
Click on a link below to go to the species' home page.
Popular genomes (Log in to customize this list)
Other pre-build species are available in Ensembl Pre! →
What's New in Release 54 (5 May 2009)
- New zebrafish assembly (Zebrafish)
- Mouse regulatory build (Mouse)
- New compara views (all species)
- Variation updates (all species)
- Change to default behaviour of TranscriptAdaptor (all species)
More news...
Ensembl is a joint project between EMBL - EBI and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute to develop a software system which produces and maintains automatic annotation on selected eukaryotic genomes.
Ensembl receives major funding from the Wellcome Trust. Our acknowledgements page includes a list of additional current and previous funding bodies.