BioMart Web
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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BioMart::Web - Class for handling incoming BioMart web-requests
Package variables
Typeglobs (from "local" definitions)
$Storable::Deparse = 1
Privates (from "my" definitions)
Included modules
File::Basename qw ( dirname basename )
List::MoreUtils qw /apply uniq/
Number::Format qw ( :subs )
POSIX qw ( strftime )
Storable qw ( store retrieve freeze nfreeze thaw )
Template::Constants qw ( :debug )
Time::HiRes qw /time/
XML::Simple qw ( :strict )
    use BioMart::Web;
my $webquery = BioMart::Web->new({conf => $path_to_registryfile});
my $q = CGI->new();
This class handles processing of CGI-requests to build BioMart queries, execute
them and show the results to the user. Only initialization, query-building and
other such logic is done here: all user-interface presentation related things
are handled by Template Toolkit templates.
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
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No description
Methods description
extract_queryparamscode    nextTop
  Usage      : my ($filtervalue_hash, $attribute_arrayref) 
= $self->extract_queryparams($CGI->Vars(), \@filterlist, \@attributelist);
Purpose : Extracts information on filter/value pairs and attribute on/off status from
a larger collection of parameter/value pairs from a CGI-request.
Returns : Reference to hash of filter values keyed to the filternames and an arrayref
with list of attribute names.
Arguments : Reference to hash of parameter/value data (typically $CGI->Vars() from a CGI
object or $session->dataref() from a CGI::Session object.
Arrayref of filternames to extract values for (i.e. keys in hashref above).
Arrayref of attributenames to extract on/off status for.
Throws : none
Status : Public
Comments :
See Also :
  Usage      : 
Purpose : helper method to handleURLRequest
Returns :
Arguments :
Throws :
Status :
Comments :
See Also :
  Usage      : 
Purpose : helper method to handleURLRequest
Returns :
Arguments :
Throws :
Status :
Comments :
See Also :
  Usage      : $self->getURLBookmark($registry, $xml, $session);
Purpose : handles xml equivalent of the query
Returns : url_string
Arguments : registryObject, QueryObject, session
Throws : BioMart::Exception::* exceptions not caught somewhere deeper.
Status : Public
Comments : This method is called by SELF.
See Also :
  Usage      : 
Purpose : handles URL requests and populates the session object accordingly
Returns : Nothing
Arguments : URL params
Throws : BioMart::Exception::* exceptions not caught somewhere deeper.
Status : Public
Comments : This method is called by handle_request.
See Also :
  Usage      : $self->handleXMLRequest($session, $url_string);
Purpose : handles xml equivalent of the query
Returns : none
Arguments : session, url_string
Throws : BioMart::Exception::* exceptions not caught somewhere deeper.
Status : Public
Comments : This method is called by SELF.
See Also :
  Usage      : $bmweb->handle_request(CGI->new());
Purpose : Main method of class, handles incoming CGI-requests
Returns : Nothing
Arguments : CGI object representing the request.
Throws : BioMart::Exception::* exceptions not caught somewhere deeper.
Status : Public
Comments : This method is called by the skeleton martview script.
See Also :
  Usage      : my $js_hash = $self->perlhash2js(\%hash)
Purpose : Convert a Perl hash into the Javascript equivalent (via Data::Dumper).
Returns : Javascript code representing the hash structure.
Arguments : Reference to the hash to be converted.
Throws : none
Status : Public
Comments :
See Also :
Usage : my $query = $self->prepare_martquery({
schema => $schema_name,
filters => {'hsapiens_gene_ensembl' => \%values_of_filter},
attributes => {'hsapiens_gene_ensembl' => \@attributes}
Purpose : Construct BioMart query with provided filters & attributes. Returns : Reference to a BioMart::Query object Arguments : Anonymous hash with the following arguments: schema Name of virtual schema (defaults to 'default' schema). filters Hashref where the keys are the names of datasets and the values are hashrefs of filter/value pairs (prepared by extract_queryparams()). attributes Hashref where the keys are the names of datasets and the values are arrayrefs with attribute names (prepared by extract_queryparams()). dataset Name of dataset (only required if no filters or attributes are being passed, typically to get total entrycount for dset). Throws : BioMart::Exception::Configuration on errors from building the query Status : Public Comments : See Also : extract_queryparams()
  Usage      : $webquery->process_template($template,\%vars, $output);
Purpose : Process the specified template with Template Toolkit
Returns : Nothing if optional output argument is provided. If no output arg
is provided, then returns processed text output to caller.
Arguments : Filename of template
Optional argument hashref
Optional output filehandle-like object (e.g. IO::File, \*STDOUT)
Throws : BioMart::Exception::Template on processing errors
Status : Public
Comments :
See Also :
  Usage      : my $session = $webquery->restore_session($CGI)
Purpose : Retrieve stored user session or creates new one
Returns : session object, either new or restored.
Arguments : CGI request to get session ID parameter from
Throws : BioMart::Exception::Session on session errors.
Status : Public
Comments :
See Also : save_session()
  Usage      : $webquery->save_session($session, $CGI);
Purpose : Save CGI parameters to session, overwriting existing values.
Returns : Nothing
Arguments : Session object to save to, CGI-object which holds info from current request
Throws : None
Status : Public
Comments : This effectively 'piles up' request parameters into the user session, since
saved parameter values are combined with values from other parameters from
previous sessions.
See Also : restore_session()
  Usage      : $self->set_errstr('my error message');
Purpose : Set the error message
Returns : Nothing
Arguments : String to set the error message to.
Throws : Exception if use attempted by a non-BioMart::* class.
Status : Private to class hierarchy.
Comments :
See Also :
Methods code
sub _new {
	my ($self, @params) = @_;

	my (%args_ref) = @params;
	#my $args_ref = %args_ref1;
$self->attr('errmsg', undef); #print "\nWEB CONSTRUCTOR";
exists $args_ref{conf} && -f $args_ref{conf} || BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Must provide path to config file as 'conf' argument ($args_ref{conf} is not a file)"); my $conf_dir = dirname($args_ref{conf}); #$config_dir_of{ $ident } = $conf_dir;
$self->attr('configDir', $conf_dir); # Get reference to logger
$logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(__PACKAGE__); my $mart_registry; if(defined($args_ref{registry})) { $logger->debug("Using existing registry passed to BioMart::Web constructor"); $mart_registry = $args_ref{registry}; #print STDERR "\ :: RECEIVED REGISTRY as registry OBJECT !! \n";
} else { # Otherwise deserialize registry from file if possible, or initialize from scratch
my $cachefile = $args_ref{conf}.".cached"; if(my $size = -s $cachefile) { #print STDERR "\nWEB.PM :: RECEIVED REGISTRY . DESERIALISING....!!\n";
# thats the one used, if file already exists, both for run apache and new TemplateBuilder
$logger->debug("Deserializing registry from ".format_bytes($size)." of data in $cachefile"); eval{ $mart_registry = retrieve($cachefile) }; # Throw exception if deserialization failed
if($@ || !defined($mart_registry)) { BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Failed deserialization of registry from $cachefile. ".$@||q{} ); } } } #$self->set_mart_registry($mart_registry);
$self->attr('mart_registry', $mart_registry); $self->attr('confDir',$conf_dir); # added to get path for settings.conf to make it available for Mr. Apache
# Set up directory for sessions
#$session_dir_of{ $ident } = $args_ref{session_dir} || $conf_dir.'/sessions';
$self->attr('sessionDir', $args_ref{session_dir} || $conf_dir.'/sessions'); # Set up template include-dirs and initialize template processor
my $tt_dir = $args_ref{tt_dir} || $conf_dir.'/templates'; #$default_tt_dir_of{ $ident } = $args_ref{default_tt_dir} || $tt_dir.'/default';
#$custom_tt_dir_of{ $ident } = $args_ref{custom_tt_dir} || $tt_dir.'/custom';
#$cached_tt_dir_of{ $ident } = $args_ref{cached_tt_dir} || $tt_dir.'/cached';
$self->attr('defaultDir',$args_ref{default_tt_dir} || $tt_dir.'/default'); $self->attr('customDir',$args_ref{custom_tt_dir} || $tt_dir.'/custom'); $self->attr('cachedDir',$args_ref{cached_tt_dir} || $tt_dir.'/cached'); # NOTE TO SELF: check if dirs exist & can be used
$tt_processor = Template->new({ INCLUDE_PATH => [ $self->get_cached_tt_dir, $self->get_custom_tt_dir, $self->get_default_tt_dir ], DEFAULT => '', RELATIVE => 1, ABSOLUTE => 1, INTERPOLATE => 1, EVAL_PERL => 1, POST_CHOMP => 1, PRE_CHOMP => 1, COMPILE_EXT => 'c', COMPILE_DIR => '/', CACHE_SIZE => 5 # NOTE TO SELF: add constants here, for performance boost?
# CONSTANTS => {},
# ERROR =>
}) || BioMart::Exception::Template->throw("Error when initalizing TT processor: ".$Template::ERROR); # Initalize a single BioMart query runner (for reuse, don't need to always make new one)
#$query_runner_of{ $ident } = BioMart::QueryRunner->new();
#$self->attr('QR', BioMart::QueryRunner->new());
sub extract_queryparams {
        my ($self,$value_of_param, $filterlist, $attributelist) = @_;
	# Default to empty lists of filters or attributes if not provided as args
$filterlist ||= []; $attributelist ||= []; # These are to be returned to the caller at the end
$logger->debug("#### STARTING extract_queryparams ####"); # Not much to do for the attribute list: just strip away the prefix and exclude
# non-enabled (value 'off') checkboxes, checkbox proxy-parameters etc.
my %values_of_attributefilter; # which values are assigned to each attributefilter
my @attribute_params_final; ATTRIBUTE: foreach my $attributename(@$attributelist) { next ATTRIBUTE if $attributename =~ /__checkbox\Z/xms; # This line unneccessary - if it's in the list, we want it!
#next ATTRIBUTE if $value_of_param->{ $attributename } eq 'off';
# Parse out attribute filter.
my ($filtername_prefix) = $attributename =~ /\A(\w+__attribute)\./xms; $filtername_prefix .= "filter."; my ($datasetname) = $attributename =~ /\A(\w+?)__/xms; # Remember attribute itself.
$attributename =~ s/\A\w+__attribute\.//xms; my $filtername = $filtername_prefix.$attributename; # Work out filter stuff.
my $filtervalue = $value_of_param->{ $filtername }; $logger->debug("Testing if attribute $attributename is an attributefilter"); if ((not defined($filtervalue)) || $filtervalue eq q{}) { # if not found, try __list, __text, __text__file (and redirect file),
# then update value accordingly.
# it's especially tricky to grab some of the list-type filters, where the filtervalue
# we have by now isn't the actual filter per se, but rather provides the name of the actual filter. The value
# stored in another parameter (according to certain naming convention), so need to check if that
# secondary param is present in the parameter-collection.
my $real_value; if($real_value = $value_of_param->{ $filtername.'__list' }) { # First case: boolean-list type, where the filter indicates which db-table column has the boolean flag
$logger->debug("Modifying bool-list filter name/value pair $filtername=>$filtervalue to $filtervalue=>$real_value"); # $filtername = $filtervalue;# name of the actual filter (bool-list thing)
$filtervalue = $real_value; # and the real value, stored in the secondary parameter
} elsif($real_value = $value_of_param->{ $filtername.'__text__file' }) { # Second case: ID-list upload filter type, where the filter indicates against which db-table column
# The list of uploaded identifiers should be matched. IDs can come from either textarea or uploaded file
if (ref($real_value) eq 'ARRAY') { $real_value = @$real_value[0]; } $real_value =~ m/(.*)__file/;
$real_value = $value_of_param->{$1}; # redirected value.
$logger->debug("Modifying ID-list filter name/value pair $filtername to $real_value (list from uploaded file)"); # $filtername = $filtervalue;
my @values = split(/[\n+\s+\,]+/, $real_value); # split paste-in text into a list of identifiers
map { s/\A\s+//xms; s/\s+\z//xms; } @values; # clean out leading & trailing spaces
$filtervalue =\@ values; } elsif($real_value = $value_of_param->{ $filtername.'__text' }) { # Second case: ID-list upload filter type, where the filter indicates against which db-table column
# The list of uploaded identifiers should be matched. IDs can come from either textarea or uploaded file
if (ref($real_value) eq 'ARRAY') { $real_value = @$real_value[0]; } $logger->debug("Modifying ID-list filter name/value pair $filtername to $real_value (list from textarea)"); # $filtername = $filtervalue;
my @values = split(/[\n+\s+\,]+/, $real_value); # split paste-in text into a list of identifiers
map { s/\A\s+//xms; s/\s+\z//xms; } @values; # clean out leading & trailing spaces
$filtervalue =\@ values; } } # We might have an empty list of values, so skip filter entirely if this is the case
#if($filtervalue eq q{}) {
if ((not defined($filtervalue)) || $filtervalue eq q{}) { $logger->debug("Empty list of values for attributefilter '$filtername', so is not an attributefilter"); $logger->debug("Enabling attribute $attributename instead"); push @attribute_params_final, $attributename; next ATTRIBUTE; } $logger->debug("#### $filtername HAS VALUE $filtervalue####"); # clean out potential leading & trailing spaces and empty lines and whatnot
$filtervalue =~ s/\A[\s\n\r,]+//xms; $filtervalue =~ s/[\s\n\r,]\z//xms; # Now that we know that this filter is enabled and has a valid value, figure out whether it's a single
# value or list of values encoded in the cgi-lib format (\0 seperator), or simply an arrayref
my @filtervalues = ref($filtervalue) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$filtervalue # actual arrayref passed
: $filtervalue =~ /\0/ ? split("\0", $filtervalue) # CGI-style multi-value list-string
: $filtervalue =~ /[\n\r,]/ ? split(/[\n\r\s\,]+/, $filtervalue) : ( $filtervalue ) # plain single value
; # Well, it still might be an empty upload-list or whatever, so let's check for that just in case
if(@filtervalues == 0) { $logger->debug("Finished with an empty list of values for attributefilter '$filtername', so is not an attributefilter"); $logger->debug("Enabling attribute $attributename instead"); push @attribute_params_final, $attributename; next ATTRIBUTE; } $logger->debug("Enabling attributefilter $attributename with values: '@filtervalues'"); $values_of_attributefilter{ $datasetname }{ $attributename } =\@ filtervalues; } # Process list of regular filters and their values
my %values_of_filter; # which values are assigned to each filter
FILTER: foreach my $filtername (@$filterlist) { $logger->debug("#### DEALING WITH $filtername ####"); my $filtervalue = $value_of_param->{ $filtername }; if ((not defined($filtervalue)) || $filtervalue eq q{}) { # if not found, try __list, __text, __text__file (and redirect file),
# then update value accordingly.
# it's especially tricky to grab some of the list-type filters, where the filtervalue
# we have by now isn't the actual filter per se, but rather provides the name of the actual filter. The value
# stored in another parameter (according to certain naming convention), so need to check if that
# secondary param is present in the parameter-collection.
my $real_value; if($real_value = $value_of_param->{ $filtername.'__list' }) { # First case: boolean-list type, where the filter indicates which db-table column has the boolean flag
if (ref($real_value) eq 'ARRAY') { # radio boolean makes an array of only/excluded in safari
$real_value = pop(@$real_value); } $filtervalue = $real_value; # and the real value, stored in the secondary parameter
$logger->debug("Modifying bool-list filter name/value pair $filtername=>$filtervalue to $filtervalue=>$real_value"); # $filtername = $filtervalue;# name of the actual filter (bool-list thing)
} elsif($real_value = $value_of_param->{ $filtername.'__text__file' }) { # Second case: ID-list upload filter type, where the filter indicates against which db-table column
# The list of uploaded identifiers should be matched. IDs can come from either textarea or uploaded file
if (ref($real_value) eq 'ARRAY') { $real_value = @$real_value[0]; } $real_value =~ m/(.*)__file/;
$real_value = $value_of_param->{$1}; # redirected value.
$logger->debug("Modifying ID-list filter name/value pair $filtername to $real_value (list from uploaded file)"); # $filtername = $filtervalue;
my @values = split(/[\n+\s+\,]+/, $real_value); # split paste-in text into a list of identifiers
map { s/\A\s+//xms; s/\s+\z//xms; } @values; # clean out leading & trailing spaces
$filtervalue =\@ values; } elsif($real_value = $value_of_param->{ $filtername.'__text' }) { # Second case: ID-list upload filter type, where the filter indicates against which db-table column
# The list of uploaded identifiers should be matched. IDs can come from either textarea or uploaded file
if (ref($real_value) eq 'ARRAY') { #$real_value = @$real_value[0];
$real_value = "@{$real_value}"; } $logger->debug("Modifying ID-list filter name/value pair $filtername to $real_value (list from textarea)"); # $filtername = $filtervalue;
my @values = split(/[\n+\s+\,]+/, $real_value); # split paste-in text into a list of identifiers
map { s/\A\s+//xms; s/\s+\z//xms; } @values; # clean out leading & trailing spaces
$filtervalue =\@ values; } } # preprocess filter name to get prefix.
my ($filtername_prefix) = $filtername =~ /\A(\w+__filter\.)/xms; # for later stripping
my ($datasetname) = $filtername =~ /\A(\w+?)__/xms; # for later stripping
# We might have an empty list of values, so skip filter entirely if this is the case
#if($filtervalue eq q{}) {
if ((not defined($filtervalue)) || $filtervalue eq q{}) { $logger->debug("Empty list of values ('') for filter '$filtername', skipping this filter"); next FILTER; } $logger->debug("#### $filtername HAS VALUE $filtervalue####"); # clean out potential leading & trailing spaces and empty lines and whatnot
$filtervalue =~ s/\A[\s\n\r,]+//xms; $filtervalue =~ s/[\s\n\r,]\z//xms; # Now that we know that this filter is enabled and has a valid value, figure out whether it's a single
# value or list of values encoded in the cgi-lib format (\0 seperator), or simply an arrayref
my @filtervalues = ref($filtervalue) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$filtervalue # actual arrayref passed
: $filtervalue =~ /\0/ ? split("\0", $filtervalue) # CGI-style multi-value list-string
: $filtervalue =~ /[\n\r,]/ ? split(/[\n\r\s\,]+/, $filtervalue) : ( $filtervalue ) # plain single value
; # Well, it still might be an empty upload-list or whatever, so let's check for that just in case
if(@filtervalues == 0) { $logger->debug("Empty list of values for filter $filtername, skipping this filter"); next FILTER; } $filtername =~ s/$filtername_prefix//xms; # strip off prefix, if required
$logger->debug("Adding values to filter $filtername: '@filtervalues'"); $values_of_filter{ $datasetname }{ $filtername } =\@ filtervalues; } return (\%values_of_filter,\@ attribute_params_final,\% values_of_attributefilter);
sub filterDisplayType {
	my ($self, $dsName, $interface, $filterName, $session) = @_;
	my $registry = $self->get_mart_registry();
	foreach my $vSchema (@{$registry->getAllVirtualSchemas()}) {
		if ($vSchema->name eq $session->param('schema')){
			foreach my $mart (@{$vSchema->getAllMarts()}) {
				foreach my $dataset (@{$mart->getAllDatasets()}) {
					if ($dataset->name eq $dsName) {	#use first DS name for DSPanel to set
foreach my $configurationTree (@{$dataset->getAllConfigurationTrees()}) { foreach my $filterTree (@{$configurationTree->getAllFilterTrees()}) { foreach my $group(@{$filterTree->getAllFilterGroups()}) { foreach my $collection (@{$group->getAllCollections()}) { foreach my $filter (@{$collection->getAllFilters()}) { if ($filter->name eq $filterName) { if($filter->displayType eq 'container') { foreach ( @{$filter->getAllOptions()} ) { #print "FOUND in Filters : ", $filter->name;
return "container__LIST" if ($_->filter()->displayType() eq 'list'); return "container__TEXT" if ($_->filter()->displayType() eq 'text'); } } } } # find in the options
foreach my $filter (@{$collection->getAllFilters()}) { if ($filter->getAllOptions()) { foreach ( @{$filter->getAllOptions()} ) { if ($_->name eq $filterName && $filter->displayType eq 'container') { #print "FOUND in options : ", $_->name;
return $filter->name.".container__LIST" if ($_->filter()->displayType() eq 'list'); return $filter->name.".container__TEXT" if ($_->filter()->displayType() eq 'text'); } } } } } } } } } } } } }
sub getFilterCollectionName {
	my ($self, $dsName, $interface, $filterName, $session) = @_;
	my $registry = $self->get_mart_registry();
	foreach my $vSchema (@{$registry->getAllVirtualSchemas()}) {
		if ($vSchema->name eq $session->param('schema')){
			foreach my $mart (@{$vSchema->getAllMarts()}) {
				foreach my $dataset (@{$mart->getAllDatasets()}) {
					if ($dataset->name eq $dsName) {	#use first DS name for DSPanel to set
## find the fileterCollectionName now
foreach my $configurationTree (@{$dataset->getAllConfigurationTrees()}) { foreach my $filterTree (@{$configurationTree->getAllFilterTrees()}) { foreach my $group(@{$filterTree->getAllFilterGroups()}) { foreach my $collection (@{$group->getAllCollections()}) { foreach my $filter (@{$collection->getAllFilters()}) { if ($filter->name eq $filterName) { #print "Collection FOUND through Filters : ", $collection->name;
return $collection->name; } } # now look into options of filters - case: 'container' type fitler
foreach my $filter (@{$collection->getAllFilters()}) { if ($filter->getAllOptions()) { foreach ( @{$filter->getAllOptions()} ) { if ($_->name eq $filterName) { #print "Collection FOUND through Options : ", $collection->name;
return $collection->name; } } } } } } } } } } } } }
sub getSettings {
	my ($self, $attribute) = @_;
	my $mart_registry = $self->get_mart_registry();
  my $hash = $mart_registry->settingsParams();
     foreach(keys %$hash) {     	
	     if($_ eq $attribute) {
	     	return %{$hash->{$_}};
sub getURLBookmark {

	my ($self, $registry, $xml, $session) = @_;
	my ($url_string, $url_vs, $url_datasetName, $url_interface, $url_attPage, $url_atts, $url_filtPage, $url_filts, $url_visiblePanel);
	my @DS;
	my @attributes;
	my $i=0;
	my $config = XMLin($xml, forcearray=> [qw(Query Dataset Attribute 
		      ValueFilter BooleanFilter 
		      Filter Links)], keyattr => []);
	$url_vs =  $config->{'virtualSchemaName'} || 'default';

	$url_string = "?VIRTUALSCHEMANAME=".$url_vs;
	$url_atts = "&ATTRIBUTES=";
	$url_filts = "&FILTERS=";
	$url_visiblePanel = "&VISIBLEPANEL=";
	$url_attPage = "_ATT_PAGE_";
	$url_filtPage = "_FILT_PAGE_";
	# lets work out atts and filters
foreach my $url_dataset (@{$config->{'Dataset'}}) { $url_interface = $url_dataset->{'interface'} || 'default'; $url_datasetName = $url_dataset->{'name'}; $DS[$i++] = $url_datasetName; my $datasetObj = $registry->getDatasetByName($url_vs, $url_dataset->{'name'}); if (!$datasetObj){ BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw ("WITHIN Virtual Schema : $url_vs, Dataset ".$url_dataset->{'name'}." NOT FOUND"); } my $confTree = $registry->getDatasetByName($url_vs, $url_dataset->{'name'})->getConfigurationTree($url_interface); if (!$confTree){ BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw ("Cannot find Configuration Tree for $url_vs.".$url_dataset->{'name'}); } # work out atts
foreach my $attributeNode (@{$url_dataset->{'Attribute'}}) { $url_atts = $url_atts.$url_datasetName.'.'.$url_interface.'.'.$url_attPage.'.'.$attributeNode->{'name'}.'|'; push @attributes, $attributeNode->{'name'}; } # work out filts
foreach my $filterNode (@{$url_dataset->{'Filter'}}) { # test if its an attributeFilter
my $attFilt; foreach my $attPage (@{$confTree->getAllAttributeTrees()}) { $attFilt = $attPage->getFilterByName($filterNode->{'name'}); if ($attFilt && $attFilt->isa("BioMart::Configuration::ValueFilter")){ $url_atts = $url_atts.$url_datasetName.'.'.$url_interface.'.'.$url_attPage.'.'.$filterNode->{'name'}.'."'.$filterNode->{'value'}.'"|'; push @attributes, $filterNode->{'name'}; last; } } if(!$attFilt){ # not an attributeFilter - simple Filter
if (defined $filterNode->{'excluded'}){ $url_filts = $url_filts.$url_datasetName.'.'.$url_interface.'.'.$url_filtPage.'.'.$filterNode->{'name'}.'.'."excluded".'|' if ($filterNode->{'excluded'} eq '1'); $url_filts = $url_filts.$url_datasetName.'.'.$url_interface.'.'.$url_filtPage.'.'.$filterNode->{'name'}.'.'."only".'|' if ($filterNode->{'excluded'} eq '0'); } elsif (defined $filterNode->{'value'}){ $url_filts = $url_filts.$url_datasetName.'.'.$url_interface.'.'.$url_filtPage.'.'.$filterNode->{'name'}.'."'.$filterNode->{'value'}.'"|'; } else { BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw ("Filter ".$filterNode->{'name'}." INVALID, FILTER NEEDS 'excluded' or 'value' attribute"); } } } # work out attributePage
# not finding out from session as this function is also called from handleXMLRequest, so need
# to find out attPage from library
# (NO) my @attPageUnits = split (/__/, $session->param($url_datasetName.'__attributepages__current_visible_section'));
# (NO) $url_attPage = $attPageUnits[2];
foreach my $attPage (@{$confTree->getAllAttributeTrees()}) { my $dirtyFlag = 1; foreach my $attName (@attributes) { my $attObj = $attPage->getAttributeByName($attName); if (!$attObj) { $attObj = $attPage->getFilterByName($attName); } $dirtyFlag = 0 if (!$attObj); # this cant be the desired attPage
} if ($dirtyFlag == 1) { # means all atts were found on this attPage - good
$url_attPage = $attPage->name(); last; } } # work out filterPage
# unfortunately, there are no signs of filterPageName in session/HTML,
# need to find out from library with an assumption that there is ONLY ONE filterPage set with hideDisplay=false/""
foreach my $filterPage (@{$confTree->getAllFilterTrees()}){ $url_filtPage = $filterPage->name() if ($filterPage->hideDisplay ne 'true'); } # substitute the attPage and filtPage Tags
$url_atts =~ s/_ATT_PAGE_/$url_attPage/g; $url_filts =~ s/_FILT_PAGE_/$url_filtPage/g; } # lets work out visible panel
if ($session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") eq $DS[0].'__infopanel') { $url_visiblePanel .= 'mainpanel'; } elsif ($session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") eq $DS[0].'__attributepanel') { $url_visiblePanel .= 'attributepanel'; } elsif ($session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") eq $DS[0].'__filterpanel') { $url_visiblePanel .= 'filterpanel' } elsif ($DS[1] && $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") eq $DS[1].'__infopanel') { $url_visiblePanel .= 'linkpanel'; } elsif ($DS[1] && $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") eq $DS[1].'__attributepanel') { $url_visiblePanel .= 'linkattributepanel'; } elsif ($DS[1] && $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") eq $DS[1].'__filterpanel') { $url_visiblePanel .= 'linkfilterpanel'; } elsif ($session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") eq 'add_linked_datasetpanel') { $url_visiblePanel .= 'linkpanel'; } else { # default case, jump to results panel
$url_visiblePanel .= "resultspanel"; } # chop only if there is any att/filt, otherwise no point chopping off =
chop($url_atts) if ($url_atts ne "&ATTRIBUTES="); chop($url_filts) if ($url_filts ne "&FILTERS="); $url_string .= $url_atts; $url_string .= $url_filts; $url_string .= $url_visiblePanel; return $url_string;
sub get_cached_tt_dir {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->get('cachedDir');
sub get_conf_Dir() {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->get('confDir');
sub get_config_dir {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->get('configDir');
sub get_custom_tt_dir {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->get('customDir');
sub get_default_tt_dir {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->get('defaultDir');
sub get_errstr {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->get('errmsg');
sub get_mart_registry() {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->get('mart_registry');
sub get_session_dir {
	my ($self) = @_;
	return $self->get('sessionDir');
sub handleURLRequest {
	my ($self, $session) = @_;
	my $registry = $self->get_mart_registry();
	eval {

		BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw("please specify both VIRTUALSCHEMANAME and ATTRIBUTES in URL in correct format")
		if (!$session->param("url_VIRTUALSCHEMANAME") || !$session->param("url_ATTRIBUTES"));

	my $schema = $session->param("url_VIRTUALSCHEMANAME");
	my @DS;
	my $datasets;
	my @attributes;
	my @attributeList = split (/\|/, $session->param("url_ATTRIBUTES") );

		my @temp_portions = split (/\./, $_);
		# <DatasetName>.<Interface>.<AttributePage>.<AttributeInternalName>."<Optional: attributevalue incase its an AttributeFilter>"
if ($temp_portions[4]) { $temp_portions[4] =~ s/\"//g; # remove double quotes
$datasets->{$temp_portions[0]}->{$temp_portions[1]}->{'ATTRIBUTES'}->{$temp_portions[2].'.'.$temp_portions[3]} = $temp_portions[4]; } else{ $datasets->{$temp_portions[0]}->{$temp_portions[1]}->{'ATTRIBUTES'}->{$temp_portions[2].'.'.$temp_portions[3]} = "NULL"; } # adding dataset names in array to maintain the order of datasets for query execution
my $dsFlag = 0; foreach my $dsExists (@DS){ $dsFlag = 1 if($dsExists eq $temp_portions[0]) } push @DS, $temp_portions[0] if (!$dsFlag); } my @filterList = split (/\|/, $session->param("url_FILTERS") ) if $session->param("url_FILTERS"); foreach(@filterList) { my @temp_portions = split (/\./, $_,5); # strictly splitting into five as the values in ""quotes might have dots e.g human band p36.33
# <DatasetName>.<Interface>.<FilterPAGE>.<FilterInternalName>."<commaSeperatedValues>"
$temp_portions[4] =~ s/\"//g; # remove double quotes
$datasets->{$temp_portions[0]}->{$temp_portions[1]}->{'FILTERS'}->{$temp_portions[2].'.'.$temp_portions[3]} = $temp_portions[4]; } BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw("You cannot have zero OR more than 2 datasets") if (scalar (@DS) == 0 || scalar (@DS) > 2); ##### START SETTNG THE SESSSION manually before the handle requests starts it business
#----------------------------------- SCHEMA, DB, DS
$session->param('schema', $schema); $session->param('dataset',\@ DS ); foreach my $vSchema (@{$registry->getAllVirtualSchemas()}) { if ($vSchema->name eq $schema){ foreach my $mart (@{$vSchema->getAllMarts()}) { foreach my $dataset (@{$mart->getAllDatasets()}) { if ($dataset->name eq $DS[0]) { #use first DS name for DSPanel to set
$session->param('dataBase', $mart->displayName); ## should always come here to set session DB naem
} } } } } #print "**SCHEMA: ", $session->param('schema');
#print "**DB: ", $session->param('dataBase');
#print "**DS: ", $session->param('dataset');
#----------------------------------- query Params
my $atts; foreach my $dsName(keys %$datasets) { foreach my $interface(keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}}) { foreach my $ATTRIBUTES (keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}->{$interface}}) { if ($ATTRIBUTES eq 'ATTRIBUTES') { foreach my $attTreeAttribute (keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}->{$interface}->{'ATTRIBUTES'}}) { # set AttTree
my @portions = split(/\./,$attTreeAttribute); $session->param($dsName.'__attributepage', $portions[0]) if (!$session->param($dsName.'__attributepage')); # make a AttName ds__AttTree__attribute.internalName FOR __attributelist
my $attributeString = $dsName.'__'.$portions[0].'__attribute'.'.'.$portions[1]; push @{$atts->{$dsName}}, $attributeString; # it has a value- assuming its attributeFilter, then add DS_attPage_attributefilter.internalName = 'value'
my $val = $datasets->{$dsName}->{$interface}->{'ATTRIBUTES'}->{$attTreeAttribute}; if ($val ne "NULL") { $attributeString =~ s/attribute\./attributefilter\./; $session->param($attributeString, $val); } } } } } # adding _attributelist foreach dataset
my $currentPage = $session->param($dsName.'__attributepage'); $session->param($session->param('schema').'____'.$dsName.'__'.$currentPage.'__attributelist',\@ {$atts->{$dsName}} ); } # FILTERS
my $filts; my $filterCollections; foreach my $dsName(keys %$datasets) { foreach my $interface(keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}}) { foreach my $FILTERS (keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}->{$interface}}) { if ($FILTERS eq 'FILTERS') { foreach my $filtTreeFilter (keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}->{$interface}->{'FILTERS'}}) { my @portions = split(/\./,$filtTreeFilter); # make a FiltName ds__filter.internalName FOR __filterlist
my $filterString = $dsName.'__filter'.'.'.$portions[1]; push @{$filts->{$dsName}}, $filterString; # finding out filter's value/values
my $val = $datasets->{$dsName}->{$interface}->{'FILTERS'}->{$filtTreeFilter}; my @temp_values; foreach my $val1 (split (/\,/, $val) ) { push @temp_values, $val1; } if ($self->filterDisplayType($dsName, $interface, $portions[1], $session) =~ m/(.*?)\.?container__LIST/ ) {
# original filterName as the one received is just options Name
# add filter with value <ds>__filter.<filterInternalName>__list = array of values
$realFilterName = $1;
$session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1.'__list', $val) if ($1); # for display of radio buttons
if ($1 && !$session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1)) { $session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1, $portions[1]); } # to handle MultiSelect followed by radio buttons
elsif ($1 && $session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1)) { my @temp_arr; push @temp_arr, $session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1); push @temp_arr, $portions[1] ; $session->clear($dsName.'__filter.'.$1); $session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1,\@ temp_arr); #print Dumper($session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1)), " GO AWAY ";
} # add OptionName (thats the one which comes in URL) with value just as in XML query
# <ds>__filter.<OptionInternalName>__list = array of values
$filterString .= '__list'; } elsif ($self->filterDisplayType($dsName, $interface, $portions[1], $session) =~ m/(.*?)\.?container__TEXT/ ) {

# original filterName as the one received is just options Name
# add filter with value <ds>__filter.<filterInternalName>__text = array of values
$realFilterName = $1;
$session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1.'__text', $val) if ($1); # for display of textBox
$session->param($dsName.'__filter.'.$1, $portions[1]) if ($1); # for display of select Menu
# add OptionName (thats the one which comes in URL) with value just as in XML query
# <ds>__filter.<OptionInternalName>__list = array of values
$filterString .= '__text'; } else { # add filter with value <ds>__filter.<filterInternalName> = array of values
} if (scalar (@temp_values) > 1) { $session->param($filterString,\@ temp_values); } else { $session->param($filterString, $temp_values[0]); } # find filterCollectionName for ds__filtercollections
my $collectionName = $self->getFilterCollectionName($dsName, $interface, $portions[1], $session); my $filtCollectionString = $dsName.'__filtercollection.'.$collectionName; $filterCollections->{$dsName}->{$filtCollectionString}++; # counting for debugging only
} } } } # adding __filterlist foreach dataset
$session->param($session->param('schema').'____'.$dsName.'__filterlist',\@ {$filts->{$dsName}} ); # adding __filtercollections
my @collectionsArray; foreach (keys %{$filterCollections->{$dsName}}) { push @collectionsArray, $_; } $session->param($dsName.'__filtercollections',\@ collectionsArray); } #--------------------------------- Setting visible sections of attribute pages radio buttons
#--------------------------------- and results pages nad etc etc
foreach my $dsName(keys %$datasets) { foreach my $interface(keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}}) { foreach my $ATTRIBUTES (keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}->{$interface}}) { if ($ATTRIBUTES eq 'ATTRIBUTES') { foreach my $attTreeAttribute (keys %{$datasets->{$dsName}->{$interface}->{'ATTRIBUTES'}}) { my @portions = split(/\./,$attTreeAttribute); $session->param($dsName.'__attributepages__current_visible_section', $dsName.'__attributepanel__'.$portions[0]) if (!$session->param($dsName.'__attributepages__current_visible_section')); } } } } } # URL_REQUEST is in addition to resultsButton, so at the end of this file
# when we process, we donot consider this request as AJAX request
# and print the whole page instead of returning results only
$session->param('URL_REQUEST', '1'); $session->param('exportView_outputformat', 'tsv'); $session->param('preView_outputformat', 'html'); $session->param('datasetmenu_3', $DS[0]); # setting the visible main panel and summary panel branch, defaults to resutls panel as in 0.6
if ($session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') && $session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') eq 'mainpanel' ) { $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", $DS[0].'__infopanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", $DS[0].'__summarypanel_datasetbranch'); } elsif ($session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') && $session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') eq 'attributepanel' ) { $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", $DS[0].'__attributepanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", $DS[0].'__summarypanel_attributebranch'); } elsif ($session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') && $session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') eq 'filterpanel' ) { $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", $DS[0].'__filterpanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", $DS[0].'__summarypanel_filterbranch'); } elsif ($session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') && $session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') eq 'linkpanel' ) { if ($DS[1]) { $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", $DS[1].'__infopanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", $DS[1].'__summarypanel_datasetbranch'); } else { # if no 2nd DS, then jump to link panel
$session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", 'add_linked_datasetpanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", 'show_linked_datasetpanel'); } } elsif ($session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') && $session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') eq 'linkattributepanel' ) { if ($DS[1]) { $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", $DS[1].'__attributepanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", $DS[1].'__summarypanel_attributebranch'); } else { # if no 2nd DS, then jump to link panel
$session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", 'add_linked_datasetpanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", 'show_linked_datasetpanel'); } } elsif ($session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') && $session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL') eq 'linkfilterpanel' ) { if ($DS[1]) { $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", $DS[1].'__filterpanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", $DS[1].'__summarypanel_filterbranch'); } else { # if no 2nd DS, then jump to link panel
$session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", 'add_linked_datasetpanel'); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", 'show_linked_datasetpanel'); } } else { # default case, jump to results panel
$session->param('resultsButton', '1'); $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", "resultspanel"); } #--------------------------------------------------
$session->clear("url_VIRTUALSCHEMANAME"); $session->clear("url_ATTRIBUTES"); $session->clear("url_FILTERS"); $session->clear("url_VISIBLEPANEL"); }; #end of eval block
my $ex; if ( $ex = Exception::Class->caught() ) { my $errmsg = $ex->error(); $logger->debug("URL Access error: ".$errmsg); UNIVERSAL::can($ex, 'rethrow') ? $ex->rethrow : die $ex; return 'exit'; }
sub handleXMLRequest {
	my ($self, $session, $url_string) = @_;
	$url_string =~ m/.*?VIRTUALSCHEMANAME=(.*?)\&ATTRIBUTES=(.*?)\&FILTERS=(.*?)\&VISIBLEPANEL=(.*)/;
$session->param("url_VIRTUALSCHEMANAME", $1); $session->param("url_ATTRIBUTES", $2); if ($3) { $session->param('url_FILTERS', $3); } else { $session->clear("url_FILTERS"); } if ($4) { $session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL', $4); } else { $session->clear("url_VISIBLEPANEL"); } $session->clear("url_XML");
sub handle_request {
	my ($self, $CGI) = @_;
	my $qtime = time();
	my $registry = $self->get_mart_registry();
	my $confPATH = $self->get_conf_Dir();
	$self->set_errstr(''); # Reset errstring, might be some leftover from previous request.	
# Retrieve session information
my $session = $self->restore_session($CGI) || return; # Unset any validation errors.
$session->clear("__validationError"); my $form_action = $CGI->url(-absolute => 1) . '/' . $session->id(); $logger->is_debug() and $logger->info("Incoming CGI-params:\n",Dumper(\%{$CGI->Vars()})); #------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TO HANDLE URL REQUEST with XML Query, it populates the minimal session,
# to invoke URL API's 'IF' statement right after
if($session->param("url_XML")) { $self->handleXMLRequest($session, $self->getURLBookmark($registry, $session->param("url_XML"), $session)); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TO HANDLE URL REQUEST specially for ensembl ContigView etc etc
# testing if its a URL request, then need to temper the session object
# to make it look alike of URL request
if($session->param("url_VIRTUALSCHEMANAME") || $session->param("url_ATTRIBUTES")) { my $returnVal = $self->handleURLRequest($session); return if ($returnVal eq 'exit'); ## exception thrown
} #------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if its a count/Results request, only save the session, and go back sending
# nothing back to the target = 'hiddenIFrame'
# for javascript to access the updated session, the form needs to be submitted
# and the target should be some sort of dummyTarget so the actual window stays
# as it was with out getting updated
my $returnaAfterSave = 0; if (($CGI->Vars()->{'countButton'}) && $CGI->Vars()->{'countButton'} eq '5') { $CGI->Vars()->{'countButton'} = '0'; $returnaAfterSave = 1; ## sending the results back in HTML formatting with html, body div tags is important
## otherwise Safari doesnt call onload() of hiddenIFrame
print $CGI->header(); print "<html><body><div id =\"countDivIFrameId\" style=\"display:none;\">ToCountHiddenIFrame</div></body></html>"; } if (($CGI->Vars()->{'resultsButton'}) && $CGI->Vars()->{'resultsButton'} eq '5') { $CGI->Vars()->{'resultsButton'} = '0'; $returnaAfterSave = 1; ## sending the results back in HTML formatting with html, body div tags is important
## otherwise Safari doesnt call onload() of hiddenIFrame
print $CGI->header(); print "<html><body><div id =\"resultsDivIFrameId\" style=\"display:none;\">ToResultsHiddenIFrame</div></body></html>"; } # Save parameters in this request to session, where they are combined with other
# parameters from (potential) previous requests. Combined parameters are required
# from here on, to build the full Mart query and more.
$self->save_session($session, $CGI); return if ($returnaAfterSave); # determine if its a count request by JS
$session->param('countButton', '1') if ($CGI->self_url() =~ m/__countByAjax\z/) ;
$session->param('resultsButton', '1') if ($CGI->self_url() =~ m/__resultsByAjax\z/) ;
# Galaxy, we set do_export to 1 and galaxy sets the following 2, but
# when we set resultsButton=1, galaxy doesnt forward this to us. so
# lets do the following
# e.g Galaxy sends us: OUR_URL/sessionIDdo_export=1&_export=1&GALAXY_URL=0
if (!$session->param('GALAXY_URL') && ($session->param('_export') && $session->param('_export') eq '1') ) { $session->param('resultsButton', '1'); } my( $def_schema, $def_db, $def_ds, $def_ds_OBJ); my $reverseName = 0;# Incase of Compara Menus, determines whether its a dataset as in DB or its a dataste with reverse naming convention
#print $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch");
#print " == ", $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section");
##-------- NOTE - 1A
##-------- this is the case when schema/DB menus are triggered. dsname is removed from session and we receive the
##-------- following values for focus panels. better remove them so as to make this work like very first run.
##-------- in case dataset menu (single name DS's menu not Compara) are triggered, they remove and add the dsname from
##-------- script, so that doesnt cause any trouble. Some more complexity is 'else' below when we have compara
##-------- splitted name multi menus. in that case we donot remove datasetName though its not of any use, but keep it
##-------- to direct it to correct else, where clear focus sections params from sessions and add the ones with
##-------- correct and updated dsname
##-------- hint: where ever we have [%session->param(somehting)%], this gets replaced not just on first parse
##-------- but the moment session's value of param changes, this changes magically.
if (($session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") && $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") eq "__infopanel") || ($session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch") && $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch") eq "__summarypanel_datasetbranch")) { $session->clear("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section"); $session->clear("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch"); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#print "SCHEMA: ", $session->param('schema'), "<br/>DB: ", $session->param('dataBase'), "<br/>DATASET: ", $session->param('dataset');
$session->clear('newQuery'); my %js_datasetpanel_sessions_values = (); my @schemas; my @database_names; my @datasets; my %build_errors; my %js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu = (); my $default_dataset; my @datasetUnits; my $unitsHash = (); my $multiMenuDS = 0; my $TAG_path; my $dbName; my $result_string; my @dataset_names_in_query = (); my %entrycount_of_dataset; my %filtercount_of_dataset; my $preView_formatter_name; my $exportView_formatter_name; my $noFilter = ""; my $countStringForJS=""; my $all_formatters=""; my $exceptionFlag=0; my %location_path = $self->getSettings('httpdSettings'); $TAG_path = $location_path{'location'}; my $schemas = $registry->getAllVirtualSchemas(); SCHEMA: foreach my $schema(@$schemas) { push(@schemas, $schema); my $schema_name = $schema->name(); my $databases = $registry->getAllDatabaseNames($schema_name, 1); DATABASE: foreach my $database_name(@$databases) { $multiMenuDS = 0; $unitsHash = (); my %defDSHash = (); push @database_names, $database_name; my $schema__dbName = $schema_name.'____'.$database_name; # Add this database to pushaction-hash
push(@{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'schema' }->{ $schema_name }->{ 'databasemenu' } }, [$schema__dbName, $database_name] ); my $datasets = $registry->getAllDataSetsByDatabaseName($schema_name, $database_name, 1); my $last_dataset; DATASET: #foreach my $dataset_name(sort @$datasets) {
foreach my $dataset_name(@$datasets) { my $dataset = $registry->getDatasetByName($schema_name, $dataset_name) || BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Couldn't get dataset $schema_name->$database_name->$dataset_name from registry"); push @datasets, $dataset; my $conf_tree = $dataset->getConfigurationTree('default'); #######------------ SINGLE MENU FOR DS datastructure
# Add this dataset to pushaction-hash
if ($dataset->displayName !~ m/\|/)
# setting the default dataset to appear as first option in the menu
if (
# unshift(@{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'databasemenu' }->{ $schema__dbName }->{ 'datasetmenu_3' } },
# [$dataset->name, $dataset->displayName()]);
# just in case there are more than one defaults DSs in a MART, they shouls also be ordered
# alphabetically tore them in a separate hash, and towards the end of this Mart
# add them to the top in alphabetical order
$defDSHash{$dataset->displayName()} = $dataset->name(); } else{ push(@{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'databasemenu' }->{ $schema__dbName }->{ 'datasetmenu_3' } }, [$dataset->name, $dataset->displayName()]); } $default_dataset ||= $dataset; } #-------------------------------------------
#######------------ MULTI MENU FOR DS datastructure
else { $multiMenuDS = 1; my $dsName = $dataset->displayName; my @dsPortions = split(/\|/,$dsName); my $menuCount = 1; $unitsHash->{$dsPortions[0]}->{$dsPortions[1]}->{$dsPortions[2]} = [$dataset->name, $dataset->displayName()]; $unitsHash->{$dsPortions[1]}->{$dsPortions[0]}->{$dsPortions[2]} = [$dataset->name, $dataset->displayName()]; $default_dataset ||= $dataset; $dsName = $default_dataset->displayName; @datasetUnits = split(/\|/,$dsName); } #-------------------------------------------
} # foreach datasets closes
if($multiMenuDS == 1) { foreach my $one(sort keys %$unitsHash) { # print STDME "\n$one";
my $temp_one = $schema__dbName.'____'.$one; push(@{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'databasemenu' }->{ $schema__dbName }->{ 'datasetmenu_1' } }, [$temp_one,$one]); foreach my $two (sort keys %{$unitsHash->{$one}}) { # print STDME "\n\t$two";
my $temp_two = $temp_one.'____'.$two; push(@{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'datasetmenu_1' }->{ $temp_one }->{ 'datasetmenu_2' } }, [$temp_two, $two]); foreach my $three (sort keys %{$unitsHash->{$one}->{$two}}) { # print STDME "\n\t\tKEY: $three \t VALUE: ";
my @dsName = (); my $index = 0; foreach (@{$unitsHash->{$one}->{$two}->{$three}}) { $dsName[$index++] = $_; } my $temp_three = $temp_two.'____'.$three; push(@{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'datasetmenu_2' }->{ $temp_two }->{ 'datasetmenu_3' } }, [$three, $three]); } } } } # find out longest dataset displayName in order to draw separator line b/w default DS and the rest
my $separator_length = 5; # default
foreach my $dataset_name(@$datasets) { my $dataset = $registry->getDatasetByName($schema_name, $dataset_name); if (length($dataset->displayName()) > $separator_length) { $separator_length = length($dataset->displayName()); } } my $separator_added = 0; my $separator = '-'x$separator_length; foreach my $dispName(reverse sort keys %defDSHash) { if (!$separator_added) { unshift(@{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'databasemenu' }->{ $schema__dbName }->{ 'datasetmenu_3' } }, ['', $separator]); # behave just like -choose dataset-, so set no value
$separator_added = 1; } unshift(@{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'databasemenu' }->{ $schema__dbName }->{ 'datasetmenu_3' } }, [$defDSHash{$dispName}, $dispName]); } } # foreach database closes
} # foreach schema closes
$default_dataset ||= $datasets[0]; # build schema+dataset select-menus from the info collected above
if(keys(%{ $js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu{ 'databasemenu' } }) == 0) { $logger->info("No datasets found in registry, so no templates were built. Returning 0"); return 0; } # finding if two virtualSchemas (1 visible and other invisible) set mergeVs to 1
my $schemaCount = $registry->getAllVirtualSchemas(); if (scalar (@{$schemaCount}) == 2) { my ($visibleVS, $invisibleVS) = 0 ; foreach my $schema(@$schemaCount) { $visibleVS++ if($schema->visible()); $invisibleVS++ if(!$schema->visible()); } $session->clear('mergeVS'); if ($visibleVS == 1 && $invisibleVS == 1) { $session->param('mergeVS', '1'); } else { $session->param('mergeVS', '0'); } } else { $session->param('mergeVS', '0'); } if($session->param('menuNumber') && $session->param('menuNumber') eq '3') { # this form is returned by so set the schema, DB and DS session params
my @schemaDB_units = split (/____/,$session->param('databasemenu')); $session->param('schema', $schemaDB_units[0]); $session->param('dataBase', $schemaDB_units[1]); } if (!$session->param('schema') && !$session->param('dataBase') && !$session->param('dataset')) { # NEW QUERY, set NO DEFAULTS
# print "***** 1";
print $CGI->header(); $session->param('newQuery', '1'); $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'schema'} = ''; $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'databasmenu'} = ''; $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_1'} = ''; $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_2'} = ''; $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_3'} = ''; } else ### we have all three items at run time, SUBMITTED BY THE USER
{ # print "***** 4";
# this deals when session url string is being saved/bookmarked, say from one window to another
if (!$session->param('dataBase') && $session->param('dataset') && $session->param('schema')){ my @schemaDB_units = split (/____/,$session->param('databasemenu')); $session->param('dataBase', $schemaDB_units[1]); } # print "<br/>SCHEMA: ", $session->param('schema');
# print "<br/>DBMENU: ", $session->param('databasemenu');
$js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'schema'} = $session->param('schema'); $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'databasemenu'} = $session->param('dataBase'); my $dsName = $session->param('datasetmenu_3'); # compara menu triple menus values to be set by ONLOAD. SET when third menu invoked or by linked dataset menu INVOKED
if($session->param('menuNumber') && ($session->param('menuNumber') eq '3' || $session->param('menuNumber') eq '5' )) { #print "<br/>****TRIPLE MENUS<BR/>";
my $dsHint1 = $session->param('datasetmenu_1'); my $dsHint2 = $session->param('datasetmenu_2'); my $dsHint3 = $session->param('datasetmenu_3'); ## find out whihc number is triggered
my $dsDisplayName; # remove schema____dbName____ prefix
$dsHint2 =~ m/.*?____.*?____(.*)/;
$dsHint2 = $1; $dsDisplayName = $dsHint2; $dsDisplayName =~ s/____/\|/; $dsDisplayName .= '|'.$dsHint3; my @dsUnits = split (/\|/, $dsDisplayName); $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_1'} = $dsUnits[0]; $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_2'} = $dsUnits[1]; $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_3'} = $dsUnits[2]; } else # simlpe menu
{ #print "<br/>****SINGLE MENU<BR/>";
my $dsDisplayName; foreach my $schema (@{$registry->getAllVirtualSchemas()}) { if($schema->name eq $session->param('schema')) { foreach my $mart (@{$schema->getAllMarts(1)}) { if($mart->displayName eq $session->param('dataBase')) { foreach my $dataset (@{$mart->getAllDatasets(1)}) { if($dsName eq $dataset->name) { $dsDisplayName = $dataset->displayName; #$def_ds_OBJ = $dataset;
### only for compara to maintain the reverse naming logic when dataset panel is redrawn
### when count, results or linked dataset menu is invoked
#if ($session->param ("reverseName") && $session->param ("reverseName") eq '1')
#{ $reverseName = 1; } # keep the reverse logic alive
} } } } } } $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_3'} = $dsDisplayName; $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_1'} = ''; $js_datasetpanel_sessions_values{'datasetmenu_2'} = ''; $session->clear('datasetmenu_1'); $session->clear('datasetmenu_2'); } $session->clear('ds_1_count'); $session->clear('ds_2_count'); # print "<BR/>SCHEMA: ", $session->param('schema');
# print "<BR/>DATABASE: ", $session->param('dataBase');
# print "<BR/>DATASETs: ", $session->param('dataset');
# print "<BR/>MENU 1: ", $session->param('datasetmenu_1');
# print "<BR/>MENU 2: ", $session->param('datasetmenu_2');
# print "<BR/>MENU 3: ", $session->param('datasetmenu_3');
# print "<BR/>DUMPER : ", Dumper(\%js_datasetpanel_sessions_values);
## find out if its a call from multi menus, so need to find out the dataset by urself and nemu number 0 means for count and results button
$def_schema = $session->param('schema'); $def_db = $session->param('dataBase'); $def_ds = $session->param('dataset'); if($session->param('menuNumber') && $session->param('menuNumber') eq '3') { #print "*** COMPARA LOGIC";
$def_ds = undef; # as WE need to guess this as per changes in sub menus
$session->clear('dataset'); # v imp for compara stuff, when a menu is triggerred, dataset val changes
my $dsHint1 = $session->param('datasetmenu_1'); my $dsHint2 = $session->param('datasetmenu_2'); my $dsHint3 = $session->param('datasetmenu_3'); my $dsDisplayName; # remove schema____dbName____ prefix
$dsHint2 =~ m/.*?____.*?____(.*)/;
$dsHint2 = $1; $dsDisplayName = $dsHint2; $dsDisplayName =~ s/____/\|/; $dsDisplayName .= '|'.$dsHint3; my ($tempRemoveSpaces, $tempdsDisplayName); foreach my $schema (@{$registry->getAllVirtualSchemas()}) { if($schema->name eq $def_schema) { foreach my $mart (@{$schema->getAllMarts()}) { if($mart->displayName eq $def_db) { foreach my $dataset (@{$mart->getAllDatasets(1)}) { # ----- Effort 1 - to see if we can find out the ds_internalName from displayName
# ----- with menu1.menu2.menu3
$tempRemoveSpaces = $dataset->displayName; $tempdsDisplayName = $dsDisplayName; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\s//mg; # space cause trouble in matching regex
$tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\s//mg; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\|//mg; # pipe pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
$tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\|//mg; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\(//mg; # ( pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
$tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\(//mg; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\)//mg; # ) pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
$tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\)//mg; if($tempRemoveSpaces =~ m/^$tempdsDisplayName/) {
foreach my
$configurationTree (@{$dataset->getAllConfigurationTrees()}){
$def_ds = $dataset->name();
$def_ds_OBJ = $dataset; } } $def_ds ||= $dataset->name(); $def_ds_OBJ ||= $dataset; $reverseName = 2; } } if(!$reverseName) { foreach my $dataset (@{$mart->getAllDatasets(1)}) { # ----- Effort 2 - to see if we can find out the ds_internalName from displayName
# ----- with menu2.menu1.menu3
my @unitsArray = split('\|', $dsDisplayName); $tempdsDisplayName = $unitsArray[1].'|'.$unitsArray[0].'|'.$unitsArray[2]; $tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\s//mg; $tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\|//mg; $tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\(//mg; $tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\)//mg; $tempRemoveSpaces = $dataset->displayName; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\s//mg; # space cause trouble in matching regex
$tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\|//mg; # pipe pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
$tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\(//mg; # ( pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
$tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\)//mg; # ) pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
if($tempRemoveSpaces =~ m/^$tempdsDisplayName/) {
foreach my
$configurationTree (@{$dataset->getAllConfigurationTrees()}){
$def_ds = $dataset->name();
$def_ds_OBJ = $dataset; } } $def_ds ||= $dataset->name(); $def_ds_OBJ ||= $dataset; $reverseName = 1; } } } if(!$reverseName) { foreach my $dataset (@{$mart->getAllDatasets(1)}) { #### last case, even when reverse doesnt work, that means
#### this value in menu one itself has no corresponding dataset
#### where name begins with it, so it a second portion of some other
#### dataset/datasets only
$tempRemoveSpaces = $dataset->displayName; $tempdsDisplayName = $dsDisplayName; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\s//mg; # space cause trouble in matching regex
$tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\s//mg; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\|//mg; # pipe pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
$tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\|//mg; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\(//mg; # ( pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
$tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\(//mg; $tempRemoveSpaces =~ s/\)//mg; # ) pretends to be OR cause trouble in matching regex
$tempdsDisplayName =~ s/\)//mg; if($tempRemoveSpaces =~ m/$tempdsDisplayName/) {
foreach my
$configurationTree (@{$dataset->getAllConfigurationTrees()}){
$def_ds = $dataset->name();
$def_ds_OBJ = $dataset; } } $def_ds ||= $dataset->name(); $def_ds_OBJ ||= $dataset; $reverseName = 1; } } } } } } } ##-------- cont. NOTE - 1A at the beginning of this subroutine
if ($session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section") =~ m/__infopanel$/
|| $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch") =~ m/__summarypanel_datasetbranch$/)
$session->clear("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch"); my $vSection = $def_ds.'__infopanel'; my $summaryBranch = $def_ds.'__summarypanel_datasetbranch'; $session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section", $vSection); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch", $summaryBranch); } } else { #print "*** SIMPLE LOGIC";
## ==== first check if there are more than one datasets in query or not. change def_ds accordingly
my $datasets_all = $session->param('dataset'); my @dataset_names = ref($datasets_all) ? @$datasets_all : ($datasets_all); $def_ds = $dataset_names[0]; # should be the first ds names as its the one which goes to via def_ds_OBJ
## ==== find out the dsObject to pass to
foreach my $schema (@{$registry->getAllVirtualSchemas()}) { if($schema->name eq $def_schema) { foreach my $mart (@{$schema->getAllMarts()}) { if($mart->displayName eq $def_db) { foreach my $dataset (@{$mart->getAllDatasets(1)}) { if($def_ds eq $dataset->name) { $def_ds_OBJ = $dataset; ### only for compara to maintain the reverse naming logic when dataset panel is redrawn
### when count, results or linked dataset menu is invoked
if ($session->param ("reverseName") && $session->param ("reverseName") eq '1') { $reverseName = 1; } # keep the reverse logic alive
} } } } } } } #print " ", $session->param('schema');
#print " ", $session->param('dataBase');
#print " ", $session->param('dataset'), "==";
$session->clear('schema'); $session->clear('dataBase'); $session->param('schema', $def_schema); $session->param('dataBase', $def_db); $session->param('dataset', $def_ds) if (!$session->param('dataset')); # If one or more datasets are selected by now, get initial counts and build query
my $datasets_string = $session->param('dataset'); my $schema_name = $session->param('schema'); my $query_main = BioMart::Query->new(registry => $registry, virtualSchemaName => $schema_name); my $qrunner = BioMart::QueryRunner->new(); my @dataset_names = ref($datasets_string) ? @$datasets_string : ($datasets_string); $logger->debug("Need to query datasets ".join(',',@dataset_names)." for total entry counts for each"); # Turn on/off background jobs option in interface.
my %backgroundSettings = $self->getSettings('background'); $session->param('__enable_background', ($backgroundSettings{'enable'} eq 'yes') ? 1 : 0); foreach my $dataset_name(@dataset_names) { # Pull out filter & attribute params for this dataset and prepare the query
my $vs_dataset_name = $session->param('schema').'____'.$dataset_name; my $filterlist_string = $session->param($vs_dataset_name.'__filterlist') if ($session->param($vs_dataset_name.'__filterlist')); my $attributepage = $session->param($dataset_name.'__attributepage') if ($session->param($dataset_name.'__attributepage')); my $attributelist_string = $session->param($vs_dataset_name.'__'.($attributepage||'').'__attributelist'); if ($filterlist_string){ $logger->debug("FILTERLIST_STRING IS $filterlist_string"); } else {$logger->debug("FILTERLIST_STRING IS *EMPTY*"); } my @filterlist = !defined($filterlist_string) ? () : ref($filterlist_string) ? @$filterlist_string : ($filterlist_string); my @attributelist = !defined($attributelist_string) ? () : ref($attributelist_string) ? @$attributelist_string : ($attributelist_string); $logger->debug("Enabled filters for dset $dataset_name: ".join('|',@filterlist)); $logger->debug("Enabled attributes for dset $dataset_name: ".join('|',@attributelist)); foreach (@attributelist) { if($_ eq 'dummy') { undef $_; ##$session->clear($dataset_name.'__'.'feature_page'.'__attributelist');
} } foreach (@filterlist) { if($_ eq 'dummy') ### refers to Mummi' addition of dummy filter in removeFromSummaryPanelList of java script
{ ## storing it to retrieve back once query param extraction is done
$noFilter = 1; ## its a filter with out value and then handled by extract_queryparams. gets ignored as it has no value
$session->clear($dataset_name.'__filtercollections'); ## these are hidden form parameters so they dont appear in HTML source
## making life more difficult to trace them.
} } # Extract filtervalues & attributelist from the full set of request-parameters
my ($values_of_filter, $attributes, $values_of_attributefilter) = $self->extract_queryparams($session->dataref(),\@ filterlist,\@ attributelist); # Add filters(if any) to single-dset query to get counts
push(@dataset_names_in_query, $dataset_name); # only do for the first top dataset
if (@dataset_names_in_query == 1) { my $atttree = $registry->getConfigTreeForDataset($dataset_name, $schema_name, 'default')->getAttributeTreeByName($attributepage); # || BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Can't find attpage $attributepage for $schema_name\.$dataset_name");
if (defined($atttree)) { $logger->debug("Got outputformats ".$atttree->outFormats()." for attpage $attributepage, in dataset $dataset_name"); my @outputformats = split(',', $atttree->outFormats()); $all_formatters = $atttree->outFormats(); $session->param("export_outputformats",\@ outputformats); my $preView_session_outformat = $session->param('preView_outputformat'); my $exportView_session_outformat = $session->param('exportView_outputformat'); foreach (@outputformats) { if (defined($preView_session_outformat) && $preView_session_outformat eq $_) { $preView_formatter_name = uc($preView_session_outformat); } if (defined($exportView_session_outformat) && $exportView_session_outformat eq $_) { $exportView_formatter_name = uc($exportView_session_outformat); } } $preView_formatter_name = uc($outputformats[0]) if (!$preView_formatter_name); $exportView_formatter_name = uc($outputformats[0]) if (!$exportView_formatter_name); } else { # this is just for setting the export_outputformats session param for the first time since
# we have AJAX working now, so this param should be set right from the beginning so the
# results panel menus would turn up populated right from the beginning.
my $allAttributeTrees = $registry->getConfigTreeForDataset($dataset_name, $schema_name, 'default')->getAllAttributeTrees(); my $atttree = $allAttributeTrees->[0]; # first one is supposed to be the default one
$logger->debug("Got outputformats ".$atttree." for attpage $attributepage, in dataset $dataset_name"); my @outputformats = split(',', $atttree->outFormats()); $all_formatters = $atttree->outFormats(); $session->param("export_outputformats",\@ outputformats); } } # need to calculate count here as adding attributes to query from GS would crash the counting
# so better do counting with out any attributes and this involves less processing by QRunner
if ($session->param('countButton') && $session->param('countButton') eq '1' ) { #$session->clear('get_count_button'); # don't get stuck here
# Get counts if possible, i.e. if it's only a single dataset query
#print "INSIDE COUNT";
$logger->debug("Sending query for execution to get counts only"); # process TOTAL count using the above retrived attribute
my ($entry_count, $total_count) = 'N/A'; my $qrunner_count = BioMart::QueryRunner->new(); my $query_count = $self->prepare_martquery({ schema => $schema_name, dataset => $dataset_name }); $query_count->count(1); $qrunner_count->execute($query_count); $total_count = $qrunner_count->getCount(); $entrycount_of_dataset{$dataset_name} = $total_count || 0; $session->param('entrycount_of_dataset',\% entrycount_of_dataset); # process FILTER SPECIFIC count now
$query_count = $self->prepare_martquery({ schema => $schema_name, dataset => $dataset_name, filters => $values_of_filter}); $query_count->count(1); $qrunner_count->execute($query_count); $entry_count = $qrunner_count->getCount(); $filtercount_of_dataset{$dataset_name} = $entry_count || 0; $session->param('filtercount_of_dataset',\% filtercount_of_dataset); $logger->debug("COUNT: $entry_count out of TOTAL: $total_count"); $countStringForJS .= '____' if ($countStringForJS); # used as separator for TWO DS counts
$countStringForJS .= $entry_count || 0; $countStringForJS .= ' / '; $countStringForJS .= $total_count || 0; $countStringForJS .= ' '; $countStringForJS .= $registry->getConfigTreeForDataset($dataset_name, $schema_name, 'default')->entryLabel || 'Entries'; } # Add filters & atts to main query as well, if any
$query_main = $self->prepare_martquery({query => $query_main, schema => $schema_name, dataset => $dataset_name, filters => $values_of_filter, attributes => {$dataset_name => $attributes}, attributefilters => $values_of_attributefilter}); if($noFilter) { ## adding back blank/dummy, so defaults are ignored as user explicitly removes all filters
## but this time, not to filterList, its for filtercollections. see javascript as well
$noFilter = $dataset_name.'__filtercollections'; $session->param($noFilter, 'dummy'); undef $noFilter; } } ########### copying it to another session variable as the original once gets reset in back again
$session->param('ds_1_count', $session->param('summarypanel_filter_count_1_hidden')); $session->param('ds_2_count', $session->param('summarypanel_filter_count_2_hidden')); $session->clear('get_count_button'); # don't get stuck here
#$session->clear('countButton'); # don't get stuck here
# Check if there are any datasets on our list which did not make it into the query, and
# if so then undef the main query to avoid inconsistencies in the user interface
$logger->debug("Datasetcount added to query: ".scalar(@dataset_names_in_query)); $logger->debug("Datasetcount in session: ".scalar(@dataset_names)); # Save the main query in session, for later use, if there's anything in query by now
if(defined($query_main)) { # Then save info to session
my %lastquery_info; $lastquery_info{xml} = $query_main->toXML(1,1,1,1); $lastquery_info{timestamp} = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime; $session->param('lastquery_info',\% lastquery_info); } # Display the xml query or PERL API equivalent in separate browser window
my $showQuery = $session->param('showquery'); if(defined ($showQuery) && defined($query_main) && $showQuery ne '0') { # XML Query
if ($showQuery eq '1') { # do not want to show internals of BioMart ;-)
my $tempered_xml = $query_main->toXML(1,1,1,1); $tempered_xml =~s/limitStart.*?limitSize\s*=\s*\"\d*\"/formatter =\" $exportView_formatter_name\" header =\" 0\" uniqueRows =\" 0\"/g;
$tempered_xml =~s/requestId\s*=\s*\".*\"//g;
$tempered_xml =~s/softwareVersion/datasetConfigVersion/g;
$tempered_xml =~s/</&lt;/g;
$tempered_xml =~s/>/&gt;/g;
print $CGI->header(); print "<html><body><pre>$tempered_xml</pre></body></html>"; } # PERL API equivalent of the query
if ($showQuery eq '2') { my $tempered_perlScript = $query_main->toPerl(); $tempered_perlScript =~ s/my \$query_runner = BioMart::QueryRunner->new\(\)\;/\$query->formatter\(\"$exportView_formatter_name\"\)\;\n\nmy \$query_runner = BioMart::QueryRunner->new\(\)\;/; print $CGI->header(); print "<html><body><pre>$tempered_perlScript</pre></body></html>"; } # URL access equivalent of the query
if ($showQuery eq '3') { my $xml = $query_main->toXML(1,1,1,1); my $url_string = $CGI->url(-full => 1) . $self->getURLBookmark($registry, $xml, $session); print $CGI->header(); print "<html><body><pre>$url_string</pre></body></html>"; } $session->clear('showquery'); # so we don't get stuck a this stage
$session->flush(); return; } # If there's enough information at hand now, set up formatter for query & get subset of results
RUN_QUERY: if(defined($query_main)) { $logger->debug("Query has both filters and attributes by now, let's go get some results!"); # Figure out how many entries to print
my $export_subset = $session->param('export_subset') || '10'; undef $export_subset if defined($export_subset) && $export_subset eq q{}; undef $export_subset if ($session->param("do_export")); # Eval next line and check to see if any exception thrown. If so,
# return nicely with exception in session parameter.
my $return_after_eval = 0; eval { if ( $session->param('resultsButton') && $session->param('resultsButton') eq '1' ) { $session->clear('get_results_button'); # don't get stuck here
my $selectedFormatterMenu; if($session->param('formatterMenu') && $session->param('formatterMenu') eq 'exportView') { $selectedFormatterMenu = $exportView_formatter_name; } else { $selectedFormatterMenu = $preView_formatter_name; } my $formatterName = $selectedFormatterMenu || 'TSV'; my $formatter_class = 'BioMart::Formatter::'.$formatterName; eval "require $formatter_class" or BioMart::Exception->throw("could not load module $formatter_class: $@"); my $formatter = $formatter_class->new(); $logger->debug("Formatting data as $formatterName"); # START NEW CODE
# Run in background?
my $export_saveto = $session->param('export_saveto'); # if its ALL option, to be redirected to Browser with preView formatter
if ($session->param('export_subset') eq 'All' && $session->param('showAll') && $session->param('showAll') eq '1') { $export_saveto = 'text'; $exportView_formatter_name = $preView_formatter_name; } # change the option Menu value to 10 if it was All and then user comes back to
# Atts/Filts/Ds panels and hit results again or hits the count button
if ($session->param('export_subset') eq 'All' && !$session->param("do_export")) { $session->param('export_subset', '10'); } if ($session->param('do_export') and ($export_saveto eq 'file_bg' or $export_saveto eq 'gz_bg')) { $logger->debug("Running in background."); $session->clear('do_export'); # so it only happens once
# Work out filename.
my $background_file = strftime("martquery_%m%d%H%M%S", localtime).'_'.int(rand(1000)); # Append extensions to the filename.
$background_file .= '.'.$formatter->getFileType(); if ($export_saveto eq 'gz_bg') { $background_file .= '.gz'; } # Hash the filename.
my %backgroundSettings = $self->getSettings('background'); my $background_file_dirCount = $backgroundSettings{'resultsDirCount'}; ## START OF HACKO
my $background_file_hash = 1; my $background_file_dir = $backgroundSettings{'resultsDir'.$background_file_hash}.'/'; ## Let us do a nasty little hack (see martresults.PLS) to sensbily and
## in a working manner allow for heirarchical file saving to stop filesystems
## barfing really badly...
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use File::Path; (my $background_directory = md5_hex( $background_file )) =~ s/^(\w)(\w\w).*$/$1\/$2/; $background_file_dir .= $background_directory.'/'; mkpath( $background_file_dir, 0, 0777 ); ## END OF HACK
# Work out metadata for file.
open (MIME, '>'.$background_file_dir.$background_file.'.mime'); open (BINMODE, '>'.$background_file_dir.$background_file.'.binmode'); if ($export_saveto eq 'gz_bg') { print MIME 'application/octet-stream'; print BINMODE '1'; } else { print MIME $formatter->getMimeType(); print BINMODE $formatter->isBinary(); } close (MIME); close (BINMODE); # Work out URL for file.
my $server_url = $CGI->url(); $server_url =~ m{(.*/)martview.*}; $server_url = $1; ### Additional HACK TO ADD END OF IP ADDRESS TO GET LINKS WORKING PROPERLY WITHOUT
### shared server
my ($hack) = reverse split /\./, $ENV{'SERVER_ADDR'}; my $background_file_url = $server_url.'martresults/'.$hack.'?file='.$background_file; ### END OF HACK
# Tell user where file will be.
$session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section","resultspanel"); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch","show_results"); $result_string = "<br/>Your results are being compiled in the background.". "<br/>Your reference is $background_file.". "<br/><br/>An email will be sent to you when they are ready."; # Fork and run in background.
$SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'; defined (my $pid = fork) or die "Cannot fork: $!\n"; unless ($pid) { # Ready for mail.
my %mailSettings = $self->getSettings('mailSettings'); my $mailer = new Mail::Mailer $mailSettings{'mailerType'}; my %mail_headers = (); # apply Ensembl Security patch for email address
my $TO = $session->param("background_email"); $TO =~ s/[\r\n].*$//sm; $mail_headers {From} = $mailSettings{'from'}; $mail_headers {To} = $TO; $mail_headers {Subject} = $mailSettings{'subject'}; eval { # Run query.
$logger->debug("Sending query for execution to get full resultset"); $query_main->formatter($exportView_formatter_name); $query_main->count(0);# don't get count below
$qrunner->uniqueRowsOnly(1) if ($session->param('uniqueRowsExportView') && $session->param('uniqueRowsExportView') eq '1'); $qrunner->execute($query_main); # Create results.
if ($export_saveto eq 'gz_bg') { $logger->debug("Writing results to ".$background_file_dir.$background_file); open(FH,">".$background_file_dir.$background_file); my $fh = BioMart::Web::Zlib->new(\*FH); $qrunner->printHeader($fh); $qrunner->printResults($fh, $export_subset); $qrunner->printFooter($fh); $fh->close(); close(FH); } else { $logger->debug("Writing results to ".$background_file_dir.$background_file); open(FH,'>'.$background_file_dir.$background_file); if ($formatter->isBinary()) { binmode FH; } $qrunner->printHeader(\*FH); $qrunner->printResults(\*FH, $export_subset); $qrunner->printFooter(\*FH); close(FH); } }; if ($@) { # Send failure email.
my $ex = Exception::Class->caught(); $logger->debug("Serious error: ".$ex); $mailer->open(\%mail_headers); print $mailer "Your results file FAILED.\n\n". "Here is the reason why:\n\n$ex\n\n". "Please try your request again, or alternatively contact your service provider\nincluding a copy of this email and quoting this reference: $background_file."; $mailer->close; } else { # Send email with link to file.
$mailer->open(\%mail_headers); print $mailer "Your results are ready and can be downloaded by following this link:\n\n$background_file_url"; $mailer->close; } # Child is done so should stop here.
CORE::exit(0); } # end background process
} # Not in background, then is export or show-in-browser.
else { # Export?
if ($session->param("do_export")) { # Exit after eval block.
$return_after_eval = 1; $session->clear('do_export'); # so it only happens once
# Run query.
$logger->debug("Sending query for execution to get full resultset"); $query_main->formatter($exportView_formatter_name); $query_main->count(0);# don't get count below
if ( ($session->param('uniqueRowsExportView') && $session->param('uniqueRowsExportView') eq '1' ) ||($session->param('uniqueRowsPreView') && $session->param('uniqueRowsPreView') eq '1' && $session->param('showAll') && $session->param('showAll') eq '1' ) ) { $qrunner->uniqueRowsOnly(1); } $qrunner->execute($query_main); # Work out filename.
my $file = 'mart_export'; $file .= '.'.$formatter->getFileType(); if ($export_saveto eq 'gz') { $file .= '.gz'; } $logger->debug("Exporting file."); # Work out CGI headers
if ($export_saveto eq 'text') { print $CGI->header(-type=>$formatter->getMimeType()); } elsif ($export_saveto eq 'gz') { print $CGI->header(-type=>'application/octet-stream', -attachment=>$file); } else { print $CGI->header(-type=>$formatter->getMimeType(), -attachment=>$file); } # Create results.
if ($export_saveto eq 'gz') { my $fh = BioMart::Web::Zlib->new(\*STDOUT); $qrunner->printHeader($fh); $qrunner->printResults($fh, $export_subset); $qrunner->printFooter($fh); $fh->close(); } else { if ($formatter->isBinary()) { binmode STDOUT; } $qrunner->printHeader(\*STDOUT); $qrunner->printResults(\*STDOUT, $export_subset); $qrunner->printFooter(\*STDOUT); } # Finish up.
undef $/; } # No export, so show in browser.
else { # Set up browser to show stuff.
$session->param("mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section","resultspanel"); $session->param("summarypanel__current_highlighted_branch","show_results"); $logger->debug("Showing in browser."); # Can't show binary formats.
if($formatter->isBinary()) { $result_string = "<br/>Cannot display binary output in this panel.<br/>Choose the target from the menu above & press Go."; } # Can't show HUGE MAF output for PECAN 7 & 9 species
elsif(($query_main->formatter($preView_formatter_name)) eq 'MAF_NOPREVIEW') { $result_string = "<br/>Cannot preview multiple genomic alignments due to the huge amount of data.<br/>Choose the target from the menu above & press Go.<br/>The size of the output expected will be between tens of Mb to a few Gb depending on your filtering"; } # But can show everything else.
else { $logger->debug("Showing ".($export_subset||'all')." entries in main panel"); # Run query.
$logger->debug("Sending query for execution to get full resultset"); $query_main->formatter($preView_formatter_name); $query_main->count(0);# don't get count below
$qrunner->uniqueRowsOnly(1) if ($session->param('uniqueRowsPreView') && $session->param('uniqueRowsPreView') eq '1'); $qrunner->execute($query_main); undef $export_subset if ($export_subset eq 'All'); # Get results
open(my $result_buffer, '>',\$ result_string); $qrunner->printHeader($result_buffer); $qrunner->printResults($result_buffer, $export_subset); $qrunner->printFooter($result_buffer); close($result_buffer); if($preView_formatter_name =~ '^HTML$|^HTML_36$|^GOENRICH$|^FAMILYENRICH$|^EXPRESSIONENRICH$|^SAME$|^DIFF$|^ALL$') { # strip out HTML stuff in case this is HTML-format
$result_string =~ s/\A\<\?xml.+\<table/\<table/xms; $result_string =~ s/\<\/body.+\Z//xms; # apply different css styles here, the classes now removed from
# HTML formatter as for EXPORT options, no point having those
# class tags in there
$result_string =~ s/\<table\>/\<table\ class=\"mart_table\">/gxms; $result_string =~ s/\<th\>/\<th\ class=\"mart_th\">/gxms; $result_string =~ s/\<tr\>/\<tr\ class=\"mart_tr1\">/gxms; $result_string =~ s/\<td/\<td\ class=\"mart_td\"/gxms; } else { # wrap in <pre/> to make it look pretty.
$result_string = "<pre class=\"mart_results\">$result_string</pre>"; } } # Turn on/off background jobs option in interface.
#my %backgroundSettings = $self->getSettings('background');
#$session->param('__enable_background', ($backgroundSettings{'enable'} eq 'yes') ? 1 : 0);
} # end of if session->param count defined
}; # end eval, trouble maker
# catch
my $ex; $exceptionFlag=0; if ( $ex = Exception::Class->caught('BioMart::Exception::Usage') ) { $exceptionFlag = 1; my $errmsg = $ex->error(); # for new AJAX issues, the validation error goes into results panel
print "Validation Error: ", $errmsg; $logger->debug("Validation error: ".$errmsg); $session->param("__validationError",$errmsg); ## display setting back to where it was
$session->param('mart_mainpanel__current_visible_section', $session->param('track_visible_section')); } elsif ($ex = Exception::Class->caught()) { $exceptionFlag = 1; my $errmsg = $ex->error(); # for new AJAX issues, the validation error goes into results panel
print "Serious Error: ", $errmsg; $logger->debug("Serious error: ".$ex); UNIVERSAL::can($ex, 'rethrow') ? $ex->rethrow : die $ex; print "Serious Error: ", $errmsg; } else { $logger->debug("Everything's fine"); } if ($return_after_eval == 1) { return; } } # end of if (defined $query_main... (RUN_QUERY)
# Clear count request.
$session->clear('get_count_button'); # so we don't get stuck at this stage
$qtime = round(time - $qtime, 4); $logger->info("All Mart counts and main Mart-query executed in ".$qtime); # Render main query-building interface page
print $session->header(); # adds the required session-ID cookie to the header
$logger->debug("Incoming SESSION-params:\n",Dumper($session)); #------------------------------------------------------------ Populate the DS panel
$dbName = $session->param('dataBase'); $session->clear('dataBase'); } ##### end of IF/ELSE (****4) statement for governing if its a submit from user and not the first parse
my $dsOLD = $self->get_conf_Dir()."/templates/default/datasetpanel.ttc"; if (-e $dsOLD) {unlink $dsOLD;} $dsOLD = $self->get_conf_Dir()."/templates/cached/datasetpanel.ttc"; if (-e $dsOLD) {unlink $dsOLD;} $dsOLD = $self->get_conf_Dir()."/templates/cached/"; if (-e $dsOLD) {unlink $dsOLD;} ## E! hack
my $PS = new BioMart::Web::PageStub( $session ); $PS->start(); ## End of hack
if ( $session->param('countButton') && $session->param('countButton') eq '1') { $session->param('countButton', '0') ; # only countString
print "$countStringForJS"; } elsif ($session->param('resultsButton') && $session->param('resultsButton') eq '1' && !$session->param('URL_REQUEST')) { $session->param('resultsButton', '0') ; if ($exceptionFlag != 1) { # should return 5 values
$all_formatters = 'TSV' if ($session->param("GALAXY_URL")); my @outputformat_displays; foreach my $formatter(split(/\,/,$all_formatters)){ my $formatter_mod = 'BioMart::Formatter::'.uc($formatter); if ($formatter_mod->getFormatterDisplayName()){ push @outputformat_displays, $formatter.';'.$formatter_mod->getFormatterDisplayName(); } else{ push @outputformat_displays, $formatter.';'.uc($formatter); } } my $display_string = join ",",@outputformat_displays; print lc($preView_formatter_name); print '____'; print $display_string; print '____'; print lc($exportView_formatter_name); print '____'; print $display_string; print '____'; print $result_string; # only resultsString
} } else { $session->param('resultsButton', '0') if ($session->param('URL_REQUEST')); $session->clear('URL_REQUEST'); my $completePage = ""; $self->process_template( "", { tbuilder => $self, js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu =>\% js_pushactions_of_datasetmenu, js_datasetpanel_sessions_values =>\% js_datasetpanel_sessions_values, session => $session, wq => $self, form_action => $form_action, sessionDBNAME => $dbName, datasetOBJ => $def_ds_OBJ, reverseNAME => $reverseName, TAG_path => $TAG_path, result_string => $result_string # }, \*STDOUT );
},\$ completePage ); # complete HTML page as in 0.5
print $completePage; } ## E! hack
$PS->end(); ## End of hack
} 1;
sub perlhash2js {
        my ($self, $hashref) = @_;
		### for usage, e.g see
local $Data::Dumper::Pair = ':'; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; return Dumper($hashref);
sub prepare_martquery {
        my ($self, $args) = @_;
        $args->{schema} ||= 'default';
        # Get some necessary BioMart thingies set up. Note that an existing query can be passed as
# an argument and modified with additional filters & attributes.
$logger->debug("Getting dataset $args->{dataset} in schema $args->{schema} from registry"); my $mart_registry = $self->get_mart_registry(); my $query; if( defined($args->{query}) ) { $logger->debug("Using provided query object"); $query = $args->{query}; } else { $logger->debug("Creating new query from scratch"); $query = BioMart::Query->new(registry => $mart_registry, virtualSchemaName => $args->{ 'schema' }); } my @datasets_in_query = @{ $query->getDatasetNames }; foreach my $dataset_name (keys %{ $args->{ 'attributes' } }) { my $dataset = $mart_registry->getDatasetByName($args->{ 'schema' }, $dataset_name); my $dataset_conf = $dataset->getConfigurationTree('default'); # Process any attributes present
$logger->debug("Processing attributes from dataset $args->{schema}\.$dataset_name"); ATTRIBUTE: $query->setDataset($dataset_name); foreach my $attributename(@{ $args->{ 'attributes' }->{ $dataset_name } }) { $logger->debug("Enabling attribute $attributename"); if(defined $attributename) { $query->addAttribute($attributename, 'default'); } } } foreach my $dataset_name (keys %{ $args->{ 'attributefilters' } }) { my $dataset = $mart_registry->getDatasetByName($args->{ 'schema' }, $dataset_name); my $dataset_conf = $dataset->getConfigurationTree('default'); # Process any attribute filters present
$logger->debug("Processing attributefilters from dataset $args->{schema}\.$dataset_name"); ATTRIBUTEFILTER: $query->setDataset($dataset_name); while(my ($attributename,$filtervalues) = each(%{ $args->{ 'attributefilters' }->{ $dataset_name } })) { $logger->debug("Enabling attributefilter $attributename to query, setting values to ".join('|',@$filtervalues) ); $query->addAttributeFilter($attributename, $filtervalues, 'default'); } } foreach my $dataset_name (keys %{ $args->{ 'filters' } }) { my $dataset = $mart_registry->getDatasetByName($args->{ 'schema' }, $dataset_name); my $dataset_conf = $dataset->getConfigurationTree('default'); # Process any filters we may have
$logger->debug("Processing filters from dataset $args->{schema}\.$dataset_name"); FILTER: $query->setDataset($dataset_name); while(my ($filtername,$filtervalues) = each(%{ $args->{ 'filters' }->{ $dataset_name } })) { $logger->debug("Enabling filter $filtername to query, setting values to ".join('|',@$filtervalues) ); $query->addFilter($filtername, $filtervalues, 'default'); # NOTE TO SELF: add interface-param here
} } # In case no datasets are set, need to explicitly set schema + dataset properties for query
if( @{ $query->getDatasetNames() } == 0 ) { exists($args->{dataset}) || BioMart::Exception::Query->throw("Can't build query with no filters or attributes unless explicitly receiving the 'dataset' argument explicitly"); $logger->debug("No dataset name for query, explicitly setting to $args->{dataset}"); $query->addDatasetName($args->{dataset},'default'); } return $query;
sub process_template {
        my ($self, $template, $vars, $output) = @_;
        $logger->debug("Processing template $template");
        $vars->{webquery} = $self;
	my $new_start_time = time();

        $logger->info("START PROCESSING TEMPLATE $template");
	$output ||= q{};
	$tt_processor->process($template,$vars,ref($output) ? $output :\$ output)
            || BioMart::Exception::Template->throw("Error in processing template $template: ".$tt_processor->error());
        my $time_elapsed = round(time() - $new_start_time);
 	#ref($output);  || warn "length(\$output)=".format_number(length($output));
$logger->info("!!!! $time_elapsed to get process template $template and print to ".(ref($output) || 'string')); ref($output) || return $output; # return string if this wasn't a filehandle-thingie that was passed in
sub restore_session {
        my ($self,$cgi) = @_;

	# Get session ID from URL-string if available. Note that this is not really required
# since CGI::Session can take our CGI object (or create its own on the fly) and
# grab the session ID parameter. We like however to have the ID in the URL.
my $self_url = $cgi->self_url(); # see if the call is sent by JS, remove the trailing identity of this call
$self_url =~ s/(__countByAjax|__resultsByAjax)//; my $full_url = $cgi->url(-full => 1); $full_url =~ s/(mart\w+)\/[0-9a-f\/]+/\1/; warn " $self_url [$full_url] "; my ($session_id) = $self_url =~ m{martview/([0-9a-f]+)}xms; $session_id ||= "foobar"; # needed to force new-session in constructor below
# Delete old sessions.
CGI::Session->find( sub {} ); my $session; my %sessions = $self->getSettings('sessions'); # Retrieve existing session if possible. CGI::Session will create new session for us if necessary
if($sessions{'driver'} eq 'ensembl') { # Not only are the curly braces badly laid out they still miss the point of
# using the Ensembl cached DBHandle - this bit of code would have been better to have used a plugin module
# with a dynamic use...
$session = BioMart::Web::PageStub::generate_biomart_session( $self, $session_id ); } elsif($sessions{'driver'} eq 'files') # flat files
{ $session = CGI::Session->new('driver:file', $session_id, { Directory=>$self->get_session_dir() }) || BioMart::Exception::Session->throw(CGI::Session->errstr); } elsif ($sessions{'driver'} eq 'mysql') { my $dsn = $sessions{'dsn'}; my $user = $sessions{'user'}; my $pass = $sessions{'pass'}; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {'RaiseError' => 1}); warn ">>> $session_id ...."; $session = CGI::Session->new("driver:MySQL", $session_id, {Handle=>$dbh}) || BioMart::Exception::Session->throw(CGI::Session->errstr); warn "<<< ",$session->id," ...."; #$dbh->disconnect();
} elsif ($sessions{'driver'} eq 'oracle') { my $dsn = $sessions{'dsn'}; my $user = $sessions{'user'}; my $pass = $sessions{'pass'}; # here LongReadLen determine the max size of a session that goes into a single row.
# right now setting this to 1 MB for a session. can go up to 4GB as per Oracle specifications
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, {'RaiseError' => 1, 'LongReadLen' => 1000000 }); $session = CGI::Session->new("driver:Oracle", $session_id, {Handle=>$dbh}) || BioMart::Exception::Session->throw(CGI::Session->errstr); #$dbh->disconnect();
} elsif ($sessions{'driver'} eq 'postgres') { print "POSTGRES DRIVER Not implemented yet"; } else # default to BerkeleyDB
{ $session = CGI::Session->new('driver:db_file', $session_id, { FileName=>$self->get_session_dir()."/cgisessions.db" }) || BioMart::Exception::Session->throw(CGI::Session->errstr); } if($session->is_new()) { #### If the URL string does not contain a session ID or an inexistent session ID then a
#### new session gets created and stored and script returns with out doing anything.
#### Then comes back again and tries to restore this session ID,
#### and this time around, finds it and restores it. weirdoooo
# Galaxy.
if ($cgi->param("GALAXY_URL") and !$session->param("GALAXY_URL")) { $session->param("GALAXY_URL",$cgi->param("GALAXY_URL")); $session->param('export_saveto','text'); $session->param('preView_outputformat','tsv'); } # URL request e.g ensembl URL request for contigView
if ($cgi->param('VIRTUALSCHEMANAME') || $cgi->param('ATTRIBUTES') ) { $session->param("url_VIRTUALSCHEMANAME",$cgi->param('VIRTUALSCHEMANAME')); $session->param("url_ATTRIBUTES", $cgi->param('ATTRIBUTES')); if ($cgi->param('FILTERS')) { $session->param('url_FILTERS', $cgi->param('FILTERS')); } else { $session->clear("url_FILTERS"); } if ($cgi->param('VISIBLEPANEL')) { $session->param('url_VISIBLEPANEL', $cgi->param('VISIBLEPANEL')); } else { $session->clear("url_VISIBLEPANEL"); } } # ?XML=... request to martview
# ?query=... request to martview
if ($cgi->param('XML') || $cgi->param('xml') || $cgi->param('QUERY') || $cgi->param('query')) { if ($cgi->param('XML')) { $session->param('url_XML', $cgi->param('XML')); } elsif ($cgi->param('xml')) { $session->param('url_XML', $cgi->param('xml')); } elsif ($cgi->param('QUERY')) { $session->param('url_XML', $cgi->param('QUERY')); } elsif ($cgi->param('query')) { $session->param('url_XML', $cgi->param('query')); } else { $session->clear("url_XML"); } } # Expiry.
$session->expire($sessions{'expire'}); # Aliases.
my %aliases = $self->getSettings('aliases'); $session->param("__dataset",$aliases{'dataset'}); $session->param("__Dataset",$aliases{'Dataset'}); $session->param("__database",$aliases{'database'}); $session->param("__Database",$aliases{'Database'}); $session->param("__schema",$aliases{'schema'}); $session->param("__Schema",$aliases{'Schema'}); # Rewrite URL if required, so session ID is part of URL string from now on (see note above).
$logger->info("Creating new session and rewriting URL to ".$full_url.'/'.$session->id().", then redirecting"); print $cgi->redirect(-uri=>$full_url.'/'.$session->id(), -status=>"301 Moved Permanently"); return; } else { $logger->info("Restoring existing session ", $session->id()); } # NOTE TO SELF: How to handle permanent vs temporary users? Tmp-users only for now, but make
# sure we can expand into perm-users later on (db-storage of user-info). Look into CGI::Session
# ID generators
return $session;
sub save_session {
        my ($self, $session, $cgi) = @_;

        # First need to handle upload-file parameters, as session can't store filehandles. We
# basically want to replace the upload-file info with the actual ID-list from that file,
# then the session-storage mechanism can easily handle the arrayref.
# NOTE TO SELF: only do upload-thing IF we haven't already done it for the same file
# check for error after processing uploaded file?
FILE: foreach my $file_param($cgi->param('upload_file_params')) { my $fh = $cgi->param($file_param); next FILE unless ($fh && (ref($fh) eq 'Fh')); local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = undef; my $file_contents = <$fh>; $logger->debug("Read content from upload-file $fh (param $file_param):\n$file_contents"); $file_param =~ m/(.*)__file/;
$cgi->param($1, $file_contents); $cgi->delete($file_param); } # Save all request parameters in the simplest CGI::Session manner. The darn module works
# beautifully, I gotta say!
$logger->debug("Saving parameters to session.\n"); # added this as now turned off checkboxes have no CGI param rather
# than value = "off" to save on the huge CGI object having to be sent
# across from client browser for every attribute and filter
my %session_hashref = %{$session->param_hashref()}; foreach my $param_name (keys %session_hashref){ if (($session->param($param_name) and $session->param($param_name) eq 'on') && !($cgi->param($param_name))){ $session->param($param_name,'off'); } } $session->save_param($cgi); #$logger->is_debug()
# and $logger->debug("Combined session params after save:\n", Dumper($session->dataref()));
sub set_errstr {
	my ($self, $errmsg) = @_;
	#$errstr_of{ ident($self) } = $errmsg;
General documentation
AUTHOR - Arek Kasprzyk, Syed Haider, Richard Holland, Damian Smedley, Gudmundur Arni ThorissonTop
This module is part of the BioMart project
Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list:
  Usage      : my $webquery = BioMart::Web->new({conf     => $path_to_registryfile,
registry => $registry});
Purpose : Construct a new instance of this class
Returns : BioMart::Web instance
Arguments : path to Mart registry XML-configfile
reference to BioMart::Registry object (optional)
Throws : BioMart::Exception::Configuration on registry initialization errors
Status : Public
Comments : If registry object is provided in constructor, it will be used instead of
initialization a new registry from scratch. The path to the registry
XML-file is still needed, however.
See Also :