TOC for ensembl-functgenomics::modules::Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen
AnnotatedFeatureA module to represent a feature mapping as predicted by the eFG pipeline.
ArrayA module to represent a nucleotide microarray.
ArrayChipA simple module to represent the concept/template of a chip/slide within an array, of which the physical manifestation is an ExperimentalChip.
CellTypeA module to represent a CellType.
ChannelA module to represent a single channel of an ExperimentalChip
DataSetA module to represent DataSet object.
ExperimentalChipA module to represent a physical unique experimental chip.
ExperimentalSetA module to represent ExperimentalSet object.
ExperimentalSubsetA module to represent ExperimentalSubset object.
ExternalFeatureA module to represent an externally curated feature mapping from an external_db.
FeatureSetA module to represent FeatureSet.
FeatureTypeA module to represent a FeatureType. i.e. the target of an experiment.
ProbeA module to represent a nucleotide probe.
ProbeFeatureA module to represent an nucleotide probe genomic mapping.
ProbeSetA module to represent a probeset.
RegulatoryFeatureA module to represent a regulatory feature mapping as generated by the eFG regulatory build pipeline.
ResultFeatureA module to represent a lightweight ResultFeature object
ResultSetA module to represent ResultSet.
SetA module to represent a base Set object.
SetFeatureEnsembl specific set feature.