TOC for bioperl-live::Bio::Seq
BaseSeqProcessorBase implementation for a SequenceProcessor
EncodedSeqsubtype of L to store DNA that encodes a protein
LargePrimarySeqPrimarySeq object that stores sequence as files in the tempdir (as found by File::Temp) or the default method in Bio::Root::Root
LargeSeqSeqI compliant object that stores sequence as files in /tmp
PrimaryQualBioperl lightweight Quality Object
QualIInterface definition for a Bio::Seq::Qual
RichSeqModule implementing a sequence created from a rich sequence database entry
RichSeqIRichSeq interface, mainly for database orientated sequences
SeqBuilderConfigurable object builder for sequence stream parsers
SeqFactoryInstantiates a new Bio::PrimarySeqI (or derived class) through a factory
SeqFastaSpeedFactoryInstantiates a new Bio::PrimarySeqI (or derived class) through a factory
SeqWithQualityBioperl object packaging a sequence with its quality
SequenceTraceBioperl object packaging a sequence with its trace
TraceIInterface definition for a Bio::Seq::Trace