AffyArray | A module to represent an Affymetrix array. |
AffyFeature | A module to represent an Affy probe's genomic mapping. |
AffyProbe | A module to represent an Affymetrix probe. |
AlignStrainSlice | Represents the slice of the genome aligned with certain strains (applying the variations/indels) |
Analysis | Stores details of an analysis run |
ArchiveStableId | Bio::EnsEMBL::ArchiveStableId |
AssemblyExceptionFeature | A feature that represents an assembly exception |
AssemblyMapper | Handles mapping between two coordinate systems using the information stored in the assembly table. |
Attribute | A generic Attribute class. |
BaseAlignFeature | Baseclass providing a common abstract implmentation for alignment features |
ChainedAssemblyMapper | Handles mapping between two coordinate systems using the information stored in the assembly table |
Collection | Abstract base class for feature collection classes. |
CoordSystem | Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem |
DBEntry | Object representing an external reference (xref) |
DBLoader | Run time database loader |
DensityFeature | A feature representing a density, or precentage coverage etc. in a given region. |
DensityFeatureSet | A feature representing a set of density features |
DensityType | A type representing a density, or percentage coverage etc. in a given region. |
DnaDnaAlignFeature | Ensembl specific dna-dna pairwise alignment feature |
DnaPepAlignFeature | Ensembl specific dna-pep pairwise alignment feature |
Exon | A class representing an Exon |
Feature | Ensembl specific sequence feature. |
FeaturePair | Stores sequence Features which are themselves hits to other sequence features. |
Gene | Object representing a genes |
GoXref | Bio::EnsEMBL::GoXref |
IdentityXref | Bio::EnsEMBL::IdentityXref |
IndividualSlice | SubClass of the Slice. Represents the slice of the genome for a certain individual (applying the alleles for this individual) |
IndividualSliceFactory | |
Intron | |
KaryotypeBand | Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::KaryotypeBand |
MappedSlice | an object representing a mapped slice |
MappedSliceContainer | container for mapped slices |
Mapper | Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper |
MiscFeature | A miscelaneous feature with arbitrary features and associations. |
MiscSet | This is a set representing a classification of a group of miscellaneuos features. |
OligoArray | A module to represent an oligonucleotide microarray. |
OligoFeature | A module to represent an oligonucleotide probe's genomic mapping. |
OligoProbe | A module to represent an oligonucleotide probe. |
OntologyTerm | Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm |
PepDnaAlignFeature | Ensembl specific pep-dna pairwise alignment feature |
PredictionExon | A class representing an Exon from an ab initio prediction method |
PredictionTranscript | PredictionTranscript |
ProjectionSegment | part of the list that is returned from project function calls |
ProteinFeature | Bio::EnsEMBL::ProteinFeature |
Registry | Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry |
RepeatConsensus | |
RepeatFeature | A feature representing a repeat on a piece of sequence. |
RepeatMaskedSlice | Arbitary Slice of a genome |
Root | Bio::EnsEMBL::Root |
SNP | Bio::EnsEMBL::SNP |
SeqEdit | A class representing a post transcriptional edit to a sequence. |
SeqFeature | Ensembl specific sequence feature. |
SeqFeatureI | Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeatureI |
SimpleFeature | A simple feature with a location and label |
Slice | Arbitary Slice of a genome |
StableIdEvent | object representing a stable ID mapping event |
StableIdHistoryTree | object representing a stable ID history tree |
Storable | Bio::EnsEMBL::Storable |
StrainSlice | SubClass of the Slice. Represents the slice of the genome for a certain strain (applying the variations) |
TopLevelAssemblyMapper | Handles mapping between a given coordinate system and the toplevel pseudo coordinate system. |
Transcript | object representing an Ensembl transcript |
TranscriptFactory | Module having the fset2transcript* subroutines |
TranscriptMapper | A utility class used to perform coordinate conversions between a number of coordinate systems relating to transcripts |
Translation | A class representing the translation of a transcript |
UnconventionalTranscriptAssociation | A class representing an some sort of unconventional association between a gene and a transcript. |
UnmappedObject | A object representing why a particular entity was NOT mapped to the ensembl. |
Upstream | Object that defines an upstream region |